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Confusion about Iokath dailies


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Yes it seems these dailies cost more to do then I'd make so doing these leads to having *Less money not more.


Wait a tick....It's costs "what" to do the dailies? Is this going to be the new norm? Charging you some sort of currency to do the Dailies? Or just Lokath? Holy %@$king hell?

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Wait a tick....It's costs "what" to do the dailies? Is this going to be the new norm? Charging you some sort of currency to do the Dailies? Or just Lokath? Holy %@$king hell?


To perform certain dailies (ones where you need to use a walker or mouse droid or turret), you have to pay credits and Iokath crystal shards to gain access to the new "body." It is not a 1-time fee, rather you have to pay every time you want to enter the device.


The walker is the most expensive, costing 20k credits and 600 shards. 600 shards breaks down to needing 7200 level 10 mats at a mat conversion vendor, for reference. Shards are also no given out nearly enough to warrant the high cost. You will net a loss in currency and shards doing the quests.

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Story + 6 free dailies (3 x 2 days) = I have spare reputation to cap second week. And only 350 shards.


The second 3 free daily only got a little over 100 or so. So by the time i get 600 to try the walker i will selling extra rep to vendor cause it will be more than i need to MAX rep on that side on the coming weeks.


PS: Are Iokath dailies included in planetary missions? I tried for a while in the GC window to get it (as i would like to at least get more CXP out of this), but no luck.

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Just seen the rep rewards and I must say, "Is this a flippin joke?!" The story was great, but doing a bunch of lame dailies and lowered Command points waiting till next patch, whats the point in subscribing? Has EA/Bioware completely lost touch with their own player base?


Yes. Absolutely.

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To perform certain dailies (ones where you need to use a walker or mouse droid or turret), you have to pay credits and Iokath crystal shards to gain access to the new "body." It is not a 1-time fee, rather you have to pay every time you want to enter the device.


The walker is the most expensive, costing 20k credits and 600 shards. 600 shards breaks down to needing 7200 level 10 mats at a mat conversion vendor, for reference. Shards are also no given out nearly enough to warrant the high cost. You will net a loss in currency and shards doing the quests.


Oh hell no then on those dailies...Thanks for the info.:eek:

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I'll only do the paid missions only once, for achievement reasons. BW should know no one will pay to do a mission more than it rewards.


Even the free dailies aren't that attractive. You can get more CXP and credits in less time doing heroics or daily areas like CZ-198 or Ziost. And to get reputation and shards, you'll just need to farm the endless mobs at the area, since they drop these like candy on Halloween.

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My completely unscientific guess is, the drop tables reversed rep token and Iokath currency drop rates. Rep token drops are insane, and it makes no sense for the currency costs to be more than the reward for completion for the missions.


But, we shall see.

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i came to the forum to ask what the hell is the deal with iokath dailies and that operation i can't even enter, i guess i have to be in a group first, no option for solo mode i believe.

Good to see that i am not the only one and the rest of you are confused as well lol.


Aren't dailies supposed to be simple heroics? Paying for heroics seems like the dumbest idea in the history of mmo, you do heroics in order to get something, not the other way around lol.

On top of that i don't even know what to do, i spent all my ipkath tokens on the first one i tried, which was the mouse droid and i ended up going around aimlessly, no idea what i am supposed to do until i got killed, and that was it. No more tokens to play and no idea what i did wrong.


Why do we even pay for this game when we have to pay some game money as well just to play it. Ridiculous. I am not even starting Iokath on any of my other characters, one confused smuggler is enough lol.

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, i spent all my ipkath tokens on the first one i tried, which was the mouse droid and i ended up going around aimlessly, no idea what i am supposed to do until i got killed, and that was it. No more tokens to play and no idea what i did wrong..


Glad I'm not the only one.


I usually try to work stuff out by trial and error..... But I also got this far..... And no further. - Only way to quit it was to self-destruct..... And tho' it doesn't bother me that much, it was a lot of new currency to blow on one failed mission. I must've missed something along the line.


Have to read a guide or save up again....

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Trying to be rational about this from a game dev perspective, but I just don't understand. After a few days of hitting up Iokath, it seems that in order to grind some dailies (a gameplay mechanic widely acknowledged as a tedious but necessary evil across MMOs), we need to ... grind a currency.




The dailies should reward the currency, and then the currency should be used to buy interesting things (like mounts or armour). I don't understand why I should grind 600 shards--about 300 random mobs worth--to "buy" access to a daily that rewards 20 shards and a rep token. I would have obtained 30 rep tokens just from the 300 mobs I had to kill to get the quest!


Surely this wasn't intended?

Edited by Paulis
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  • 3 months later...
Paying currency AND a new collectible just to be able to perform the quest is ridiculous, let alone the cost associated with some of them. A turn on the walker costs 20,000 credits AND 600 Shards. To put 600 shards into perspective, they give an NPC where you can buy them. My level 10 archeology stuffs are exchanged at 12:1. So 1200 Iridescent Blue thingies nets me a WHOPPING 100 shards. So i would need 7200 archeological crystals per day to sustain that daily quest. NO. I'm not a chinese gold farmer. I don't have tens of thousands of mats sitting around doing nothing.


On top of that, the dailies hardly return to you any shards. If it were a case of I paid 600 shards but got a rep token AND netted at least 600, them maybe i could believe it was worth it. But as of right now, i'm not doing any Iokath dailies so that their in-game statistics can't count me there.


It's quite a shame. I wanted Iokath to be nice. I liked the mystery surrounding its creation and hoped to find out more about the planet.


Wow, I glad I am not the only one confused by this. I just completed the story and got started on the dailies. I too was confused as hell with the mission to spend currency on turning those things on, I did it for the mouse droid, spent my currency. But what was the point!!?? I was controlling a mouse droid and it didn't seem to have any use of function. What are you meant to do with the mouse droid??

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Confusion about Iokath dailies?


If you are then let me help you.


They are poorly designed and provide little to no entertainment for your time but if that wasn't enough. The rewards for doing them is so lackluster it will boggle your mind.


Don't bother doing them and pretend they don't exist.


That should help with any confusion you have.

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I usually like the daily areas but like other say - some are so expensive I'll never bother with them, the camera ones are just boring and hard to find and there is nobody about to interact with. CZ198 had more going for it in terms of world PVP.


I worry that the players of this game work harder and care more about the game than the company profiting from it.

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Confusion about Iokath dailies?


If you are then let me help you.


They are poorly designed and provide little to no entertainment for your time but if that wasn't enough. The rewards for doing them is so lackluster it will boggle your mind.


Don't bother doing them and pretend they don't exist.


That should help with any confusion you have.


If there was an upvote or a thumbs up option I would give you 50, came back to game and spent an hour or 3 on these this morning then googled 'Iokath Dailies horrible' and saw your post. I will be ignoring them and playing through alts to get more of them up to 70, after that I suspect my sub will be allowed to lapse again unless Tuesday brings some awesomeness.

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Confusion about Iokath dailies?


If you are then let me help you.


They are poorly designed and provide little to no entertainment for your time but if that wasn't enough. The rewards for doing them is so lackluster it will boggle your mind.


Don't bother doing them and pretend they don't exist.


That should help with any confusion you have.


Pretty much sums up the Iokath Dailies in a nutshell.


I also have no idea why I should be paying to run dailies? That's a bit back to front.

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So, on some dailies it seems like we are paying a hefty amount of the new currency just to be able to do the mission, and then in return get a smaller amount of the currency back and some reputation (which is really easy to come by anyway with the crazy amount of token drops). It just doesn't really seem to be worth it to do any of those costly daily missions. Did I not get something right?


When CM is on - dont expect worth rewards for any dailies in swtor. When dailies doesnt provide worth rewards dont expect players running these dailies. No one running dailes - everyone complaints that there is nothing to do in this game. It is a dead circle in swtor which is slowly killing this game.


Why does CM existence has an ifluence on rewards of dailies missions? Because Eaware's team spends time and effrorts in creating cool rewards only for CM. Putting cool rewards for dailies might create a competition for CM, and many players would prefer dailies rewards over cm things, and eaware knows that it cant be allowed.

Edited by omaan
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Well, I just did the first set of dailies and must say I am kinda disappointed. I came back after a couple of months of absence and was surprised that Iokath was so strangely empty. Oricon was crowded when it was new, even though it was relatively challenging if jumped right into it with the gear that existed before its introduction. Same goes for Yavin IV and for Odessen and the Star Fortresses.


Didn't take me long to figure out why that was. First I tried the mission as a mouse droid and failed at it. I did not have a concept of the layout of the map and could not figure out where to go. Then I tried a mission as a monitor. Worked fine, even though I was close to get blown up several times. I felt a little cheated when it turned out that I get less of the Iokath currency than I paid to get to control the monitor in the first place. But what really frustrated me was the rewards available at the reputation vendor. One outfit set, one pet, one vehicle. The vehicle is the only thing that even mildly interests me.


It wouldn't be all that bad if the missions were in fact fun, but they aren't. In principle the idea of those remote controlled pets is not bad. Over the course of the chapters I enjoyed playing HK-55 or controlling a walker, even as a mouse droid. I even enjoyed posing as a Knight of Zakuul, even though I wouldn't want to do that mission daily. A replacement for a mini game is not enough, there must be something to the game that makes me wanna play it.


My suggestions (even though I doubt a game designer will read them):

1) In order to make the game more interesting

a) More diverse terrain. Previous chapters have shown facets of Iokath which just aren't there anymore, like the overgrown part with the library.

b) More abilities for the things you may control, in a way that it requires a bit more management to use them in conjunction.

c) More funny effects, like ways of fooling enemies, or overhearing there conversations when the player ridicules them.

d) Particularly for the mouse droids, more stealth shooter elements, such as viewing angles for the enemies. Maybe even narrow crawlways to run through and make it a maze for a kind of 3D, multilevelled Pacman kinda game, or a monitor game that is a bit reminiscent of Descent (it would not hurt if the monitors could fly and the challenge might be to maintain orientation in a 3-dimensional maze without well defined up and down and without right angles.)

e) More levels of success. It should not be just limited to victory or defeat. It might even be open ended, steadily increasing in difficulty to see how far one comes.

f) More interesting but smaller scenarios which are better tailored to the nature of the individual mission.

2) More interesting rewards.

a) There should be more outfits, which cover a wider variety of styles and purposes.

b) A lot of stronghold decorations.

c) A lot of weapons.

d) More titles, but only for things that really mean anything, like having mastered difficulty levels which require some dedication.

e) A monitor companion. (To earn, not to buy from cartel coins.)

f) More links to other game mechanics and reward systems, such as conquest, alliance packs, companion gifts, way to swap influence for other factions or for one of the various currencies in game...


I realize there was an attempt to cut down the various currencies to a single one recently, but introducing a new one does not make it better, and there is still a load of them around, most of which must be stored inventory.


* Unassembled components

* command tokens

* Light Side Tokens

* Dark side tokens

* Manaan Research Data

* Recovered Relics

* Ziost Memory Holographs (though mostly useless at the moment as far as I know)

* Eternal Championship Trophies

* Completed Bounty Contracts

* Jawa Scrap

* Tauntaun Domestication Data

* KDY Construction Kits

* Grey Helix Components

* Rakghoul DNA canister

... and I probably missed at least half of them.

Crafted, but ultimately still currencies:

* Various kinds of prefabs

* Dark Projects

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Confusion about Iokath dailies?


If you are then let me help you.


They are poorly designed and provide little to no entertainment for your time but if that wasn't enough. The rewards for doing them is so lackluster it will boggle your mind.


Don't bother doing them and pretend they don't exist.


That should help with any confusion you have.


And I'll bet that Umbara dailies follow the same pattern.


All The Best

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