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  1. Just want to add to the people mentioning the picture bugs. Was horrified to return to the game and see green balls sticking out of most of the pictures in my strongholds instead of images. Many thanks for compiling the list and fingers crossed they are fixed very soon.
  2. If there was an upvote or a thumbs up option I would give you 50, came back to game and spent an hour or 3 on these this morning then googled 'Iokath Dailies horrible' and saw your post. I will be ignoring them and playing through alts to get more of them up to 70, after that I suspect my sub will be allowed to lapse again unless Tuesday brings some awesomeness.
  3. Thank you for this info I tried it out as follows for anyone interested. Rank 5 Gree Temporary Mind Link with full Altruism perk gave:- Nico Okarr 266 inf Talos Drellik 233 inf Vette 266 inf interesting, but not a satisfactory answer to the bug.
  4. Yes all my searches brought up that it was 'fixed' in 4.1, clearly that didn't happen I was hoping for an update.
  5. After re connection with Torian and 'Despite your years apart, you remain Torian's cyar'ika. Your relationship is stronger than ever', I still gain zero influence with him from courting gifts. He was my only hope to get rid of all those companion gifts, despite our marriage surviving my deep sleep it seems he spurns my offerings.
  6. Yes the so called work-around for the ctd bug in esseles/foundry/black talon relies on timing and not being in windowed mode. The speed these ops are run nowadays means the brief moment you need to faff about switching from fullscreen windowed to fullscreen is rarely available, that's assuming you remember to switch if like myself you prefer to play in fullscreen windowed all the time. And you know, how long is a bug ignored before it becomes a feature? Work arounds for ingame bugs are appreciated for the few days/weeks it may take to fix an issue. Work arounds for ingame bugs still being punted as the thing to do months/years after a fix should have been issued, not good, not good at all.
  7. Yep you can just imagine Han turning to Luke and yelling 'Go strap yourselves in, I am going to make the crash to desktop'
  8. Back after a huge long break and amazed to find some of the bugs still in the game but the ones that get right up my nose at the moment are:- 1. Completing a flashpoint and the game closing down when we make the jump to hyperspace, good job that Han and Chewie didn't get tossed out the airlock every time they did that on the falcon. 2. My other half inviting me to group and when I shuttle to the instance he is in I can no longer see my target enemy correctly, just a red revolving circle around them rather than details when I target. So I try a relog and guess what, I am in a different instance again...sigh. 3. Also in a party, other members stat bar is fixed, they can be half health but the stat bar has not changed at all, and their companion is not showing. I know, lets try a relog, oh now I need to shuttle to correct instance refer to point 2...sigh. 4. Dismount speeder, oh where did my companion go, oh well I will resummon...5 minutes later dismount speeder, oh where did my companion go... We have been subbed for 2 months after a huge break, we came back excited to see the changes and re-visit a much loved universe, there will be no 3rd month.
  9. That worked thank you for the tip, I hope all the potential customers also know to do this:)
  10. Has anyone put a mount up for sale on the GTN yet? I submitted a bug report because although i have one listed in my auctions it can not be found either by clicking 'mount' or typing the name in the search field. No mounts show at all for sale.
  11. Space PvP using our ships in fleet battles.
  12. Love 'The Older Republic' suggestion, what a great name. 47 years young here and retired now from marketing in private industry. Lucky enough to be at home whilst the other half does the earning, so I get lots of game time. I queued around the block to see the original film more than once in Nottingham city centre back in 77. I was playing EvE back when I was still working and must admit, not many of my colleagues knew I was a gamer, I never dared admit it really.
  13. EvE player here from way way back, was called Ghanimede then also and started off life in AWEI then Stormriders.
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