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SWTOR's life.


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Let's be honest, SWTOR is dying. Now I do not know at the rate of it dying but I know it is. Therefore when it dies completely I personally think that they should make a new star wars game (such as the rumored KOTOR) or maybe even a SWTOR 2. I do not know how a SWTOR 2 would work. Maybe make it in the era of the original of the sequels. But I think that they should make a new game. And start on it soon.
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Sorry to disappoint you mate, but SWTOR is not dying. SWTOR had fewer players before Rise of the Hutt Cartel than it does now. As long as BioWare and EA have people like me and you who post in this forum(subscribers) and people who buy tons of credits on the Cartel Market, this game will not die.


In a sense of an online MMORPG I can say as much as there is very little left of it. Just because things are not like me and you specifically want it, it doesn't mean that it is dying. Like for example, I want this game to be a little bit more difficult. Tougher to level, tougher combat features and a step in the opposite direction of World of Warcraft's combat system, but a step closer to a combat system similar to Battlefront and Star Wars Jedi Academy where you rely more on a crosshair and combination of attacks like "Move Left + Left Mouse Button", "Move Right + Left Mouse Button" and a blocking/defecting feature.


I do also want to see traveling more demanding. Instead of you opening your galaxy map and clicking where you want to go, I'd rather see an open galaxy where you'd actually drive your ship in "Hyper Space Map" where your travel could be interrupted by a ship before leaving into a loading screen where you'd wait for your area to load and you'd appear in your Starfighter similar to the expansion Galactic Starfighter, where you have to beat enemy ships who attack you or escape an ambush of other players before you're given the option to return to Hyper Space and you continue your journey to Coruscant from wherever you entered the space battle. This game is after all called STAR WARS, so I was really hoping we could keep to the principal of having a war in the stars as well as planet side.


But yeah :) that I just mentioned above is highly unlikely to happen anywhere before 2023 as EA's license to Star Wars does not expire before that. Oh and when it does, we do not know if it will be renewed another 10 years to 2033. So for me, this game will not cease to exist probably before I am like 30 years old.

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Sorry to disappoint you mate, but SWTOR is not dying. SWTOR had fewer players before Rise of the Hutt Cartel than it does now. As long as BioWare and EA have people like me and you who post in this forum(subscribers) and people who buy tons of credits on the Cartel Market, this game will not die.


In a sense of an online MMORPG I can say as much as there is very little left of it. Just because things are not like me and you specifically want it, it doesn't mean that it is dying. Like for example, I want this game to be a little bit more difficult. Tougher to level, tougher combat features and a step in the opposite direction of World of Warcraft's combat system, but a step closer to a combat system similar to Battlefront and Star Wars Jedi Academy where you rely more on a crosshair and combination of attacks like "Move Left + Left Mouse Button", "Move Right + Left Mouse Button" and a blocking/defecting feature.


I do also want to see traveling more demanding. Instead of you opening your galaxy map and clicking where you want to go, I'd rather see an open galaxy where you'd actually drive your ship in "Hyper Space Map" where your travel could be interrupted by a ship before leaving into a loading screen where you'd wait for your area to load and you'd appear in your Starfighter similar to the expansion Galactic Starfighter, where you have to beat enemy ships who attack you or escape an ambush of other players before you're given the option to return to Hyper Space and you continue your journey to Coruscant from wherever you entered the space battle. This game is after all called STAR WARS, so I was really hoping we could keep to the principal of having a war in the stars as well as planet side.


But yeah :) that I just mentioned above is highly unlikely to happen anywhere before 2023 as EA's license to Star Wars does not expire before that. Oh and when it does, we do not know if it will be renewed another 10 years to 2033. So for me, this game will not cease to exist probably before I am like 30 years old.


Oh really.


Where are the numbers to back that up. I was here at that time and i saw a ton more players back then than i do now. Any planet i went to had a lot of people on them. When i travel planets now, they're ghost towns. I really would like to see what you saw or read that convinced you of that.


Im not stating the game is dying, but your numbers seem backwards to me.

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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Oh really.


Where are the numbers to back that up. I was here at that time and i saw a ton more players back then than i do now. Any planet i went to had a lot of people on them. When i travel planets now, they're ghost towns. I really would like to see what you saw or read that convinced you of that.


Im not stating the game is dying, but your numbers seem backwards to me.


Come on man are you blind?!


The decline of servers is a sure sign of expansion.

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The game pretty much "died" within the first year of release, as it went straight to a f2p option. So much missed potential. And now we're getting 1 operation boss every few months?


Compared to other games out there, yeah, this game is on life support, especially for a game with a massive IP and "support" from one of the biggest publishers out there.


There will always be those positivie protectors who tell you the game's doing just fine. We all know it's not. We all know things could be better. We expect things to be better as it's a Star wars game with EA's backing.

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Let's be honest, SWTOR is dying. Now I do not know at the rate of it dying but I know it is. Therefore when it dies completely I personally think that they should make a new star wars game (such as the rumored KOTOR) or maybe even a SWTOR 2. I do not know how a SWTOR 2 would work. Maybe make it in the era of the original of the sequels. But I think that they should make a new game. And start on it soon.


TLDR version :D

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Everyone who has posted in this thread is dying.


The people that have not posted in this thread, are also dying.


No escape.


Everyone should unsub from their lives. I mean, look at the sorry state the world's in! Server population might be going up, but it sure has a lot of bugs and glitches and mistakes, and it even has permadeath even if it's not your fault. The chat's getting more and more toxic daily. PVE is mostly boring with only a few bright sparks in it. It's only a matter of time before they pull the plug on everything, regardless of how many years it's been going strong.



Edited by Jagaimee
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The moment Disney announces a Rebellion era MMO SWTOR is dead.


It will eventually happen.


Also, yes, SWTOR is not dead atm. It's piddling about in what is basically irrelevance in the market.


Also, the overall number of players is irrelevant. The number of paying players is what matters. How many subscriptions are left? How have those numbers changed between now and launch?


There is a massive lack of information in this regard. Blizzard handles this things a lot more transparent while EA is very secretive.


In 2016 EA said: “In Q3, STAR WARS™: The Old Republic grew to its highest subscriber level in nearly three years.”


Great. And that tells us nothing. How many are those? How many were there before? Are those long term subs? Are those "I'm only subbing a month for the KOTFE etc content"?


Nobody knows.


And by the way, SWTOR 2 will not happen because there's no way they get the rights for it. Why would Disney give them the rights for something that is no canon anymore?


Rebellion era MMORPG with 3 factions, but done by a company that can handle MMOs properly. Come on Disney, you know you want the money.

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Oh really.


Where are the numbers to back that up. I was here at that time and i saw a ton more players back then than i do now. Any planet i went to had a lot of people on them. When i travel planets now, they're ghost towns. I really would like to see what you saw or read that convinced you of that.


Im not stating the game is dying, but your numbers seem backwards to me.


You cannot compare who you saw on the planets. There is quite a lot you have to take into consideration before you make an educational evaluation of that. This includes the amount of servers there were, the themes of the servers, the leveling system and the game model.


Let's start with the amount of servers. There were quite a lot of more servers back then. The servers were starting to get merged because the amount of players leaving the game. This game was described to be the one to take over the torch from World of Warcraft, but failed to deliver end-game content for players who wanted to do progressive raiding and PvP. Those who were left in this game was those who still found it fun and those players who were highly dedicated to this game just because it had "Star Wars" in its' name, thus being themed as Star Wars. A lot of those players who joined SWTOR from WoW left because it was almost entirely the same as World of Warcraft, same type of combat system, same vendor system, same GTN system, etc. However, WoW had the better offer to those players.


The themes of the server varied back in time. You had RP, RP-PvP, RP-PvE, PvE and PvP. Now there are no themes of the servers at all. You know how I mentioned up above that you had those players dedicated to progressive raiding(PvE) and PvP? Well, a lot of roleplayers were still left in Star Wars. Famous guilds like Alpha Company from SWG settled down on the Jung Ma server and did extremely well until the end of 2016 when they decided to suspend their guild from the SWTOR community due to the dying roleplaying community. Now there are no more themed servers and therefore roleplayers cannot find what they are looking for either.


You said that you saw a lot more players on the planets before Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Well, that may be true. It still does not prove that there were more players back then than there is now. First of all, you did not have guilds ships or strongholds back then. A lot of people tend to stay in their strongholds as they have usually everything they need there. If they are not at the strongholds, they are at the fleets or their guild ships. Thus when you saw so many players on planet back in time, you have to remember that the leveling system was far more challenging than it currently is. Right now people only have to do their class missions before they are ready on a sense of level scale to move on to their next destination. Leveling that usually took hours upon hours, days upon days or even weeks upon weeks, now only takes a few hours to complete. You do not have to do all the specific heroics or side-missions to grind your way to Level X before moving on to the next destination within your planet. Therefore a stay on each planet is far shorter. This may answer the question to why you're not seeing as many on planet today as you did back in time.


Also back in time just before Rise of the Hutt Cartel, this game changed it's model from buy-to-play + subscribe to free-to-play + subscribe. During the buy-to-play, people were able to download the game and play content to level 15 before they had to upgrade their account in order to play. Those who tried the game did not find it funny due to all the restrictions on trial, thus the game changed to free-to-play and it suddenly got the attention of a lot of players who wanted to try it out. A lot of those free-to-play players decided as well eventually to leave due to the endless grind with leveling. Doing all heroics, all side-missions and all story line quests + flashpoints with cool down and they were still not able to continue their story line due to being too low of a level.


Put all that together and you will find a lot more players on the planets than you will find today. That does still not mean that the community is far less active than it is now.

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You cannot compare who you saw on the planets. There is quite a lot you have to take into consideration before you make an educational evaluation of that. This includes the amount of servers there were, the themes of the servers, the leveling system and the game model.


Let's start with the amount of servers. There were quite a lot of more servers back then. The servers were starting to get merged because the amount of players leaving the game. This game was described to be the one to take over the torch from World of Warcraft, but failed to deliver end-game content for players who wanted to do progressive raiding and PvP. Those who were left in this game was those who still found it fun and those players who were highly dedicated to this game just because it had "Star Wars" in its' name, thus being themed as Star Wars. A lot of those players who joined SWTOR from WoW left because it was almost entirely the same as World of Warcraft, same type of combat system, same vendor system, same GTN system, etc. However, WoW had the better offer to those players.


The themes of the server varied back in time. You had RP, RP-PvP, RP-PvE, PvE and PvP. Now there are no themes of the servers at all. You know how I mentioned up above that you had those players dedicated to progressive raiding(PvE) and PvP? Well, a lot of roleplayers were still left in Star Wars. Famous guilds like Alpha Company from SWG settled down on the Jung Ma server and did extremely well until the end of 2016 when they decided to suspend their guild from the SWTOR community due to the dying roleplaying community. Now there are no more themed servers and therefore roleplayers cannot find what they are looking for either.


You said that you saw a lot more players on the planets before Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Well, that may be true. It still does not prove that there were more players back then than there is now. First of all, you did not have guilds ships or strongholds back then. A lot of people tend to stay in their strongholds as they have usually everything they need there. If they are not at the strongholds, they are at the fleets or their guild ships. Thus when you saw so many players on planet back in time, you have to remember that the leveling system was far more challenging than it currently is. Right now people only have to do their class missions before they are ready on a sense of level scale to move on to their next destination. Leveling that usually took hours upon hours, days upon days or even weeks upon weeks, now only takes a few hours to complete. You do not have to do all the specific heroics or side-missions to grind your way to Level X before moving on to the next destination within your planet. Therefore a stay on each planet is far shorter. This may answer the question to why you're not seeing as many on planet today as you did back in time.


Also back in time just before Rise of the Hutt Cartel, this game changed it's model from buy-to-play + subscribe to free-to-play + subscribe. During the buy-to-play, people were able to download the game and play content to level 15 before they had to upgrade their account in order to play. Those who tried the game did not find it funny due to all the restrictions on trial, thus the game changed to free-to-play and it suddenly got the attention of a lot of players who wanted to try it out. A lot of those free-to-play players decided as well eventually to leave due to the endless grind with leveling. Doing all heroics, all side-missions and all story line quests + flashpoints with cool down and they were still not able to continue their story line due to being too low of a level.


Put all that together and you will find a lot more players on the planets than you will find today. That does still not mean that the community is far less active than it is now.


You make valid points....but its still all speculative.


The population on the planets back then was just one example of mine. There were many more aspects of this game back then that were well player populated. With all the points youve elaborated on...you still cant and never will convince me that this game is more active now than back before ROTHC.


I admit that i have no hard proof of any of this....i saw a very heavily populated game back then on the servers i was on....much more than now. You on the other hand sound pretty sure of yourself.....can you prove what you're claiming?.......or is it just your educational evaluation.

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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Everyone should unsub from their lives. I mean, look at the sorry state the world's in! Server population might be going up, but it sure has a lot of bugs and glitches and mistakes, and it even has permadeath even if it's not your fault. The chat's getting more and more toxic daily. PVE is mostly boring with only a few bright sparks in it. It's only a matter of time before they pull the plug on everything, regardless of how many years it's been going strong.




The irl devs should really come up with a way to go Preferred irl. Come back in about 6 months when the bugs are worked out. :jawa_frown:

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The irl devs should really come up with a way to go Preferred irl. Come back in about 6 months when the bugs are worked out. :jawa_frown:


I dont like the irl games myself, The other players are all tools and the graphics look like crap. :p


Maybe the devs feel the same?


....and only 6 months?.....dont hold your breath.

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Ah, human nature. Nothing is interesting unless it's a jargon of doom, gloom and death.


I've seen more people playing now than I did before I took a break (for personal reasons, not game-related ones) about a year ago. When I go to planets, I encounter plenty of people to stave off that sensation of being a "ghost town" as someone put it. Maybe not bloated numbers, but certainly enough to remind me that there is definitely a playerbase here. Is it experiencing a rough patch? Maybe, but I expect that to fluctuate like any MMO ever. The oncoming hype of the next SW installment will certainly pique some interest in returning and I can safely say this one of only two or three MMOs in existence that can hold my interest for any amount of time. I can even find you a list of most-played and highest grossing MMOs if you want, and SWTOR will be on there. Not that difficult to dig up.


TL: DR: Find some argument more original than "deeeeeaath."

Edited by Riotracer
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You make valid points....but its still all speculative.


The population on the planets back then was just one example of mine. There were many more aspects of this game back then that were well player populated. With all the points youve elaborated on...you still cant and never will convince me that this game is more active now than back before ROTHC.


I admit that i have no hard proof of any of this....i saw a very heavily populated game back then on the servers i was on....much more than now. You on the other hand sound pretty sure of yourself.....can you prove what you're claiming?.......or is it just your educational evaluation.


Unfortunately I have no sources of statistics, graphs or scales but my own eyes and what I have seen in the game. SWTOR did far worse back then than it does now. I do not think that EA have funded this game additionally than what it has already managed to scrape through with recurring subscriptions and cartel coins purchases. Back in 2012, Blizzard had earned a profit through World of Warcraft enough to fund the game for the next 7 years if their donations through subscriptions, expansion purchases and gem purchases ceased.


My point with the paragraph above is that I highly doubt that BioWare to this day have been able to fund SWTOR with the money they made from founder purchases and subscriptions to the time span of right before Rise of the Hutt Cartel was released. Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Galactic Strongholds, Galactic Starfighter, Shadow of Revan, Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne - I am not convinced that BioWare could fund these expansions if they did not have a source of income. That source is the players through Cartel Market purchases and subscriptions.


We have to agree that the first pancake you make will never be the best pancake you eat. Neither was the first expansion of SWTOR. But we have to agree that the expansions are becoming far more better. Rise of the Hutt Cartel was sort of ok(like the first pancake), Galactic Strongholds was good, Galactic Starfighter was amazing when it first came out (shame it didn't evolve into something bigger), Shadow of Revan was great, KOTFE was pretty good and KOTET was even better than the last one. I highly doubt that the expansions will get worse from here. Only sad thing is that this game is stepping away from the aspect of being a MMO and rather focusing on the single player aspect which I think is a shame. It's good to see that they are sort of working slightly for a new operation.


The price of subscribing to SWTOR did not increase than what it already did cost 5 years ago, the expansions did not become worse the past 5 years; in fact they became better. And from my understanding; the more money you shoot into a game, the better the game become.

Edited by MrBorsh
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