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Choosing a Faction on Iokath


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Seems like that would destroy the alliance. Seems pretty stupid you would choose one of the others sides instead of your own alliance. You've spent every waking moment creating your own team to just choose one of the old sides.


Like I said, Seems a bit odd.


EXACTLY!!!! I was thinking this same thing. Why would YOU as the Eternal Throne COMMANDER want to step down and ally yourself with the Empire or Republic. In the grand scheme that is what you are doing. I mean you are not Allying yourself with Seresh or the Imp Chick, so you would just be another top of the line Grunt fighting for Iokath

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We're being told to "choose catefully" but without knowing what is coming in the story how are we supposed to make an informed decision? Can we at least get a little bit of context of what future choices will depend on story faction and/or some ideas of what future companions we may be locked out from?
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We're being told to "choose catefully" but without knowing what is coming in the story how are we supposed to make an informed decision? Can we at least get a little bit of context of what future choices will depend on story faction and/or some ideas of what future companions we may be locked out from?


You mean, like real life?


Wouldn't it be great if I knew 20 years down the road which job offer I should take.

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Well again though, as part of the story...



Empress Acina actively seeks an alliance with the alliance you command. If your Outlander chose to forge that alliance (not to mention kill [former Chancellor] Saresh), then it makes perfect sense to align with the Empire. OTOH, if you refused Acina's offer (maybe because your character hates the Sith Empire), then it makes sense to align with the Republic.



Think of it more as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" rather than abandoning the alliance for another government.


The problem with this logic is that, yes you are the COMMANDER.... but choosing to side with either faction you are now a frontline grunt. I mean we were always the front line grunt even during the KotFE and KotET stories anyway. But at the end of KotET we are now the Emperor of the Eternal Throne. We control a VAST army of troops ships planets........ Why choose to side with either Republic or Empire considering how weak their current governments and armies are?


HELL me....... I would bring the might of the Eternal Throne to Iokath and kick BOTH factions out and take it for my own

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You mean, like real life?


Wouldn't it be great if I knew 20 years down the road which job offer I should take.

Games are not real life.


And usually in games with butterfly effect choices I can save and reload if things go badly. If my Inquisitor, say, stays with the Empire but then loses the chance to get Sahara back because she went back to the Jedi or something, that ruins the exoerience.

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Games are not real life.


And usually in games with butterfly effect choices I can save and reload if things go badly. If my Inquisitor, say, stays with the Empire but then loses the chance to get Sahara back because she went back to the Jedi or something, that ruins the exoerience.


I know a spolier about the upcoming content that would make your worries seem unnecessary but I'm not going to post it.


..hm, this is what it must be like to be BW

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This is a little out of the subject:


Killing enemies can drop Reputation consumables for your chosen Faction.

Is this the only reward? Generally, what is the difference between OWPvP on Lokath and lets say on Oricon if I am on PvP instance?

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The future impact is story impact based on your story choices, not gameplay.



Your Story choise are PART ofthe gameplay though. So for instance, I take Iokath as my Republic Commando who chose to ally with the Empire. Once the Iokath story is done, I am still an Empire based Commando based on my choces DURING the story.


How will this affect all other 'current' planets during gameplay? Are they just phased or Gated after Iokath and no longer have any significance tot he grand over all story? I mean Iokath is PART of this Galaxy......


Once I take Iokath as the faction of my Story, do you REALLY THINK that the Republic will welcome me back with open arms? Coruscant and Dromand Kaas are Integral to our Class Factions, how do they fit in the 'future' stories...


What you guys are playing at is a Star Wars version of Total Recall. Iokath is the Company where you can go to live out the Faction of your dreams and once done you can go back to your normal hum drum existence......


Have you guys even Thought out how this will play out in future stories?I mean continuity is not something you guys know of in this game but............... Really? Total Recall for Iokath. And once you leave Iokath and go back to the galaxy at large, your choice s MADE on Iokath DURING the Story are all erased.......


Come on BW.... Ths is NOT a Single player setting you are using for a console where you can re-write history as you need it

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Does no one else remember the dialogue and in-game mails you were sent stating both the Empire and Republic respected the Alliance's claims to territory, including Iokath?

Ohh I remember,


Just like I remember at the end of KotFE there were mails that both the Republic and Empire are rebuilding. I was hoping that we could get back to Republic vs Empire but this way......... BW sucks at Continuity and story writing for this game. I wonder how much reading of Star Wars they did before even creating this game. I wonder how much reading the new writers of this game after the mass layoff did.

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Your Story choise are PART ofthe gameplay though.

Oh come on...you know what he meant.


Iokath is a separate part of the story. Once you leave it, you leave that story line, just like it's been for 2-1/2 years so far.

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I know a spolier about the upcoming content that would make your worries seem unnecessary but I'm not going to post it.


..hm, this is what it must be like to be BW


Honestly I haven't had a problem with the way they've done it so far. No choices in a single update ruled out the ability to make another choice in a future one. If they keep that up, everything is fine. But I'm a little worried about the future baed on the initial wording of the announcement.

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Interesting... A few months ago the forum was full of posts that wanted to return to Pub vs. Imp stories. Some posters said they'd be unhappy being forced to re-join their old faction, because that's not what their characters would do.


Behold! You can choose a side. I thought "wow! that'll make some people happy".


Behold! The forum is now full of bi-tching that the story returns to Pub vs. Imp story, and you even can choose the side.


There's not satisfying you, people, is there? :rolleyes:


For my own toons: they just want to go home. They never wanted any stupid Zakuul or to form a new Empire.


We're not all the same people, genius. I never once expressed a desire to return to Imp v Pub.

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Honestly I haven't had a problem with the way they've done it so far. No choices in a single update ruled out the ability to make another choice in a future one. If they keep that up, everything is fine. But I'm a little worried about the future baed on the initial wording of the announcement.


Well I don't blame you or anyone else for being worried, kotfe has been an unnerving experience. Which is why I've been more motivated to look for spoilers than I ever have before. And now I shut up before I get disappeared.

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I already asked some questions last week in your PvP post that I would like answers to. Here is a copy of my post.


Hey folks,


Ex: If you are Trooper who chose to fight for the Republic, you will be flagged as an enemy against a Jedi Knight who is fighting for the Empire.




I have some questions about this?


What happens if the Trooper and the Jedi are in the same group?

Will your spawn point on Iokath be based on your faction, or on the side that you are fighting for?

Will you be able to summon people from the side that you are fighting against if you are grouped with them?

Can you summon group members into an enemy camp?

Will you be able to group up with people that are fighting for the same side as you are even if you are different factions? If so, can you do operations with that group?

Will you be prevented from grouping with someone from your same faction if they are fighting for the other side?

What about players that have not done the story. Can you group with them and summon them to Iokath? If you can, will they be your enemy, the opposition's enemy, an enemy to both sides, or nobody's enemy?


I know that there are more questions like this out there, I wonder if you have answers to these though.


I understand that the answers that you gave to Tux may also answer some of my questions, but some weren't covered, and it would be nice if you could answer them, and fill in any other blanks about how things will work.

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Where is the idea coming from that the two faction choices are Imp or Pub? I haven't seen anything saying that and the statement that you can earn reputation with the faction would seem to indicate otherwise. It would seem to function more like Faction X and Faction Y even if for some inexplicable reason they chose to call the Imp and Pub for this story also.
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[*]Completing a Daily Mission will award you with Reputation for your chosen Factions rep track on Iokath.


I understand that I can choose to change which faction I am fighting for once per day. Does that mean that I can do both sets of dailies in the same day if I do one before I switch, and one after switching?

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I understand that I can choose to change which faction I am fighting for once per day. Does that mean that I can do both sets of dailies in the same day if I do one before I switch, and one after switching?

This is a great question!

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Clearly they don't want you to be able to both sets of dailies.


Edit: or maybe it's not so clear. :rak_02:


Being able to switch faction on an hour cooldown could have an unsavoury impact on Open World PvP engagements (large or small) so having the cooldown be once a day would seemingly mitigate that issue.


I'd hazard a guess that the terminals 'reset' would happen at the same time as daily reset so you could theoretically do the dailies on one faction then when the dailies reset switch to the other faction.


One question I have for Musco and the Devs though is: Do you have to complete the Iokath story to access the faction switching terminal (and the dailies)? Just curious... (Edit: I'm pretty sure this hasn't been specified anywhere? But I'm assuming the answer is yes).

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So I have a question, this here states during the Storyline, so this is a one time consequence thing right? Meaning if you choose Empire as a Republic Commando, once the story continues those choices carry over no matter how many times you switch back n forth after the story?


Correct! Think of it like any other story choice with consequence in your Class story or KOTFE/KOTET Chapters.



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I understand that I can choose to change which faction I am fighting for once per day. Does that mean that I can do both sets of dailies in the same day if I do one before I switch, and one after switching?


Great question! Currently the way it works is that once you have completed a Mission, you are no longer able to switch that day. This means you can only complete Missions for one Faction in any given day, so if you want to switch you should do so before working on dailies.



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This makes some of LS agents some what happy and looking forward to it. Only down side is where was Republic when we needed them other then leader trying to take us Out.:mad:


Saresh wasn't the leader at the time (you even get a letter from the Chancellor basically saying they don't care what happens to her if you have her imprisoned). The Republic largely sat out the war because its leaders didn't think they were ready to fight Zakuul even with the Alliance (you get a mail on that too - an intercepted message to Malcom where the analyst recommends sitting out the war to play it safe).


And it's not like Acina is particularly trustworthy - she waited until it was in her/the Empire's best interests to suck up to you. And giving Iokath's technology/weaponry to her is the kind of thing that will blow up in your face once the Empire no longer needs the Alliance/you.

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