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Engi snipers > Nerf pls.


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I have an idea to fix the plasma probe issue, make the Jugg and Guardian saber reflect reflect aoe. I think it's kinda rough that every class has a reflect but this would be awesome. :rak_03:



How the hell does that fix the plasma probe issue? The damage is not the major issue and even if it was what does giving one class something help everyone else?


The problem with plasma probe is it's slow is stupid insane at 70%. It can be spammed, moved at will, breakers are pointless because they second you use a breaker they just put another new one right back down and your slowed all over again with no way to get around it. It screws up most melee massively, makes it so they have virtually no chance of breaking LOS with WZs full of OP ranged classes of firing squads who just line up and and unload on you with some of the highest DPS in the game.


The only thing that fixes plasma probe is nerfing the hell out of it. It's OP as hell right along with the class that has it.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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It seems 90% of teams I play with or against have worked out to double team and focus snipers down fast. They have worked out tactics on how to deal with snipers.

Plasma probe isnt an issue for these guys and when I asked them about it they just shrugged and said who cares, we kill the snipers easily.

If others can do this successfully with team work, why can't you guys. I don't have any issues against them when I play my Mara and I don't see why you should. Just because you have trouble soloing a sniper or it's hard, doesn't mean it needs to be Nerfed. That is the problem with people in this game, when something becomes hard they all throw up there arms and ask for nerfs. Why not just nerf everything and give us sticks to use.

Please stop asking for nerfs and learn some damn tactics and strategy. I think if you do that you will realise snipers arent OP, they maybe slightly annoying, but they aren't OP.

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If others can do this successfully with team work, why can't you guys. I don't have any issues against them when I play my Mara and I don't see why you should. Just because you have trouble soloing a sniper or it's hard, doesn't mean it needs to be Nerfed. That is the problem with people in this game, when something becomes hard they all throw up there arms and ask for nerfs. Why not just nerf everything and give us sticks to use.

Please stop asking for nerfs and learn some damn tactics and strategy. I think if you do that you will realise snipers arent OP, they maybe slightly annoying, but they aren't OP.


Icy, with all due respect I do not believe you. I can as well state that if you do not have problems soloing Engi snipers, you are playing against bads only. Provide evidence with some duels or inside wz solo kills or stop spamming nonsense.

Anyone who played at least a little against 5.0 Engi or as 5.0 Engi will see that their defenses need to be tuned done, they do not need so many self heals.

Edited by zhezvya
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It seems 90% of teams I play with or against have worked out to double team and focus snipers down fast. They have worked out tactics on how to deal with snipers.

Plasma probe isnt an issue for these guys and when I asked them about it they just shrugged and said who cares, we kill the snipers easily.

If others can do this successfully with team work, why can't you guys. I don't have any issues against them when I play my Mara and I don't see why you should. Just because you have trouble soloing a sniper or it's hard, doesn't mean it needs to be Nerfed. That is the problem with people in this game, when something becomes hard they all throw up there arms and ask for nerfs. Why not just nerf everything and give us sticks to use.

Please stop asking for nerfs and learn some damn tactics and strategy. I think if you do that you will realise snipers arent OP, they maybe slightly annoying, but they aren't OP.


That may be your experience, but it doesn't seem to be shared by a large section of PVPers. I don't find an assumption that so many people voicing the need for nerfs for Mercs and Snipers [Those who are competent with said classes/specs] are all 'bads' and inept players as likely.


I am consistently a high performer, and most of those that know me consider me extremely skilled player who has mastered my class. I have a good reputation as a skilled Carnage Marauder on the Shadowlands and would challenge anyone to demonstrate I have not mastered my class and spec.


That said, while I will take you at your word that that is your experience, but it is the exception, not the rule. Show me several videos of most melee classes not having great difficulty/regularly taking on competant and skilled Snipers , brushing aside continual plasma probes, and I would stop calling for nerfs of mercs and snipers.


You play a Fury Mara and there is no question that they have an easier time of with regard to snipers, the other two specs do not have the utilities vs CCs that fury maras do. I do not believe that Carnage/Annihilation Marauders of equal skill do not have serious issues taking on skilled sniper in the manner you described.


Certainly there are plenty of bad snipers and mercs running around, and they are not difficult to take on, but you don't judge a class by those that are not utilizing it to it's potential and are not competent in said classes use.


Marauders [save for Fury], Juggs, PTs and in many cases even DPS sorcs, are not going to beat a competent and equally skilled Sniper 1v1. As far as mercs are concerned, between their DCDs, self heals, ability to face tank, retention of the 30% 'surge bonus' with certain attacks/criticals [being the only one to not have it cut to 15% like everyone else's were, allow even when less skilled than their opponents, and easy to play nature all add to an innate superiority over many other classes. The rotational slows and roots, immunities, and plethora of CCs of both classes virtually assure an innate advantage over most other classes even skill equalities.


If 20 people say someone's shirt is green and 3 people say it's blue, chances are good that that person is dressed idealy for St. Patrick's Day.


Hard is fine, innate disadvantages right out of the gate is something else.


You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and while many don't agree with it, no one is asking you not to voice it.

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It seems 90% of teams I play with or against have worked out to double team and focus snipers down fast. They have worked out tactics on how to deal with snipers.

Plasma probe isnt an issue for these guys and when I asked them about it they just shrugged and said who cares, we kill the snipers easily.

If others can do this successfully with team work, why can't you guys. I don't have any issues against them when I play my Mara and I don't see why you should. Just because you have trouble soloing a sniper or it's hard, doesn't mean it needs to be Nerfed. That is the problem with people in this game, when something becomes hard they all throw up there arms and ask for nerfs. Why not just nerf everything and give us sticks to use.

Please stop asking for nerfs and learn some damn tactics and strategy. I think if you do that you will realise snipers arent OP, they maybe slightly annoying, but they aren't OP.


I really don't want to pick on you, Icykill_. But the fact that you're EXTEMELY vocal in favour of engi-snipers and plasma probe throughout all these topics, doesn't mask the fact that you're more or less the only one defending them.


So yes, we have loads of posts in favour of engi + plasma probe. But unfortunately, they all come from the same person. On the other hand, we have loads of posts from loads of different people asking for engi + plasma probe to be adapted.

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I really don't want to pick on you, Icykill_. But the fact that you're EXTEMELY vocal in favour of engi-snipers and plasma probe throughout all these topics, doesn't mask the fact that you're more or less the only one defending them.


So yes, we have loads of posts in favour of engi + plasma probe. But unfortunately, they all come from the same person. On the other hand, we have loads of posts from loads of different people asking for engi + plasma probe to be adapted.


Actually Icy isn't the only one defending them, there are others in this thread. There's also more out there who don't post, I know that because I've had a few of private messages supporting some of the posts I've made, yet they haven't posted themselves (which personally I don't see as a problem).


What it all boils down to is this, as a veteran engineering sniper, probably one of the few around that's mained one for some long, I've told you three amendments that need to be made (four if you include the nerfing of mercs at the same time). I'm not about to detail them again. Now you can either support those changes and see the beneficial impact it will have on the melee or you can learn to play.


Yes I went there, you can all go learn to play. The vast majority of changes a lot of you are proposing are completely unwarranted. There doesn't need to be a cooldown timer on plasma probe and there sure as hell doesn't need to be a slow reduction from 70% (this is where you need to go read what I've stated on more than one occasion!)


And I'm sorry but it's laughable to hear people even mention go prove it via 1v1 or whatever it was someone's recently said. This game is not balanced around 1v1, it never has been and it never will do. There are ways to counter snipers, even engineering snipers, and yes it might actually mean on a couple of occasions to double team up.


But a large part of it is situational awareness. To kill me you don't need to be the best at your class, you just need to know your class and have decent situational awareness. If you are grouped with friends, then your chances against that sniper has just improved.


Sorry folks but it's time to stop crying, time to stop making silly suggestions and support the legitimate changes that won't actually completely destroy the entire feel to the spec.


Sniper's are NOT omnipotent.

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That may be your experience, but it doesn't seem to be shared by a large section of PVPers. I don't find an assumption that so many people voicing the need for nerfs for Mercs and Snipers [Those who are competent with said classes/specs] are all 'bads' and inept players as likely.


I am consistently a high performer, and most of those that know me consider me extremely skilled player who has mastered my class. I have a good reputation as a skilled Carnage Marauder on the Shadowlands and would challenge anyone to demonstrate I have not mastered my class and spec.


That said, while I will take you at your word that that is your experience, but it is the exception, not the rule. Show me several videos of most melee classes not having great difficulty/regularly taking on competant and skilled Snipers , brushing aside continual plasma probes, and I would stop calling for nerfs of mercs and snipers.


You play a Fury Mara and there is no question that they have an easier time of with regard to snipers, the other two specs do not have the utilities vs CCs that fury maras do. I do not believe that Carnage/Annihilation Marauders of equal skill do not have serious issues taking on skilled sniper in the manner you described.


Certainly there are plenty of bad snipers and mercs running around, and they are not difficult to take on, but you don't judge a class by those that are not utilizing it to it's potential and are not competent in said classes use.


Marauders [save for Fury], Juggs, PTs and in many cases even DPS sorcs, are not going to beat a competent and equally skilled Sniper 1v1. As far as mercs are concerned, between their DCDs, self heals, ability to face tank, retention of the 30% 'surge bonus' with certain attacks/criticals [being the only one to not have it cut to 15% like everyone else's were, allow even when less skilled than their opponents, and easy to play nature all add to an innate superiority over many other classes. The rotational slows and roots, immunities, and plethora of CCs of both classes virtually assure an innate advantage over most other classes even skill equalities.


If 20 people say someone's shirt is green and 3 people say it's blue, chances are good that that person is dressed idealy for St. Patrick's Day.


Hard is fine, innate disadvantages right out of the gate is something else.


You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and while many don't agree with it, no one is asking you not to voice it.


^100% agree with this.



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Actually Icy isn't the only one defending them, there are others in this thread. There's also more out there who don't post, I know that because I've had a few of private messages supporting some of the posts I've made, yet they haven't posted themselves (which personally I don't see as a problem).


What it all boils down to is this, as a veteran engineering sniper, probably one of the few around that's mained one for some long, I've told you three amendments that need to be made (four if you include the nerfing of mercs at the same time). I'm not about to detail them again. Now you can either support those changes and see the beneficial impact it will have on the melee or you can learn to play.


Yes I went there, you can all go learn to play. The vast majority of changes a lot of you are proposing are completely unwarranted. There doesn't need to be a cooldown timer on plasma probe and there sure as hell doesn't need to be a slow reduction from 70% (this is where you need to go read what I've stated on more than one occasion!)


And I'm sorry but it's laughable to hear people even mention go prove it via 1v1 or whatever it was someone's recently said. This game is not balanced around 1v1, it never has been and it never will do. There are ways to counter snipers, even engineering snipers, and yes it might actually mean on a couple of occasions to double team up.


But a large part of it is situational awareness. To kill me you don't need to be the best at your class, you just need to know your class and have decent situational awareness. If you are grouped with friends, then your chances against that sniper has just improved.


Sorry folks but it's time to stop crying, time to stop making silly suggestions and support the legitimate changes that won't actually completely destroy the entire feel to the spec.


Sniper's are NOT omnipotent.


^100% agree with this.

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Actually Icy isn't the only one defending them, there are others in this thread. There's also more out there who don't post, I know that because I've had a few of private messages supporting some of the posts I've made, yet they haven't posted themselves (which personally I don't see as a problem).


What it all boils down to is this, as a veteran engineering sniper, probably one of the few around that's mained one for some long, I've told you three amendments that need to be made (four if you include the nerfing of mercs at the same time). I'm not about to detail them again. Now you can either support those changes and see the beneficial impact it will have on the melee or you can learn to play.


Yes I went there, you can all go learn to play. The vast majority of changes a lot of you are proposing are completely unwarranted. There doesn't need to be a cooldown timer on plasma probe and there sure as hell doesn't need to be a slow reduction from 70% (this is where you need to go read what I've stated on more than one occasion!)


And I'm sorry but it's laughable to hear people even mention go prove it via 1v1 or whatever it was someone's recently said. This game is not balanced around 1v1, it never has been and it never will do. There are ways to counter snipers, even engineering snipers, and yes it might actually mean on a couple of occasions to double team up.


But a large part of it is situational awareness. To kill me you don't need to be the best at your class, you just need to know your class and have decent situational awareness. If you are grouped with friends, then your chances against that sniper has just improved.


Sorry folks but it's time to stop crying, time to stop making silly suggestions and support the legitimate changes that won't actually completely destroy the entire feel to the spec.


Sniper's are NOT omnipotent.

If it takes 2 people to kill 1 sniper that doesn't mean it's unbalanced and class does not require a nerf? Are you hearing yourself?

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If it takes 2 people to kill 1 sniper that doesn't mean it's unbalanced and class does not require a nerf? Are you hearing yourself?


Look at the posts I've done in this thread, and the other one that was flying around and you'll get the answer. I'm not repeating myself.

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Actually Icy isn't the only one defending them, there are others in this thread. There's also more out there who don't post, I know that because I've had a few of private messages supporting some of the posts I've made, yet they haven't posted themselves (which personally I don't see as a problem).


What it all boils down to is this, as a veteran engineering sniper, probably one of the few around that's mained one for some long, I've told you three amendments that need to be made (four if you include the nerfing of mercs at the same time). I'm not about to detail them again. Now you can either support those changes and see the beneficial impact it will have on the melee or you can learn to play.


Yes I went there, you can all go learn to play. The vast majority of changes a lot of you are proposing are completely unwarranted. There doesn't need to be a cooldown timer on plasma probe and there sure as hell doesn't need to be a slow reduction from 70% (this is where you need to go read what I've stated on more than one occasion!)


And I'm sorry but it's laughable to hear people even mention go prove it via 1v1 or whatever it was someone's recently said. This game is not balanced around 1v1, it never has been and it never will do. There are ways to counter snipers, even engineering snipers, and yes it might actually mean on a couple of occasions to double team up.


But a large part of it is situational awareness. To kill me you don't need to be the best at your class, you just need to know your class and have decent situational awareness. If you are grouped with friends, then your chances against that sniper has just improved.


Sorry folks but it's time to stop crying, time to stop making silly suggestions and support the legitimate changes that won't actually completely destroy the entire feel to the spec.


Sniper's are NOT omnipotent.


Your response here does not do justice to the amendments you refer to. This response makes it seem as if you are in favor of not nerfing snipers, and I want to be fair to you.


Now that said, I couldn't possibly disagree with you more regarding Plasma probe. It's OP as hell. Now, I understand what you are saying about class balance not being based solely around 1 v 1. I'm of mixed thoughts on that. For example, there is no way a Marauder or a Jugg is going to beat an equally skilled Assassin or Operative. Operatives are considered to be the 1v1 kings with Assassins coming in right behind them do to their insane amount of CC. Okay that's fine.


The case with snipers is a different one and while I do not doubt your mastery of Sniper, the difference between what a Sniper can do vs OP or Assy is a little different. If you are the master of the sniper class [again which I do not doubt] than surely you know that the utter and total control they have over most melee classes is nothing short of disgusting. They can literally keep a melee away from them virtually indefinately and engineering does this better than the other two specs. I know some of the best players who main snipers and mercs on the Shadowlands [i.e. Hoppinator who plays a merc] and they are uniformly open about how they themselves agree that these classes are OP and should be nerfed.


Now here is where we agree and which to what I referrred earlier regarding your amendments. What people should know and I want to make sure they do, it that your amendments are nothing short of nerfs. I dont recall the three amendments at the moment, just generality. But, as I recall your amendments call for a nerf to defenses and self heals. Now, I do not agree with you regarding Plasma probe, and quite honestly, there is no other single ability that recieves more negative comments in PVP than that one. Everyone who does not play an Engineering snipers are sick to their stomachs over it's constant and incessant use and the fact that virtually every sniper/GS you see now in PVP uses Engineering, so many having switched specs to it as of 5.0. Given that they were much more uncommon in the past, and are all of a sudden everywhere has to mean something. While I agree you do not see the same amount of snipers as you do mercs, this is a relative distinction, meaning you still see plenty just not as many as mercs. This is because Snipers requires a higher skill set to preform well and merc is dirt easy.


Play a Marauder [Not Fury[], Play a Jugg, Play a PT and show us how you are not being utterly controlled and spending 85% of WZs constantly slowed. It is impossible to have fun being constantly slowed and totally out of control of your physical mobility that much of the time and this does not even include time spent effected by other types of CC. OP not OP, heres a fact, people do not want to spend 85% of a wz so controlled and rendered ineffective. Even if the blame is due to class stacking that does not change that fact one bit and it's not due to class stacking, that only makes it worse.


Melee are completely dominated by the use of this ability. Breakers are useless against it because the sniper can just immediately put down a new Plasma Probe the very second the previuos one is broken by a breaker, making it completely uncounterable. No CD, instant usage, the ability to keep the use of an attack/CC going 100% of the time. Show me one other CC in the game that has no CD, can be spammed, and kept in effect 100% of the time if so desired while still being able to go through a rotation largely unaffected by it's use [after all it is rotational]. No other slow in the game is so sever, no other slow in the game has no CD/has no time limits, no other slow in the game can effect so many people at the same time, no other slow in the game has that kind of AOE. And while it's damage isn't much, it is also a means of having an attack that can be applied 100% of the time potentially.


When you see a class with the kind of DPS it has putting relatively low DPS as you often see in the case of Engineering snipers, it begs to ask the question why that is. The answer is simple, it's all about plasma probe and it's cheeseball effects. Most users know what it does, and that it can literally be solely responsible for a win so they just go around following groups to keep them perma slowed which makes a great many enemy players sitting ducks for the rest of the firing squads who know people can't break LOS under those conditions, and cannot sucessfully channel any objective while under the effects of plasma probe.


As I stated in the past when you suggested the amendments you referred to, your amendments go a good way in diminishing the the insane defenses and heals snipers have, thus rendering them much more susceptible to damage and thus less inclined to face tank and for movement of them. Logic therefore dictates they would than be unable to apply plasma probe with the same level of exactitude and continuosness that they presently can and therefore by extension causing limitations to it's usage.


If sniper defensives and self heals were lessoned sufficiently, people would be much more inclined to deal with plasma probe because it's usage would be reduced by dint of the lessoning of sniper longevity. A sniper who has to pay greater attention to staying alive and being forced to move more by said concerns will be less effective with the use of plasma probe.


Speaking only for myself, I would certainly be willing to trying a reduction to sniper survivability before doing anything to plasma probe to test how that would than effect the use of the ability.


Snipers can apply far to much control over melee [not just engineering snipers. When someone can render you unable to attack them for long stretches of time without in any way losing their own ability to attack you over the same duration to the degree that snipers can I can thinking of no other greater reason for the justification of a nerf.


No ability exists in a vacuum, Snipers presently simply have far to many strengths without any downside. And anyone who says that a sniper "immobility" is a limitation when in fact they gain so much survivability and insane levels of immunities [on par with mercs] by it are assuming that people are total idiots. Add to that that they also gain benefits when they do move too boot [heals, defensives and a speed boost], to say nothing or their dodge ability which is a moving defensive and a move that cannot be stopped.


I really want people to know, that you yourself, even as a Sniper player, feel that they are too strong and are calling for nerfs yourself, as I fear your post does not adequately demonstraite that. You are reasonable and fair minded.


As is, OP is the only word that can be fairly applied to the present state of Snipers [assuming the player is competant in the class] in PVP right along with mercs and plasma probe is game breaking to melee.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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If the Devs do the changes that I propose the "plasma probe" issue will be fixed, it's that simple. Any more complaints on top of that will be no more than the complaints snipers have over stealth. For a long time now stealth have been the bane of snipers, in fact do enough searching on these forums and ask enough veteran operatives and you'll probably find comments along the lines of "if you can't kill a sniper, then you're not much of an operative".


It's give and take, and so far a lot of people on this thread aren't willing to give anything. It just reeks of a lot of a lot of LTP in my view, as I've said before. A lot of people have come to me and said they didn't know what to do versus me because they never came across an engineering sniper before, that was before 5.0, with these defences? If I was at my best? HAH!


....put me in a group with some competent players? LOL!! ...it'll just compound the issue.


Engineering has always given melee trouble, jugs and marauders especially. The only saving grace historically has been the insanity of OP healers and the two classes (and their mirrors) being lightsabre wielding classes (i.e. meaning they're very popular).


Now I would say more about sentinels and marauders but consider that although I have both (...I have all classes)...I spend my time on my legion of snipers. For me to comment on the class in any way shape or form would be unfair to say the least. What I will say, is I know what it's like to kill that class as an engineering sniper....and to be killed BY that class.


One of the things your class relies upon is controlling a sniper when you do get within melee range. Well...that's part of the problem isn't it? Thanks to that ballistic shield utility we get far more protections than just the healing, and what with the seek cover utility proving immunity from movement imparring effects on top of that in ADDITION to the insane 6 second speed buff + purge on countermeasures, (which we can reset I'll remind you), in addition to the purge we get on covered escape? ....it's no wonder melee, your class included, might be having a few problems.


People are focussing on the 70% slow because that's the easiest thing to do, they're not looking at the entire situation.


That slow is annoying therefore it must be nerfed.


Well stealth is annoying, as a sniper I want that blasted ability nerfed to hell!!


....sound ridiculous? From my point of view as a sniper, there's no difference whatsoever.


Back when they were at their peak, two sentinels from a TRE guild called Lord of the Drinks once told me that they hate snipers, with ever fibre of their being. They told me on numerous occasions that they constantly watch the snipers/slingers on the opposing sides for just one or two skills, as soon as the sniper uses that skill, they pounce. they'd even save one or two skills especially for the class.


At the time, they were two of the best sentinels/marauders on the server, and that's the difference between a good player and the bad, they know precisely how to approach the sniper, no matter what the spec, and they know what skills of theirs is effective against them as well.


The amendments I have suggested are all that needs to happen, as I have said numerous times now.

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If the Devs do the changes that I propose the "plasma probe" issue will be fixed, it's that simple. Any more complaints on top of that will be no more than the complaints snipers have over stealth. For a long time now stealth have been the bane of snipers, in fact do enough searching on these forums and ask enough veteran operatives and you'll probably find comments along the lines of "if you can't kill a sniper, then you're not much of an operative".


It's give and take, and so far a lot of people on this thread aren't willing to give anything. It just reeks of a lot of a lot of LTP in my view, as I've said before. A lot of people have come to me and said they didn't know what to do versus me because they never came across an engineering sniper before, that was before 5.0, with these defences? If I was at my best? HAH!


....put me in a group with some competent players? LOL!! ...it'll just compound the issue.


Engineering has always given melee trouble, jugs and marauders especially. The only saving grace historically has been the insanity of OP healers and the two classes (and their mirrors) being lightsabre wielding classes (i.e. meaning they're very popular).


Now I would say more about sentinels and marauders but consider that although I have both (...I have all classes)...I spend my time on my legion of snipers. For me to comment on the class in any way shape or form would be unfair to say the least. What I will say, is I know what it's like to kill that class as an engineering sniper....and to be killed BY that class.


One of the things your class relies upon is controlling a sniper when you do get within melee range. Well...that's part of the problem isn't it? Thanks to that ballistic shield utility we get far more protections than just the healing, and what with the seek cover utility proving immunity from movement imparring effects on top of that in ADDITION to the insane 6 second speed buff + purge on countermeasures, (which we can reset I'll remind you), in addition to the purge we get on covered escape? ....it's no wonder melee, your class included, might be having a few problems.


People are focussing on the 70% slow because that's the easiest thing to do, they're not looking at the entire situation.


That slow is annoying therefore it must be nerfed.


Well stealth is annoying, as a sniper I want that blasted ability nerfed to hell!!


....sound ridiculous? From my point of view as a sniper, there's no difference whatsoever.


Back when they were at their peak, two sentinels from a TRE guild called Lord of the Drinks once told me that they hate snipers, with ever fibre of their being. They told me on numerous occasions that they constantly watch the snipers/slingers on the opposing sides for just one or two skills, as soon as the sniper uses that skill, they pounce. they'd even save one or two skills especially for the class.


At the time, they were two of the best sentinels/marauders on the server, and that's the difference between a good player and the bad, they know precisely how to approach the sniper, no matter what the spec, and they know what skills of theirs is effective against them as well.


The amendments I have suggested are all that needs to happen, as I have said numerous times now.


As I've said, I think your proposals are quite fair and very well might do the trick. As you pointed out, it's not just the plasma probe alone that's the only issue, it's everything else on top of it. I find your suggestions very reasonable, fair, and well thought out. That's why I support your suggestions and were your suggestions adopted I can see leaving plasma probe alone probably. I say probably only because ultimately you need to see things in practice, theories are one thing but you need to confirm that theory to make it sound. Your suggestions afford a counter balance. If Sniper's weren't so hard to damage the limited up time that plasma probe provides them now seems a lot more reasonable. Without all those insane survival applications you went over, now plasma probe becomes a survival tool that's much more necessary. With the limited uptime a melee has on Snipers those rare moments being met with such powerful defensives makes that up time highly inconsequential because you are not staying near them long enough to pose a real threat under those conditions. Being able to do some meaningful damage during the limited uptime you can get changes things a great deal. - Give and take.


Given that most people's calls for a nerf on plasma probe are doing so based on the what the Sniper can do overall. Most people who are saying that plasma probe isn't OP and should remain as is are not saying that there should be any other nerfing of the sniper in any other area. They are advocating the sniper remains as is in all respects. No one who is calling for a nerf on plasma probe are going to be convinced that it isn't OP with snipers remaining as is in all other respects and other areas, myself included. If snipers are going to remain as they are defensively, plus all their immunities, with that much control over melee, and with that level of DPS, plasma probe needs to be nerfed considerably.


I see your suggestions as a very viable road the devs should give serious consideration to. For those who had not seen your previous amendment ideas spelled out, I wanted to point out that you were not speaking out for Snipers maintaining their current "build" as is in all respects. For those that hadn't seen your proposed amendments spelled out, they couldn't get a full and accurate appreciation for the meaning of your initial post of the day. That you are speaking as someone who has mastered the class gives your proposals an even more meaningful basis for consideration. IMO you are extremely fair-minded and I give you a lot of respect for it.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Engineering pretty clearly needs a nerf to its aoe damage and slow capabilities. While they're at it, move buffed kolto overload from mercs to powertechs.


Engineering has always been an annoying troll spec that's dead easy to play in pvp while. From the days of wallbang to the current black hole vortex that is plasma probe, Bioware have never gotten it right with this spec.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Engineering pretty clearly needs a nerf to its aoe damage and slow capabilities. While they're at it, move buffed kolto overload from mercs to powertechs.


Engineering has always been an annoying troll spec that's dead easy to play in pvp while. From the days of wallbang to the current black hole vortex that is plasma probe, Bioware have never gotten it right with this spec.

Or taking into the account that snipers as a whole have so many mobility and def skills which makes them the most survivable dps class in the game, while also dishing out crazy damage.

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Wallbang was hilarious, it was one of those unintended effects that they hadn't planned for that did more damage to the spec than good. No way it should have been allowed to stay around for so long. Far too many snipers cried that it should be allowed to stay, that the roll in place bug was actually critical to the specs performance in pve.


Ohhhhh the posts from snipers back in those days :rolleyes:

Edited by BaineOs
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i want to say a big GG to mercs, they succeed their campaign to say that engi is more OP than arsenal. :eek:


it's so hilarious, but gg really :)


all full gear mercs everywhere should be very disgusted to grind a merc and not a sniper :rolleyes:


reroll alll sniper please, if it's so Op go go go ! plasma probe > all : rofl

Edited by Thaladan
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Engineering pretty clearly needs a nerf to its aoe damage and slow capabilities. While they're at it, move buffed kolto overload from mercs to powertechs.


Engineering has always been an annoying troll spec that's dead easy to play in pvp while. From the days of wallbang to the current black hole vortex that is plasma probe, Bioware have never gotten it right with this spec.


KO just needs to be buffed all around baseline. 35% is garbage. It will heal you for 1k, leave you in execute range and then go on CD for 3 minutes.

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I said in a much earlier post that I had been taking pics of the score boards to show the actual mix of Snipers in matches compared to other classes. Some People have been arguing snipers are becoming FOTM. (My brother has edited these to protect the innocent 🙄 and uploaded them for me on his Imgur because I don't use it)

I also want to point out how most of the classes playing against snipers/GS are Mercs. It's one of the reasons that I am defending snipers so much because I believe most of the "nerf" snipers is coming from Mercs because they can't face tank snipers and they don't know how to LoS. They are using melee as a scapegoat for this which is why I don't think they know enough tactics on melee to counter snipers with them. If you only play FOTM easy classes, then you will never be good enough on more difficult classes.

I'm sorry if this offends some of you, I'm calling it as I see it and from my own experiences sniper hunting with my Mara and also being on the receiving end on my sniper.

You will notice there are only a few games where there is more than one sniper per team. Lots of games its just me.

I've taken these pics from a sniper/Mercs point of view to point out just how many are in matches. My next lot will be Mara/Sent.


Here is the link - http://m.imgur.com/gallery/vpJco. [edited to fix the link]


I know this isn't enough to convince some of you. But this is the only way I can support my side of this debate.

Edited by Icykill_
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I said in a much earlier post that I had been taking pics of the score boards to show the actual mix of Snipers in matches compared to other classes. Some People have been arguing snipers are becoming FOTM. (My brother has edited these to protect the innocent 🙄 and uploaded them for me on his Imgur because I don't use it)

I also want to point out how most of the classes playing against snipers/GS are Mercs. It's one of the reasons that I am defending snipers so much because I believe most of the "nerf" snipers is coming from Mercs because they can't face tank snipers and they don't know how to LoS. They are using melee as a scapegoat for this which is why I don't think they know enough tactics on melee to counter snipers with them. If you only play FOTM easy classes, then you will never be good enough on more difficult classes.

I'm sorry if this offends some of you, I'm calling it as I see it and from my own experiences sniper hunting with my Mara and also being on the receiving end on my sniper.

You will notice there are only a few games where there is more than one sniper per team. Lots of games its just me.

I've taken these pics from a sniper/Mercs point of view to point out just how many are in matches. My next lot will be Mara/Sent.


Here is the link - http://m.imgur.com/search/Blizzbot


I know this isn't enough to convince some of you. But this is the only way I can support my side of this debate.


Icy, just a heads up, the link you provided is a dead link. Doesn't show any pics. If the web addy is correct, you might need to re-up the pics.

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Icy, just a heads up, the link you provided is a dead link. Doesn't show any pics. If the web addy is correct, you might need to re-up the pics.


What the crap😡... I only just checked it before I posted. I'll have to get it fixed 😳

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