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What was your favorite SWTOR moment? A thread for positivity <3


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Recently I've seen a million different complaint threads on "fix this fix that this update sucks", so let's change it up and add some positive stuff to the forums! What was your favorite SWTOR moment, and why? A moment that made you step back and just say "Woah crap, that just happened." Mine hands down was with my main Jugg when she took the throne on the dark council, after finally killing Baras. Beautiful moment. Comment your favorite moment, and shine a lil positivity into the SWTOR community :)
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More recent fond memory is getting that damned Makeb endurance datacron. Let's just say that I found some new a creative ways to fall to my death. :D

Edited by Darkside
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Finishing the class story on my first character, a smuggler. And completing the romance with Corso. Awwwww...


Defeating Darth Angral on my Knight.



the flarping EMPEROR


with the Knight. I know, it got rather cruelly subverted later on, but at the time, it was...oh gosh. I was literally quivering with excitement.


In Shadow of Revan, a number of moments:


First off, I'd made a sort of promise that my first character, my smuggler gal, would be the first character I took into any new content. So there she was, on Korriban, kicking the ever-loving kaput out of that world. A smuggler. Non-force-sensitive (although in headcanon, she *is* force-sensitive, but only to a very small degree), and she's tearing through the heart of the Sith.


And then I wound up breaking that promise-that-wasn't because my knight seemed to fit the content better. I got bored doing the dailies before the final fight with my smuggler, so I finished them on my knight, and...wait. Oh crap, oh craaaaaaaap, are we going to fight Revan? I walked up to the arena in the single-player fight, and moused over Revan. Whoa, he's a champion...and he's got HOW MANY HP!? The number ran off the screen, if I recall correctly! HOLY NOODLES, HOW AM I EVER GOING TO KILL THIS GUY!?

"You are nothing!" Revan thundered.

"Look again," came the general answer from - I started grinning - Satele Shan, Theron, Lana, Darth Marr (I started cheering), Jakarro, C2-D4, and Shae Vizla. My knight looked so pleased.

One amazingly frantic, fast-paced, complex, and downright fun fight later, Revan was down. WHOOOOOO!!!!! To this day, that is - so far - my absolute favorite fight in the entire game.

Then the Emperor came back. And to my everlasting relief, my dinosaur computer decided to act perfectly, allowing me to see the full cutscene (it usually skips the first few seconds - there's audio, but just a black screen until finally it cuts in after the first, say, ten seconds of the cutscene) without lagging. Yay!! :D



Then came Ziost. That was...not a happy moment. But it's one of my favorites because of the sheer impact. I actually had to leave the desk, leave the room entirely, and just wander around my house for a few minutes feeling like someone had slugged me in the heart. And I'd already (thanks to accidentally spoiling myself) known that was coming...and it was still devastating.

A massive round of applause to the BioWare writing team. A massive round of applause.


There are so many other moments - romances (Quinn, Kira, Vector, Torian, and later Lana and Theron) - finishing each class story... gah, it'd take me a month to list them all. :o Suffice to say it's pretty obvious that I adore this game, and that there are many, many, MANY moments within that made me smile, or cry (looking at you, trooper story), or just impacted me so much that they're truly memorable.

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the flarping EMPEROR


with the Knight. I know, it got rather cruelly subverted later on, but at the time, it was...oh gosh. I was literally quivering with excitement.


In Shadow of Revan, a number of moments:


First off, I'd made a sort of promise that my first character, my smuggler gal, would be the first character I took into any new content. So there she was, on Korriban, kicking the ever-loving kaput out of that world. A smuggler. Non-force-sensitive (although in headcanon, she *is* force-sensitive, but only to a very small degree), and she's tearing through the heart of the Sith.


And then I wound up breaking that promise-that-wasn't because my knight seemed to fit the content better. I got bored doing the dailies before the final fight with my smuggler, so I finished them on my knight, and...wait. Oh crap, oh craaaaaaaap, are we going to fight Revan? I walked up to the arena in the single-player fight, and moused over Revan. Whoa, he's a champion...and he's got HOW MANY HP!? The number ran off the screen, if I recall correctly! HOLY NOODLES, HOW AM I EVER GOING TO KILL THIS GUY!?

"You are nothing!" Revan thundered.

"Look again," came the general answer from - I started grinning - Satele Shan, Theron, Lana, Darth Marr (I started cheering), Jakarro, C2-D4, and Shae Vizla. My knight looked so pleased.

One amazingly frantic, fast-paced, complex, and downright fun fight later, Revan was down. WHOOOOOO!!!!! To this day, that is - so far - my absolute favorite fight in the entire game.

Then the Emperor came back. And to my everlasting relief, my dinosaur computer decided to act perfectly, allowing me to see the full cutscene (it usually skips the first few seconds - there's audio, but just a black screen until finally it cuts in after the first, say, ten seconds of the cutscene) without lagging. Yay!! :D



Then came Ziost. That was...not a happy moment. But it's one of my favorites because of the sheer impact. I actually had to leave the desk, leave the room entirely, and just wander around my house for a few minutes feeling like someone had slugged me in the heart. And I'd already (thanks to accidentally spoiling myself) known that was coming...and it was still devastating.

A massive round of applause to the BioWare writing team. A massive round of applause...


Pretty much THIS!


The JK was my first character, and although I knew how the class story ended....SoR/Zoist was one surprise after another for me. I remember many "OHH SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!!!" moments lol


Also...Finally getting to murk a certain fat boi with my Sith Warrior, and laughing hysterically at my smuggler. :D

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I had a good moment recently.

I went to the videos section in the login screen and watched the breathtaking movies of release.

I remembered the mind-blowing expectations I had for a BioWare $200 million Star Wars MMO.

I wept like only a grown man could.


Then I got a grip on myself and logged in to check out this week's CM offers.

Edited by iFruit
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When I made my first char some time during beta and entered into a MMO world for the first time in my life. I made a smuggler and started on Ord Mantell. It's until today my favourite planet. Probably because of the great feeling I got back then.


(And I don't mean that everything else afterwards wasn't great. Just saying that this was my favourite Swtor moment.)

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Kind of a toss-up for me:


On Tython with my very first Consular - my very first SWTOR character, in fact - gathering the parts and trekking up into the mountains to make my lightsabre. It had such an epic feel to it.


On Alderaan, my one and only world PvP kill, when my level 32 Commando (this was before 3.0, so no disciplines) entered the Glarus valley on the south side, and trekked all the way down to the far end, near the Panteer castle, and crossed the bridges there. As she reached the last one and took on the Ulgo bridge guards, a level 29 red-name Sith of some sort decided to start making life difficult, so I switched from beating on the guards to beating on him instead. Then I ran away in case he had friends in the area.


To this day I worry that he might have been trying to help this nooby Pub soldier kill the guards, and I killed him for it.


My very first Destroying The Star Fortress mission, where I knew nothing about what was going to happen after the EPHEMERIS room and consequently died a lot, but beat the Exarch anyway. It was one-player H2 Voss...


On a weird allod inside her own head, my Gunslinger defeated Vaylin without Lord Dramath helping.


One of those, probably, although there's a host of other things close behind.

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Every time T7 said something nice about my Knight. Considering she is DS it didn't happen often, most of the time he was so disappointed with her (and I was so heartbroken). Then at the end of his convo chain on the ship he says something like "Jedi = the bravest, the smartest" and "Jedi = T7's favourite partner" and I was like awww... :o


Also, at the end of Knight's storyline when you choose the dark side option when dealing with the Emperor. The Knight does the same ceiling-dropping thing Master Orgus did way back on Tython to collapse the tunnel. It looks so cool. And then the Knight just calmly turns and walks away. Like a boss :D


And yesterday I got two planetary displays from the supply crates. Two in a row! It must be my favourite moment of 4.0-5.0 so far

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My first play through of Quinn's & Vector's romances. I'm pretty sure some squeeing was involved :o


Then there was one time I got jumped by two Pubs on Makeb and I killed one and drove the other off. I'm a weak pvper to begin with, but I'm horrible at open world pvp. I get a huge adrenaline spike when I'm attacked that gets my hands shaking and I forget how to play my class. So winning when outnumbered is huge for me!


But what has really been a joy has been sharing this game with my son. Seeing the game all over through his eyes has reminded me of what I love about it. He is very engaged in the stories (he is playing a knight) and he loves his companions. He has been taking his time with conversations to figure out what his character would be do rather than going strictly light side. He has endless questions about lore and plot points. And what pleases me most is seeing how capable he is at figuring things out for himself. He needed help with the mouse droid part, and I was sure I'd need to help him through the party. But nope, he did it all by himself and far quicker than I did it. :D

Edited by Damask_Rose
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My first play through of Quinn's & Vector's romances. I'm pretty sure some squeeing was involved :o


Then there was one time I got jumped by two Pubs on Makeb and I killed one and drove the other off. I'm a weak pvper to begin with, but I'm horrible at open world pvp. I get a huge adrenaline spike when I'm attacked that gets my hands shaking and I forget how to play my class. So winning when outnumbered is huge for me!


But what has really been a joy has been sharing this game with my son. Seeing the game all over through his eyes has reminded me of what I love about it. He is very engaged in the stories (he is playing a knight) and he loves his companions. He has been taking his time with conversations to figure out what his character would be do rather than going strictly light side. He has endless questions about lore and plot points. And what pleases me most is seeing how capable he is at figuring things out for himself. He needed help with the mouse droid part, and I was sure I'd need to help him through the party. But nope, he did it all by himself and far quicker than I did it. :D


All of these posts are amazing, but reading this one made my day :) So glad your son is enjoying the galaxy so much!

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My first play through of Quinn's & Vector's romances. I'm pretty sure some squeeing was involved :o


Then there was one time I got jumped by two Pubs on Makeb and I killed one and drove the other off. I'm a weak pvper to begin with, but I'm horrible at open world pvp. I get a huge adrenaline spike when I'm attacked that gets my hands shaking and I forget how to play my class. So winning when outnumbered is huge for me!


But what has really been a joy has been sharing this game with my son. Seeing the game all over through his eyes has reminded me of what I love about it. He is very engaged in the stories (he is playing a knight) and he loves his companions. He has been taking his time with conversations to figure out what his character would be do rather than going strictly light side. He has endless questions about lore and plot points. And what pleases me most is seeing how capable he is at figuring things out for himself. He needed help with the mouse droid part, and I was sure I'd need to help him through the party. But nope, he did it all by himself and far quicker than I did it. :D


All of these posts are amazing, but reading this one made my day :) So glad your son is enjoying the galaxy so much!

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My husband and I got beta invites at the same time and he played it downstairs and I played it upstairs. Then we met each other on the stairs with big dopey grins on our faces and said


I like this game.

I like it too.

Let's get it.



And that was that. Too bad we play on opposite sides though, I'm an imp at heart and he's a pub. :o

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My favorite moment has always been the first time I played the Sith Warrior and went to Tatooine. After dealing with the Sand Demon, going into that little oasis area for the next part of the mission is my favorite moment, and I get giddy with anticipation every time I bring subsequent warriors through. After that, my second favorite moment is the Warrior on Hutta. I really love how Bioware wrote those two scenes, especially if you play them subtly. It's equally satisfying whether I'm playing a LS, neutral, or DS Warrior, too, which really is another credit to the writing.
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I always loved coming through the path in the woods on Tython, and seeing the Jedi Temple for the first time. I thought the game did a very good job sync'ing the music with that happening, and I was pretty impressed. I thought it would be a significant area in the game - which was wrong - but it was well done.


Then it was all downhill from there! (Kidding... half kidding anyway. It really was a downhill walk to the Temple.)


The first time downing the LR droid on Lost Island when that was still really challenging.

I still like the Soa fight every time.

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I've had several OMG moments in the game. The first one came playing through the Smuggler story line. Doing Chapter 3 and getting to Corellia to discover ...


that Darmas Polleran was an Imperial Agent-that blew me away! I never saw that coming!


The Trooper story line was so well written, it kept me engaged all the way through. I couldn't wait to get to Chapter 3 to see the ending, plus discovering the romance with Aric and taking every choice option I could to max out his "affection" as it was called. For me, his romance is the best one in the game--you can hear him change to a "softer" person with the great voicing of Tim Omundson.


The Imperial Agent story is a bit confusing for me, however Chapter 1 is pretty straight forward until you find out ...


that Darth Jadius is still alive and you have to decide whether to join him or kill him. Like the Smuggler story line, I never saw that coming either.


Another great Chapter 3 ending was the Consular. Who would have guessed that ...


Master Syo was the leader of the Children of the Emperor?! He was very hard to defeat too, I had to get back up to bring him down.


Now with the new expansions ... biggest jaw dropper for me was ...


Discovering that Valkorian had been plotting to take over my body to continue to be the Immortal Emperor of Zakuul. None of my toons took the dark side ending, but Chapter 9 is one helluva battle-I have trouble soloing it sometimes.



All in all, I love some of the plots twists and turns, but those are the ones that really stand out for me as I played through every class for the first time.

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The day I quit subbing lol, joking of course :p.


But seriously:


Early 2015, my previous MMO was going thru some *clears throat* rough times (changes, nerfs, diminishing playerbase from previously said), so I was checking out MMO's, with little success (Guild Wars 2, Rift, Continent of the Ninth and a few more). Just happened to be watching a Animated Star Wars, short series and thought to myself, 'I wonder if there's a Star Wars MMO?', which ultimately led me here.


Starting in the 3.0 era, I missed out on the previous versions (1.0 - 2.0 era), but what I saw when I started playing blew me away, my first thought being 'now THIS is a MMO I could stick with!'. I had a lot of epic moments in 3.0, too many to name, and thus ends my SWTOR moment.

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I know logging in Beta as an Inquisitor on Korriban for the first time was a pretty good moment. I was hooked from the beginning.


As far as the story goes, the various twists and turns of the Agent storyline has always stood out in my memory the most, even though it's not really my favorite story. Lot's of head scratching and gasping in that story.


And then the first time I realized I "cared" about a video game character was when Vector sounded so sad when I killed people, so I actually played my agent differently from then on. I don't know why it was so surprising to me, I'm an avid reader and I "care" about the people in books.


There were a lot of moments in Kotet I really enjoyed, including the murders of 8 different jerks who had it coming. And I really started crushing on Theron during Kotet - they gave him more personality and cuteness this time around -it wasn't just the Lana show. And his "I love you" got me my first SWTOR irl SQUEEE. :D:D

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