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You win, Bioware. GG.


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Yeah. I can't imagine grinding these levels without the cxp bonus. Don't think I'm going to.


Yeah, I feel pretty much the same. The boost makes it tolerable considering how little you get out of the crates. Without the boost we would have to rely on operations to get gear and that doesn't work with over 50% of the people playing right now. Even for the people who are able to get in raids often it would have to be some kind of progression distribution of gear which would be too slow to be worthwhile.


They need to keep the boost because people are having a hard time as it is doing the grind on a daily basis.

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Wait - you're barely halfway through Tier 1 and yet expect to be taken seriously about this RNG abomination? Or for that matter, about anything related to post-5.0 play?




I mean seriously, I might have alts that far along. several are certainly close. GC 50 is basically a long Saturday. Report back when you are 150+ and the grind has set in.


Talking to that person is wasting your time. There are two possibilities: he is a cheater, or he is a really good player. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and think he is a really good player (at least for pve).

The problem is, he can't undertand that most players are NOT like him. So just because HE finds things easy and don't require help/gear, etc he thinks no other player should.

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I was having a great time pre-5.0. And 5.0 to 5.1 was great because PvP bolster was 250.



Since they are reworking literally every aspect of the gearing, some portions of that truth must come across, BUT making it into a game puzzle to gear is just off putting.

Edited by t-darko
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For PvPers, the game doesn't start until you remove gear from the equation, meaning the game starts at BiS. For the 7 people that have no lives and can play 24/7 they have top gear. For normal people with day jobs BW seems to intend that those people will never get BiS and so PvP is no longer a part of the game.


Expertise vs no Expertise. Do you remember? No matter what non-pvp gear you had on you lost to player who had Expertise gear, every single time.


Wait - you're barely halfway through Tier 1 and yet expect to be taken seriously about this RNG abomination? Or for that matter, about anything related to post-5.0 play?


Edited by Halinalle
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- You do not need bis gear to enjoy the game. Unless by saying "enjoy" you mean "roflstomp".

- You do not need bis gear unless you're doing master operations or ranked pvp. If you need it for master flashpoints then maybe the problem is somewhere else.


Enjoyment is subjective. I can't imagine how I could possibly tell someone what they need or don't need in order for them to enjoy something. I would think that a reasonable MMO developer would want to know what their different customers are enjoying and what they aren't so that they can further modify their product in order to maximize player enjoyment, which would further maximize their revenue. I would also think that telling others players what they enjoy is counterproductive to advancing the game, as it's only going to tick them off and drive them away. I like having lots of players in MMO's, so I really don't want to see players driven away... and I don't think BW would either - that's just more revenue they aren't receiving to put back into development of the game.


To the point (Galactic Command) I posted the following snip in another GC thread today and I'll go ahead and repost it here. Just my personal take on GC and my enjoyment of the game:




...Personally, I don't care at all about Galactic Command because there's no new content that requires me to obtain higher item level gear than what I already had when 5.0 launched, and the rest of the stuff in the Command Crates are mostly full of garbage that I'd never even choose to obtain in the first place. The Crates might as well be full of nothing but CXP and then I can just keep opening Crate after Crate of CXP for no reason like an idiot, which is about what this feels like now.


I focus my efforts on other parts of the game I actually enjoy and most of it rewards very little CXP, if at all, thankfully.


I do, however, miss being able to exchange Data Crystals or [insert token currency here] to buy the things I want of my choice, but unfortunately, BW doesn't have enough faith in me as a player to allow me to make my own decisions on what specific items and gear I want to obtain and in what order I wish to obtain them.

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Expertise vs no Expertise. Do you remember? No matter what non-pvp gear you had on you lost to player who had Expertise gear, every single time.


Yes. It was amazing, because it took little time to gear up in PvP because BW did not have to worry about balancing PvP gearing with PvE. A vast improvement over now.




Assuming that is actually you and not some rando you found on the internet, I'm actually relieved, because otherwise you would have been truly absurd, instead of your ongoing apparent state of being simply Pauli-quote "not just not right - you're not even wrong." :)

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Expertise vs no Expertise. Do you remember? No matter what non-pvp gear you had on you lost to player who had Expertise gear, every single time.
Where? In WZ's you were bolstered to roughly 2018 Expertise. In the open world you mean? If so, why the hell were you in a PvP instance without PvP gear? See, I did do PvE in PvP instances all the time, while wearing my PvP gear, which meant it took me longer to kill all the crap I was trying to kill for my quests, but it also meant that if I ran into someone like you, I was prepared. You obviously weren't.
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Assuming that is actually you and not some rando you found on the internet, I'm actually relieved, because otherwise you would have been truly absurd


Do you know how I got to tier 3?


Chapter 2 veteran, over and over and over and over again. So please, don't start preaching about grinding.

Of course after 100% boost stopped working I've done things that I actually enjoy.


Where? In WZ's you were bolstered to roughly 2018 Expertise. In the open world you mean? If so, why the hell were you in a PvP instance without PvP gear? See, I did do PvE in PvP instances all the time, while wearing my PvP gear, which meant it took me longer to kill all the crap I was trying to kill for my quests, but it also meant that if I ran into someone like you, I was prepared. You obviously weren't.


Some of us have played since launch. PvP instances weren't available in 1.x, 2.x and 3.x.

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Does anyone know the best way to get to tier 3? I don't have much time left in my subscription, and want to get as high as I can ASAP. I've been doing dailies and soloing the Eternal Championship, which has been pretty productive so far. I really have a feeling there is an easier way to level, but I can't seem to break the grind. Help please!
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Agreed. I gave up a few weeks ago.


I used to spend 90% of my ingame time running unranked warzones, swapping between almost every class / spec, playing mostly imp side (pub sometimes too). I have not run a single warzone in over a month now. I just log in once per week for my HM op team, then log off. Just focusing on my Mara and Merc healer has burned me out. Forget even thinking about anything else.


For me, it's the whole "carrot on a stick" grind. If the carrot is perceived to be unreachable, then I just give up. This donkey takes a seat. I do not enjoy the grind, and I especially do not enjoy feeling like I have to only play 1-2 characters if I want to get anywhere from a gearing perspective. If I at least had legacy Unassembled Components, then I could mix it up and play multiple characters while still feeling a sense of gearing progress (focus on gearing my mains). What we have right now is: run one billion warzones with a 90% win rate in order to feel like you have a chance to get one character fully geared prior to the gear level increasing. Oh and you can only play that one character, 'cause Unassembled Components are bound to that character. Have fun!

Edited by teclado
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- You do not need bis gear to enjoy the game. Unless by saying "enjoy" you mean "roflstomp".

- You do not need bis gear unless you're doing master operations or ranked pvp. If you need it for master flashpoints then maybe the problem is somewhere else.


You do not need to think that you get to decide what other people enjoy.


Regardless of whether I need the gear to beat content or not, I actually enjoy gearing up my many characters. Doesn't all have to be bis by the way but at least a level of gear and completion that feels right for me. In the 5.0 system this became a virtually impossible task to complete within the time frame of the current expansion.


For me 5.2 will solve the problem, but not everybody who likes gearing up likes the same content.


So let me be clear about this point. You do NOT have the end say about what people do or do not enjoy. You do NOT have the end say in what people are allowed to enjoy or not.


But that's how you behave and frankly it's a preposterous attitude to have.


It's not about whether you need x gear to complete y content. It's about whether you enjoy a game enough to keep investing into it. And everybody has their own criteria for that. Your criteria are fine for you, but don't think you should come here and act as if you can lay down the law for other people on what they enjoy. As such your commentary here is completely irrelevant and beyond ridiculous.

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It's not about whether you need x gear to complete y content. It's about whether you enjoy a game enough to keep investing into it. And everybody has their own criteria for that. Your criteria are fine for you, but don't think you should come here and act as if you can lay down the law for other people on what they enjoy. As such your commentary here is completely irrelevant and beyond ridiculous.


That attitude leads to "you need 224 gear to defeat first boss in Blood Hunt HM" which we had in 4.x and was proven wrong in funniest way possible.

Edited by Halinalle
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Does anyone know the best way to get to tier 3? I don't have much time left in my subscription, and want to get as high as I can ASAP. I've been doing dailies and soloing the Eternal Championship, which has been pretty productive so far. I really have a feeling there is an easier way to level, but I can't seem to break the grind. Help please!


If that is your goal, from what I have read it's hit chapter 1 or 2 of the original 16 chapters in Vet or Master mode (whatever is easiest for you to clear with no down time) and do the one that you can complete the fastest, no wipes.


IT's very repetitive and boring but efficient. It's also solo, so there is no group to wait on or someone going AFK. Best bang for your buck solo from what I read.


If you can get a decent group. The weekly FP Master mode is nice CXP as well. 13K+ for the weekly (do 3 FPs) and about 6K for each master FP.

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Expertise vs no Expertise. Do you remember? No matter what non-pvp gear you had on you lost to player who had Expertise gear, every single time.

This is exactly the kind of flawed logic that got us into this mess. :mad:


Do you have any idea how incredibly easy it was to get to 1936 expertise, or how long it took to get a full 204 set (with 2018 exp)? Either you don't have any idea, or you are just trolling. The 204 gear was so incredibly dirt cheap. You could get a full set in a few days, playing casually. The people who whined to BW about expertise being unfair just shot themselves in the foot. We went from a totally viable, completely not broken system to one that guarantees a gear gap for a much much MUCH longer period of time. Congratulations, you just made it even harder on yourself. You may not realize it, but you did.


At one point, BW even handed out free full expertise gear sets (recruit gear). That still wasn't good enough for some people. But...but....I don't want to actually have to equip the thing!! Too hard!!! :rolleyes::mad::mad::mad:

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Some of us have played since launch. PvP instances weren't available in 1.x, 2.x and 3.x.

Right...but how far back are you going to go to cry about being ganked because of gear? Are you actually going back to 1.x??? LOL!


So...you're crying about expertise gear, yet you rolled on a PvP server...? I did too, but I didn't cry about my choice. I knew what to expect and you should have too.

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Does anyone know the best way to get to tier 3? I don't have much time left in my subscription, and want to get as high as I can ASAP. I've been doing dailies and soloing the Eternal Championship, which has been pretty productive so far. I really have a feeling there is an easier way to level, but I can't seem to break the grind. Help please!


Operations do the daily one also if you have some friends do the weekly of BT master mode also doing chapter 1 & 2 might help you in veteran mode if you want to push in master mode do so also make sure you are running a booster now depending on the level you are in GC will be the answer to the type of booster you should use.

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Right...but how far back are you going to go to cry about being ganked because of gear? Are you actually going back to 1.x??? LOL!


So...you're crying about expertise gear, yet you rolled on a PvP server...? I did too, but I didn't cry about my choice. I knew what to expect and you should have too.


That's one of the most nonsensical complaints I've seen from that person--and they've said a lot of silly things! Complaining about getting ganked on a PvP server when you chose to roll on a PvP server... seriously? If they've played since launch, all the servers were labeled PvP/PvE/RP back then, they knew what they were getting into! Yeah, I don't like being randomly ganked while questing either... so that's why I rolled on a PvE server! Problem solved!

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Does anyone know the best way to get to tier 3? I don't have much time left in my subscription, and want to get as high as I can ASAP. I've been doing dailies and soloing the Eternal Championship, which has been pretty productive so far. I really have a feeling there is an easier way to level, but I can't seem to break the grind. Help please!


Most people grind Chapter 1 and/or 2 in veteran or master mode. I will depend on your skill and class what suits you better.


Less profitable in CXP but more profitable than WZ and dailies/heroics is if you are imp side Black Talon.

With 3.5 x CXP you get base aprox 1800 CXP per veteran run. But you also get 3 or 4 (if you do de bonus) CXP Packs. With a stealth class and not doing the bonus i did 10 runs in the 2 hour window of a CXP boost (i'm a slow player so probably more can be done in the same window). So each run was: 2300 CXP (more if Force side was victorious) for the FP + 3 champion + a couple of gold + 2 green CXP packs + 1 blue CXP pack.

In any case, it is still a grind; no matter what you do. The FP has the advantage that the CXP packs you can keep for later use.

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That attitude leads to "you need 224 gear to defeat first boss in Blood Hunt HM" which we had in 4.x and was proven wrong in funniest way possible.


No it doesn't. Quit making stuff up please. You either completely missed the point or ignored it to suit your cognitive bias. I'm leaning towards the latter on that incidentally.


You're one of those people who thinks that if someone wants a fair chance at getting a 230 or 236 set together that he feels that he needs 242 gear to beat content. That is a non sequitur. The one simply does not lead to the other.


Are you incapable of logical reasoning or is this on purpose?

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No it doesn't. Quit making stuff up please. You either completely missed the point or ignored it to suit your cognitive bias. I'm leaning towards the latter on that incidentally.


You're one of those people who thinks that if someone wants a fair chance at getting a 230 or 236 set together that he feels that he needs 242 gear to beat content. That is a non sequitur. The one simply does not lead to the other.


Are you incapable of logical reasoning or is this on purpose?



- Wait until 5.2

- Get two or three characters with same class or mirror classes to level 70, you can do this while waiting for update

- EV/KP SM for really easy 236

- Use BoL gear

- Use 228 on left side (earpiece, implants, relics) until you get better, should be more than enough to do veteran mode EV/KP = easy 242

Edited by Halinalle
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No it doesn't. Quit making stuff up please. You either completely missed the point or ignored it to suit your cognitive bias. I'm leaning towards the latter on that incidentally.


You're one of those people who thinks that if someone wants a fair chance at getting a 230 or 236 set together that he feels that he needs 242 gear to beat content. That is a non sequitur. The one simply does not lead to the other.


Are you incapable of logical reasoning or is this on purpose?


It's on purpose. he just wants to get a rise out of you. Don't feed the troll.

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Doesn't bother me at all. I don't play for GC.

I'm curious Vember...I know you PvP, so I assume gear is an understandable issue to you...how are you gearing up your toons? Have you gotten lucky in boxes? Do you also Op? Have you gone the component route? If so, how many pieces have you gotten from components?


I PvP more than the average player, not nearly as much as some, but more than most...I've only gotten one item from components. I got lucky in tier 2 and got the Legenday MH, which I quickly turned around and upgraded upon hitting tier 3...but that's the only item I've been able to buy so far. I have comms now to get more, but with 5.2 around the corner, it's silly to waste them.


It's not that I care about GC...I'm fine with that being whatever, it's the RNG box gearing that I can't stand. 5.2 fixes this issue for Ops players, but it still leaves a huge gap for PvPers.

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