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Make unassembled tokens legacywide


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I don't see why not. We can already move everything via Legacy gear except for left side. Just make them BoP when the token is spent on any toon.


There are numerous reason why unassembled tokens should remain BOP, IMO.


Moving mods with legacy gear is a credit sink.


What may be good for one class may not be good for another. How would a sniper turn that BOP token into tanking mods that can be moved?


The "left side" is just another reason why those tokens should be BOP, IMO.


Player A wants that BIS earpiece for his juggernaut tank? He can run that content on his juggernaut tank, then, not his fully BIS geared sniper.

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There are numerous reason why unassembled tokens should remain BOP, IMO.


Moving mods with legacy gear is a credit sink.


What may be good for one class may not be good for another. How would a sniper turn that BOP token into tanking mods that can be moved?


The "left side" is just another reason why those tokens should be BOP, IMO.


Player A wants that BIS earpiece for his juggernaut tank? He can run that content on his juggernaut tank, then, not his fully BIS geared sniper.


Yeah. Unfortunately, years of MMOs moving more and more toward easy gearing has spoiled many players. So we are going to keep seeing these insistent threads where things simply must be made easier, faster, and simpler.... but only when it is in the personal interests of the person launching the topic.


Heh... back in the day.. in DAoC, I remember doing weekly raids, every week, in one of the three SI dungeons in order to get a specific chest piece. As DAoC veterans know.. these raids were typically 50-60 players working for 3-5 hours to clear one SI dungeon for ~30 pieces of dropped gear. Took several months of weekly raiding for that chest piece before it A) dropped, and B) I won the roll for it. Nothing in this game, even the poor rollout of GC, even remotely compares to gearing back in the old days of MMOs.

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They've backpedalled so much since 5, that another month's development time won't make a lot of difference. The damage is done.


But it may mean that people start spamming the quickest Unassembled tokens missions on all their level 70s just to gear up their main. - Nothing wrong in that, but it might have a negative effect in PvP ( for instance) as a player decides to go AFK for 5 characters rather than 1 for the daily / weekly.


But the studio has no idea about unintended consequences, won't give rewards only for contributing, and it passively encourages AFK-ing in WZ, GSF and the rest.


So yeah, go for it.


Whole GC should've been legacy wide from the start. IMHO, so at least there would be a sugar coating on the bitter ( Grind=content) pill.

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Yeah. Unfortunately, years of MMOs moving more and more toward easy gearing has spoiled many players. So we are going to keep seeing these insistent threads where things simply must be made easier, faster, and simpler.... but only when it is in the personal interests of the person launching the topic.


Heh... back in the day.. in DAoC, I remember doing weekly raids, every week, in one of the three SI dungeons in order to get a specific chest piece. As DAoC veterans know.. these raids were typically 50-60 players working for 3-5 hours to clear one SI dungeon for ~30 pieces of dropped gear. Took several months of weekly raiding for that chest piece before it A) dropped, and B) I won the roll for it. Nothing in this game, even the poor rollout of GC, even remotely compares to gearing back in the old days of MMOs.


THIS... Thank you Sir. There's a reason why gearing takes time in an MMO... It's a time sink between expansions and gives you something to work for (the operative word being work). No, your alts shouldn't be all geared up in BiS within a couple of months... It should take you that long to get your MAIN in BiS. There's a reason why the concept of main and alts appeared and why back in the day guilds would prioritize raid invites to people looking to raid on their mains rather then those looking to great alts. I swear I dunno where this whole "gear should be easy to get" mentality has come from but the fact that it's never easy enough for some people should tell everyone all they need to know about what it leads to...

Edited by Valceanu
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it would be admittedly nice to be able to only have to grind them &%^%$%^& GC ranks on only one toon and then just send the good gear pieces over to alts lol, esp the ear/implants/relics..... but yes it's a credit sink and a time sink. but like.... time sink is something that really sucks when there's no new stuff to do lol:D:D
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I like how some people forgot we can move the tokens already via legacy gear already and this would just remove a minor inconvience at most. The only thing we can't do is move left side pieces but not a big deal but be nice if we could as well. But yes continue to rage against the improvements to gearing. I'll be here enjoying having my Alts and mains BIS when 5.2 drops. :cool: Edited by FerkWork
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I like how some people forgot we can move the tokens already via legacy gear already and this would just remove a minor incocience a tank most. The only thing we can't do is move left side pieces. But yes continue to rage against gearing. I'll be here enjoying having my Alts and mains BIS when 5.2 drops. :cool:


If it would only remove a minor inconvenience at most, then it really isn't necessary, is it?

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I like how some people forgot we can move the tokens already via legacy gear already and this would just remove a minor inconvience at most. The only thing we can't do is move left side pieces but not a big deal but be nice if we could as well. But yes continue to rage against the improvements to gearing. I'll be here enjoying having my Alts and mains BIS when 5.2 drops. :cool:


It is a pain, but definitely a work around. One question though, I can't find a legacy light sabre to transfer hilts. Any idea where I can get one?


One thing I do find inconvenient and actually really stupid is the need to go back and forth to seperate vendors to cash in the gear to make it unassembled piece of that same gear and then go back to another gear vendor to upgrade it, in another bay no less😡

Wouldn't it just be easier to do a straight hand-in swap like we used to do for pvp gear. ie, Hand over the lower leg piece to upgrade to the next tier.

They have added a whole other step that doesn't need to be there. The idea behind CXP gearing was to "simplify" it. Now it's even more complicated. I actually had to get someone to stand next to me and show me there were 2 vendors, one in each bay. I felt like such a noob not knowing and there really is no proper explanation on how to do it. 😳

I actually thought it was broken for me because I would take an item to the next tier vendor and I couldn't upgrade it by handing in. What rational person would think, oh there must be another step to make gearing even more complicated and make it even more stupid by putting those vendors in two different bays.

Even when you understand the process, all you are doing is spending more time running backwards and forwards between bays when it's not needed.

Bioware you need to simplify this process or atleast stream line it. If you aren't going to take out the middle step 😕, then atleast put same class vendors all in the same bay.

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It is a pain, but definitely a work around. One question though, I can't find a legacy light sabre to transfer hilts. Any idea where I can get one?


You get one for completing chapter 9 of KOTFE on a saber-wielding character. Also, all the events (gree, bounty, etc.) offer legacy mhs for event currency.

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It is a pain, but definitely a work around. One question though, I can't find a legacy light sabre to transfer hilts. Any idea where I can get one?




As mentioned above, Odessan LS from completing KOTFE chapter 9. From Sith Inq class story you get Lord Kallig's LS and helm, both of which are BoL items.

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I like how some people forgot we can move the tokens already via legacy gear already and this would just remove a minor inconvience at most. The only thing we can't do is move left side pieces but not a big deal but be nice if we could as well. But yes continue to rage against the improvements to gearing. I'll be here enjoying having my Alts and mains BIS when 5.2 drops. :cool:


I meant components... FML

This game and its terminology is just made to confuse people!

Tokens components pieces - grindstuff


Ok let's try that again.

"Make Unassembled Components Legacywide"

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Yeah. Unfortunately, years of MMOs moving more and more toward easy gearing has spoiled many players. So we are going to keep seeing these insistent threads where things simply must be made easier, faster, and simpler.... but only when it is in the personal interests of the person launching the topic.


Heh... back in the day.. in DAoC, I remember doing weekly raids, every week, in one of the three SI dungeons in order to get a specific chest piece. As DAoC veterans know.. these raids were typically 50-60 players working for 3-5 hours to clear one SI dungeon for ~30 pieces of dropped gear. Took several months of weekly raiding for that chest piece before it A) dropped, and B) I won the roll for it. Nothing in this game, even the poor rollout of GC, even remotely compares to gearing back in the old days of MMOs.


Stockholm syndrome.


I've done DAOC raids too and I don't miss them at all.

Only because it was more romantic to ride horses doesn't mean that cars aren't better.

Apples oranges

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They've backpedalled so much since 5, that another month's development time won't make a lot of difference. The damage is done.


But it may mean that people start spamming the quickest Unassembled tokens missions on all their level 70s just to gear up their main. - Nothing wrong in that, but it might have a negative effect in PvP ( for instance) as a player decides to go AFK for 5 characters rather than 1 for the daily / weekly.


But the studio has no idea about unintended consequences, won't give rewards only for contributing, and it passively encourages AFK-ing in WZ, GSF and the rest.


So yeah, go for it.


Whole GC should've been legacy wide from the start. IMHO, so at least there would be a sugar coating on the bitter ( Grind=content) pill.




I remember the old pvp tokens were legacywide and I also, now that you mention it, remember the afkers.

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Stockholm syndrome.


I've done DAOC raids too and I don't miss them at all.

Only because it was more romantic to ride horses doesn't mean that cars aren't better.

Apples oranges


goes both ways... music use to be sang live with live instruments... now its all computer generated voice modded etc. ... doesnt meant its better now...

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Yeah. Unfortunately, years of MMOs moving more and more toward easy gearing has spoiled many players. So we are going to keep seeing these insistent threads where things simply must be made easier, faster, and simpler.... but only when it is in the personal interests of the person launching the topic.


Heh... back in the day.. in DAoC, I remember doing weekly raids, every week, in one of the three SI dungeons in order to get a specific chest piece. As DAoC veterans know.. these raids were typically 50-60 players working for 3-5 hours to clear one SI dungeon for ~30 pieces of dropped gear. Took several months of weekly raiding for that chest piece before it A) dropped, and B) I won the roll for it. Nothing in this game, even the poor rollout of GC, even remotely compares to gearing back in the old days of MMOs.


Yea, I have to agree with this. The things people complain about now were a given back in the EQ/early WoW/L2/AO/DAoC days. Gearing was difficult and random, and required a tremendous amount of time and effort. Now it seems everyone wants their gear handed to them for logging in, and will pitch a vicious fit every day on the forums until that happens.

Edited by Vember
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Yea, I have to agree with this. The things people complain about now were a given back in the EQ/early WoW/L2/AO/DAoC days. Gearing was difficult and random, and required a tremendous amount of time and effort. Now it seems everyone wants their gear handed to them for logging in, and will pitch a vicious fit every day on the forums until that happens.


People complain about CO2 level now, yet back in the day human ***** and urine ran through the streets of major cities.


Not to mention TV's used to be in black & white ....

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