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Ben and Bioware remains silent about the critisism for 5.1.


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I think they really hope 5.1 will solve some of the problems brought up with 5.0 Some people wanted to wait and give them benefit of the doubt in fixing this. It's a shame that the solution is more grind than what we started from pre 5.0


I'm sure they are still assessing what to do now. Perhaps they will grow a spine and stick to their guns of a failed product...or be humble, accept they screwed up the playerbase and re-roll to pre 5.0

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Yep, Harb is where I play and we are still very busy. Not sure what people are saying. But the mad people on the forums want to believe their is some kind of wild wave of cancelled subscriptions. If that were true, Bioware would have made drastic changes already.


Adding drops back to ops and inventing more currencies ( which was one of the supposed benefits of getting rid of the old ones - one stop shop in GC ) all within 2 months of launch seems rather drastic to me.


They don't even manage to fix economy ruining exploits this fast so something has got them acting quickly and what else if not less than expected numbers?


EA financials out in a few days ... wonder if those will mention anything.

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Adding drops back to ops and inventing more currencies ( which was one of the supposed benefits of getting rid of the old ones - one stop shop in GC ) all within 2 months of launch seems rather drastic to me.


They don't even manage to fix economy ruining exploits this fast so something has got them acting quickly and what else if not less than expected numbers?


EA financials out in a few days ... wonder if those will mention anything.


If they do, I expect they'll show a bump for launch since people subbed for the new expansion. They may mention it's not as many as last year. Next quarter will show the major drop that is underway now. If EA mentions a drop in this quarter's notes, then things are indeed really bad.

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Actually it's about upcoming Feb and march content and they've hinted that we will get some returning companion news


All they ever do is hint and 'hope we'll have something to say on X in the future'. Hints and hopes are not enough. They've dug this game's grave and unless they make efforts to climb out of the hole rather than digging it deeper, it's over.

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It wasn't just one act or just one person in the case I referred to. And while the incident was historically extreme, I've seen several devs and community reps/managers get crucified on these forums in the past


They had a lot of angry people from the class changes sure, but the actual threats to the dev member and dev team was from one person, and the police got involved. You can go back and read all about it.

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I'm happy with the 5.1 patch. My only complaint is the unassembled components from pvp are too low and should be legacy wide. Something that they could easy fix I'm sure.


Also trashing duped purples u get from rng for 30/50% of the UC rate would help

Who wants the same piece of gear x 3

Edited by Groncho
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If they do, I expect they'll show a bump for launch since people subbed for the new expansion. They may mention it's not as many as last year. Next quarter will show the major drop that is underway now. If EA mentions a drop in this quarter's notes, then things are indeed really bad.


I am thinking that if this game isn't performing as well as budgeted they are inclined to have to report so to their investors.


Mostly think this could be a point because I would assume they budgeted around numbers like last year hence the investment in a big blue trailer again. Bet we never see one of those again for this game. :(

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All i expect is more then 10% of content useful for a subscriber like me...

without having to run a warzone 400 times to get some items that doesn't really make that much differens.


Also, when i see friends who can't really afford to subscribe or have cheap parents, are getting locked

out of loot from BASIC HEROICS, that really pisses me of. What kind of F2P game stops their players

from collecting the loot-rewards and updates from a mear daily !?.

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Eric replied and said they were dedicated to improving gearing for pvp. Which as we know is an outright lie or they wouldn't have made any of the changes they did in 5.0 and now 5.1


They only take what they want to hear and reply. I bet they put a positive spin on it in the Live feed tomorrow, but not admitting they made a mistake and also not acknowledging what the players want or need. It will be all sunshine and roses and how they are committed to improving things in the future.


Well guys it's easy, if it ain't broke it doesn't need fixing or improving. Revert pvp gear to a similar system to 4.0, pvpers don't need gear to pvp or to even want to pvp. Pvp grind doesn't make us want to play more or stay in the game, it makes us want to play less. Dedicated pvpers don't and never have needed an incentive to pvp. We play pvp because we like to pit our skills against real people.


You only need to look at success pvp games out there and you can see most aren't about gear or incentives. It's about the enjoyment of playing against your fellow players. An example of a recent pvp only game is Overwatch. It has been highly successful and they haven't needed heaps or basically any incentives to get people to play and keep playing. My whole 60 member pvp guild has moved over there when it was launched and I can't ever see them coming back after all the bad mistakes you've made with pvp in this game. 5.0 was a disaster and 5.1 put the nail in the coffin for not just me, but many dedicated pvpers.


I've just unsubbed and it is truely emotional for me because I love pvp in this game.

I've always scoffed at people saying they are unsubbing because of certain reasons. I've also been of the opinion that if only a few people unsub over big period of time, then it won't even blip on their radar.

But I've now formed the opinion that the only way these guys will listen is if people were to unsub on mass.

Im not saying you all should, but if you were to all unsub on mass, that blip in their meta data would be noticeable.

You don't even need to unsub for long just a few weeks or a month.

Remember even when you unsub it still needs to run out. I think if over the course of a month they saw lots of people not renewing they might realise there was an urgent problem.

Once they acknowledge the problem or announce real change, we can resub. Even if you were planning to stick it out and not unsub, just cancelling the sub and letting it run out and not resuming for a few days or weeks will show something in the data and if you don't play all week anyway it wouldn't affect your game time.

Anyway, just my thoughts on unsubbing and even if they fix the changes I think I'm done



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I am thinking that if this game isn't performing as well as budgeted they are inclined to have to report so to their investors.


Mostly think this could be a point because I would assume they budgeted around numbers like last year hence the investment in a big blue trailer again. Bet we never see one of those again for this game. :(


Easy fix, less trailers or no trailers and more content.

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I got 5 days left of sub, i doubt they'll be able to change my mind. I've given ample feedback about

what is wrong with this game on multiple occasions. I don't pay subscription to a game where only

10% of the content is worth doing, and i don't like tokensystems, i prefer DIRECT REWARDS...


Enter dungeon > kill boss > collect upgrade.


Tokensystem for rewards is badmmkay , most people dislike it because its unnecessarily complicated.

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I got 5 days left of sub, i doubt they'll be able to change my mind. I've given ample feedback about

what is wrong with this game on multiple occasions. I don't pay subscription to a game where only

10% of the content is worth doing, and i don't like tokensystems, i prefer DIRECT REWARDS...


Enter dungeon > kill boss > collect upgrade.


Tokensystem for rewards is badmmkay , most people dislike it because its unnecessarily complicated.


Make sure you PM Eric to tell him why you unsubbed. I think the more people who do that, the more he'll see we aren't happy

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Go figure... they're currently hated or seriously disliked at the moment, with players calling the

developers incompetent in thread after thread - with all rights. We're yet another update into the game,

an update that only managed to make the game even worse, more of the same grind... grind in more places

to get the same items.


Yet Ben and Biowares Absence of the forums is clear, probably avoiding flak of they just don't know how

to cook up a statement that doesn't make them look stupid, but they did that very well on their own.


The playerbase is failing in the game, and you have the worst F2P-model out of all mmo's where F2P players

doesn't even get gear rewarded for their missions... what kind of mmo has a F2P model where you need to

pay to get gear-rewards for simple missions ?.


It feels like speaking to a wall currently, but if Ben and Bioware continues to ignore the players

and run their own course, the course will see this game dead within a year and the "new content" planned

for dec 2017 will be canceled or heavily delayed.


/gg SWTOR - Rip.


Every patch since 3.0 has only made the game less enjoyable. It's become increasingly clear that it doesn't matter how we feel about the game. They don't care. It's just a job. And they will continue to cash their checks till someone else wants to give them more checks to cash.

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Go figure... they're currently hated or seriously disliked at the moment, with players calling the

developers incompetent in thread after thread - with all rights. We're yet another update into the game,

an update that only managed to make the game even worse, more of the same grind... grind in more places

to get the same items.


It's rather amusing how they add TWO ways to obtain gear, yet from what I'm seeing is people act like pvp is the ONLY way to obtain and fully gear their toon when it was never intended to be that way in the first place. It was intended, as they stated, to obtain the few pieces that were still needed. Was it implemented in a way that was less confusing than before? Not at all, they should've just brought back what they removed.

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Yep, Harb is where I play and we are still very busy. Not sure what people are saying. But the mad people on the forums want to believe their is some kind of wild wave of cancelled subscriptions. If that were true, Bioware would have made drastic changes already.


You mean like they did with 5.1? Moving away from their all RNG all the time gearing system after defending it and ignoring all critique on it prior to 5.0 dropping? Where they called 2 emergency livestreams and apologized for the horrible and promised they'd change things? And then they did? And now with 5.1 dropping they've made more posts promising more changes and admitting they screwed up?


Yeah, that's not evidence of a wave of subscription cancellations at all! /sarcasm

Edited by AscendingSky
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Go figure... they're currently hated or seriously disliked at the moment, with players calling the

developers incompetent in thread after thread - with all rights. We're yet another update into the game,

an update that only managed to make the game even worse, more of the same grind... grind in more places

to get the same items.


Yet Ben and Biowares Absence of the forums is clear, probably avoiding flak of they just don't know how

to cook up a statement that doesn't make them look stupid, but they did that very well on their own.


The playerbase is failing in the game, and you have the worst F2P-model out of all mmo's where F2P players

doesn't even get gear rewarded for their missions... what kind of mmo has a F2P model where you need to

pay to get gear-rewards for simple missions ?.


It feels like speaking to a wall currently, but if Ben and Bioware continues to ignore the players

and run their own course, the course will see this game dead within a year and the "new content" planned

for dec 2017 will be canceled or heavily delayed.


/gg SWTOR - Rip.



Do you know how Ben Irving took his lead position in first place? This was not planned. Original dev team most of them including lead devs left game many years ago. Ben took it over as there wasnt anyone else to do so and result is here.

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You mean like they did with 5.1? Moving away from their all RNG all the time gearing system after defending it and ignoring all critique on it prior to 5.0 dropping? Where they called 2 emergency livestreams and apologized for the horrible and promised they'd change things? And then they did? And now with 5.1 dropping they've made more posts promising more changes and admitting they screwed up?


Yeah, that's not evidence of a wave of subscription cancellations at all! /sarcasm


PvP is normally ignored and neglected- we never get them posting and today we had Eric post in the PvP section- the dropped subs must be significant but instead of doing what they need to... it's a nightmare.

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Yeah... while that trailer was indeed very pretty and impressive, I wish they'd spent all those millions they paid for it on the actual game.


I imagine it came from a different budget entirely ( from EA's side ) around advertising but I'm only guessing.


Either way that money wouldn't have gone into content is my thinking though it would be nice if it did/could.

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I imagine it came from a different budget entirely ( from EA's side ) around advertising but I'm only guessing.


Either way that money wouldn't have gone into content is my thinking though it would be nice if it did/could.

It SHOULD have...that's the point. I don't care who ponied up the cash, the fact that it would have been better used to invest in the games development isn't arguable.

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