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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Petition to nerf Merc/Commandos. please comment to support!


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Maybe l2p? :) Sniper already got a nerf on his healing coming from ballistic shield... musco already said no class changes in 5.2 so guess u need to cry more! :)


Snipers get 10% of their health back every time they roll. They also get 2% of their health back every 3 seconds, just for being in cover. Doesn't even cost them utility points. I think jugs and maras should get 10% of their health every time they leap to a target or use mad dash, and 2% health every 3 seconds, just to make it even. That's fair, right?

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Snipers get 10% of their health back every time they roll. They also get 2% of their health back every 3 seconds, just for being in cover. Doesn't even cost them utility points.

Dont lie..

1st... the heal 2%/3sec=800hps in cover costs 1 utility point.

2nd... the 10% heal on roll costs 1 utility point too. (roll has a cd of 20 seconds)


And now try to calculate the maximum possible hps and compare it with the dps of 2 good players. :rolleyes:


The only nerf snipers need is the plasma probe (engineer).

Edited by Opaknack
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No worries guys.


I was drinking in a bar in Austin where all the devs go and they told me class balances are coming. Maybe even as quickly as 6.0. So don't give up on your sorcs and juggs just yet!


Once button smashing is a thing again you will be able to tell mercs to "L2p" with all the gusto of pre 5.0. When skill was the only denomator. Back when Juggs ruled, or sorcs ruled, or ops ruled, or, or, or. Mercs are not allowed to rule!


Don't tell me to l2p. I tell you to l2p

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Dont lie..

1st... the heal 2%/3sec=800hps in cover costs 1 utility point.

2nd... the 10% heal on roll costs 1 utility point too. (roll has a cd of 20 seconds)


And now try to calculate the maximum possible hps and compare it with the dps of 2 good players. :rolleyes:


The only nerf snipers need is the plasma probe (engineer).


I was wrong about the utility points, was reading a guide that was incorrect. My apologies.


If you're going to compare the self heals from sniper, with none of their other abilities, with the dps of two other players, of course it's not going to even out. When you add in the cover mechanic, all of their abilities to drastically decrease the accuracy of players attacking them, the healing and anti cc of ballistic shield, the anti cc of entrench, and a half dozen other defenses then they end up being much more tanky. The dps of those two players you mention has to get through all of that for the healing to even be a factor.


Having defenses like that, and healing to cover what damage eventually gets through, is objectively overpowered. It's not balanced with the other classes in the slightest.

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  • 1 month later...
nerf them to to the same as sniper at the very least and buff sent, mm sniper, sorc and juggs. they need to take reflective shield crap out the game aswell and electro net need nerfing, i came across 6 mercs a operative healer and a tank in one wz it was a massacre Edited by drunkjed
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We really need bolster to be put back to 250. December and January were awesome.


I'm all for that, let's get the gear issue out of the way and reestablish skill vs skill. This in and of itself will aid in the balancing of things in pvp as class imbalances stack on top of gear imbalances. Making things a level playing feild would make ALOT of pvpers happy and gives some of them who started only PVPing in lowbies and middies to avoid the gear imbalances more incentive to come back to 70s PVP. That would also help with quece times.

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Obviously just my opinions:


Bolster: Best thing ever, because the gear problem isn't being fixed any other way at this point. Put it back to 250. December/January were amazing.

Premades: Massively overstated as an issue in regs WZs. Often both sides have one now; if not, it's usually indistinguishable from being on a normal disorganized PUG. Plus, people in premades die just fine in the first place - not all premades are the leet skilled rollers like they might think they are. Could be an issue in Arenas for sure though because what premades DO bring to the table is near guaranteed good group composition.


That said: the biggest reason that in my opinion gearing is an issue and premades really aren't is that gearing is a barrier to entry - you basically have to gear up - whereas there is much less barrier to rolling in premades if you like. Anyone can guild up and group queue if they so choose. I don't, but that's my choice (I can't really do team comms and am in an APAC TZ), not something I am forced into.

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Obviously just my opinions:


Bolster: Best thing ever, because the gear problem isn't being fixed any other way at this point. Put it back to 250. December/January were amazing.

Premades: Massively overstated as an issue in regs WZs. Often both sides have one now; if not, it's usually indistinguishable from being on a normal disorganized PUG. Plus, people in premades die just fine in the first place - not all premades are the leet skilled rollers like they might think they are. Could be an issue in Arenas for sure though because what premades DO bring to the table is near guaranteed good group composition.


That said: the biggest reason that in my opinion gearing is an issue and premades really aren't is that gearing is a barrier to entry - you basically have to gear up - whereas there is much less barrier to rolling in premades if you like. Anyone can guild up and group queue if they so choose. I don't, but that's my choice (I can't really do team comms and am in an APAC TZ), not something I am forced into.


I think premades are an even bigger issue but not in the sense that we need split q's or that premading is wrong. Just the most basic form of matchmaking where if a premade q's the system tries for 3-5 minutes to put a premade on the other team would be enough to help with the lack of even matches in regs. This would not hurt q times and would really benefit most players.

Edited by DarthRaika
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I think premades are an even bigger issue but not in the sense that we need split q's or that premading is wrong. Just the most basic form of matchmaking where if a premade q's the system tries for 3-5 minutes to put a premade on the other team would be enough to help with the lack of even matches in regs. This would not hurt q times and would really benefit most players.


That seems reasonable if enough people are queueing. It would be fine on Harby. I'm a little scared we don't have that kind of critical mass now though across most servers.

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They can add something to make sure there are enough people online at the time before this system works but honestly they don't even need to. If it is a server where the population is so low that matches don't pop often then this system won't hurt the wait more most of the time and even if it does it will only be by a few minutes.


If a premade q's on this dead server then it is likely going to be more than 3-5 minutes before a pop occurs anyway. So the matchmaking didn't harm the q.

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lol don't nerf merc because they will unsub..... The merc issue goes beyond nerfing. I have never seen a class so oblivious to objectives. So basically you have an OP class that you dread seeing no matter what side your on.....
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The thing that amazes me is how regs is still filled with utterly bad DPS. Yesterday in a Novarre match, my team was almost all mercs and snipers, except me, another Jugg, and an Op. Top three damage? The two Juggs and the Op.


We're 6 months into the FoTM fer farks sake. Git gud guys...

Edited by stoopicus
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The thing that amazes me is how regs is still filled with utterly bad DPS. Yesterday in a Novarre match, my team was almost all mercs and snipers, except me, another Jugg, and an Op. Top three damage? The two Juggs and the Op.


We're 6 months into the FoTM fer farks sake. Git gud guys...


Haha, yes. I've also seen Mercs who don't take Trauma Stabilizers and 70% KO utilities, and even if they do, they still horribly mismanage their dcds, don't kite/LoS, and they seem oblivious to the concept of dps rotation.


Then again, it's not only Mercs derping :D

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Haha, yes. I've also seen Mercs who don't take Trauma Stabilizers and 70% KO utilities, and even if they do, they still horribly mismanage their dcds, don't kite/LoS, and they seem oblivious to the concept of dps rotation.


Then again, it's not only Mercs derping :D


Yesterday I was like, "there's four mercs here and I'm not electronetted? IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS! CRUSHING BLOW FOR YOU AND YOU AND YOU!"


It almost makes me wonder how many mercs level up, spec per some youtube vid, yolo in to mid, repeatedly die while standing there trying to facetank and buttonmash DCDs because they think that's how to play an OP class, shout about their team being bad, quit 5 seconds before they would get CXP, rage-roll a Sniper, and repeat the cycle :)

Edited by stoopicus
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The thing that amazes me is how regs is still filled with utterly bad DPS. Yesterday in a Novarre match, my team was almost all mercs and snipers, except me, another Jugg, and an Op. Top three damage? The two Juggs and the Op.


We're 6 months into the FoTM fer farks sake. Git gud guys...


I've had more than 1 match where I've topped DPS on my sorc outdoing 3-4 mercs on my team. Thats just not right.

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The best part is knowing a merc will heal to full when their energy shield runs out and you kill them before it does. If you haven't tried, you can click your energy shield and cancel its duration to heal sooner at the cost of your energy shield of course. However if you are about to die before it runs out...this is much better. Though I heard someone in a different forum post "No one has time to look at all the ability tooltips." well...this might do you a favor.


Can actually do this with revivification. It's heal applies to you as long as you walk into the area its applied. So if you cancel it a second before it runs out, it will cast the ability on you again...get twice the heal out of one heal. Not that that heal is anything amazing...but it can be done.


"Omg don't tell mercs to turn off energy shield, now they will be harder to kill." Bad mercs will always be bad no matter how many abilities they get. =)


I assume any good merc would already do this.

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I've had more than 1 match where I've topped DPS on my sorc outdoing 3-4 mercs on my team. Thats just not right.


You do realize mercs aren't doing any more damage than they were before really, they just have more survivability now. So any team with good tanks and heals just leave mercs that may be hard to kill, but their damage shouldn't really be all that much different.


Though I am not saying mercs damage sucks. It was awesome in 4.0 and its awesome now.

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I'm getting pretty tired of being electronetted ~6 times every 2 minutes in every other match


Nice, you had a team of really bad mercs. If they waited 2 mins then all cast net on you at the same time, talk about poor teamwork. You saved your entire team if you were taking all the nets...not to mention the mercs were being lazy and leaving net off cooldown for so long without trying to apply it to you. I'd take that as a double win.


I hear your complaints, but listen to reason:


Net is not the problem. It's like blaming the gun, and not the person behind the gun.


Class stacking is the problem. If there was only one or two mercs on the team...you wouldn't get all the nets...just by odds unless you are a sorc healer...then being focused should be something you are used to and it will happen as you are the healer.


I wish something would be done about class stacking. I think warzones shouldn't even allow more than 1 or 2 heals period. Same with class types as well.


This could be fixed by allowing respec in warzone, and the ability to save build presets, that way you can respec and have all your powers/binds where you want them just by loading the preset. Allow respec to be done at the start of the match in that min or so window of waiting. If you see your team has to many tanks, someone can quickly respec. I miss that you could do this.


Another option is to prevent premades to class stack. People want to seperate premades from solo que which is bad. Yet why not prevent premades from class stacking. They still have a team, but people shouldnt be allowed to que as 4 sorc heals. Come on...if solo manages to get multiple heals...still annoying but a slimmer chance than a premade group. It should also be limited to 1 tank and 1 heal on team as well.


I just hate fighting 4 heals in a warzone, or just 8 of any class in general. Its really hard to counter class stack unless you are stacked to counter that class.

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