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Petition to nerf Merc/Commandos. please comment to support!


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Nice, you had a team of really bad mercs. If they waited 2 mins then all cast net on you at the same time, talk about poor teamwork. You saved your entire team if you were taking all the nets...not to mention the mercs were being lazy and leaving net off cooldown for so long without trying to apply it to you. I'd take that as a double win.


I hear your complaints, but listen to reason:


Net is not the problem. It's like blaming the gun, and not the person behind the gun.


Class stacking is the problem. If there was only one or two mercs on the team...you wouldn't get all the nets...just by odds unless you are a sorc healer...then being focused should be something you are used to and it will happen as you are the healer.


I wish something would be done about class stacking. I think warzones shouldn't even allow more than 1 or 2 heals period. Same with class types as well.


This could be fixed by allowing respec in warzone, and the ability to save build presets, that way you can respec and have all your powers/binds where you want them just by loading the preset. Allow respec to be done at the start of the match in that min or so window of waiting. If you see your team has to many tanks, someone can quickly respec. I miss that you could do this.


Another option is to prevent premades to class stack. People want to seperate premades from solo que which is bad. Yet why not prevent premades from class stacking. They still have a team, but people shouldnt be allowed to que as 4 sorc heals. Come on...if solo manages to get multiple heals...still annoying but a slimmer chance than a premade group. It should also be limited to 1 tank and 1 heal on team as well.


I just hate fighting 4 heals in a warzone, or just 8 of any class in general. Its really hard to counter class stack unless you are stacked to counter that class.


i'm talking about just constant back to back nets lol, if it's more than 1 net at the same time it's not really any more annoying than just being netted once


but imo we absolutely need only 1 tank/1 healer per team per match. I think 2 of each is pushing it at this point, sometimes it feels irrelevant being a DPS when both tanks are guarding the healers and both healers are in the same portion of the map

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Nice, you had a team of really bad mercs. If they waited 2 mins then all cast net on you at the same time, talk about poor teamwork. You saved your entire team if you were taking all the nets...not to mention the mercs were being lazy and leaving net off cooldown for so long without trying to apply it to you. I'd take that as a double win.


I hear your complaints, but listen to reason:


Net is not the problem. It's like blaming the gun, and not the person behind the gun.


Class stacking is the problem. If there was only one or two mercs on the team...you wouldn't get all the nets...just by odds unless you are a sorc healer...then being focused should be something you are used to and it will happen as you are the healer.


I wish something would be done about class stacking. I think warzones shouldn't even allow more than 1 or 2 heals period. Same with class types as well.


This could be fixed by allowing respec in warzone, and the ability to save build presets, that way you can respec and have all your powers/binds where you want them just by loading the preset. Allow respec to be done at the start of the match in that min or so window of waiting. If you see your team has to many tanks, someone can quickly respec. I miss that you could do this.


Another option is to prevent premades to class stack. People want to seperate premades from solo que which is bad. Yet why not prevent premades from class stacking. They still have a team, but people shouldnt be allowed to que as 4 sorc heals. Come on...if solo manages to get multiple heals...still annoying but a slimmer chance than a premade group. It should also be limited to 1 tank and 1 heal on team as well.


I just hate fighting 4 heals in a warzone, or just 8 of any class in general. Its really hard to counter class stack unless you are stacked to counter that class.


nerf arvengis, that way he cant stealth cap



tbh though, all I see is a merc apologist heretic!

Edited by RACATW
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Not only did our team somehow score 7 points, but I just sat in the acid and healed myself as an arsenal merc without emerging ONCE; merc cooldowns too stronk. Most of this HPS was from the self-healing defensives (reflect, trauma regulators, kolto surge). Kinda sorta needs to be nerfed.



Edited by Hoppinswtor
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YES! and i main a merc XD. its so easy to take the 3 utterly broken heal2full CDs for granted but id like to have some fun playing my assassin and marauder from time to time and not want to punch my screen every time i get singled out by a mando/merc who's only keybind is the S key.
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I'm saving up my lulz for the nerf someday. In any case, when they nerf something, they always *slightly* nerf it when it's something like this. I wouldn't be surprised if they just tune them down a little, like not enough for anyone to really notice.
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once i got my merc to 70 i think i've played her just a few times. it was too easy. not interested in being part of that FOTM


Same, haven't touched mine since the first few WZs. Against bads it plays like a sniper that doesn't require any skill right now. Against good players, just stand back, blast, when they come for you, net them, pop overrides and kite, repeat. If more than one comes, try and drag them around, effectively CCing them from the fight, survive using KO and TR. Repeat when you die, offheal if you don't die.


I mean it's fun, but for a few matches.

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Reasons why mercs should be nerfed:


1. They have electronet which slows you down to infinity.

Infinity, huh? Wrong, but it's a potent stuff nevertheless, yup

2. Kolto overload which heals them.

I agree Powertechs could use that, instead of Mercs

3. Emergency scan and kolto shot which heals them.

Are you serious? These are nigh useless

4. Responsive safeguards which reflects 50% of the damage they absorb back at the attacker AND HEALS THEM for 5% of their maximum health each time an attack is absorbed

This works just fine and needs to stay. Mercs always needed an oh-**** -anti-focus tool

5. Reactive Shield which increases damage reduction by 25% for 12 seconds

Almost useless without Trauma Stabilizers. What you want to get nerfed is that h2f utility

6. Heavy armor

Stop embarassing yourself, heavy armor means nothing in this game

7. I've been told mercenaries can crit 40,000 damage

Once in a long long while. It doesn't happen on constant basis, obviously.


That's A LOT of damage for a class that has great survivability.


Need I say more? My lightning sorc can only crit 12k with tier 2 and 3 gear. That's just bull :(


You could at least whine properly, you know:D

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LOL, nice stealth "nerf operatives" you got in there.


It's not stealth by any means. According to DPS charts, the Operatives/Scoundels are the most overpowered by DPS alone, exceeding average DPS classes by about 7%. Their acid knives / punches are more powerful than light sabers. But Mercs are still more OP due to kolto-overload, 2 bubbles, trauma regulators, and electro-net.

Edited by ViktorAres
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It's not stealth by any means. According to DPS charts, the Operatives/Scoundels are the most overpowered by DPS alone, exceeding average DPS classes by about 7%. Their acid knives / punches are more powerful than light sabers. But Mercs are still more OP due to kolto-overload, 2 bubbles, trauma regulators, and electro-net.

and despite those sweet dummy parse numbers operatives are low tier (this is me being nice) in pvp in terms of raw damage output


you don't balance dps in pvp with dummy parse output because it barely matters, you balance with changes to mechanics and defensive cooldowns. armor penetration has more or less absolutely nothing to do with how good mercs are in pvp right now; it's the utilities buffing their DCDs to ridiculous states

Edited by yellow_
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It's not stealth by any means. According to DPS charts, the Operatives/Scoundels are the most overpowered by DPS alone, exceeding average DPS classes by about 7%. Their acid knives / punches are more powerful than light sabers. But Mercs are still more OP due to kolto-overload, 2 bubbles, trauma regulators, and electro-net.


I hate to break it to you, but under normal circumstances a DPS operative is probably only going to get about 60% of dummy parse uptime in an actual pvp fight

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People need to stop saying just give kolto surge to pt's and start pushing for a rework to KO altogether. give pt's the reflect, rework KO for both classes so it's not worth less than the operatives shield probe, and remove the slow on blazing bolts. there you go.
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I hate to break it to you, but under normal circumstances a DPS operative is probably only going to get about 60% of dummy parse uptime in an actual pvp fight


If that. Claiming operatives need a nerf in PvP is pretty funny.

Edited by stoopicus
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If that. Claiming operatives need a nerf in PvP is pretty funny.


With my merc, I had to take the immobilizing missile blast utility just to keep operatives at bay, as their little knife is somehow more damaging than light sabers and missiles. But that did stop them right in their tracks :-). As for other classes, its your funeral.

Edited by ViktorAres
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With my merc, I had to take the immobilizing missile blast utility just to keep operatives at bay, as their little knife is somehow more damaging than light sabers and missiles. But that did stop them right in their tracks :-). As for other classes, its your funeral.


you don't really need to slow operatives to beat them, you can basically ignore their damage as a merc lmao

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With my merc, I had to take the immobilizing missile blast utility just to keep operatives at bay, as their little knife is somehow more damaging than light sabers and missiles. But that did stop them right in their tracks :-). As for other classes, its your funeral.


Did you really just claim Operatives are OP because you can't facetank them with a merc? I assume I misread that :)

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It's not stealth by any means. According to DPS charts, the Operatives/Scoundels are the most overpowered by DPS alone, exceeding average DPS classes by about 7%. Their acid knives / punches are more powerful than light sabers. But Mercs are still more OP due to kolto-overload, 2 bubbles, trauma regulators, and electro-net.


You're not wrong about the DPS level of OPs/Scoundrels, it's stupid as hell that a class with heals, stealth, a CC package that could choke a horse, even the ability to revive fallen group members during combat [in PVE] has that kind of DPS. But the others are correct. That is theoretical damage for the most part and in most instances [and certainly PVP is one such case] they are not pulling any where near those kinds of numbers. [i still don't think they should have that kind of top end potential personally, that should be for pure DPS classes].


I agree that it's stupid as hell that they have punch attacks that theoretically do more damage than two lightsabers being shoved through your sternum.


For the most part, in PVP, they're true group utility is annoying the ever loving shyt out of enemies, mobility, and support. I've seen some really kick *** Op Healers running around as well, and they may be an exception, but I find some of them impressive.


Way to much back to back stuns that you can't do a thing about to obscene levels. I think it's a bit too much personally, added in with the stealth, no better escape than that! Way too much CC in PVP over all.


Overpowered though? Not unless you consider trolling overpowered.

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The only extra stun an op has cannot be used in combat and is only usable from stealth; and even then, 'sins have it too. (Crippling slice is not a stun - it's very nice, as is Sever Tendon with Utility, but both only immobilize.)


On the other hand, I have two combat stuns and a mez, two immobilizers with utility, a spammable AE slow that buffs my own speed, and my primary damage hits as hard or harder burstwise than an operative, is also AoE up to 8, and interrupts. Yet only a crazy person would claim Juggs are OP in PvP.


Ops are also super fragile - they need those self heals to survive.


Honestly IMO ops are one of the better balanced classes at the moment.

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The only extra stun an op has cannot be used in combat and is only usable from stealth; and even then, 'sins have it too. (Crippling slice is not a stun - it's very nice, as is Sever Tendon with Utility, but both only immobilize.)


On the other hand, I have two combat stuns and a mez, two immobilizers with utility, a spammable AE slow that buffs my own speed, and my primary damage hits as hard or harder burstwise than an operative, is also AoE up to 8, and interrupts. Yet only a crazy person would claim Juggs are OP in PvP.


Ops are also super fragile - they need those self heals to survive.


Honestly IMO ops are one of the better balanced classes at the moment.


I don't understand how anyone can complain about the CC that operatives have atm, every class has enough "oh ****" buttons at this point that even if you're being hardstunned every 30s, the stun isn't going to be the thing that kills you if it's just an op attacking you


the people complaining about the amount of stuns ops have, have obviously never seen a rogue in WoW 1v3 by chain mezzing and stunning people lmao

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Did you really just claim Operatives are OP because you can't facetank them with a merc? I assume I misread that :)


No my point was that mercs can deal with operatives' magic little knife. Does it even have a cool down? As for other classes, it's tougher to deal with the Insane damage operative deal with their magic little knife or magic little punches. My tier 2.75 Immortal jugg tank got obliterated by a single scoundrel's punch attacks (who was probably tier 3 or 4), but still. Usually I can hold off a group of 4-5 enemies with my tank no problem, but operatives/scoundrels have a huge armor penetration bonus, which should be nerfed.

Edited by ViktorAres
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No my point was that mercs can deal with operatives' magic little knife. Does it even have a cool down? As for other classes, it's tougher to deal with the Insane damage operative deal with their magic little knife or magic little punches. My tier 2.75 Immortal jugg tank got obliterated by a single scoundrel's punch attacks (who was probably tier 3 or 4), but still. Usually I can hold off a group of 4-5 enemies with my tank no problem, but operatives/scoundrels have a huge armor penetration bonus, which should be nerfed.


the 30% armor pen is only to backstab which has a 12s cooldown, and will crit for maybe 15-16k if you're lucky. I've been killed by 36k+ heatseekers from mercs

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