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For those who "unsubscribed" are you subbing again?


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My sub runs out on the 28th, no I'm not going to re-sub. The changes announced on the livestream pretty much are not near enough to get me excited again.


Scenario 1: You still have to grind at least 1 toon to Tier 3 CXP level, and then come up with enough tokens and parts to have your main buy the piece in question, tear out the mods, and then ship over to your alt via legacy gear, or


Scenario 2: The vendor gear will NOT be transferable via legacy gear, which means that yes, you have a stash of legacy tokens, but each alt that you want to gear up will ALSO have to grind to tier 3 level to be able to buy BIS pieces.


I'm not looking forward to EITHER choice. The juice isn't worth the squeeze. Even if every toon in my stable is tier 3 BIS, what good is it? All I have to look forward to is to grind old, stale, 5 yr. old content if I want to "play the game".


So pretty much to hell with it.

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- They took away my 200 k pvp coms in order to force me to pay for an endless grind.


- They screwed up this expac in the hard way, now trying to save a maximum of subs while maintaining a maximum of grind process.


- Their step back did not really solved the main problems : alt gearing and lvl of grind.


- There's no chance I am re subbing for their pay to grind economical model.


- I will be back when they are making games for gamers and not money investors.

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I struggle to log in. I get to the start page and I think of all the grinding ill have to do and all terrible luck I have had with an rng. I solo so I know I'm already disadvantaged. I'm level 10 I think galagtic. And I see people talking about level 70 and I am already deflated. I cannot run the farms and the tricks their running. And heroics which I used to do because I could solo are worth nothing now.


So not only is everyone I played with now on a different mmo(ill never play another for personal reasons), I play alone and my 220 gear is worthless now and the heroics are based on higher numbers I think now. I'm actually failing things I could run with eyes closed.


this game has become a great disappointment to me.

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doubt it tbh the devs just dont seem to have a clue where swtor is going


why they decided to go so far off track to what vanilla swtor was is beyond me and vanilla swtor worked


Yeah they also lie to you about promotions to get you to sub and act like they never have sent them out, which is pretty dumb

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is WOW worth going back to or ESO worth a sub?


Tbh ESO's really improved alot got rid of the old crap vet system, every quest is now level synced along with every content in game using the champion system also gets you passives as well.

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Tbh ESO's really improved alot got rid of the old crap vet system, every quest is now level synced along with every content in game using the champion system also gets you passives as well.


ESO is B2P no sub needed (though you have to buy the Xpacs too if you want those). Top notch game it is my go to MMO. This one has sadly fallen to a distant 2nd.


Unless the RNG/Grind is removed from the command system I sadly will drop my sub until more story content is released. Then I will sub long enough to run through the new story content and drop my sub again.

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I plan on playing through the main story line with my Dark Side, force-wielding main, Light Side force-wielding alt, and Light/Dark non-force user alts. I'll also check out some Heroics that I have never done before. Still plenty of stuff to do :D
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I might, depending on what they offer casual players in return for tokens. That is what I am waiting to find out.


If they at least offer companion gifts and crafting isotopes, like it was with crystals, I will likely sub for a while.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I'm done, probably for good. Just deleted it from the hard drive last night, to make space for Stellaris. I'm probably going to see what's going on in STO, ESO and TSW, then take a break from gaming altogether.


To be fair, the problem is not entirely CXP. It is one reason why I'm unsubbing, but that's more due to the lack of any perceived play value in the system laid out.


The larger, more tired problem is the storyline. We once had eight wonderful stories. Then Makeb made it a Pub/imp duality. Then SoR made it one story for everyone, but it was the kind of thing you could get.


But KotFE and KofET aren't about my characters. They're really about a bunch of NPC's. None of my non-force users felt ... like this was something they were a part of. It 'feels' right for the JK and SW, and to a lesser degree the JC and even less for the SI. I could make a very weak argument that, yeah, the IA could be seen to have 'made a difference'.


But the rest? Their inclusion never fits, and it felt bad. And I somehow doubt, with my character somehow the Grand Emperor of Everything, that the story CAN go anywhere else. Certainly not back into eight class stories.


If we did that -- got back to eight class stories, Sith vs. Jedi, Imps vs. Pubs, then I could get fired up enough to want to play even IF CXP system remains crappy. Without that, I honestly was losing interest even before 5.0, but was at least entertained by PVP.


I'm happy to see some people are resubbing. I'm amused to see that even people who like the system aren't, due to lack of 'anything to do'. And I'm kind of sad that I'm not the only one who's given up on BW.


Just ... don't mess up Andromeda too bad, BW, and I'll resub for six months in gratitude.

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Remaining unsubbed.


Story was alright, just left half the classes in an awkward position of "But I'm not Force Sensitive..." so play Force user or gee tee eff oh.


But the rest of the game, just literal rehashes of 3.0 with only minor content. I'd equate the star fortresses and uprisings to be... half a regular Flashpoint at this stage.


Simply not enough content. If Bioware wants to go back to Star Wars single player, kill the servers already and stop jerking us around.

Edited by NoiseTankXIII
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If they are honest about listening to players, and improve the game accordingly as they promised, yes.


The last gearing changes have been an improvement, but not enough. Unless I see some real improvement in the gearing system, I will not renew my sub.


It is because, in this system, I am forced to do the same things I have been doing for years billions of times to get into the NIM content again. Unless this changes, no.

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As they announced the changes to the GC system quite a few people were happy, including me!

But will this make you keep playing until the patch hits or will you subscribe when the actual patch comes out? In case your sub ends soon.


I won't resub myself as I feel like taking a break when my sub ends on the 31st, but might resub when 5.1 hits. I mainly enjoy the story and don't need to stay subbed while I do that and PvP kind of burned me out.

Overall, the changes are a step in the right direction!




Same, I'm only subbing for the story, as there is not enough to keep me playing.


I've already consumed the solo content that they've streamlined since around 4.0.


Finished the chapter stories of the past 2 expansions.

Enjoyed level scaling on planets when I leveled a new character to max. I always level a new "main" whenever I come back because I enjoyed the class story.

Enjoyed "solo mode" for flashpoints.

Maxed a companion's influence to 50.

Got HK-51.

Finished Eternal Championship.

Completed a few Planetary Conquests for the mats to craft good gear.

Crafted the best gear that a non-raider could craft in the previous expansion.

Finished almost all Star Fortress achievements. Just didn't get the secret ones.

Grinded enough heroics to almost complete all cosmetic gear from the alliance crates.

Unlocked all 4 Strongholds to 100%.


So if I am unsubbing, it isn't out of spite, or because I don't like the changes. It's because there is nothing left for me to do that I haven't done, as I've consumed most of the solo content that they have enabled.


I may be back once there is more soloable group content. But I do appreciate the streamlining of the game to cater to casuals more. It's why I came back to begin with.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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I personally Unsubbed for over a year they had no longterm endgame content to keeper wanting to pay just re upped when they brought kotfe out give them the benefit of the doubt so to speak and the story was good they did what they said but the amount of problems still in the game and the problems with so.e of the customer support response just puts me back off the game again hopefully they will sort the issues out and it will be a game star wars fans will love for years to come
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My sub runs until mid-February. Right now I'm not playing. I will see what has actually gone down until February and decide then. However,

  • devs' overall attitude,
  • marketing and CS fails,
  • bug / exploit fix fails,
  • bot reporting fail,
  • lack of social/guild features & fixes (re: custom chat management),
  • mistreatment of iconic class abilities,
  • removal of non-CM gear choices and
  • the general direction of the game for the last two years

has me leaning toward not renewing the sub.

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My sub runs out any day now and I stoped playing a few days ago.

As for the topic.


No. Too little, too late.


I won't return anytime soon if ever, loved the game, been on forums since 2009, game since Beta.


Still, with 28 char on the same server I can't see me grind any or all of them, not even a few.


Crafted gear to the main along with Aug's, in hind site, why did I bother.


They failed so many times before and this change don't alter the bad they added to 5.0.


I think most of us here can and do take alot of crap from them, but for me this is it.


They in my view made the same piss poor choices that Sony did with NGE for my belowed SWG.


So, Hope you that stay enjoy the game as long as it will last.

I got a feeling this is going down hill fast now, 2 new streams, and even a survey, that can only mean ALOT left the game and it's not getting better.


All the Best

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If they are honest about listening to players, and improve the game accordingly as they promised, yes.


The last gearing changes have been an improvement, but not enough. Unless I see some real improvement in the gearing system, I will not renew my sub.


It is because, in this system, I am forced to do the same things I have been doing for years billions of times to get into the NIM content again. Unless this changes, no.


-Same as me, this 1 boss ops + tokens on command crates , is the same system only it can look less of a grind.

But sill the same, my sub runs out on January i will play until then , but not gonna sub again, unless 4.0 comms system comes back (which i hardly believe):

-They also took weekly operations passes out, not everyone can afford to be subbed all time, and well , my day's posting in forum are over.

-I done "whining" listening to devs stream , and all this restrictions to the game as preferred , simply this game is just not fun anymore.

-So enjoy the story, and that's it basically.


I have done the only option that matters , let the sub run out.

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My 180 day sub runs out in January (finally!). I do not plan on resubbing until a new operation is released. In the meantime, I will occasionally pvp on my "main" with guildies as FTP. With the current GC grind, there is little point in playing my other 17 toons, so FTP pvp seems like the way to go.


PS - I can't even make myself play through the chapters. I am too annoyed that I still can't stealth past Skytroopers, particularly during the Walker chapter. Does anyone have fun killing trash? I certainly do not. (My favorite trash mobs are in DP.)

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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