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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For those who "unsubscribed" are you subbing again?


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Man is pathetic all the attention now is set on the random system, most of you guys have forgotten completely there haven't been any new ops in 2 years (no new endgame content).


That is the main "issue" here not the stupid random system (at least for the people who enjoy doing ops of course). Because doing the same old content over and over again after 5 is getting a little "crazy" you know.


Servers were already dying before 5.0 was released even going back to token vendors again doesn't solve the real problematic.


and i'm not even mentioning here the recently nerf to some classes on game. Removing droids cc from snipers and sentinels was pure trolling....

...you're right...had they left gearing how it was in 4.0, we'd all be talking about the lack of end game additions - and come on, Uprisings are pathetic...even Heroics have more depth.

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I don't think it is even a little bit better. Its just glossed over. One guaranteed piece in an 8 person run, for one of them....that isn't really better. And it still costs them something in addition to completing the op to even get....that's just crazy.


Without mentioning the return of the "ninja looters" specifically for that piece....this is a no no no.

Edited by psikofunkster
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...you're right...had they left gearing how it was in 4.0, we'd all be talking about the lack of end game additions - and come on, Uprisings are pathetic...even Heroics have more depth.


They really, really are. I can't stand them. They could've put all that effort into one or two actual flashpoints with story and new mechanics, but instead it's just 5 batches of moldy, recycled tripe, with more to come in the new year. They also seem to be designed for you to fail in the random queue, what with constantly putting teams of 4 DPS together and having non-regenerating health stations.

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To be honest, in it's current state I wouldn't play the game even for free, even if everything would be available as a preffered player (with lower CXP).



This. Not only is it not worth the cost of a monthly subscription, it's just not worth my time. There is nothing to do in this game, besides 2-5 year old content I've already played hundreds of times.

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As they announced the changes to the GC system quite a few people were happy, including me!

But will this make you keep playing until the patch hits or will you subscribe when the actual patch comes out? In case your sub ends soon.


I won't resub myself as I feel like taking a break when my sub ends on the 31st, but might resub when 5.1 hits. I mainly enjoy the story and don't need to stay subbed while I do that and PvP kind of burned me out.

Overall, the changes are a step in the right direction!




I do not plan to redeem another code for the game in current state, nor for the promises given.

The coming changes (if they ever happen) are only better because they are impossible not to be from the current system. Just because they make it better than now does not mean it's good. I will monitor game and if I do subscribe it's because friends convinced me to. But as of right now I am still on decision to not invest my money and time into the current RNG form. They started to listen to us way too late. So I have no need to be in hurry to sub again.

Edited by BoySaber
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I will stay subbed until they turn the servers down. I lived through the CU and NGE so.... My wife and kids though are totally out. They spent a ton of money grinding Cartel Reputation back in the day and are really bent about the rep vendors. I feel pretty burned by that as well. Thousands of actual dollars down the tubes.
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I love my alts and leveling toons to try out different conversations and endings. I don't have time for that now. It's one toon and one toon only now. I was happy enough to do ops to earn gear before. It seems impossible to find good healers and tanks now thanks to Failware forcing people to pick one toon.


Once my sub runs out, I won't have access to the gearing system or most of my alts since I will be limited on active toons (even though I bought those slots).


Time to find something new.

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I'm giving it some thought but I haven't been instantly convinced to resub. I think what they've done was pretty good, just not sure if it goes as far as I would've liked. I'd say it's near to it but not quite there. Still requires some though but I'm finding it hard to be really convinced of it at the moment.
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No. Too little, too late.


^ This.


Nothing in last night's live stream convinced me that:

1) They had actually listened.

2) They even understood where they had gone wrong.

3) They had any clue on how to fix it without making it even worse.

4) That spending my money here would be a worthwhile investment.


All The Best

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Its sort of ironic, I see the same old folks unsub after every expac they seem to magically reappear to do it again after the next expac


Works for me...


I pay $15 and get to see and play all the new content, which takes maybe a few days to complete, and still have several weeks left to just check out old content and areas for nostalgia's sake - not to mention if I just want to poke online and see what's going on, I can do so for free at any time.


To me that sure beats handing Bioware another $165 for 11 months of nothing.

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Haha, these are my final hours and I'm a bit delirious about going preferred. This system will never work for me because the only options I have is playing one toon all the time and actually standing a chance at getting to tier 3 before 6.0 drops or saying f--k it and and make do with tier 1 gear and actually have fun playing my alts. Without that gear I can't do ranked PvP or veteran/master mode chapters and uprisings so I don't know what I'm working towards or paying for. And everything is so SLOW!!! unless I make myself miserable by grinding the same thing over and over again.


If all my level 70s were contributing to to my GC rank, I would re-sub in a heartbeat :cool:

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Ironic that they released the decoration reward for those of us who have been subbed for the entire five years.....the very next day after I cancelled my account. Heard the news about the changes, nup...won't be resubbing. Not enough of a change for me, I doubt they'll ever put in the changes that would make me reconsider quitting.
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