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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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They did comment on it, they've acknowledged it, and said they aren't going to speak publicly about it just yet, as it's a complex issue.


They should have acknowledged it, and fixed it, in beta when the beta testers all begged them to fix this before the game was released,


That response is a bit late.

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They should have acknowledged it, and fixed it, in beta when the beta testers all begged them to fix this before the game was released,


That response is a bit late.



Like I said before, I am giving them till end of January.



We all need to breathe and relax. At least they acknowledged it and said they will go public here soon (next maintenance?).




They have over a million subs, very successful and stable launch, probably a thousand other things going on, and the holidays.



The public response better be coming after the New Year, or this GAME BREAKING issue is going to get real big, real fast.

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No issue here. It's your machine or you are a button masher who hates skill timers. Either way get over it.


It is an issue.


The best most perfect example that applies to everyone is mounting.



That being said, it does effect some classes more than others. There have been plenty of video examples and I hope you are ready for a lot of people in this thread to come after you for so blatantly throwing the issue under the rug.

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First off I want to say that I love this game, and want to see it become very successful over a long period of time. This post is referring to two video's referenced in the OP, and my take on them.


1st video: Baznasty (Thread 1, Page 87) -- WoW Example/Contrast MUST SEE!:


1st video opinion:

I have actually watched this video close to a dozen times because it is accurately describing and showing fluid, responsive controls. Not sure why I have watched it that many times, maybe because I'm subconciously trying to figure out how BW could make swtor just as good. What I think speaks to me the most, is that the game is strict to the cast time, and not so much on the animation.


Another perfect example of this is that when he stacks the instant cast on top of the 1.5 second cast. It is so fluid, precise... and Instant like it should be that both casts fire from the avatar at the same time, which is utlimately why I think swtor will have a difficult time resolving this. Will continue onto why after reviewing the second video I like to watch on this subject.


Lastly, during the combat example in this video.... the user knew how responsive the system was, and only clicked twice, once for each cast. He could COUNT on the system doing what he wanted it to do.




2nd video:

Samdbtto (Thread 1, Page 124) -- TOR Target Switch Responsiveness


2nd video opinion:

Again... I have watched this video over and over, trying to picture it working fluidly. In relation to the first video, I can picture the grenade shooting out of the avatar during the unload animation to make it as fluid as wow, but it would look gay as hell. I just can't seem to put my finger on HOW they can fix this with the current animation system.


Secondly, I feel for this guy playing, because I also find myself mashing every keybind after the gcd to make sure my next cast goes off. You can't have a smooth rotation with this game currently due to this delay.


Yes... I was a wow player, and when I casted vampiric touch, and casted devouring plague mid cast after the gcd, that f'ing devouring plague casted instantly after vampiric touch. In swtor, if I try to follow up with an instant cast after a casted ability, it is NOT instant. Which is why I ultimately bash my keybinds over and over again, because the combat system is so laggy and unresponsive. (not related to FPS lag or network lag, also as in Hey! That fat kid is lagging behind everyone else)





Final thoughts:

I have found myself giving into the BDF on this forum, and haven't been as constructive as I should be... I wanted to change that. I just don't know how BW can fix this with the current animations and there priority over user input.

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Another " nothing is wrong post' with no evidence to show us. Thanks alot


Show the lack of evidence? How am I to do that miracle? Sorry but you need to take a course in critial thinking.


No issues means. None, zero, zip, ziltch. Showing proof where none exist is a feat I'll leave up for mythology.

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They did comment on it, they've acknowledged it, and said they aren't going to speak publicly about it just yet, as it's a complex issue.


That is NOT good enough. They have to show they "care" and stop this robotic community communications. Here is all I ask, if a Dev reads this, all I want is you to post in this thread a DOT ".". That is all, is that too much to ask considering the amount of people involved with this thread? Does that take too much time?


Something vague in some meaningless Q&A is simply not good enough I am sorry to say.

Edited by Xcore
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It is a little irritating, but considering the prominence of such an issue, I am more than certain that it will be fixed in either the next patch, or the patch after that.


It never really bothered me to the point where I thought it would "break" the game. LOL.



Unfortunately, it will. It will make PvP basically unplayable and totally not competitive.

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Also, am I the only one who believes that this is a possible issue on the server's side? It only happens to me when I'm in an instance with about 100+ people, or when there's a lot going on in my area (ie a raid with like 10 adds and a big boss).


Don't blame BioWare until you know the truth surrounding the cause of this issue. Apparently people have forgotten to think outside of the box.

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This thread is reminding me of my experience beta testing FFXIV, another MMO I was really looking forward to. I made a post about how poor the controls were in that game and that it just could not be released in that state and was met with a bunch of posts telling me to "go back to WoW if I want an easier game" as if somehow controlling a game should be part of what is hard.


The controls and responsiveness of a game is one of the fundamentals. It has got to feel intuitive to the point that you don't even think about it anymore and clearly right now it's just not in all cases.


Now I'm not saying that the controls are as bad as they were in FFXIV, but to dismiss the idea that they should be improved is foolish. I really hope that this is addressed (and would love to have some response on their official forums rather than some random post in reddit) because, like that other game, I really want this game to be great and succeed.

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Unfortunately, it will. It will make PvP basically unplayable and totally not competitive.


Really? It never bothered me on PVP! Lol. Maybe it's an issue with your computer(s), but honestly, it has never bothered me very much in PvP.


Also, the only ones QQing about this are the ones on the forums. I never heard any complaints from anybody else in-game. xD

Edited by Sinister-Sith
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That is NOT good enough. They have show they "care" and stop this robotic community communications. Here is all I ask, if a Dev reads this, all I want is you to post in this thread a DOT ".". That is all, is that too much to ask considering the amount of people involved with this thread? Does that take too much time?


Something vague in some meaningless Q&A is simply not good enough I am sorry to say.


That's just too bad then, they'll give the community an answer when they're ready to. Some of you people are just childish.

Edited by Jediwran
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That's just too bad then, they'll give the community an answer when they're ready to. Some of you people are just childish.


On top of that, the Devs aren't going to be "reading this". Instead, they'll be looking at the Customer Service forum!


Lol @ you people thinking your voices will be heard in a forum irrelevant to the game's developments.

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Just wanted to put this out there for people who think having a bad computer or high latency causes this. Currently I am running the game on a Asus V MOBO with 1100T AMD CPU OCed at ~3.8 and a OCed 6950, 6950 is base CBF looking if I flashed it to 6970 or just plain OCed. While in game I get at MOST 50 ping. I am seeing this ability delay with no end since the first hour of play the game. There can be no way you can tell me that "OH it is your computer or your latency" for **** sake if it was I would have NO issues. If your going to comment on the .5 defaulted delay I changed that on first log in. As well as running the game on 100% max I have done it on the lowest possible settings and nothing changed just my FPS went up from the base 65-75 when on max. I hope that BW will at least announce it publicly of what their plans are shortly after the new year or when D3 or any other time consuming grind game comes out I would happily switch.

Sith, level 50 JK Sent. Server: Shadowtown

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That's just too bad then, they'll give the community an answer when they're ready to. Some of you people are just childish.


I'd say we are not childish, but rather want to see this game succeed in a big way. We do not want the Dev's to over look a HUGE issue like playability. We want a simple Dev response in this thread. As you can see, many people agree with the OP :mad:

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That's just too bad then, they'll give the community an answer when they're ready to. Some of you people are just childish.


How many years do we have to wait for an answer to not be childish? The beta testers were bringing this up years ago, and yet no answer, no fixes.


How many more years should we wait?

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How many years do we have to wait for an answer to not be childish? The beta testers were bringing this up years ago, and yet no answer, no fixes.


How many more years should we wait?


How bout taking them at their word that they have acknowledged it, and that it's a complex issue. They can't just wiggle their nose, and fix a complex issue just like that, because you want them to.

Edited by Jediwran
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That is NOT good enough. They have to show they "care" and stop this robotic community communications. Here is all I ask, if a Dev reads this, all I want is you to post in this thread a DOT ".". That is all, is that too much to ask considering the amount of people involved with this thread? Does that take too much time?


Something vague in some meaningless Q&A is simply not good enough I am sorry to say.


I've been a big supporter of your comments in this thread, Xcore, dating back to early in the original thread. But I feel like this is asking a little too much - let me explain why. I was watching this thread and the reddit discussion when Reid said this. I was overjoyed, the very first question I think was about this very thread, and he said, 'We're aware.' That's the dot.


I thought we had "won."


But it didn't take more than THREE POSTS for people to start demanding timelines, more information, explicit approaches, etc. There HAS to be patience. BW HAS acknowledged your discussion of this problem.


Here's what would happen if a dev did post a "."


INSTANTLY, everyone would be asking follow-up questions. "When?" "So you're saying there IS a problem?" "Is it tied to server response or is it the engine?" etc etc.


I think you might be mollified by the "." but it would only cause more and more frustration due to not giving full details and timelines, which, while I would appreciate those things, I don't feel are necessary to "win."


They said they're working on it. Time to move forward.

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