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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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yessir, that was my initial thinking also. Wrap the animation inside the cast time and make it a non-interruptible channeled spell. Wrap it so tight that they both end at the same time. VOILA, problem solved. I understand software development is more than a magic wand but this in theory seems like it would work.


I think the ability to interrupt your own cast is very important for fake casting or changing decisions based on surroundings. Not sure if you meant "not being able to interrupt but be forced to complete the animation".


In any case, some form of animation clipping is absolutely required for any kind of fix here "unless" they add a completely new combat animations style such as Guild Wars 2 is doing so that you can seemlessly "bleed" from one animation into another etc...

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The project is a good example where you lose character control for a second. But that doesn't personally bother me.


What I am mostly concerned is the skills where the effect resolves a second or so after the cast bar.

That I think is misleading in a way to a player, because you can move and cancel the effect after the cast bar has resolved.


This is a particularly nasty challenge for healers... not being able to reliably (by UI reflection) know which exact millisecond your heal will land on your target is asinine.

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This is definitely a major problem. Character response time seems so clunky that it's unreal.


For example, when I'm attempting to execute a killing blow, specifically a melee one, it's almost impossible to gauge. Force-based attacks are bit more lenient, but melee attacks themselves are so sporadic that it just doesn't feel organic.


The overall combat engine as a whole needs a ton of polish.

Edited by brentonj
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I think the ability to interrupt your own cast is very important for fake casting or changing decisions based on surroundings. Not sure if you meant "not being able to interrupt but be forced to complete the animation".


In any case, some form of animation clipping is absolutely required for any kind of fix here "unless" they add a completely new combat animations style such as Guild Wars 2 is doing so that you can seemlessly "bleed" from one animation into another etc...


i meant non-interruptible as in, an enemy couldn't interrupt it.

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I really like what this game does a lot. But that ability delay is so frustrating. It just makes me want to eat my keyboard when some one dies and I had an instant cast heal for a full second but just couldn't get it off due to this bizarre delay.
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I'm pretty sure someone has said this before, but is seems animations are taking priority over user input. And for some reason, this is augmented in PvP.


Hopefully they can fix this eventually. The combat would be so incredibly smooth if they did.

Edited by Jaku
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If they manage to fix it before the "free" month runs out, I guess no harm will be done for the future of this game.

They mentioned there's multiple problems discussed here, with different potential solutions.

I'd like them to release fix by fix, to show that they are taking action and change the mood of the forums.

Also taking it step by step lowers a risk to introduce bunch of new bugs when attempting to fix everything at once.

Edited by complexxLT
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Just a friendly bump reminder that this is the #1! problem in the game right now.....

After playing many mmos this factor is huge especially as a guardian, not landing melee taking 2 seconds for my instant to go through is insane especially in PVP environments.

If not fixed soon, probably will not continue onwards.....

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I'm pretty sure someone has said this before, but is seems animations are taking priority over user input. And for some reason, this is augmented in PvP.


Ah, so that's why when I get shot from all places and my character does the defend animation, I can't get saber ward to activate, right?


Thought it was my PC or lag. :)

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I am having problem understanding what the issue is. ( i have not read the whole thread, only most of the original post and the video)


First of all i can say most of those video seems to be lag or issue specific to some ability, like the mount casting time. I had issue with spell not firing at the right time in warzone when i was playing at high resolution, now that every thing is on low every thing fire instantly.


Note that i said fire instantly and not land instantly, which is what im wondering about this thread. Is it cause ability takes time to land? aka throwing a grenade and then waiting for the grenade to hit your ennemy to damage him?



on a side note: i can do the strafe / heal / strafe / heal just like in the wow video with swtor..

There is a bug tho that doesnt show the cast bar if you cast a spell instantly after you casted a spell and moved at a certain timing. Its an ui bug, not a combat bug.

Edited by boobaffet
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I'm not an awesome PvP(er), but I have been doing it for a long, long time (Since UO.)..And I have to say, I can not play the battlegrounds effectively in this game. The delay is just...infuriating.


To watch long casts, and be stuck in some silly animation, powerless to stun, or stop the other player--even though I'm slamming my "instant" cast button over and over is just--absurd.


This IS your number 1 issue Bioware. This will make or break your MMO. Everything else is absolutely secondary.

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Interesting discussion here, guys:




Major points:




1) Sabotage charge and IA probe have a discrepancy, IA is faster and better


2) Flash grenade for some unknown reason is a 90 second cooldown for smugglers and 60 seconds for IA's.... how does that even happen?


and this dispute:


That many snipes seems a little pointless, as you've used almost half your energy on your most crappiest cover shooting skill. Speed shot and aimed shot make better opening burst skills.


I'd rather do Sabotage Charge > Speed Shot > instant charged burst.



What you'd rather do is irrelevant, fact is that BioWare has failed to balance the game properly because they prioritize animation over actual mechanics.


I myself have only recently made the jump from Op to Scoundrel (we changed factions), but I did notice different abilities felt smoother depending on class. Timing one seemed weird, too, though that's not this issue.

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Note that i said fire instantly and not land instantly, which is what im wondering about this thread. Is it cause ability takes time to land? aka throwing a grenade and then waiting for the grenade to hit your ennemy to damage him?



on a side note: i can do the strafe / heal / strafe / heal just like in the wow video with swtor..


Some moves do have a "travel time", damaging/healing/whatevering as you hit. Some don't.


Snipe seems to have a travel time. Your grenade does the damage before it even leaves your hand. Watch the health bars.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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I cancelled my subscribtion because of this problem. I will subscribe again when this problem is solved. I'm not willing to pay for a game with a broken combat system.


I'd appreciate a statement from BioWare. When do you BioGuys think you'll have this fixed?

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Some moves do have a "travel time", damaging/healing/whatevering as you hit. Some don't.


Snipe seems to have a travel time. Your grenade does the damage before it even leaves your hand. Watch the health bars.


Really ? from what i remember of my smuggler i though it was when the grenade hit.


Anyway, some ability does hit faster/slower than their mirror class (like project/shock).


But what is the problem with ability landing beetween 0.1-1.4 second? As long as you can do 1 ability every 1.5 second it does not really change anything. Stun/interupt/utility are pretty much instant from my experiance.


I think the combat system need some tweak and polish, but i dont see a problem with this specific issue.

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