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10 Good
  1. Hmm. I think your first theory is correct. I rerolled twice during the first month cause I kept feeling like every server I chose was a dud after a couple days. So I would move on until I wound up on a server that was VeryHeavy but I still couldn't find groups for hammer station or athiss so I just gave up. I unsubbed but I joined a guild and even the chatter in that was the same about they saw VeryHeavy server but could never get anything going in a reasonable amount of time.
  2. At work so might as well troll around while I can before tomorrow. I'll be playing Rift for the weekend and then probably just go back to Skyrim or KoA:R demo
  3. I agree for the most part. Look at all the other MMOs and F2Ps. People that say give it time and stuff don't understand the market has changed drastically since 2004. MMOs are not niche anymore. There are fundamental UI and Group features that are needed in today's crop. Not releasing with that content just shows flaws in design.
  4. Subscription ends on the 20th. I haven't paid a sub yet.
  5. I unsubbed. But I thank the fanboys for continuing to pay to beta test this game. Bioware might have fooled me once, but they won't fool me twice. We will see if the servers are going to be hit as bad as some say. Either way, I don't want anyone to lose their jobs at Bioware cause I'm sure it was ea telling them to release.
  6. I don't want SWtOR to fail cause that would mean a lot of people out of a job. I just had high hopes for this game. Really high. And the expectations just didn't materialize at all on a basic fundamental. The only thing in the first real patch for this game I liked was take g the 50s out of PvP. Its enjoyable again...but it's not enough cause the responsiveness of my character and exploration are two things that break this game for me. Plus on a side note, the speed of the mounts is also embarrassing. I'm on a motorized vehicle that feels slow as hell.
  7. If you want to boil it down more, every MMO is about seeing white numbers float above MoBs heads... This game just is too by the numbers. I feel personally that SWtOR isn't doing anything better than what Rift, EQ2, and WoW are doing. I logged into Rift for the first time in months to see if anything had changed since they have a free weekend starting today and it's amazing the difference between Rift and SWtOR. It's responsive, I can find a group to run a dungeon, and being able to transfer for free to a more populated realm is brilliant. Population balances fix themselves almost. I'm not trying to say Rift is the end all be all but coming back from playing SWtOR for months to something that's just plain responsive and runs well is disheartening. I wanted SWtOR to be good. I really did. It's just not there now and will be some time till it is.
  8. Well. They had there chance to keep me but I just can't play a game that's as linear as this. MMOs are mostly about freedom to explore and make friends... I never see anyone outside the fleet and general chat is mostly three people talking with either the words anal, noob, or WoW involved. This game is an on rails RPG. Sad thing I was hoping this would do really well so I could play kotor 3 someday.
  9. That's fine. Everyone has the right to enjoy what they want. Personally. I unsubbed. Tedious questing, talking head cut scenes that drag on longer than they have too, sparse world, no lfg tool, and very poor customer service and QA just don't deserve my $15 a month. Hopefully they get it working cause I kind of enjoyed low level PVP wz's last night but the ability lag just kept reminding me of the sad state of affairs this turned into.
  10. Well, it looks like they just announced a 4hr maintance update but nothing in the confines of another fix. It would be nice to get some sort of confirmation on if that's all we're getting before the 20th deadline or if it indeed is getting pushed past the 30days. A lot of players are looking forward to this patch just because of the PVP change to get 50s in there own bracket.
  11. After a week of testing and other posts from the CSRs on this forum, it begs to be believed there are other fixes that have come together for the ability delay and other crashing issues. Will we see more added to the 1.1 notes or is this it. With no patch this week I can only assume you guys are looking at adding to it but then... /sigh You guys have been great lately with the public spin on continuing issues. (see High Res Textures thread)
  12. After a week of testing and other posts from the CSRs on this forum, it begs to be believed there are other fixes that have come together for the ability delay and other crashing issues. Will we see more added to the 1.1 notes or is this it. With no patch this week I can only assume you guys are looking at adding to it but then... /sigh You guys have been great lately with the public spin on continuing issues. (see High Res Textures thread)
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