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Dear Devs: the KOTET story is great. Thank you.


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I agree OP....too bad you'll likely be drowned out by the haters


GG Bioware...moar plz? :D


Who hates the hater more? only a hater would! give it a rest.

i enjoyed the past 5 years of the game, always supportive of the game and bioware, but with this RNG thing, no thanks. it now depends what bioware does tomorrow that will determine what happens next for me. but i am through jumping through rng hoops. if they remove it i will return happily however.

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Enjoyed it for the most part but did not care for chapter 8 at all. Yet again BW made the choice of which characters we could lose and only gave us two options. Kill one or the other. No save both or kill both. Yes we got the choice of who we lose but is that really a choice as we had zero say on which companions we could take?


Other than that I did enjoy the story.


Like to see where the story is going to go next.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Just two little things to change to enjoy the story more:


1. And most important: give us a rest between chapters. Remove the next chapter autostart. My character wants to do some things between them. Change clothes (with fantastic costume designer feature), do some alerts etc. Let the chapter start when we want it. When we click on some clickable. I always hit escape at the start of new chapter.


2. My personal impression: why in Ch2 on DK every npc (dock workers, guards even astromechs) is like 1.3 of normal size? They are all too big! Even the droids. I don't want to feel small. Male BT3 is supposed to tower over the rest.


But again, as for the story team: very good job. Much, much better than KOTFE -you did your homework.

I'd say its the best storyline in the whole SWTOR

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I'm going to echo the sentiments already put forth in this thread. Thank you to everyone who put this story into our hands. (some spoilery stuff below)


At the end of KOTFE Ch 16 I came to these forums and I was fuming. I had never been so dissatisfied with a story in my gaming life (at least, in a game that I played FOR the story). I cancelled my sub and stomped around because of what I felt was a drawn out, unsatisfying experience.


Well KOTET left me with the exact opposite impression and showed me another example of why I was so hard on BW after KOTFE. I knew what they could produce and what kind of story they were capable of and the delivered with KOTET. I got almost everything out of the story of KOTET that I had hoped for. I actually found myself after the end credits at the end of Ch 9 wandering around the Odessen base looking for the next story mission because I just wanted more. I yearned for more. I wanted to see my character being the Empress she fought so hard to be. I just wanted MORE. That is a much better, much more satisfying feeling than I was left with after KOTFE.


I thoroughly enjoyed this story and look forward to seeing different arcs and responses on my different characters. This is also a change from KOTFE. I have characters still sitting at level 60 because I dont want to have to slog through KOTFE. Meanwhile I am actually looking forward to taking my lvl 65s into KOTET so that they can reach the top of the galactic power structure as well.


I know that this is the end of the story for now, but I hope it isn't the end of our characters' stories altogether (the doomsayers cant help but worm their unfounded doubts into my mind). I really just want to see more of our galactic story. I hope we get the chance soon!

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One more voice chiming in to say that I really enjoyed the vast majority of KotET! Excited to see what comes next.


I enjoyed most of KotET. As it was a significant step-up from the latter half of KotFE.

I particularly liked the Dromund Kaas bit with Empress Acina - the Kaas wilderness was one of the better realised zones of the game I though. Shame there was so little to do there apart from the linear storyline - the area would have been ripe for some exploration/lore elements.

I thought both of the new planets while well done, were achingly under utilised and could have been so much better had we had the freedom to explore (and maybe find a few side quests) to add to our understanding of those places.


The combat in KotET suffered all the same weakness and unimaginative repetitiveness that ruined the latter half of KotFE. Run a bit, fight three skytroopers, run a bit more, fight three skytroopers, run some more, fight 3 skytroopers, run some more fight 4 skytrooper, one of which is a "boss" with spammable CC. Is this really the best we can expect from Bioware?


If we judge KotET in relation to KotFE as a whole it is IMO slightly better than it.

If we judge KotET in relation to the 2nd half of KotFE it is IMO a vast improvement on it.

If we judge KotET in relation to the 1st half of KotFE is is, ever so slightly IMO, less impressive than it.


However, if we judge KotET in relation to any of the Class Stories (with the exception of Trooper which is the most formulaic, unimaginative, third rate drivel in the initial SWtOR release) it is mundane mediocrity at best, and in comparison to things like the IA story it is utter rubbish.


Bioware fed us caviar with the Class Stories and are now feeding McD's rejects and wondering why the player base is not happy.


All The Best


All The Best

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Still have one chapter to go as I am still recuperating after Chapter Six. In terms of 5.0 overall, I mostly support the streamlining and economic currency changes. (Instead of using comms or crystals, I have been outright rank 228 armor/augments/barrels/enhancements/hilts/mods from the trade network)


However, there could be some fine tuning when it comes to drops and like others want the flamethrower ability returned,. Then again I can be bought off easily if the fix for Classic Lightweight Vibrosword Issue is finished.

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