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Everything posted by Yyrmega

  1. Thanks Crazy! here's mine: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/br76
  2. You sir are right! Thank you for putting me back on the right track!!
  3. I unfortunately don't know what happened during closed beta but a critical factor is the length of it. I would love to see if someone did some statistics on rng gearing during at least a couple of weeks. And that's all I am saying, I would like more time with the system before calling it a failure. I do understand the frustration with the grind of the cxp. It is a bit too slow for my taste but I don't pay attention to it and play what I want to play. The crates and gearing are secondary to me. For people who see gear as their number one priority, then yes, it's probably too slow but you can't blame the devs because a part of the community plays with their eyes attached to the cxp bar. So maybe you are right and someone during closed beta had a statistics based critic of the system but there's no way for me to know it. I can only base my judgment on ONE week
  4. That was very brave and obviously true. You do realize you are going to be crucified for that, right?
  5. Do you know? Do all the hatemongers know? That's what I have been saying. People are complaining about something that didn't even happen yet. In a month if people still have crappy gear (provided they do now, because my drops were pretty decent, so maybe I was lucky) then we can all complain all we want. But 1 week in? come on? I'd rather complain about how Arcann isn't romanceable!
  6. Negative is fine when it's CONSTRUCTIVE. The negativity about command crates boils down to judgment based on one week of playing and the mandatory usage of "I am unsubbing" or "White Knight" every time someone disagrees with it. How's it that helping the dev team?
  7. I agree with all your points. Some people here are downright insulting the development team and that is totally unacceptable. But be warned, the community will attack you, even say that you are doing pro-positivity PROPAGANDA Just when you thought you had heard it all...
  8. Well you really didn't understand my point, did you? It's simple, you can't be positive about this game in these for a without being insulted. it's as simple as that. Also please show one post of mine where I am insulting you or anybody else. Time to check on the definition of words you use before, you know, actually using them. And no amount of latin expressions will make you look smarter, sorry. YOU started your post with "you are not very intelligent, are you?" See, this is an insult and the definition of a troll reply. I also got the following: white knight story mode ape see? that is insults. Now regarding your signature, you have every right to put whatever you like in it. I was just mentioning the irony of your critics regarding my thread. Also, why did you remove your signature? Maybe what I said wasn't that silly after all...
  9. I can't believe they didn't think of that! The guy's just HOT!
  10. Looks like you are one of the few who understood the sarcasm. Damn the community! Oh and by the way, I do want Arcann romance-able too!
  11. Please by any means, continue insulting me, you are just proving my point. By the way, you are just talking about one particular point of mine, it's indeed, in reference to all the doom threads, and there are way more than two, just because you decide to ignore them, doesn't prove you right. You missed the WHOLE point of the thread. Please continue talking about intelligence, I need a laugh. And before insulting me, please have a look at YOUR signature. You are proudly displaying that you canceled your sub, like anybody here cares about you do with your $15/month, or that you are entitled enough to show that because of a decision you have been living with for one full week (sarcasm as you will probably not understand it), you will make any difference by putting it in purple in your signature, now THAT is a reasonable and adult decision. Bravo for showing the community the example... (Once again, sarcasm) You are not very bright, are you?
  12. hey now, why would you want to make sense in these fore? I completely agree with your point
  13. Please keep believing everything you read on the internet. That will do you good for sure. How about stepping out in the real world sometimes. Or in our case, IN GAME?
  14. And yet YOU know the status of the gearing of the game's community between now and 1 year. Really?
  15. On the only metrics I have access to. Basically how fast the warzones pop up or sometimes on what is being said in chat IN GAME and not on the fora accessed only by 10% of the game's population.
  16. Disagree. It's the elitism of hardcore people that's killing the game.
  17. While I like and agree with your idea, Aowin has a point. It's ONLY been a week. No one should base their judgment of the system that fast. The sample size is ridiculous. That is, no one, except the devs who have access to the whole community's metrics.
  18. I can't do the math. Only the devs can. You guys are basing your opinion on a very small sample. And that's all I am saying. Nobody likes grinding and I fail to see how this is more grinding than before. (actually in my case, but I agree I have been lucky, it's LESS grind than before) Honestly, did you expect to be geared in FIVE DAYS? And then complain how there's no carrots in this game and nothing to do?
  19. that's right, keep drinking the negativity here and base your opinion on what a nasty vocal minority says on the fora. And I am the one living in a fantasy land? Hahahah. At least mine is nice and happy
  20. Except that you have absolutely no idea how geared people are. Do you have any piece of statistics that proves your point? No, you are basing your disagreement on a bunch of very vocal entitled kids who spend more time here than in game. When and if the devs release hard data on how rng is treating the whole community (and not just 5-6 angry posters) over a larger period of time than FIVE FREAKING DAYS, I have to right to disagree with the negativity seen here. Just look at the tone of the people answering my posts. It's full of hate and insults.
  21. So after 4.0, you had 6 pieces of bonus set and you were full 216 with augments in FIVE DAYS?
  22. Where did I say that? Please don't put words in my posts. And believ me, Pvpers are quite happy about 5.0 And I wasn't sneering at anybody. I just said that I didn't have time to play for a guild 24/7. But by all means, please do.
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