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Customers are starting to flee in droves, everyone is unsubbing!


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I already unsubbed. You're just being a moron here.There are people unsubbing. Doesn't mean the game will fall over and die but to say nobody is unsubbing is a flat out lie...and you know that.


Don't you have to be a sub in order to post here? Or has that changed?


I was unable to post here whenever I let my sub lapse in the past.

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I love it when all you people keep saying, "customers are starting to flee in droves", "Everyone is unsubbing"... like HOW do you know this? Do you work for bioware? A bunch of loud people on the forums doesn't account for even 1% of the player base, the server is full, my guild has 40-50 people on right now. How do you all know? Doom and Gloom every freaking patch.. people said the same thing about level syncing yet here they still are. I don't get it.. if you don't like something put your money where your mouth is, or get a job as a game developer and work for bioware or start your own game. Every patch there is something someone doesn't like. This is the age of the internet where everyone acts like critics and poo's on everything they can because they think it's cool. When I'm not having fun with a game, I move on.. thats what you people need to learn to do, not happy? Move on.. find that happiness. Bioware cannot cater to everyone's needs, and you shouldn't look to bioware to fulfill everything you desire. Just because you're not happy doesn't mean you drag others down with you or try to convince others to follow you. Thanks.


BW having a livestream within one week of launch to address concerns around the CxP system should tell you all you need to know. Outside of marketing expansions, BW only does live when there is a big problem with the sub base. Remember the guild summit? That was done because people were fleeing in droves.


There was no LS post-4.0 launch because people were fine with things. One week after 5.0 launch, they have decided to do one. Oh, the other thing that is different this time is the MMO press is starting to write articles about the problems with the CxP system rather than talk about the good stuff that just came in the expansion. The last time they did this was when almost 75% of the player base left in the Tortanic era.


No, me thinks this time something foul is a foot.

Edited by Wayshuba
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The system is not flawed. It simply does not cater to the "instant gratification, have to have what I want and I have to have it NOW and for as little effort or cost as possible" crowd.


It requires effort and time.



OMG, the inhumanity of it all.


I'm fine with a long endgame grind. In fact I think it can actually be really good for a game because it keeps people around.


But you're kidding yourself if you think that RNG gearing is not a flawed system. The fact that a player can hit command rank 300 and still not have even a full set of gear is flawed. The fact that people around them who haven't played the game or grinded nearly as much to get that far CAN have a full set is flawed.


I'm curious as to if you would have the same opinion if you happened to be the person that reached max command level and still didn't have a BiS gear set, and never got one until the next expansion. While people at command rank 200 have full BiS sets out of pure luck. Would the system still not seem flawed to you then?

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Don't you have to be a sub in order to post here? Or has that changed?


I was unable to post here whenever I let my sub lapse in the past.

When you cancel your subscription, it doesn't cut you off from the game immediately. More likely than not there will be time left on it. Especially if you had a 3 or 6 month recurring.


On top of that, you don't lose the ability to post when your sub time ends, but rather the first forum maintenance after your sub time ends.


But...yes, I really did unsubscribe. Bioware knows that for a fact.

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I love it when all you people keep saying, "customers are starting to flee in droves", "Everyone is unsubbing"... like HOW do you know this? Do you work for bioware? A bunch of loud people on the forums doesn't account for even 1% of the player base, the server is full, my guild has 40-50 people on right now. How do you all know? Doom and Gloom every freaking patch.. people said the same thing about level syncing yet here they still are. I don't get it.. if you don't like something put your money where your mouth is, or get a job as a game developer and work for bioware or start your own game. Every patch there is something someone doesn't like. This is the age of the internet where everyone acts like critics and poo's on everything they can because they think it's cool. When I'm not having fun with a game, I move on.. thats what you people need to learn to do, not happy? Move on.. find that happiness. Bioware cannot cater to everyone's needs, and you shouldn't look to bioware to fulfill everything you desire. Just because you're not happy doesn't mean you drag others down with you or try to convince others to follow you. Thanks.


I agree with you. Even if I kind of don't like the RNG system, it is not a good reason for saying things like "Killed the game, omg I'll unsub, BW doesn't listen to fans"

Still, people are free to do what they want. I think the system is really good for casual players, since they'll run mostly heroics and dailies/weeklies, but not HM FPs or Ops. They can tweak the system by bringing back boss loot and increasing the gold mobs CXP to at least 5. That will shut up a good part of complaining players.


"You want to gear faster? Fine, play HM FPs and Ops. You want to casually enjoy the game? Awesome, do anything you want, gain CXP and get rewarded for it!"

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I love it when all you people keep saying, "customers are starting to flee in droves", "Everyone is unsubbing"... like HOW do you know this? Do you work for bioware? A bunch of loud people on the forums doesn't account for even 1% of the player base, the server is full, my guild has 40-50 people on right now. How do you all know? Doom and Gloom every freaking patch.. people said the same thing about level syncing yet here they still are. I don't get it.. if you don't like something put your money where your mouth is, or get a job as a game developer and work for bioware or start your own game. Every patch there is something someone doesn't like. This is the age of the internet where everyone acts like critics and poo's on everything they can because they think it's cool. When I'm not having fun with a game, I move on.. thats what you people need to learn to do, not happy? Move on.. find that happiness. Bioware cannot cater to everyone's needs, and you shouldn't look to bioware to fulfill everything you desire. Just because you're not happy doesn't mean you drag others down with you or try to convince others to follow you. Thanks.


We will see on the 8th with that livestream. Dependent on how it turns out, the joke is either on you and you will see your ignorance turned to ashes before long, but thats your problem. or you could be right when Bioware take steps to rectify the RNG mistake that will bring the players back.


Whatever the case, on the 8th is when the community will know what will happen.

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Nobody works for Bioware but everyone has friends and guilds. I have been moving from guild to guild ever since 3.0 as all guilds have been disbanded cause people kept on leaving!!


I have stated this before I pretty much knew 70-100 people in the game and from that I only know around 10-15 that stayed, if other players can say the same we are talking about ten thousands of players leaving the game so yes, it is pretty bad now.

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Don't you have to be a sub in order to post here? Or has that changed?


I was unable to post here whenever I let my sub lapse in the past.


For the most part yes. But all the people who unsub have already paid for the current/last month so normally there are between 1 and 30 days of remaining sub. Also forums reset only when they do backend maintenance so even if the sub has lapsed people have free time on them until next tuesday.

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Dude, I would run with ya. Sorc heals but my sub runs out on the 28th of this month and I am trying to get my monies worth. Just struggling to grind. Only fun atm is pvp as Uprisings became boring after the 30+ runs. My gear is not good enough to heal HM's so I am stuck with being a story mode hero till RNGeezus decides to give me the gear I need to HM. I don't think I will get it b4 28th of this month. My raidng guild died at the end of 3.0 so I am basically solo mode.


No point sticking around really. If I can't get the gear to go HM raiding there is no point in playing content I have been doing for 5 years already.


I feel you on all points made.. and ty for the offer on running **** lol it was just really nice to have someone to run the crappy uprising with even if they are horried and boring after imo the 4th time you've run them story/hard both are boring and way to easy.. I should probably be unsubbing soon myself. God knows why I was stupid enough to think somehow someway 5.0 would turn things around for us...

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I did more than unsubbing. I wrote a very long complaint petition to EA about Bioware Austin describing how incompetent they are and how unprofitable it is for EA to keep them around. Also, I posted some topics about this here and there so that other people do this as well.
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Just to pick one of these classic lines up:


Just because you're happy with it doesn't mean everyone else is.


This also holds true vice versa, people. Just because YOU are unhappy, hateful, quitting, unsubbing, maybe even farting into the Devs' faces in your dreams because of 5.0... it doesn't mean everyone else is.


I think there's room to accomodate for both of the warring factions on here, since most people are prone to a more or less strong confirmation bias and look for peer groups in which their opinions are being amplified. There's dead servers in this game, I see that, and they will most likely not be revived - but there's also still some servers with a decent, good player population. On my Server, average population has slightly increased since 5.0, and even in the largest guild I'm in, I've not been hearing any complaints about player numbers. The struggle with RNG is real, and many guys from my guild hope for a fix to that as well as for a less grindy CXP progression (partly un-nerfing golds, for example...) But I have met no one so far in-game who has rage-quit over 5.0, or sort of the like.


Stay calm and game on! (wherever you find what you're looking for ;))

Edited by force_fortytwo
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Just to pick one of these classic lines up:




This also holds true vice versa, people. Just because YOU are unhappy, hateful, quitting, unsubbing, maybe even farting into the Devs' faces in your dreams because of 5.0... it doesn't mean everyone else is.


I think there's room to accomodate for both of the warring factions on here, since most people are prone to a more or less strong confirmation bias and look for peer groups in which their opinions are being amplified. There's dead servers in this game, I see that, and they will most likely not be revived - but there's also still some servers with a decent, good player population. On my Server, average population has slightly increased since 5.0, and even in the largest guild I'm in, I've not been hearing any complaints about player numbers. The struggle with RNG is real, and many guys from my guild hope for a fix to that as well as for a less grindy CXP progression (partly un-nerfing golds, for example...) But I have met no one so far in-game who has rage-quit over 5.0, or sort of the like.


Stay calm and game on! (wherever you find what you're looking for ;))


Of course you haven't met people who have left.


But I bet you have met people who have already unsubbed and just gives GC a chance while their active sub time runs out.

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Just to pick one of these classic lines up:




This also holds true vice versa, people. Just because YOU are unhappy, hateful, quitting, unsubbing, maybe even farting into the Devs' faces in your dreams because of 5.0... it doesn't mean everyone else is.


I think there's room to accomodate for both of the warring factions on here, since most people are prone to a more or less strong confirmation bias and look for peer groups in which their opinions are being amplified. There's dead servers in this game, I see that, and they will most likely not be revived - but there's also still some servers with a decent, good player population. On my Server, average population has slightly increased since 5.0, and even in the largest guild I'm in, I've not been hearing any complaints about player numbers. The struggle with RNG is real, and many guys from my guild hope for a fix to that as well as for a less grindy CXP progression (partly un-nerfing golds, for example...) But I have met no one so far in-game who has rage-quit over 5.0, or sort of the like.


Stay calm and game on! (wherever you find what you're looking for ;))

Really? Wait for a month and see if anyone is left. I am on the Harbinger, which is probably the most populated server in the game, and yesterday we got a server rollback at the peak hour. No word from BW. How am I supposed to game on at this point?


Now, we also have a hacker problem who even puts his videos on YouTube, wrecking ranked pvp, and again no action is being taken. Incompetence to such extent is unforgivable.


This is not a game to play anymore.

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I see it as the other way around. A lot of people are coming back to the game, I am one of them. No more boring OPs to grind being the best addition along with finally have a reason to do Ranked PvP.


Ya buddy! Give it a month or two :rak_03: we'll see if your still getting those ranked pops m8.

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No one is unsubbing. They're just making spectacles out of themselves to strong arm BW for attention. They should really stop because Bioware can simply look at the accounts and see subbed status. No use blowing smoke out the rear lying about it. Only makes them look silly to the devs.


I guess I'm no one then. Not that I know you, or you me, but still. Thanks a lot.

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I love it when all you people keep saying, "customers are starting to flee in droves", "Everyone is unsubbing"... like HOW do you know this? Do you work for bioware? A bunch of loud people on the forums doesn't account for even 1% of the player base, the server is full, my guild has 40-50 people on right now. How do you all know? Doom and Gloom every freaking patch.. people said the same thing about level syncing yet here they still are. I don't get it.. if you don't like something put your money where your mouth is, or get a job as a game developer and work for bioware or start your own game. Every patch there is something someone doesn't like. This is the age of the internet where everyone acts like critics and poo's on everything they can because they think it's cool. When I'm not having fun with a game, I move on.. thats what you people need to learn to do, not happy? Move on.. find that happiness. Bioware cannot cater to everyone's needs, and you shouldn't look to bioware to fulfill everything you desire. Just because you're not happy doesn't mean you drag others down with you or try to convince others to follow you. Thanks.


In my guild we were more than 900 (mains and alts). 30 players every night. Now im the only one active. They dont left the guild. They left the game. I dont know why im still playing swtor.

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W/O seeing the data from Bioware it's impossible to tell right now.


There's ALWAYS a large uptick in players at expansion time.

There's ALWAYS that initial group of people who don't like something new and quit.


In two months we the players will be able to see any population changes.


I can only say what I have seen in my small corner of the game...I've seen people saying they aren't re-subbing. When their current sub runs out, they're gone. 2 months from now, 4 months from now...those are people who have been here since launch cancelling strictly because of this RNG system.

Edited by Darevsool
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As I said, the system simply does not cater to the ' instant gratification, have to have it NOW and for as little effort


You know that with GC you actually get rewarded for not doing anything at all, outside of queueing for pvp, accepting an invite and make sure you're not being kicked from the wz? You get gear for literally being afk and it's even one of the fastest possibilities to get it after the nerf to gold mobs.

Hows that in your "People should work for their stuff"?


No one has a problem with grinding for gear. The problem lies within RNG. Do you get gear at all?(I had multiple chests without any gear at all). Is it actually worth it? Why did they need to put green and blue stuff in there?

If the grind would remain the same, but you could actually choose what to get after a GC rank up, most of the people probably wouldn't complain.

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And many is just waiting to see if BioWare makes any response or adjustment to the Command Rank / Crate system, and if not it's game over for most of em.


You can't expect players that has done most of the old content over and over to spend 100s of hour doing the same again for trinkets, and getting to rank 15-20 is easy, then it starts to slow down due to increase in CXP needed for each rank.


The longer it takes to get a Crate and then finding nothing of use in it will make players just stop loging in.


Sure 4.0 was to easy to get gear, but 5.0 did go FAR to long in the other direction.


So we will see if I have a guild and raid group after the steam tonight.....

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Returning after many months, and even on Harbinger, the population seems at best static to levels seen shortly after 4.0, and much, much lower on other servers.


Personally, I returned and paid for one month, and immediately cancelled to ensure I was not billed for any future months.


And my reasons are simple, most of the people I know personally have not and will not return, while the content is the same as it has been for years outside the new story (and while the new chapters are good, they do not provide much in the way of replay value).


And this is before looking at the absurd GC RNG lottery gearing system, which if I had actually considered sticking around with the lack of new repeatable content, would have been enough to say 'no thanks'.

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Returning after many months, and even on Harbinger, the population seems at best static to levels seen shortly after 4.0, and much, much lower on other servers.


Personally, I returned and paid for one month, and immediately cancelled to ensure I was not billed for any future months.


And my reasons are simple, most of the people I know personally have not and will not return, while the content is the same as it has been for years outside the new story (and while the new chapters are good, they do not provide much in the way of replay value).


And this is before looking at the absurd GC RNG lottery gearing system, which if I had actually considered sticking around with the lack of new repeatable content, would have been enough to say 'no thanks'.



In a way I see EA/BW exploiting there customers with the command boosts to make them more $$ and leaving real game issues in a pile of rankor pudu. In other words slim chance in finding decent amount of RNG loot unless you get a boost from the store...

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Just to pick one of these classic lines up:




This also holds true vice versa, people. Just because YOU are unhappy, hateful, quitting, unsubbing, maybe even farting into the Devs' faces in your dreams because of 5.0... it doesn't mean everyone else is.


I think there's room to accomodate for both of the warring factions on here, since most people are prone to a more or less strong confirmation bias and look for peer groups in which their opinions are being amplified. There's dead servers in this game, I see that, and they will most likely not be revived - but there's also still some servers with a decent, good player population. On my Server, average population has slightly increased since 5.0, and even in the largest guild I'm in, I've not been hearing any complaints about player numbers. The struggle with RNG is real, and many guys from my guild hope for a fix to that as well as for a less grindy CXP progression (partly un-nerfing golds, for example...) But I have met no one so far in-game who has rage-quit over 5.0, or sort of the like.


Stay calm and game on! (wherever you find what you're looking for ;))


So you like the changes? That's nice for you. However, if the majority of players do not like the changes, and a good portion of those players stop putting money into the game, then the game you claim to love so much will die. Period. End of discussion. It won't matter how much you like it or how much RNGesus loves you when it comes to opening crates. The lights will be turned off and it will all be over. You can keep saying how much you like it until the day the servers shut down and it won't change a damn thing if too many other people hate it and leave.


Try thinking about more than your own opinion and your own benefit for once. The fact EAWare has scheduled an emergency live stream during their usual holiday vacation month means something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and my money is on a wave of subscription cancellations scaring them as the cause.

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