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When all threads are negative, it's bad.


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When just about every thread started on the forums is negative, then there is definitely a problem. Especially when they aren't all about the same thing, but do have an underlying theme or "bad Bioware"


Sure there are usually lots of bad threads, but there are so many and people are so angry in all of them about the 5.0 expansion, that it's time EAware addressed the community in someway to try and do something, that's if it's not already too late.


To be honest, I'm not sure why this bad expansion hasn't made the gaming press or review sites. It's obvious to most of the community that this is a major failure on so many fronts, that it actually shadows any of the good parts of the expansion.


I would love to see an honest review in the gaming media that takes the time to look at the way the game has progressed since launch with its ups and downs and what the original, older, current and new player bases think.

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When just about every thread started on the forums is negative, then there is definitely a problem. Especially when they aren't all about the same thing, but do have an underlying theme or "bad Bioware"


Sure there are usually lots of bad threads, but there are so many and people are so angry in all of them about the 5.0 expansion, that it's time EAware addressed the community in someway to try and do something, that's if it's not already too late.


To be honest, I'm not sure why this bad expansion hasn't made the gaming press or review sites. It's obvious to most of the community that this is a major failure on so many fronts, that it actually shadows any of the good parts of the expansion.


I would love to see an honest review in the gaming media that takes the time to look at the way the game has progressed since launch with its ups and downs and what the original, older, current and new player bases think.


This was my thought as well. Ofc, we are all evil, BW-hating ppl who post on forums, but still, I don't remember another time when the first few pages are 90% negative (and their comments, too). If devs truly read these forums, this should alarm them. But it's almost time for their annual 2 month vacation...

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Most gaming forums are negative. The game isn't bad. There are some things needing improvement but people see forums as a means to whinge. I whinge about the 1 cxp in heroics but I'm over it now. It won't make me quit but I sure as heck will not be buying boosts.


lol @whinge! haven't heard that one for a while now ! come on! *throw pitch fork* join tha fun! :p

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Most gaming forums are negative.

I don't know that this is true.


I'll say that the FFXIV forums used to be terribly negative. Then they shut the game down, put a new person in charge, revamped it, and re-released it as a significant improvement. These days, the forum is mostly people talking about the game in a positive light.


On a non-MMO front, have you ever visited The Witcher forum? Both the official forums and the subreddit are so filled with praise and compliments, it's almost embarrassing.


While SWTOR has had it's share of complaint threads going back to the beginning, there was a time when the majority of the threads were people talking about quests. Or crafting. Or tips on group content. Or different hybrid builds. Or theorycrafting. Or boss mechanics.


These things still happen, but certainly not as frequently. So while you can sit back and say that "everyone complains", there used to be a time when the complaint threads could be easily drowned out.

Edited by Khevar
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It is bad but my guess is a lot of players won't really care.


So I don't expect SWTOR to die out but I think the amount of people leaving because of it will make it that this expansion will not have a positive effect on the overall population. Maybe they know this and plan on cashing in on the existing subs. Milk the paying customer some more...that's how I see the CXP boosts.

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I don't know that this is true.


I'll say that the FFXIV forums used to be terribly negative. Then they shut the game down, put a new person in charge, revamped it, and re-released it as a significant improvement. These days, the forum is mostly people talking about the game in a positive light.


On a non-MMO front, have you ever visited The Witcher forum? Both the official forums and the subreddit are so filled with praise and compliments, it's almost embarrassing.


While SWTOR has had it's share of complaint threads going back to the beginning, there was a time when the majority of the threads were people talking about quests. Or crafting. Or tips on group content. Or different hybrid builds. Or theorycrafting. Or boss mechanics.


These things still happen, but certainly not as frequently. So while you can sit back and say that "everyone complains", there used to be a time when the complaint threads could be easily drowned out.


My hubby says it's the case for all of his games except the one where they flew out the top players to discuss how to improve the game in the development studio. He says people who like to complain seek out the forums to complain. People who like the game are too busy playing the game to go to the forums and talk about how great it Is

Edited by americanaussie
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I think the difference here and others MMO..is there is a dialogue that can shift the mood . Here there is NONE . And before someone come with that sorry exuses of 'Damned if you do and damned if you don't ' I recommand ''You do!'' .


Take a look at The Secret World General Discussion Thread: https://forums.thesecretworld.com/forumdisplay.php?7-General


Guild Wars 2: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2


Every game will have it's up and down . But the lack of communication is what will bury this game . Not the doom sayer , not the lame implemantation . But themself .

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This was my thought as well. Ofc, we are all evil, BW-hating ppl who post on forums, but still, I don't remember another time when the first few pages are 90% negative (and their comments, too). If devs truly read these forums, this should alarm them. But it's almost time for their annual 2 month vacation...


There's one other time I can recall almost all the threads being negative.


When they

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All MMOs have had negative threads for ages, this is nothing new. Even WoW has it by the dozens and hundreds.


Don't get me wrong, I expect heaps of negative threads, every other game forum has them and swtor has always got more than any others.

But since 5.0 and even leading up to it, there have been a massive increase of them. Now just about every thread title is negative and content of the threads has huge amounts of hate and rage.

Anything good in the expansion has been glossed over or basically forgotten. There is so much wrong with this expansion, that the anger needs to be addressed by a Bioware. The bad has drowned out the good. The Devs can do as many streams or cantinas as they want and promote all the good stuff, but it will be a waste until they talk about the herd of elephants in the room.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Clearly a lot of people here haven't been to FF14's forums.


Majority of threads there are positive. In general it's a happy and healthy community because there is direct communication between them and the devs. The head dev himself replies to some threads. He praises hardcore raiders/world first groups. There was an entire FF14 event that was about thanking the community for being so good and for playing the game. That event actually made me feel something.


So no, not all MMO forums are filled with negative threads. Stop using that as an excuse for SWTOR's forums.

Edited by Radzkie
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the question is, what topic should we discuss?



what about theorycrafting?

it doesn't matter, because the classes are that unbalanced,

that they need to fix it. so it is a nice-to-know and let us wait,

what they will fix.


what about crafting?

crafting for what? you get some schematics from your

crates and operations. the crate-things are just crap to

desintegrate. nothing more. to use the other...for what?

u can run sm with no gear and vm with the old 224. why

us should craft higher gear? this will cost billions, to get

a nice equip, you will get later.


what about missions and bosses?

is there anything new? no.

okay. we have some uprisings, we have the dvl-bosses.

everything was online witht the release. nothing special,

all known. we don't need to discuss that.


what is left?

we have heavy bugs in this game;

lags, lost translations, missing options, graphic problems,

you stuck everywhere, many invisible walls in the chapters...


we all know, that a new expansion will bring us many new bugs.

but if they implement something, they should have checked it once.

but that noone of the dvl-bosses is added to your legacy just shows

you, that noone ever tested it.

just because they didn't saw the people to try out raising the GC-rank fast,

they decreased the amount of points for a goldy. they fixed the button for

heroics, they fixed the desintegrate bug... yes, it is okay, if they fix something,

but they always just fix things, that is for player-disadvantage, mostly never,

to fix a problem to help players. this is always with a very low priority.


and the support:

please read patchnots, i'm sorry i can't help. just do that thing as long as it

works and send neu /bug-reports. wohooo...


we all really understand, that they need time to fix many things. but really?

why did they never tested it, just before release? many things are really great,

but not thought far enough.



noone really wants swtor to die. we all want it "to be great again".

but at the moment we have that much problems ingame.


some guild mates, willing to go one the game say,

that they keep every box, every cxp-booster, until they

fix it, or they add some new content. this expansion was praised

as one of the biggest ever, but if you look at it, it is much smaller

than 4.0 and that wasn't that big.

after SoR-release they promised never let us wait so long for a new

operation and i really like ToS and rav. but take a look at the release-date

and in what year we are now. sorry. we don't forget it. it is simple: this was a lie,

proofed. and they really don't care about.


everything would be okay and the most subs will stay, if they just be honest and

explain what is they idea behind and what we could expect when in future. it is

not that way, that we want something at a special date. but we need a timetable.


but their fear is, if they announce that there will be a new operation in late summer,

that the rest will unsub. but with the lack of information and also with ignoring

all the problem we have ingame, don't giving back any feedback, the most will go

away and not coming back.

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People have really short memories.


If you want a history lesson in explosions of negativity in swtor forums, remember:

- Ravagers exploit

- slot machine nerf

- pvp merc survivability

- TOS bugs

- really the list goes on and on and on.


Heck there were people screaming they were unsubbing because they had to walk everywhere for the first 15 levels when the game first launched. There were so many tears and threats to quit because of all the loading screens between planets.


My point is there is always discontent, especially in forums. If we only ever posted happy thoughts, no one would ever read them. We love drama, and we like to whinge because it's cathartic. A majority of people threatening to quit either don't or eventually come back. You won't see them posting because they are likely preferred. Their loss.


The end of the world is not nigh, we've been here before people.

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When just about every thread started on the forums is negative, then there is definitely a problem. Especially when they aren't all about the same thing, but do have an underlying theme or "bad Bioware"


Sure there are usually lots of bad threads, but there are so many and people are so angry in all of them about the 5.0 expansion, that it's time EAware addressed the community in someway to try and do something, that's if it's not already too late.


To be honest, I'm not sure why this bad expansion hasn't made the gaming press or review sites. It's obvious to most of the community that this is a major failure on so many fronts, that it actually shadows any of the good parts of the expansion.


I would love to see an honest review in the gaming media that takes the time to look at the way the game has progressed since launch with its ups and downs and what the original, older, current and new player bases think.


Are you joking? They just started to sell cxp boosters LOL! Thats all, finish, caput, finita la comedia. The game is b2w from now on, no normal players will come here...

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When just about every thread started on the forums is negative, then there is definitely a problem.


Yes, with the forumers. Some people should just go out for a bit, have a nice walk, meet friends, have a beer at a bar. Get some perspective on life. Or do a double work shift like I did yesterday from 5 to 22. Trust me, the last thing you want to do after that is complaining on a forum about a game. ;)

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When just about every thread started on the forums is negative, then there is definitely a problem. Especially when they aren't all about the same thing, but do have an underlying theme or "bad Bioware"


Sure there are usually lots of bad threads, but there are so many and people are so angry in all of them about the 5.0 expansion, that it's time EAware addressed the community in someway to try and do something, that's if it's not already too late.


To be honest, I'm not sure why this bad expansion hasn't made the gaming press or review sites. It's obvious to most of the community that this is a major failure on so many fronts, that it actually shadows any of the good parts of the expansion.


I would love to see an honest review in the gaming media that takes the time to look at the way the game has progressed since launch with its ups and downs and what the original, older, current and new player bases think.


Nah, that's not how marketing people think. Have you heard the phrase "There is no such thing as bad publicity" ? I think they created it.

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My hubby says it's the case for all of his games except the one where they flew out the top players to discuss how to improve the game in the development studio. He says people who like to complain seek out the forums to complain. People who like the game are too busy playing the game to go to the forums and talk about how great it Is

Ah yes, The Division.


What your hubby didn't tell you, is that prior to patch 1.4, their forums and subreddit were chock-a-block filled with ranting, frustrated, angry posters, filled with more salt than the Atlantic Ocean.


And the biggest complaints? Too much RNG on the gear, and the devs weren't listening to the playerbase.


Tell me that doesn't sound familiar. :eek:


Massive Entertainment's solution, which was to fly a handful of players out to the studio, and interact with them while they played the game (while these players posted feedback online of their discussions and what was happening), resulted in a significant uptick of respect for the studio. First of all, they publicly acknowledged that something was obviously not right if players were unhappy. They then actually listened. And they made improvements to the game.


Those forums weren't negative because "gamers are horrible people". Or "the happy people were all playing instead of posting on the forums"


And the forums didn't improve because of some mysterious reason, either. It's because they ate some crow, started listening to their playerbase, and made changes that would make the game MORE FUN. Not MORE GRINDY.

Edited by Khevar
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Are you joking? They just started to sell cxp boosters LOL! Thats all, finish, caput, finita la comedia. The game is b2w from now on, no normal players will come here...


Which is what should be said by game reviewers. Maybe then someone higher up the food chain will look at the cancer killing the game.

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Theres only negative threads on forums because unhappy people are not playing and rather typing, and all happy people are playing the game not caring who cries and were. Usually when people are happy with what they got they don't say a word, they just play.
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Nah, that's not how marketing people think. Have you heard the phrase "There is no such thing as bad publicity" ? I think they created it.


Yeah, I learned that to. Worked with a few companies who had that motto and they went under. That saying is really there for incompetent people to hide behind and make excuses when they f up.


With the way the world is today with social media and things going viral, having too much negative press can be a death nail. But having good viral feed back can launch you to the stratosphere.


For an IT industry company, you'd think they could work that out. My guess is the people making the decisions at the top of EA still use a pen, paper and slide rule when trying to figure stuff out.

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SWG has negative posting as well in their forums. I used to have a bet with a friend how many negative posts we could find in those forums. I loved SWG but some people would do nothing but complain about this or that up until they announced the game was closing and then those people were floored.


People like to complain over everything anymore. Yes I don't like some things but (like the RNG for the command crates) but I do like the idea of having a way for others to get the gear instead of making it restrictive to operations. Maybe they can fix the RNG who knows but for now I will see what they do.


I also have a choice to either rely on the gear drops or make my own since I have crafters. Sure it will not be set bonuses but I can handle that until they drop.


I took a break from TOR over the summer and will see what they do here but I also know it will not happen over the holidays. If they make any changes it will not be until late Jan or Feb as this is a proven record for them during this time of the year.

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