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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Biggest 5.0 Gripes - List Yours!


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This one is too funny. Can not quit game without logging out first.


Yeah, noticed that yesterday.


Makes you wonder why it is they can't release new content without breaking old stuff that hasn't even been changed.


It would be like changing a tire on your car and the engine block drops out. I mean that is a whole new level of incompetence.


All The Best

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1. I had to choose dark dialogue options just to get rid of companions i don't care about. (Arcan and his mommy BS in first chapter).

2. My mercenary who has nothing to do with the force is stuck in Valcs force games and DvL idiocity. Chosen cliche in general.

3. Walker "new" "gameplay" that is not optional.

4. Top menu design fail.

5. Stuck with Lana Failiko as a companion for too long.

6. Cutscene camera angles showing us all these terrible textures. (Never payed that much attention to this before, so im not sure if its just me or their bad design decisions).

7. 250k credits for a companion gift... even half of that is way too much.

8. Waves of... not only skytroopers.

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- companions not returning(no reason to do story with more then one character)

- story is the same for all classes(no replay value)

- doesn't seem like we will be getting monthly story patches.


I only play for the story elements, so not sure why I should stay subbed once I am done my run through the current chapters.

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- companions not returning(no reason to do story with more then one character)

- story is the same for all classes(no replay value)

- doesn't seem like we will be getting monthly story patches.


I only play for the story elements, so not sure why I should stay subbed once I am done my run through the current chapters.


They are counting on players playing the gear-up grind.


Problem is with no new content once you've done the story once there's no reason to need the new gear.


All The Best

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* The menu

* The DvL fixed banners

* That if i want to play neutral i need to shift constantly aligment because everything gives points now and you don't always notice. Even Crew skill missions gives points. It would be nice and makes a LOT more sense if using a crew skill give you (even a little) companion influence.

* That my assasin lost lots of abilities. Haven't tested my sentinel yet.

* That my work in progress PowerTech AP is a joke. Really, the changes were not only to the ability name/animation and maybe a little damage. DFA was 30m range. The new one is 10m. Explosive Dart replacement the same thing. So if you choose Adv Prot, before lvl 42 the only way to make damage from over 10/12m is with the simple blaster shot. Wasn't BH suposed to be a ranged class? I feel like playing an assasin (or at least how assasin used to be) Well, Minus stealth, minus lacerate, plus channel time of Deadly Onslaught... From my understanding the PT used to have a nice balance of close, mid and long range: No need to keep enemies away no need to run to them. Now i loose a lot of time chasing enemies. Grapple works for only ONE enemy, not with mobs and too much time on CD.

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RNG gearing is as bad as I expected.


Way to go bw. Way to go. You implemented a totally broken system for gearing, trashing a well designed token system we had for years just to hide how little content there actually is as you hope gamers will once again do years old content.


So many words I could use but best not to about CXP and random gearing loot boxes.


It's like they created a system that mimicked the cartel boxes in the hopes to drive gamers to buy more random chances at "things".


It's just atrocious gearing in an MMO and thats before I get into the mediocre story. Topping my list this time for worst chapter is you Chapter 6. Others were bad but talk about not entertaining or fun.

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Here's another gripe that might go unnoticed, but still one that those sly money grubbing dogs at bioware forced in.


So before you could change the size and set opacity to 0 for the cartel market icon, so that it was nearly invisible. I did that with mine, so that the bright orange CM icon did not attract my attention, or detract from what is going on, on screen. However, Bioware doesn't like that. They want you to have a constant reminder that there is a CM. So now they have reverted it back to a default large bright orange spot (not even in the same style as the other menu bar icons) with no way to change it. You sure showed us Bioware! What a F'king joke.

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1. RNG gearing. I'm still level 69 so i didn't try it personally but reading the forums makes me think it's as awful as i thought it would be.

2. The new menu bar.

3. This weird bug that changes your char's outfit when they're in walker/giant robot.

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Old pvp weapons and deco now requiring valor just to use!

This really is demoralizing. I put in the effort and earned those weapons. Now all of a sudden I can't use them? Across all my characters, I put quite a lot of time into these - but I never would have devoted a minute to them if the requirement at the time had been Valor in the 30s and 40s.


That really makes me feel cheated. I can't claim to be a 20-year MMO veteran, but I've never seen anything like this happen or even imagined it could. Changing the rules and taking away something I already earned? Just...not good. Given the psychology of loss aversion, you'd think the devs would realize the kind of negative vibes for the game this generates.


The solution, which someone suggested here when Bioware asked for feedback, is simple: make the valor requirement to PURCHASE the items, if you must, but leave the requirements to EQUIP them alone for people who already have them.

-Changes to PT's Flamethrower and the removal of DFA from the class. Hate both the new versions.

-Change to Ravage. The damage is just....lol.

Yep, removal of iconic abilities is one of my top gripes. As far as Ravage (and the jedi version)...it's losing the animation that I really hate. It was so great on both sides, and so iconic. It really added to the feel of the classes. A lot. At LEAST bring the old Ravage back for the Tank disciplines.

The "THE LIGHT SIDE/DARK SIDE GROWS STRONGER" bar that pops up. It just now appeared again, so I delved into the interface editor to find a way to turn it off/minimize it... and it doesn't show up there. Meaning, there's no way to turn it off or at least move it to a corner of the screen that it won't be that distracting. THAT'S very annoying.


This is my top gripe. It just plain interferes with enjoying the game on a regular basis, no matter what class you're playing, no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing. Let us turn it off.


Overall, no update to any game has ever demoralized me the way this one has. Sure, there are always changes I don't like. But this is something of a different order. The vanilla content of this game is a rare jewel, a sprawling expanse of story and exploration and combat that was created at great risk, back when Bioware took chances on crazily awesome ideas. But increasingly, it's a jewel that's besmirched with the crap that's currently being released. I don't mind the crap, as long as it stays separate where I don't have to be involved with it. But the whole problem is, you're getting it on the jewel. Stop taking things away that are far superior to the things you're able to make now.


It feels like, not even so much that the devs don't care about the game, but they don't even understand what its appeal is for people who do care about it. Also, that many things just aren't being thought through at all.


And the fact that I even have to tell you that I want to be able to block pop-ups is just embarrassing.

Edited by Clarian
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Why on Earth take the DvL achievements away. A lot of people play for the achievements, and not a way to build trust in players.

Also please open 5.0 up for prefs and f2p. I miss my friends.

If there was choice of keeping my pref friends and playing in 4.0, or playing 5.0 I would take the former any day !

Edited by Berenices
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It's like they created a system that mimicked the cartel boxes in the hopes to drive gamers to buy more random chances at "things".


It's just atrocious gearing in an MMO and thats before I get into the mediocre story. Topping my list this time for worst chapter is you Chapter 6. Others were bad but talk about not entertaining or fun.


I haven't any doubt that ^that^ is exactly what they're doing, and why. I said it before, I'll say it again:


We are being "groomed", and have been for a very, very long time.


But hey, let's all just keep convincing ourselves that we're helping to




SAVE TEH GAEM!!!111onononeeleven!!




by continuing to buy dog**** with the StarWars logo on it just because it's StarWars, that'll show them!


[/me smiles cynically]


Well, maybe it will/already has, at that...


(Just not what most of us who have actual standards know they need to see.)

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Only thing I dislike are bugs.


Story was serviceable and enemies weren't as bad as KotFE, still a lot of fights but not as many as KotFE and bosses didn't have that annoying immune stage.


Galactic Commands, first impression was solid but I hope they tweak it a little bit more and make it faster to gain points. I saw an option in the instance button under the mini map to change story to a veteran difficulty, wanted to see how much points I'll gain but still gained 20 for bonus and finishing. Compared to PvP just seems like a waste of time.

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Removal of real controlled progression in endgame or getting set items and such.


Anything else i can coup with but not with this. You are playing a minigame of lets see what this time box gives me .... nope not today maybe tomorrow i get lucky?

Edited by Divona
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And another gripe:


Increasing the amount of darkside/lightside points required for each tier by 10 fold without ever having mentioning it in any dev post! Otherwise, we could have planned and ground accordingly prior to 5.0. Now we have to get 100K points per character just to get to tier 5 alignment, what a horrible joke.

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I still don't understand what Valkorians plan was or why the Sith Emperor was living a double life.


If you take it as a stand alone then Valkorian there is no need for him to be the Sith Emperor and that would have made more sense. If you take it with the events of the original game the guy seemed pretty entrenched in the Sith Empire and had a number of evil republic shaped plans which don't mesh with an Eternal Fleet, a family man or a benevolent god who as Koth puts it has always done right by Zakuul and is still worshiped 5 years after his 'death.' How is this the same person?

Edited by Costello
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His dad was of true sith bloodline so maybe he just wanted to rule the sith.


I thought it modification were cheap? Lv65 cost 2500 IIRC that's pretty cheap IMO. Only the legendary gifts had crazy prices.

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I'll preface this with me saying that the token to RNG grind is stupid. For starters, this has been my gripe since the cartel market was implemented many, many moons ago. The removal of gear from the game altogether. When they created the gearing system to mod your look with basically any gear, it was absolutely brilliant. The problem however is that pretty much every single piece of gear in existence has a life cycle to that expansion. How many people still have their columni/rakata gear locked away in their stash's? Then they placated the players by making remakes of much of the iconic gear by making them into crafting items or old (borderline ancient at this point) cartel market items. I should be able to go run an old op and get the drop for rakata gear just because. It's literally half the fun of the game is to go back and do something just because now you can. It gives the game replay-ability. With the removal of the crystal system to this grinding system, it's ridiculous. I'm a casual player, I don't raid or group up for heroics anymore because they got boring after the "rakghoul" instances early on. I went through and did HM OPs a few times but at the time, was in college on school interwebs, safe to say my connection was garbage. In any case what I liked about most expansions thus far was that I could just do heroic 2+'s or solo content that allowed me to eventually get decentish gear on my own at a good pace. This new grind system not only alienates this type of player but also pushes the hardcore players as well because who the hell wants a "random chance" to get a piece of gear they actually need. It's dumb. Clearly no on at Bioware...Eaware, whatever, has their MBA, it's like one of the first rules of management accounting is to create a product, with limited cost, that appeals to the customer. After years of "data" that ya'll should have, it shouldn't be too hard to innovate, create a product, test it, and roll out a system/game that encourages gameplay, not dissuades.


Who cares if you have an "innovative" team of experts who can program **** "good" ya'll clearly have zero people in your office with a business or marketing mindset. Get it together, it's not hard. 18 months of a good MBA program for one person should help solve this easy. Posting videos on facebook also doesn't count as intelligent marketing strategy, it's overused and abused.


Also, if I log in later and I can't use my Champion Gear, that's right, OG champion pvp gear, on my marauder, I'll be back with more words of love and wisdom.

Edited by DarthTreize
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I'll preface this with me saying that the token to RNG grind is stupid. For starters, this has been my gripe since the cartel market was implemented many, many moons ago. The removal of gear from the game altogether. When they created the gearing system to mod your look with basically any gear, it was absolutely brilliant. The problem however is that pretty much every single piece of gear in existence has a life cycle to that expansion. How many people still have their columni/rakata gear locked away in their stash's? Then they placated the players by making remakes of much of the iconic gear by making them into crafting items or old (borderline ancient at this point) cartel market items. I should be able to go run an old op and get the drop for rakata gear just because. It's literally half the fun of the game is to go back and do something just because now you can. It gives the game replay-ability. With the removal of the crystal system to this grinding system, it's ridiculous. I'm a casual player, I don't raid or group up for heroics anymore because they got boring after the "rakghoul" instances early on. I went through and did HM OPs a few times but at the time, was in college on school interwebs, safe to say my connection was garbage. In any case what I liked about most expansions thus far was that I could just do heroic 2+'s or solo content that allowed me to eventually get decentish gear on my own at a good pace. This new grind system not only alienates this type of player but also pushes the hardcore players as well because who the hell wants a "random chance" to get a piece of gear they actually need. It's dumb. Clearly no on at Bioware...Eaware, whatever, has their MBA, it's like one of the first rules of management accounting is to create a product, with limited cost, that appeals to the customer. After years of "data" that ya'll should have, it shouldn't be too hard to innovate, create a product, test it, and roll out a system/game that encourages gameplay, not dissuades.


Who cares if you have an "innovative" team of experts who can program **** "good" ya'll clearly have zero people in your office with a business or marketing mindset. Get it together, it's not hard. 18 months of a good MBA program for one person should help solve this easy. Posting videos on facebook also doesn't count as intelligent marketing strategy, it's overused and abused.


Also, if I log in later and I can't use my Champion Gear, that's right, OG champion pvp gear, on my marauder, I'll be back with more words of love and wisdom.


I feel your pain. They should never ever take away something from players that players have already and/or have been using for years. ESPECIALLY considering how alt-centric this game has become! There is simply not enough time to grind out this stuff across multiple toons, as most people have lives these days....

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