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  1. Its not needed but it will be kinda great to have full set equipment based on class after you finish a planet or after each 10 levels similar to Heroics 1-50 but a full set instead.
  2. Yeah, I hope they don't include any hard grinding. DvL had double experience for a long time and you could take your time doing the content you wanted at your leisure, if they make a similar events with a lot of grinding then I am gonna quit as well. I stopped playing last year because of CXP nerfs instead of increase, making you grind for longer is bananas. Playing games to relieve stress, not to increase it.
  3. What if I want the fastest and easiest way to gain CXP? Are they going to increase the CXP gains on October 24 or November 8th along with the merges?
  4. I started playing SWTOR during the DvL event and it was a blast. I know a lot of people complained on the forum because it was an event to make players go thru the same old content but for a new player it was an amazing event. I kinda hope they do something similar to it even tho it might upset some of SWTOR old timers and probably rightfully so but its a lot of fun for new players.
  5. That kinda sucks if true. I read it on Duly's stream coverage "Charles is looking into ways to do some class based stories next year." was thinking it will be an expansion to the class stories a little bit at a time or something. LINK. Hopefully it will be better than the Alliance storyline. Thank you.
  6. Would have been great if they made it similar to the DvL event which lasted for a few months I think. I even heard there was 12 times boosted experience, wish they do something similar again for EXP and CXP.
  7. I think someone said if a player's rating is low then he'll have a very hard time getting a match in ranking. Not sure if its true but if it is then I don't see the problem with quality. For normal matches also don't see a problem since you don't get any ranking AFAIK but you do get some rewards I suppose after a match. If its a big problem then maybe the devs will implement something similar to the Ranking system to match players better or something.
  8. I subbed again because I heard class stories might come back so I am gonna stick around for a couple of months to hopefully hear something about that. Bonus points if they bring back the bugged CXP reward, I missed that and really regretting it.
  9. Yeah, my only worry are the mobs. I would have suggested instances but I think Keith said Instances cause heavy load on a server so they would like to avoid that and think up a better option.
  10. My current PC is pretty bad but it can play SWTOR with no problems on lowest but some flashes started to show up for some reason when I am traveling ingame. CS told me to check ea.help.com but I don't want to. Intel Core i5-4570 @3.20GHz -- 8GB RAM -- Intel HD Graphics 4600. I am now building another PC which hopefully be pretty good and can max this game and seems a little cheap as well. Ryzen 5 1600 3.2Gh -- 16RAM -- GeForce GTX 1060 3GB.
  11. Can't they make it so no information of devs are visible? meaning the dev posters will only have the official Bioware avatar with no name or anything else and whoever wants to reveal himself can just do so like Musco does at the end of his posts.
  12. I hope they don't do any time limited content, maybe limit some content to how long you subscribed to for example so rewarding loyal players or something like that. I don't mind items or companions and stuff like that being time limited but content should be available to all subs at some point. More content on Republic and Empire will be great.
  13. The moment this game closes will be a sad day. Class stories from what I understand was the most expensive thing to make. I doubt they'll be able to make something similar no matter the engine. If that day came that they decide to close this game, I hope they tweak this game a little to be appropriate for a single player and sell it as one.
  14. There is nothing wrong with a company wanting their users to pay for their services but its pretty crazy to expect them to pay to grind. That for me personally will not do. I have no interest to waste my time grinding and pay for that, the logic behind that is bananas. As long as the grind at least not Legacy wide, I am most likely gone and will only show up for story expansions only.
  15. I think most people are waiting until Jan to decide for good. I think my sub ran out already or will run out very soon and I will be lurking until Jan's stream and update to see how things hopefully improve. If I don't like the change, I think I am gone until the next story expansion is announced.
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