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Everything posted by TrueBritannia

  1. So logged in after 5.1 patch, was looking forward to playing the new Uprisings which we had heard so much about. Only to discover that they don't exist in group finder. I'm not a complainer an am quite tolerant of mistakes here and there, but this is just ludicrous. There's oversights, and there's elephants in the room with flashing neon signs. I know for a fact I'm not the only person with this problem, so please fix it ASAP! Thanks
  2. I think his position is central to the defence of the alliance base (although I may be misremembering), so yes it is. Furthermore, you receive the distress signals after Vette has completed her mission but Torian's still trying to hold his position. So again, tactically, you should save Torian - Vette is of no foreseeable use in the battle (mission complete) but Torian (his position) remains critical, so you should relieve him. If you choose to employ any military sense, that is.
  3. I always save Torian, with the exception of my romances SW. Two reasons why: 1) From any kind of strategic or military perspective, Torian is a far more valuable asset than Vette. Torian is a well-respected leader with substantial influence and contact with Mandalore; Vette is little more than a sassy specialist. 2) Vette was a total moron launching a solo attack behind enemy lines with a rocket launcher on the artillery. She got herself killed - might as well have just run into the crossfire. Also although I love Vette, I love Torian even more
  4. It'd be lovely to see something, but I'm not too bothered if they don't. It was a pleasure being part of one of the memorials to her. RIP Carrie, your honestly was is so greatly needed these days.
  5. Exactly. Valkorion viewed Zakuul as an experiment - he saw himself as a god, designing societies and manipulating people like they were insects. Some of his best lines is in his death scene. When he pours scorn on all of you, saying you are all "motes of dust in the void" without him. And when you mock him about his whole family joining you to destroy him, he replies in an ice-cold voice dripping with disdain: "A god has no family". Even at his end, he thought of himself as a god.
  6. Veteran mode is simply a scaling up of enemy HP and particularly damage. In most cases that works okay, making it harder but not impossible. There are some cases where it has ludicrous results though; and initial list: Monolith boss, KotFE Chapter 2 Arcann, KotFE Chapter 16 All three bosses, KotET Chapter 2 Purification Droids for some classes, KotET Chapter 4 Rancor (without beast help), KotET Chapter 6 Horizon Guards & Captain, KotET Chapter 7 Are the ones I've identified so far.
  7. "My mind, my rules" is essentially it. The whole fight is taking place in your mind so you ultimately have control of the framework that it all takes place in. This is why Valkorion throughout the story nudges you away from thinking about him to instead thinking about Arcann and then Vaylin, and why he offers you his power to slowly weaken your hold. If you had wished to you could've fought and destroyed him at the start, as he had no grip on you and so was essentially powerless. Remember, he's "hollowing you out", not just seizing control.
  8. Marr is a Force ghost because he's not yet ready to return to the Force. A Force ghost exists solely because it wants to exist. So he could continue indefinitely in spirit form if he so wished.
  9. Guys, Malgus is dead. Finito. Bringing him back would be verging on the ludicrous. Only two things would be worse: resurrecting Revan or Valkorion. Let the dead rest in peace! I would like to see more of Darth Marr again, though. I always enjoyed talking with him. I think the next expansion will have more of an Empire-Republic theme, but more likely with us a some kind of third party. Who knows, though; I think whatever's next story-wise we'll have to wait awhile for.
  10. Fair point haha but he does it essentially for pleasure
  11. I would've liked a neutral where you become Emperor and use the Fleet for conquest but for a greater good to make the galaxy a better place, certainly. But I can understand the binary choice.
  12. The fight is just a massive grind, that's all. Simply have to keep cycling and eventually he dies.
  13. Love the decos, Alliance Emissary set too!
  14. Couldn't have said it better myself, spot on I think.
  15. I think the Force itself is merely grey - it's the character, personality and emotions of a given user that gives a light/dark manifestation.
  16. I certainly hope I'm not relegated to some tinpot cantina Emperor. I want to sit on the Eternal Throne and rule the galaxy!
  17. Well the technolith lord entries tell us that the principal reasons for the wargames was to develop a weapon system - the Fleet etc - capable of defending the creators' eternal home: Iokath. They built Iokath to create a perpetually secure home for their species, essentially isolated from the galaxy. I'd like to think we'all return or learn more about it in the future - there are still lots of questions about the Gravestone, the Eternal Fleet and Iokath.
  18. The droid saw that Vaylin was the 'master' of the GEMINIs, who afterall were designed solely as servants. So the droid requested her permission. In essence they're different branches of the same system, designed to self-maintain. So although the GEMINIs served Vaylin the droid still sought to repair the system. It doesn't sit uneasily in my mind.
  19. The GEMINIs and the Purification Droid are all part of the 'Iokath system' which appears to be self-maintaining as a base directive. So if part of the system exhibits corruption or whatever then the rest steps in to repair that. The GEMINIs were corrupted and once exposed to that the droid's repair directives activated, simply 'resetting' the GEMINIs. That's my take on it anyway; it would be necessary for such a large droid system to function long-term.
  20. The crucial point about Vaylin was that her mind had all but collapsed, her power destroying her. Unlike Arcann who shows glimmers of hope before his redemption, Vaylin shows none whatsoever; in fact, she only grows more unstable and psychopathic with time. Vaylin and Valkorion are actually very similar, which explains why Valk fears her. In a sense Valkorion is right; caging Vaylin (or killing her) were the only choices. Her power was simply too great; she'd never be able to use it judiciously. As Valkorion himself demonstrates, such power leads to very dark places. As a child Vaylin was quickly walking the same path Tenebrae did, and that was with Senya's concerted efforts to help her. Ironically her complete insanity was what probably stopped her from being a full-on Valkorion mark 2, devouring worlds etc. She was a tragedy from the start, and the inability to save her is only proper I think. It hammers it home all the more how horrific her life was and what a depraved thing Valkorion is.
  21. After all I've done to take the Eternal Throne I want to damn well put it to use! Will be greatly disappointed if I can't deploy the Eternal Fleet against those who challenge my dominion.
  22. I still have a pipe dream for a Knight of Zakuul class
  23. I suspect as such. Still a lot of outstanding questions after KotET, so perhaps it will become clearer with whatever's next?
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