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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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I think a lvl 50 should be able to 1 shot a lvl 11 I dont get how it works. You can be lvl 11 and take down a 50 if you know what your doing.


ROFL, sure you might be able to kill a 50 at level 11..... if he is afk or completely terrible at his class.

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I think a lvl 50 should be able to 1 shot a lvl 11 I dont get how it works. You can be lvl 11 and take down a 50 if you know what your doing.


Yeah right, gl with that. Just did a huttball with a 50 inquisitor, in pvp gear probably with 6 ppl beating on him and he just goes forward and recast his shields. And this is balanced... how? Winning right now is for 80% defined by the average team lvl as people say, a week ago the pvp was fun, now it's being steamrolled by lvl 50's.... give them their own bracket please, I loved pvp before, now that I finally updated my pc to actually be able to play on 10+ fps and now this :\

Edited by Johnjane
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Full PvP gear makes about 15% difference with full expertise, and with the RNG comm box system costing 800 wz comms per box, it will take alot of time to get a full suit.


So yes, gear matters (welcome to progression based gaming?), but not as much as some people think and you are IGNORANT if you think its easy to get.


I think in a month, this will be a huge non issue anyways as players catch up and the field evens out.


Apparently you're ignorant of the rewards on Ilum and the triviality of acquiring them.


WZ commendations are the hardest way to get gear.

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Normally I don't post and ***** around on MMO-Boards: But yeah .... **** this PVP, after getting facerolled by lvl50 groups for hours now I cannot contain myself anylonger. It's a *********** joke.


As it is right now people are being punished for having a life besides gaming.


I have two jobs, wife and child, visited some with family over the holidays...and I hit 45 last night. I started on the last day of early access, and I haven't powered through any content. If I had started on the first day of early access, I would be 50 and fully geared. All while having "a life".


You might just not be as good at games as you would like to believe :)

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Question for all of you.


If you are not level 50 and you are facing level 50s in Warzones. What are you going to do if you meet a level 50 in open world PvP?


If the level 50s want to PvP and they cannot PvP (because queue times could be hindered), what would you do if they come to your leveling area?


I am only level 33 and I do just fine in Warzones. I expect to die against a 50. They're fifty. They most likely have been playing for longer than I have, therefore have more knowledge of the game.


If you do not like it, you don't have to queue. Nothing is forcing you to queue.

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tbh i think brackets will be introduced, i just dont thnk bioware expected to many people to play the game 24/7 and reach level cap so soon. Therefore probably a bit short sighted on there part (cause there are those people who take sleep dep to a whole new level) but i imagine this will be introduced.
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Just did voidstar with nobody over 40 on our team and FIVE level 50's on their team, we couldn't even get the first objective and they're almost impossible to take down by yourself, make brackets damnet, it's ruining the pvp.


this. A lvl 50 with full gear is a monster. Other than that they make premade groups with others lvl 50 (also with full gear) making them impossible to take down if you don't have high levels players on your team.

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this. A lvl 50 with full gear is a monster. Other than that they make premade groups with others lvl 50 (also with full gear) making them impossible to take down if you don't have high levels players on your team.


purely a suggestion....as a work around until u reach 50. Join a guild and group with 50s?

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since hitting level 10 and trying pvp ive loved it i never even notice the level differences i cant say i see what your complaining about either everyone gets pretty balanced out and it always seems like a fair fight ive come top 5 in the leaderboard nearly every game and im still not even above 20 yet i think there is just alot of things you are doing wrong if your having problems either way tho your score doesnt matter winning does
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I completely agree that it is insanely frustrating dealing with a level 50 in pvp when I myself am only level 30. I've run into several situations where I hit a level 50 with literally EVERY ABILITY that I have and it only slows them. It's the craziest thing. But I still have fun for the most part in PVP. I get good experience and I get plenty of commendations even if I don't win. So I don't mind that much. The only thing that I think about is how much I'm looking forward to getting to level 50 myself so that I can put some hurt on the other level 50s as well as steam rolling the noobs.
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literacy is so underrated. its been stated already but im sure u wont read this and just post ur nonsense....50 only brackets are coming. just need more 50s first.


I was well aware of this at the time of my post good sir, that still does not change the fact that a 50 bracket should have been implemented into the game before launch. You can sit there and say "oh but then all of us who have powered our way through content will be sitting here at 50 with long queue times because the rest of the community is 30 levels lower then us." Well my response to that is simple, tough ****. The majority should not have to get roll stomped by a small minority of players who put 60 hours into the game a week so they can be the first to 50. Its almost as if the lvl 50 community is affraid to be put up against a full team of lvl 50's and shown that without a 20 level buffer, your not as good as you think you are.

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Topped many leaderboards below 50, it's not hard, it requires skill and a positive mindset.


It's a rarity it seems.




Yup, and you didn't have geared lvl 50's in there either. This is a very gear centric game and it makes a substantial difference.

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Its almost as if the lvl 50 community is affraid to be put up against a full team of lvl 50's and shown that without a 20 level buffer, your not as good as you think you are.



Bunch of no lifers who can only be good for the short period of time till every1 gets to 50


Also when it comes to lvl 10 vs lvl 50 its absolute useless. How on earth they want to get people interested in the game

Sorry but past lvl 30 the game feels like playing beta. Utter useless pvp, absolute useless laggs, most useless UI, I do really not want to know what the fuk is going on in Operations I bet its as bad as PVP

But Hey Guys THEY GOT RID OF THE QUEUES isnt that what all we wanted?

On my server Republic side lacking healers GUESS what? I CAN NOT respec to be a healer despite being a Smuggler *** *** ***? U Kidding me? I want to help out progression on server I want to help out pvp BUT I cant cos for some reason that makes no sense whatsoever. There is no warning and NO WAY to know in any way that when I pick my specialization I cant change it. *** again! WHY?

Its all EA fault

They are the worst company EVER

EA attitude: "Allright Boys we need that mmo whats the name ? starcraft? naa starwars yea that thingy with the lightsaber, u WIll release it BEFORE christmas You HEAR ME BIOWARE?

Bioware: "But...But... SIR its full of bugs"

EA: "WHO CARES we do that all the time !"

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I can see in a couple months making a 50 bracket, but right now people would rather have quick queues.


This one giant bracket is an alternative to cross server queuing I guess, we'll have to wait and see how they go from here.

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pvp warzones really sucks, they say it's balanced.


Why the hell it can be balanced level 10-50??? <30 can even dmg 50s but they can kill u in 2 sec thats to all your skills.


I got level 25 sith sorc and i cant even dmg 40+ but they can kill me in 2 sec even with my shield on.


they just resist resist resist and i make 100-200 dmg but they make 2000+ dmg in single shoot.


HP is not everything it has about their new skills that makes so f much dmg on u.


BIOWARE need re-think twice.


even Aions pvp is better.


You have zero idea of the game mechanics lol

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I was well aware of this at the time of my post good sir, that still does not change the fact that a 50 bracket should have been implemented into the game before launch. You can sit there and say "oh but then all of us who have powered our way through content will be sitting here at 50 with long queue times because the rest of the community is 30 levels lower then us." Well my response to that is simple, tough ****. The majority should not have to get roll stomped by a small minority of players who put 60 hours into the game a week so they can be the first to 50. Its almost as if the lvl 50 community is affraid to be put up against a full team of lvl 50's and shown that without a 20 level buffer, your not as good as you think you are.


first off im not 50....im 42. 2nd not all of us non 50s are in the boat with u. Some of us dont have problems killing 50s. It seems that some of the ppl here on the forums have taken longer to acclimate to this game than others and are struggling. it happens with all new games.


as to ur snarky simple response, i guess BW was the one who said tough **** and left the lvl50 brackets out at launch.


personally, i have a career so i only get to play after work. i get about 30 hrs in a week and its probaly going to take me 3 weeks to hit cap. 50s started showing up around official launch day so 2 weeks of higher level toons in warzones is irrelevantly small compared to the amount of time you will spend at 50.

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