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Guys playing girl characters.


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I don't see any purpose to it. Again, I use the food analogy. Do you look at food in game and conjure up an image of what that food would look or taste like irl?


Forgive being crude, but if I can't eat it, I'm not going to imagine what it tastes like. Change the verb to fit a sexual act and you get the same idea.


So, written erotica is completely unappealing to you, since it simply describes the fictional actions of fictional people?


On a less prurient note, you have never read a recipe or seen a picture of food, and said, "Damn, now I'm hungry!"


For most of human history, there was no photography or film, but people responded to images of food, sex, and other things just fine. I find it hard to believe that the human brain has changed so much in only 150 or so years.

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In my first MMO, for the longest time all my played characters were male, and my only female char was the crafting mule char. Nowadays though I seem to prefer playing female characters. Perhaps it derives from my need to be the healer wench.



I did once hear the best reason for playing as a female: "I don't want to look at a guy's (behind) all day."

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Doesn't matter who's behind the avatar, male, female, or anything in between. I generally act the same towards everybody I communicate with regardless of the appearance of their avatar.


A friend of mine summed up a good philosophy to explain interactions in mmo's. Two kinds of people you know: real people (those you interact with in the flesh) and imaginary people (those you communicate with but will never actually meet in person). Doesn't mean you behave significantly different towards either group, just that one actually matters how you interact and, in the end, the other really doesn't.


This simple philosophy means I don't assume there is a male or female behind the avatar I interact with, your all just imaginary people until I meet you in real life, so it doesn't matter.:D

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I always like to pretend I'm actually the one in the game so I try to create my characters are close to what I look like in real life as possible. That's my main reason why I always make male toons.


I guess some guys want to stare at pixelated hot chick as$ while playing and nothing wrong with that, too.

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I'm controlling my avatar, I don't pretend to be it (I don't play on RP servers), so I usually pick gender based on aesthetics.


In fantasy MMOs I typically pick male characters for the warrior types and female for the (robe wearing) casters and sometimes the stealth classes as well.


SWTOR is the first MMO ever where the voice acting, just like in singleplayer RPGs, has been the main influence on my avatar gender - and main class - choices. Being an absolute sucker for a beautiful or sexy female voice, I obviously had to main the female Imperial Agent (voiced by Jo Wyatt, best known as Lady Hawke from DA2) and the female Trooper (Jennifer Hale shouldn't need an introduction).

I also like the voice acting for the female bounty hunter, even if she's not in the same league as the other two, but I don't really have time to properly juggle three characters (hell, I barely have time for two, so right now the IA is getting my attention).


As far as the male voices I've heard I like the smuggler, but right now I don't really have any desire to play that class.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


It's a Role Playing game. I am not there to play me. Personally I found a female Imperial Agent an interesting take. A Female Consular more fitting than a male one, etc. I play what I think works and I enjoy the story. That character on the screen is not me, he\she is just a character, a role I assume for the duration of my time as that character.


Long and short, there is no issue here, and I always get confused when it's brought up. Just because I play as a guy or girl, does not mean anything about me in real life. It's like say, the Tomb Raider games. I didn't exactly shelve them because I had to play as Lara. Nor did I hate on GoW3 because I played a Beefstick with a gun ;)

Edited by LilPika
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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


I'm one of those players that could care less about the gender of the toon I am controlling.


Some people RP, some don't.


99% of the time I choose whatever is default.

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So, written erotica is completely unappealing to you, since it simply describes the fictional actions of fictional people?


On a less prurient note, you have never read a recipe or seen a picture of food, and said, "Damn, now I'm hungry!"


For most of human history, there was no photography or film, but people responded to images of food, sex, and other things just fine. I find it hard to believe that the human brain has changed so much in only 150 or so years.


A picture, yes.


A polygonal representation, no.


A picture is a representation of exactly what I would see if my eyes were to see something.


A polygonal representation is a combination of geometric shapes meant to convey an image. Maybe when graphical technology improves, I may be able to find a collection of polygons sexually appealing, but at today's graphics levels it is impossible for me.


And erotica really doesn't do it for me.


Even as a writer I avoid sexual acts in writing. There's this unwritten saying in writing, "No one has ever written a good sex scene." Sex scenes in writing go from either cringe inducing to only slightly cringe inducing.


As a rule, written sex scenes are really silly and usually a waste of pages as they do little to nothing to advance the plot.


Generally, a sexual act in writing can be described with a single sentence and will advance the plot as much as a several page "love making" scene.


One of the first things a writer learns is to chop the unnecessary bits off their stories. If one sentence can do, don't write two.

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It's called virtual crossdressing. Guys have to express their feminine sides, some can only do it in a video game.




Which is why I assume every female character I meet, is actually being played a 350# sweaty trucker in spandex lingerie rubbing green jello on the neighbors cat.

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Even as a writer I avoid sexual acts in writing. There's this unwritten saying in writing, "No one has ever written a good sex scene." Sex scenes in writing go from either cringe inducing to only slightly cringe inducing.


I dont know...Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty series.....

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I play a female when I play an mmo and I am guy.


Reason for me is because if I'm going to stare at something for hundreds of hours it might as well be something I enjoy looking at. Which is why when I made my female char I made her with the 'fat' setting. The normal body type is too skinny and the skinny type is anemic. The fat one has a perfect body.

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I am used to it, matter of fact every time I see a female character I know there is a guy behind the keyboard, I've got my share of surprises in pass MMO's when I find out that it was actually a girl behind the keyboard, but that haven't happened in SWTOR so far, it doesn't bother me anymore.


There are some that creep me out, but most of them make obvious that they are male IRL, but some don't and that's kinda creepy.


There's always this guy in every game too. There are no female gamers.... yeah, right.

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The less-wordy reason; If I am going to play a game where I stare at the behinds of a character, I want to at least make it feel less awkward ;)


The full-on reason;


I like the dynamics of the female interactions with the voice work. This is why I generally play a female in any RPG that allows me to. The VA for the Inquisitor is also a really good one to me, and she's not Jennifer Hale (don't get me wrong, love her as a VA, but I just wanted someone new) ;)

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


Wow... that is actually kind of sexist, but that has already been brought up. Just wow though.


I do play female toons, although I do have a male to get into Kira's pants with... anyways, I play a female toon for a pretty simple reason. They look better. The males either look scrawny, like a anvil on teeny legs, or a BIGGER anvil on teeny legs, or a man running for Jabba impersonator of the year. I find very little aesthetically pleasing with the male models. I want a char that aesthetically is pleasing.


ME2 Male Shep is a case where the male model is aesthetically pleasing (Although I do still prefer the look of Fem Shep but she can't romance Tali'zorah....ummm Tali....) because he has more 'human' curves. Even males have curves, the hips flare slightly, not as much as females, and the shoulders are not wider then a street.


Plus, this guy makes a good point... in a matter of speaking:


It's called virtual crossdressing. Guys have to express their feminine sides, some can only do it in a video game.


Some times guys just want to play dress up, play with dolls, etc... but socially we are blocked from those feminine activities. MMOs give us the option to play dress up, and many guys engage in it even on their male toons. (How many of you spend hours tweaking your orange moddable clothing around to get a look you like? Remind you of the movies with a girl in the mirror?)


RPGs provide an outlet in general for behavior and desires that are not actionable in real life, they can also be used to affirm values and beliefs. Some guys don't try to indicate they are male in real life, because they want to be treated like a female. (Remember, to a lot of younger men females 'appear' to be treated better, with more positive attention etc... where men get the suck it up and move on treatment.) Most individuals stay a health level. Others just don't care/


If you came across me in game (Nihilia or Samantha or any Sunfire-ralt) I wont tell you I am male. It doesn't matter at the time. If you ask, I might toy with you if I think you are asking because you are 'flirting' and trying to get into digital pants, but that is for fun. (Usually ends in me sending a picture that would make Zach Galifianakis look hairless in a picture exchange.... which is sadly me before my GF made me cut off my glorious glorious glorious beard. Oh beard how I miss thee... the face scratchy and the summer heat...)


In short... I rambled on because it doesn't bloody matter. Back to playing my totally bad *** Light Side Sith Juggernaut...

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Half my characters are male, half the others are female. Just for the sake of variety more than anything else.

My sith assassin is female, my sith warrior is male, my BH is male, my IA is female.


Some times guys just want to play dress up, play with dolls, etc... but socially we are blocked from those feminine activities.


The entire RPG genre is about playing with your character doll and dressing him/her up. And I don't feel ashamed about it the slightest, either.

Edited by Vaestmannaeyjar
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There's always this guy in every game too. There are no female gamers.... yeah, right.


no, that isnt the case. I am the same way. I am happily married for 15+ years. I am not looking to score with some chic on the internet. I treat everyone that same, gender neutral. Gender of the person on the other end shouldnt matter in the least...unless you are looking for a Slot to insert Rod B into.

Edited by Qishari
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well i spend around 3-4hours at least per day watching my avatar...


i want to see something nice at that time.


Man is relying much in sighting that's why you see men playing female characters


You realize that is your conscious mind trying to justify your subconscious choice for playing a female toon, yes? Men can deny it all they want, but men who play women in MMO's are simply (and safely) revealing their feminine sides without threat of implicating their manhood machismo. It's actually quite normal and is a beneficial release for many.

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I'm on the opposite side as a female gamer who often plays male characters. My current toon is a female smuggler because a sassy female smuggler sounded fun in my mind. While my bounty hunter definitely comes across male in my head. I don't rp my characters, but there are definite pictures in my mind as I make them as to how they would behave and sometimes that is male and sometimes that is female.
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A picture, yes.


A polygonal representation, no.


A picture is a representation of exactly what I would see if my eyes were to see something.


A polygonal representation is a combination of geometric shapes meant to convey an image. Maybe when graphical technology improves, I may be able to find a collection of polygons sexually appealing, but at today's graphics levels it is impossible for me.


And erotica really doesn't do it for me.


Even as a writer I avoid sexual acts in writing. There's this unwritten saying in writing, "No one has ever written a good sex scene." Sex scenes in writing go from either cringe inducing to only slightly cringe inducing.


As a rule, written sex scenes are really silly and usually a waste of pages as they do little to nothing to advance the plot.


Generally, a sexual act in writing can be described with a single sentence and will advance the plot as much as a several page "love making" scene.


One of the first things a writer learns is to chop the unnecessary bits off their stories. If one sentence can do, don't write two.


Your writing teacher is a technical writer and is the death of fiction and literature.


One, while the act of sex does not need to be written, often times it is valuable to play up the 'fore-play- section of the act as it gives you real context to develop a relationship between the two characters, plus it is a GREAT time to slip some comedy in, as anyone who has had a real relationship will tell you that during the fore play phase is when the funny **** happens. Even movies capitalize on this part of a relationship.


Second, if it can be chopped down from two to one sentence do it, is a mentality that leads to cookie cutter writing with little room for detail or character growth. "Andrew the Sword fighter walks to Gavinshire. He meets Andrea of Gavinshire. They walk to Korval, and together they kill the evil Andrewicus the Pink. They celebrate. Andrea ends up naked, and Andrew makes funny face. The end."


There I just wrote the plot of every fiction book, with a few glorious exceptions, in the most reductionist form possible, the form you are championing.

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