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Everything posted by Evenios

  1. Well good for you. I am enjoying all of it. I like the game and i like the story and how every NPC actually has voice instead of having to read a wall of text. I like the choices you can make and i like the locations, yes the game does not feel quite as "open" and perhaps it might hender replaybility for a bit but in my mind i think its not a bad thing. You feel like you are going on real missions and fighting through an enamies lair or what. It doesnt feel like the same old "go here and kill x" because of the way things are set up. In other games they are often too open for their own good in that most of the time you go to some wide open field to kill some things but this feels more like a journey. I like the combat it feels fast pace to me as a jedi sentinental I have no problem with it so far. Perhaps its those who are hardcore MMO gamers who have issues, but i am glad i bought this game. It really helped me to have something to do during the holidays and be excited over. But to each his own. but its sad that all that these forums are about it seems is gripe gripe gripe gripe. Whats sad also is that most of you played the beta. if you didnt like the game in the beta then WHY DID YOU BUY IT? did you magically think that everything you had an issue with was going to change a month before launch? Its not our fault that you didnt do your research and find the game is not really for you. It may not be for everyone. But i think its really fun and i think most people agree that its a good solid game. You guys are just being overly critical and besides as i said its a MMO a lot of things can change in the future. Don't give up hope yet on a MMO that JUST launched!
  2. Ok so i found a way to make the camera slower in the game but apparently i cant post it here because it will "break the game if its updated" (dont see why i would assume the patch might just overright the old file) but anyways if thats the case then I would strongly suggest allowing lower camera speed settings. Would very much help and woudnt have to edit files that might break the game as a work around. thank you.
  3. well maybe you went too fast. They will be new content in time this always happens i think with new MMOs people hit the cap then they find oh what are we going to do next? I have played 20+ hours so far and only on level 15 if i can reach level 50 (first time i would do so in a MMO) i actually would be pretty happy as it ment the game held my attention long enough to want to go to the cap . they'll be new content in the end. the problem with MMOs is honestly that is the case. But to me i think it would be a fun journey...
  4. Yeah i will admit the game is not quite like World of Warcraft. The thing about Tor is that its kind of a diffrent taste in the game is based on story and the world is a bit more less "open ended" I think Tor will fair well and sell a lot and may end up one of the top selling MMOS but it will in my opinnion never surpass World of Warcraft not in terms of quality but just as far as popularity goes i think. But who knows in time with updates and such it may be serve to hang out in the long haul but to be honest I think they said as long as they sell about a million copies at launch they would make their money back on the amount they paid to make the game. So i think even if every single person who bought the game cancels today . they still will make a profit from it. We'll see. But i enjoy the game so far.
  5. i got for 60 bucks? a logitech wireless headset works pretty good. Razer seems overpriced to me.
  6. its only 5 bucks. if you get the CE you get it with it included :-p
  7. dialog options for myself hasnt seem that bad what i find annoying is my companion (Kira) seems to say some of the same lines sometimes during combat. thats my only big gripe. other then that i like the dialog.
  8. yeah i agree the settings are too fast even at lowest settings,
  9. I tried to share this with one of the devs on facebook but i guess they didnt see it :-p but the mouse sensitivity settings is too high for me (camera turn speed) even on the lowest settings, i mean i can play it fine but i wish you could make it slower, does anyone know if theres a ini setting to change this. i know some single player games have it where you can (like SKyrim) but not sure about this game. If not then i recommend in the future they make it so you can make it less sensitive as i have some motion issues but can play the game ok as it is now. you can have a mouse that can go lower but the problem with that is that it also changes the curser speed and thus makes it too slow. Not griping..though love the game. always like going back to play it more. Happy i bought it, have no regrets but if they could adjust this or if there is some way to tweak it via an .ini settings that would be great!
  10. thats why i am glad i am just taking my time and not rushing through things. they will add more end content with time. But right now you should just enjoy the game and not rush through it you know? but thats what some people do they get a game and they want to "beat it" as fast as they can. but you really miss out a lot by doing that expecally in a game like this where you have a lot of cool story :-) if i get to level 50 it would be a huge accomplishment for me because ive yet to be in a MMO and got to the top level on my own so we will see!
  11. Nope. the backpack (if you read the description right click to open) contains your second lightsaber. If you want double bladed you need to be a jedi consular? i forgot what adv class though but. sentinentals do not get double bladed ones research my friend.
  12. Here is a nice tip in case most of you did not know it already under options there is a section for nameplates you can select turn on enamy nameplates and it will show the names (in red) of enamies this is very helpful in areas where it may be hard to see whats around you also gives you a bit of a tactical advantage when entering a new area (and also sometimes you have non enemy people in areas where they are enamy npcs) so you can cleary see which are which i just have enemy nameplates on and player nameplates on (not companions) which is pretty nice. many of you already know about this but for newer players is a nice option that allows you to spot the enemy better :-) before they spot you! (for npcs i think opposing pvp nameplates are turned on by default) (and in case you dont know and say "why do we want to see the names of enemies" because they are all highlighted in red makes it easier to spot)
  13. I dont think the progression is that bad and i think this just is being overly picky if you ask me :-p
  14. might be your graphics settings? i did notice one or two places where i saw a solid green "wall" in an area it shoudnt be but it wasnt really flickering and it didnt quite look like the pictures so.. make sure your drivers are up to date maybe?
  15. I really like this game too! It has given me something to do and be excited about over the holidays which has been very nice I am not sure if ill make it to the end (not because its not a good game) but because i often suffer from not being able to complete most MMO's "grinds" but with the cool story and locations it just may be the first MMO i actually get to the end level :-p. Its a fun game it does have some issues but they are not really anything that keeps me from playing and there not anything that "breaks" the game in my opinion. I wish more people would just enjoy it and not find reason to gripe about everything. there are some issues yes, but its still a fun game to enjoy!
  16. I only say that to those who are saying they are definatily going to leave. I am talking about posts where it is clear in their wording that they are unhappy and are griping and nothing you can say or do will change their mind. In that case yeah . Better they leave so that they are no longer subscribed and no longer can post in the forums because i am tired of hearing it. Its only a small percentage i think. Think about it most of the people who are enjoying the game are not in the forums now because they are out having fun. But its just mainly the people who want to gripe the are the ones who are in the forums causing all this mess the general view from the press and most players is that it is a GOOD game and it is FUN it just seems that "Everyone doesnt like the game" because of the amount of posts here. but its not true and on metacritics it most likely is more people who are adding reviews to it are the ones who have issues the players who like it are off playing the game so they are not bothering to write a review there. Besides i find a lot of times reviews on such sites by players can be overly harsh. Look at the amount of people who bought and cling to Modern Warfare 3 when that game brings NOTHING new to the table. This brings a story.. a reason to care about your progression and your missions a reward more then just items or money or xp a story that not only you can play but share with others as well. So yeah i think just because a few people (even if it was 10,000 people who strongly dont like it. thats less then 1 percent of those who bought it) post about their gripes and they want to leave it wont kill the game. you dont like it. Leave. Because i am tired of you filling these forums with nothing but gripe and Bioware isnt going to deleate the threads because they know it would make them look bias. Its a solid game. Its more interesting then most MMOs out there and they have put so much money in the game i do not think they are going to let it die anytime soon. I like the Old Republic it excites me and i am glad i am a part of it!
  17. are they removed if other players get to them first? i dont know. i have seen a lot where i was at like 3 in the same area....
  18. Well truth is i really dont see how much more there can be in a non real time based MMO. it kinda is the same old same old quest wise so to speak. but i still like it. as you get new locatons, new enemies and such I mean lets be honest. The game takes the same old grind of most MMOS and wraps an interesting story around it and makes it more of a progression so you feel like your on a bit of a journey but i like how its done all MMOs basically are the same you have the same type of quests, but This game dresses it up in a way that gives you the illusion that it matters. I like it. the little bit of thanks the NPC gives you after a quest or what makes you feel like you did something that matters. Its all fake if you think about it. all mmos are baiscally the grind from 1 to high level. but this does it in a way that if you are not overly picky. is kinda fun.
  19. I really hate theses threads so i will post mine in bold: There is nothing majorly wrong with this game. Yes there are some issues but i have played 19 hours into the game so far and I am happy to want to play more. The game makes you feel like you are on a journey it may not be as "open ended" as some MMOs but it is the very first MMO i have played that makes you feel like you have a purpose other then do x number of quests and kill x number of npcs in order to reach max level. If you love star wars, love a good story, and want a MMO that feels just a bit diffrent then you should get Star Wars the Old Republic i say it is one of the best MMOs to come along in a few years It is MUCH better then Star Wars Galaxies overall and that alone is a big statement If you go into this game looking for fun rather then fussing about every single issue you will enjoy it. It is a high quality game and Bioware did a great job from what i see so far. Dont listen to most of the people here who just are complaining and just go out and buy the game. It is quite fun!
  20. i have had little problems with responsiveness so far (other then some times when it was a lag issue due to my connection) the combat feels fact and active and i dont see what the major gripes are.
  21. This game has been fun for me so far. i have played 19 hours now and i am still interested in the game that says a lot for most other MMOs i get bored honestly way before i reach any higher level (im still level 13 though) but i have been having fun. It really feels more like a journey to me rather then a series of random quests and having to grind up. I dont understand all the hate. I guess people just were expecitng so and so and rather then just letting it go and thinking well maybe it can come in the future.. no they rather gripe
  22. Personaly i like the way its set up. The problem i have with most MMOS is that it just feels like a grind. yes its wide open but often times the missions are no more then "go here kill x number of things" come back. With the more linear type experience it feels more like a journey. You have a goal but you feel like you have to fight your way through. not just a simple task of .. going from a to b. It gives you a sence of purpose in my opinon because while many MMOs can be "open ended" lets be honest most of them are restrictive in that its basically do x number of quests and kill x number of creatures in order to level up. Thats basically how EVERY single MMO is. No matter how big and "open" the world may seem. With The Old Republic you get a mmo in a world that is still large, but perhaps a bit more...controlled to give you the story and a game-play that feels like a journey rather then wandering around aimlessly Its diffrent and its something that most MMOs have not done but i like it. The worlds still feel large, Tython, Korriban, Dramand Kaas, and Coroscant all felt large to me while still having set "areas" and its not like its just one single path you do have areas you can branch off and explore but i like the way it is done it feels like you have a sence of purpose and not just wandering aimlessly around. Some areas could be a bit better there is a lot of areas that feel like you are running around and are kind of filler but.......still I enjoy the world its much less boring then the worlds of Star Wars Galaxies were. while they were open ended and vast they were really bland and boring other then some of the cities and certian locations. If your used to playing single player games and came here wanting a vast open world sure you might be let down. But i really dont mind. It takes a little getting used to but so far i am enjoying it its finally a MMO that feels like there is a purpose it is not just a rush to the end content but it feels to me so far like a journey. I hope it then will encourage me to make it the first MMO i play all the way to the end level on my own if it does that in my opinion it would be a big accomplishment because in every other mmo i either got bored from or didnt want to bother grinding to the end. But this game i feel the grind less. We will see!
  23. For once i agree The bad thing also is i read that once you connect your security key to your account YOU HAVE to always use it. I dont understand that. It should be an option. what if the battery dies? what if you lose it? that means you have to order another one or get a new battery and wont be able to play until you do seems much much more of a hassle then its worth unless your just worried about having your password stolen. but for some people the added security is worth it.
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