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Working for BW/EA must be...


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a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting. Gamers in the past threatening employees and their families and more recently, as in today, people saying that Eric and co deserve the abuse because they work for BW etc. Seriously?


I've had thankless jobs before. It's extremely depressing, especially when people are likely being told what needs to be done and merely follow what the higher ups want. The least we can do is wait until 5.0 is here before addressing complaints. Sure, we can post our concerns but this hate is going too far. Now I see why game forums get closed down. Incessant, possibly unnecessary whinging.


If you're going to quit over what you think 5.0 is going to be like, then there's no need to announce it unless you're giving away your stuffs.


Bottom line, there is no need to be disrespectful to the employees no matter how upset you are with the game announcement. They don't "DESERVE" it. If you think they do, then get out of your mum's basement and go find a real job/your own house/life.

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a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting.


Then perhaps they should hire competent people who know how to do this and they won't get this response?


Let me help you out... Major game changes shouldn't wait until 1 month prior to launch to be unveiled. They should not happen in a vacuum with no player feedback. They should openly communicate and show they are listening by taking at least some of the suggestions into account.


That is the bare minimum of what a company should be doing and frankly there ARE companies that do this. EA is not one of them.

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" They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool..." Well, that is maybe the problem. Why do they not work to bring us stuff WE think is cool?


I honestly believe regardless of what they do even if they asked the forums what to do that people wold still whinge and threaten violence/quit.


If they released info in July then that'd be merely extra months for people to whinge. There is a chance that it might not suck as much as what everyone thinks.

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For real. I said this years ago now.


They need to start asking us what we want...and actually listen. Not devote months/years of development time on something they think we want only to find out we really don't want it a month prior to it's release.

Edited by Vinak
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a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting.


Don't you think they like it? I mean seriously, who complained about the actual gear system? Why do they need to constantly rethink the wheel? Don't they have other majors issues with the game? Such as very very few new content, class balance, very old bugs, ...

So , why changing a complete predictable gear system to a random one? Worse, they already tried random gear system and they received bad feedback at this time and they decided to move to the token/crystal/commendation system. Why going back ? The future random system will be less random than the old one? Come on...Who can think this new system will be cool?


For me, it's a confession of the lack of content of the 5.0. They will try to recycle old content for the X times (already done with 4.0 and the old H2, already done with the d&l "event", ...).

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Bottom line, there is no need to be disrespectful to the employees no matter how upset you are with the game announcement. They don't "DESERVE" it. If you think they do, then get out of your mum's basement and go find a real job/your own house/life.


THAT is true. Except the insult in the last sentence. The message would have carried more weight without it.


I enjoy SWTOR and I want to keep playing it. That doesn't mean I agree with some of the changes coming, and I definitely can not understand the thinking behind them. I can, and will, call these decisions stupid. Not the people who made the decisions. I do wish they'd communicate better and more thoroughly, and I think there's a lot to improve. But yes, making it personal isn't right. Not even when concerned paying customers are the ones raging.

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a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting. Gamers in the past threatening employees and their families and more recently, as in today, people saying that Eric and co deserve the abuse because they work for BW etc. Seriously?


I've had thankless jobs before. It's extremely depressing, especially when people are likely being told what needs to be done and merely follow what the higher ups want. The least we can do is wait until 5.0 is here before addressing complaints. Sure, we can post our concerns but this hate is going too far. Now I see why game forums get closed down. Incessant, possibly unnecessary whinging.


If you're going to quit over what you think 5.0 is going to be like, then there's no need to announce it unless you're giving away your stuffs.


Bottom line, there is no need to be disrespectful to the employees no matter how upset you are with the game announcement. They don't "DESERVE" it. If you think they do, then get out of your mum's basement and go find a real job/your own house/life.


They will wake up when people stop to pay. If players pay a lot money they do whatever they want.

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a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting. Gamers in the past threatening employees and their families and more recently, as in today, people saying that Eric and co deserve the abuse because they work for BW etc. Seriously?


I've had thankless jobs before. It's extremely depressing, especially when people are likely being told what needs to be done and merely follow what the higher ups want. The least we can do is wait until 5.0 is here before addressing complaints. Sure, we can post our concerns but this hate is going too far. Now I see why game forums get closed down. Incessant, possibly unnecessary whinging.


If you're going to quit over what you think 5.0 is going to be like, then there's no need to announce it unless you're giving away your stuffs.


Bottom line, there is no need to be disrespectful to the employees no matter how upset you are with the game announcement. They don't "DESERVE" it. If you think they do, then get out of your mum's basement and go find a real job/your own house/life.


I agree that all the disrespect and negative attitudes are horrible but unfortunately this is has become the norm for most gaming companies. For example look at the Blizzard WoW forums, it's just as bad as the SWTOR ones - this kind attitude is to be expected.


However making another apologetic post isn't going to help, you're only adding another worthless thread onto the already massive pile of worthless threads. These forums have been a cesspool for the past 5 years, threads like this don't help.


It's also worth noting that a large amount of this negativity is 100% Bioware's fault. There is a reason MMOs have several months of player testing in order to fix and fine tune new systems. What has Bioware done to fix these new systems over the past 3 years? The last time they had an "open" Beta was in ROTHC which was in my opinion the best expansion this game had.

Edited by micnevv
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I have an idea. Lets say they work 50 hours a week. CEOs, developers, janitors, etc. Instead of a paycheck, they then get a box that contains random items. CEO opens the box and gets a broom. Janitor opens the box and gets a neck tie. Developer opens a box and also gets a broom.


if RNG is good for the players, should be good for employees too right? I mean why should developers get paid more than the janitors for doing something more difficult? Just give em all RNG boxes for their time.

Edited by curulz
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For real. I said this years ago now.


They need to start asking us what we want...and actually listen. Not devote months/years of development time on something they think we want only to find out we really don't want it a month prior to it's release.


But they do listen...there is just such a long lag time between what we say we want and when they implement it, that by the time they do give us what we want, it's not what we want anymore.


Think about it...GC is the culmination of many solo players/non-raiders screaming from the mountain top "we want the best gear available without HAVING to raid." It may not be the exact system they wanted, but they are getting what they wanted.


Other features in this expansion have been asked for:

difficulty levels for story content

more consequence of choice

new group content (uprisings; I KNOW I KNOW it's not new operations, but it is new group content)


This lag time goes back a LONG time too:

Players wanted character housing, it took almost two years to implement GSH

Players wanted off rails space combat, it took two years to implement GSF


The list goes on


Don't you think they like it? I mean seriously, who complained about the actual gear system? Why do they need to constantly rethink the wheel? Don't they have other majors issues with the game? Such as very very few new content, class balance, very old bugs, ...

So , why changing a complete predictable gear system to a random one? Worse, they already tried random gear system and they received bad feedback at this time and they decided to move to the token/crystal/commendation system. Why going back ? The future random system will be less random than the old one? Come on...Who can think this new system will be cool?


For me, it's a confession of the lack of content of the 5.0. They will try to recycle old content for the X times (already done with 4.0 and the old H2, already done with the d&l "event", ...).


My raid team talked about this last night. The problem is they swung too far to the easy to get gear with 4.0 (EV and KP granted 11 of 14 slots) and now they are swinging too far in the other direction (RNG grind), they cannot find a healthy balance.

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On the whole the 5.0 changes incoming look good from what I've seen. The one exception is the RNG gearing.



Agreed, I'm excited about everything announced so far with one HUGE exception.....RNG gearing is a system they have already tried once and it failed miserably.... No reason to try round two.

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a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting.

Don't delude yourself...they work for the same reason YOU do...to get a paycheck. The employees know what the players want, but management won't allow it. They don't care that we don't like it, they just do what they're told to do...just like you do at your job.

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On the whole the 5.0 changes incoming look good from what I've seen. The one exception is the RNG gearing.

I agree!!! Change that and the whole update becomes better...but RNG gearing already exists (heroic boxes), has existed in the past (Battlemaster bags) and it has sucked at every iteration of it.

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I honestly believe regardless of what they do even if they asked the forums what to do that people wold still whinge and threaten violence/quit.


If they released info in July then that'd be merely extra months for people to whinge. There is a chance that it might not suck as much as what everyone thinks.


It's true that the community rarely agrees on anything, and often will talk over each other in order to press their personal narratives.


It is also true that studios generally do not allow player passion and rage to dictate direction of content. They listen, but since they have to make a product that appeals to the masses, extreme views or passionate exaggerations by the community are generally not valuable in moving a product forward. Players simply have to decide if what is offered is right for them, or close enough that they enjoy it, or not.


That said... this is a very poor time to make a thread like this. It's catnip for the disaffected, so expect many snarky and over the top drive by comments to your thread. But you probably already knew this. :)


Good luck with the thread.

Edited by Andryah
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Agreed, I'm excited about everything announced so far with one HUGE exception.....RNG gearing is a system they have already tried once and it failed miserably.... No reason to try round two.


I agree.


On the RNG matter, I really think that until we get to see how it plays out, it's unwise to over react. There is so much projection going on over the matter, with the old poor randomization of BattleMaster PvP gear being the prima facie narrative against it without even seeing how it works for this particular content.

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a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting. Gamers in the past threatening employees and their families and more recently, as in today, people saying that Eric and co deserve the abuse because they work for BW etc. Seriously?

The community is a bunch of individuals, not an entity, just like the company (caveat: the company is more of an entity than the community, since it's an official thing). If you're going to defend the one because it's individuals, you should be defending the other, because it's individuals too.


It can be a thankless job, but they get a lot of praise and helpful ideas and suggestions too. It's not all terrible.


That said, trying to be an overall helpful member of the community is pretty thankless in its own right and none of us are getting paid for it. And if we get invested in the game and community, we then have to deal with the emotional turmoil of being faced with changes that we have zero power or say in, and maybe wanting to leave, but also not wanting to leave because of what we've invested.


There are two sides to every story and it frustrates me when people shove one into the waste bin to defend the plight of another.


There's a vast difference between justifying borderline abusive behavior and understanding that the community isn't exactly in utopia land itself.

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On the whole the 5.0 changes incoming look good from what I've seen. The one exception is the RNG gearing.


A brand new tire with a hole in it is still screwed up till you fix the hole.


That is this entire fiasco. Galactic command has potential in many areas. The random end game loot does not support that potential and is a detriment to every single player in some capacity.


Like the tire, if you cannot fix it. You have to throw it away. That is SWTOR at the moment. We're not sure if their willing to fix the problem. Some are willing to wait and see. Some are not so willing when they have seen this similar problem in BW's past and it wasn't good. At least back then they fix it.


BW doesn't seem to want to do that this time.

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I'll consider it a thankless job when they stop getting their check on payday. Until then, it isn't the job of the customer to thank them for doing their job, especially when they aren't doing it in a manner that is making the customer happy. I've been very appreciative of dev teams in other games when they clearly go above and beyond what I would expect from them. I can't imagine BW asked anyone playing the game their thoughts on the new gearing process and they enthusiastically told them how much they love RNG gear boxes.
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a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting. Gamers in the past threatening employees and their families and more recently, as in today, people saying that Eric and co deserve the abuse because they work for BW etc. Seriously?


I've had thankless jobs before. It's extremely depressing, especially when people are likely being told what needs to be done and merely follow what the higher ups want. The least we can do is wait until 5.0 is here before addressing complaints. Sure, we can post our concerns but this hate is going too far. Now I see why game forums get closed down. Incessant, possibly unnecessary whinging.


If you're going to quit over what you think 5.0 is going to be like, then there's no need to announce it unless you're giving away your stuffs.


Bottom line, there is no need to be disrespectful to the employees no matter how upset you are with the game announcement. They don't "DESERVE" it. If you think they do, then get out of your mum's basement and go find a real job/your own house/life.


Man, I really don't envy Eric's job. Constant negativity can bring you down. People get CRAZY over their games.


The worst job I ever had was selling smartphones in rural Appalachia. It was like giving The Monolith to the apes. They'd return day after day SO ANGRY about basic things like losing their gmail passwords ("can you call The Google to get it back for me?") that you really had to just laugh constantly and try not to despair for humanity.


I don't understand the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the RNG gear. They haven't even finished tuning it yet, and we've got people screaming about years long grinds and 26,325 pairs of bracers. It is complete hysteria around here.


It is one thing to speculate about how you think the changes will effect raiding, queues, progression...etc.. but I see people come up with a theory on the spot, test it in their brilliant mind like rain man with the fingers, present it as fact - and then get really angry over it and threaten to quit all in the span of an hour. It is just hilarious. It has to be.

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