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Crazy and normal reasons you've re-rolled a character?


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Anyone who played Mass Effect will understand what I am talking about.


Rolled a Mirilian Commando, got to the Fleet and then realized that it's Jennifer Hale voice. The idea of Trooper being anything but the red haired cyborg Vanguard was seriously driving me nuts for some time. Caved in and rerolled then she was level 50 and I unlocked the species.


Rolled an Operative, everything was going fine till I got a closer look at the Gree sniper rifle. Then I rerolled my Agent as a Sniper. Because it looks a little bit like Javelin and I loved that baby so much that even if sniping in SWTOR after ME multiplayer is like eating the unsalted rice after some delicious chocolate cookies I just HAD to have it.

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Diablo Hardcore mode anyone?


When XP was slow to get, mobs dangerous and gear that important I level'ed a character up to 47 without a single defeat. Then on a group of trash mobs I accidentally jumped back and my character felt to his death.


So I deleted the character.


You can bet I was quite sweating while doing group content with strangers sometimes. Still playing hardcore was the most fun experience I had. I never ever became that attached to a character since then, especially with the insane XP bonus we have now.


RIP Xanaxes.


Must... resist... the desire... to try... THIS.

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Back at launch, I got my dark-side Warrior to Dromund Kaas when I realized...I really couldn't take being mean to Vette. I relished the dark-side options in all other cases, but...just couldn't do it to Vette. So, I re-rolled to be nicer to her from the start. I think it added an angle to my Warrior's personality and made her a bit more interesting. She also ended up having a soft spot for certain other beings, like her Gannifari.
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I reroll a lot. Many, many times over complexion or hair color. A few times because the voice just doesn't match the body size. Or the species doesn't do it for me. (Why is there no white hair for Chiss? Why?) Generally if a character is under lvl 20 I'll re-roll, over that and I'll use the kiosk.


I've tried many times to create a male Togruta for completionist reasons, but I just can't do it! They look horrible and have all gotten re-rolled.


I have one GTN mule on a server that looks too similar to a character on my main server that is likely to get redone since 30 levels is nothing with double xp.


A couple of times I've realized a character looked similar to an NPC I like, so I'll redo him to match more closely.

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Must... resist... the desire... to try... THIS.

No harm with the XP rate right now.


Only thing you might want to play without a companion and not use the level scaling, ie moving to the next planet when you are outlevelling mobs.


Have fun!

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Back when I first started playing (shortly after launch), I vaguely remember re-rolling a couple of characters because I wasn't happy with their "look". Then I left the game for a while and came back a year or 2 ago.

Since then I haven't exactly "re-rolled" any characters, but on two occasions, I've started a female character and liked the playstyle so much, I made a male counterpart, but didn't delete the female version. This is because I feel most "engaged" when my main characters are male (like me). Btw, one was a Jedi Sage and the other, a Gunslinger.


I use the Customization Terminal to make any small changes to a character's "look" these days. Sometimes I just make changes for the sake of making changes - especially hairstyles.


I've tried many times to create a male Togruta for completionist reasons, but I just can't do it! They look horrible and have all gotten re-rolled.


For the DvL event I made a female Togruta (Jedi Sentinel) because I just couldn't get the male Togruta to look "right", but I was determined to use it since I paid for it. :)

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A couple of times I've realized a character looked similar to an NPC I like, so I'll redo him to match more closely.

My DvL Sorc is a BT1 female Rattataki, and, aside from face metal and the exact tattoo pattern, looks a lot like Kaliyo, by pure chance.


Chapter X of KotFE was consequently hysterically funny, with these two skinny Rattataki women running around blowing stuff up, almost like twin sisters on a rampage.


But I didn't take her to the Appearance Designer to change her face metal and tattoos to be more like Kaliyo's.

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Needed 2 character slots for the DvsL event to complete it, took all of my jedi guardian and sith assassin gear, put them into legacy armor, took note of the designs, deleted do all other 6 classes and remade the jedi guardian and sith assassin to what the originals where in name too. So in the end nothing really happened XD
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1) When I left the game for a few years and came back, i had a number of toons at lvl 50 waiting for me across a few servers. However I didn't remember much of anything about them. The choices I made, their play style or how to play them etc. Instead I just decided to scrap it all and start from scratch. I remade a number of toon who looked more or less the same (maybe some minor differences) with the same names.


2) After my younger brother passed, I decided to make a character in his honor. (He wasn't a SW fan or anything, but he did love video games) Made the character look as close to him irl as I could. However the choices I was making (light sided) since I made him a guardian and it felt right for a Jedi, were not necessarily the choices I could picture him doing irl. Thus I deleted that character, and started from scratch again to fit in line more with his personality. Also changed him to a sentinel to match his personality a bit better.

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Been binge watching Red Dwarf lately and thought I'd make an AP Powertech with a silly name, every name was taken except for Mister Flibble but as he's a Powertech he cant wear pigtails or seriously wear (or find) a red and white checked gingham dress and army boots, but at least I can fry people with my hex vision (red glowing eyes but close enough) :)



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lolol...that was the nightmares in Dragon Age Inquisition . Damn..gotta find that meme


Omg, I rerolled my DA:I character so many times, I can't even count it. Somehow they always looked different coming from the opening cutscenes into the actual playable parts of the game. Of course, this was before they added in the mirror that lets you reroll your character's appearance any time you want.


As for SWTOR, I've only rerolled once, mainly because I transferred one of my characters to a different server and then they ended up languishing there for no reason. By the time I wanted to play her again, I started missing the perks I had unlocked on my original legacy. And of course, the transfer fee went up.

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I wiped 9 level 65 characters, two of which I had from early start game launch because I was tired of maintaining them all. I considered my favorite aspects of all and decided on re-rolling juggernaut (my first character) with my former Sorcerer's name.


It wasn't a rage thing I just got tired of bringing them all up to current level and playing through KoTFE on all of them was a drag. With the new level cap raise coming I decided to wipe them all and start fresh.


Going forward I will never bring up another Alt. in SWToR regardless of BW's model and events...Just not my thing.

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I wiped 9 level 65 characters, two of which I had from early start game launch because I was tired of maintaining them all. I considered my favorite aspects of all and decided on re-rolling juggernaut (my first character) with my former Sorcerer's name.


It wasn't a rage thing I just got tired of bringing them all up to current level and playing through KoTFE on all of them was a drag. With the new level cap raise coming I decided to wipe them all and start fresh.


Going forward I will never bring up another Alt. in SWToR regardless of BW's model and events...Just not my thing.


I had to level up 16 characters to level 65 with KotFE hit <_< and i dont mind XD

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1. I rerolled my very first smuggler because after completing Ord Mantell and half of Coruscant, I decided that I really, really disliked his nose.

2. I rerolled my very first knight because some update to the miraluka masks screwed up her mask (she had the veil-like thing that looks like a red rope with beige cloth hanging from it, and after the update she suddenly only had the default one). Because contacting the customer service and asking if they could fix it felt like too much trouble.

3. Rerolled a bh because I wasn't able to decide if his personality should be leaning more towards the light or the dark side.

4. I rerolled my 35ish trooper when the cathar came out because I used the appearance designer to change my trooper to a cathar, but then the character looked so dramatically different from what she used to look like that she didn't feel like my trooper anymore.

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Can I admit, to being one of those incredibly strange people who just likes playing the same story through numerous times? Sometimes it takes me a couple playthroughs to reach my own personal sense of how that character is SUPPOSED to be -- to find a canon, if you will. But once I've gotten what I think of as a canon character tale, I just enjoy rolling that same story over and over again. Heck, I don't even change their looks up during the second and sometimes third runs.


I kind of think it's like finding a book you really like, and just reading it repeatedly, shrug.


For me, the hardest character to get nailed down right was the Imperial Agent. I actually leveled about 3 or 4 Agents up to level 30+ before deleting them. I could never say what was really wrong with the characters, past that I just didn't like them. I didn't feel like they were "right". So I finally rolled a guy Agent, and then I made him darkside as heck. And THAT playthrough was perfection.


I almost had a similar experience with the Inquisitor. Except I'd already endured it with the Agent, so I ultimately finished with 2 complete Inquisitor playthroughs, one lightside female and one darkside male. Lucky for me, neither one of them was really able to romance Ashara successfully, lol. (I ultimately preferred my Nox, mind you.)


But I'm good about choosing looks long before setting into the game, funny enough. If I find I need to change up their looks, I just use the appearance designer and move along.


Anyway, that's me. I tell people I'm just weird, and then keep on doing my own weird gameplay and loving it.

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Last night I think I reached the height of silly reasons as I made a one letter typo by accident in the name so I forced her to level ten, wrote down her character creation numbers at Fleet and then re-rolled. It's not like it wasn't a character I'm doing heavy head canon/side writing for an AU story piece but it was such a tiny mistake. Mostly, I have a bad habit of not liking how a character looks or is named and restarting by the time they hit level 20 and was curious what gets others to the re-roll moment.


Imagine if you had an Appearance Modification Station in any stronghold... you can port there the moment you set foot outside of your initial dialogue instance at char creation.

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haha I can't even get past the creation screen with the male consular. Definitely can relate.


Same, Male Consular is just... I just can't seem to make one that I like yet.


And as others have said for themselves, Togruta are hard also for me to put together enough for me to like. So are Zabrak (due to limited options and awful hair styles in general) and Twi'lek (seriously, I think one would finally look "right" if she were purple/light lilac). And Rattataki. Or Miraluka due to the limits on the masks. And I make four Cathar, pretty much - Pixil, Jarote, Sher'ika, Jax'ika, and I think they're pretty much all I'll make even tough I love Cathar.


Cyborgs are fun to roll, however, because of all the options (though easier as female because males have to contend with face fur and tech which cuts out some other options).

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Imagine if you had an Appearance Modification Station in any stronghold... you can port there the moment you set foot outside of your initial dialogue instance at char creation.


Um, don't we? Could have sworn one was included in the intro pack. All my strongholds have them.

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I've made a few characters with the species that can't wear helmets in the game. I get all gun-ho during the creation of them, and get everything set up perfect. Then I get in game and start playing, but soon afterwards I start getting really annoyed they can't display any type of helmet, as I feel they would not do that in real combat. So ultimately I delete them, until months later when I make a new one again, lol.:o
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I have 5 sith warriors, almost identical to each other, because I keep wanting to see the storyline for them again from the start. Well, they look almost identical, they don't have similar names though.

One of these days I'll just record it, but today is not that day!


I have a similar problem with 3 agents. and 2 consulars.

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Um, don't we? Could have sworn one was included in the intro pack. All my strongholds have them.


Nope, you have to buy/craft it. The only tools you get from the intro pack (lvl 15 quest) is a mailbox and a legacy vault.


But I feel sad for the OP!


Although, on fresh servers, I have levelled toons to level 7 just to check prices on the GTN at fleet...


I've made a few characters with the species that can't wear helmets in the game. I get all gun-ho during the creation of them, and get everything set up perfect. Then I get in game and start playing, but soon afterwards I start getting really annoyed they can't display any type of helmet, as I feel they would not do that in real combat. So ultimately I delete them, until months later when I make a new one again, lol.:o


The only advantage is they can sport a probe from the battle engineer set without looking like Darth Thanaton or Malak... ;)

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I have 5 sith warriors, almost identical to each other, because I keep wanting to see the storyline for them again from the start. Well, they look almost identical, they don't have similar names though.

One of these days I'll just record it, but today is not that day!


I have a similar problem with 3 agents. and 2 consulars.


Warrior is the only class I miss when I haven't played Swtor in a while. I get nostalgic for him. I guess I've rolled quite a few warriors and then deleted them over the years, but my main bae Juggernaut will always remain <3


In DvL I rerolled a lightning Sorcerer for the darkside and a Guardian for the light (somewhat ^.^)

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