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Why don't you just move on?


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Many of those posting angry posts do so out of frustration. In some cases they have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on this game and don't like th direction it is moving in. When you've invested much of your money and time, simply walking away isn't the easiest thing to do.


So they (we) voice our frustrations. They becomes angrier and angrier as the posts are ignored by the development team who assure us they read these forums and all the posts.


The issue with the lack of communication is it makes it harder to pull the anger out of people. To put it in SW terms, it is easier to reach light V on a character that already is light III than it is to turn a dark V character to light V - much more work required.


It is not a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario. It is more Damned by some if you do, damned by many if you don't. No approach has 100% success rate, but silence destroys relationships it doesn't build them

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@ OP


The more you enjoy something..the more you will be emotional about it. This goes both ways, hence why we have people you "mention" in this thread, and the "other ones", often called white knights.


I have been on both sides, now having a blast in Legion and not looking back on my canceled sub. Think I got a few more days left here but I have not logged in 2 weeks, as there is no reason for me to do so.

Word of advice, let people go both ways, attacking or defending whatever they choose to. They are paying customers, the forums have moderators who (every now and then) keep an eye on what is posted.


All that said..I am glad I could just leave, and I will consider coming back when there is something to come back to. Just my 2 cents, but I have never felt so ripped off on and about my money as I was with KotFE. Not gonna go into detail, enjoy the game if you can and do not take the forum too seriously, or think too hard on it...especially if it is written in goldish yellow/yellowish golden letters.


"Because..it is just buisness" :jawa_cool:

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Personally, I love Star Wars first of all.

Secondly, I hate open world PvP games, which a lot of MMOs have, so will not go into those. I like to do my quests without dying from another player every 5 minutes.

Thirdly, there are only very few games with end game content: SW, WoW and FF. I dislike FF a lot, so never going to play that. As for WoW well, it's not exactly my kind of thing, but if we don't get any meaningful content, I might have to go play it...

Fourth, I also like the solo aspect. I like the fact that i can play solo when I want, and I can group up for something with my guild or outside of it.

A few games I tried had no story, and a lot of grinding in groups, so not for me as I do want to do solo stuff at times; some others I looked at were either open world PvP which I hate, or have no or really very little (like 1 boss or something similar) end game content.

Don't get me wrong, I like doing some PvP, but I like it the way SW has implemented it.

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Because games are made to be like crack. When you start messin with the crack, people go through withdrawals and get very irrational.


I think the expectations of the dev team around here are way too high. I'm not saying that as a knock on the dev team, I just think the resources aren't there. It's a 5 year old game. Of course, the devs want to design the most perfect game on the planet, they want to write the best story evar, they want to fix every bug, they want to add every feature anyone ever suggests - but reality is about budgets and goals and ultimately, this is a business. They do their best with what they have and it will *never ever never ever* be good enough for those of use hooked on crack.


Welp, that's my story.

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I can't just move on. The ankle bracelet, it goes off if I go more than 25 meters from my current location without submitting an itinerary to the authorities.

Not only did I not know that about you, but I also don't believe that was the type of "moving on" he meant exactly...:eek:

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Here's the thing with people who are very negative.... they feed off of any possible target they can apply said negativity to. Which now includes you. The most important theme being... they must have someplace to complain and something to complain about.


“For I am nothing if not critical.”



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IMO there will always be a useless subset of feedback on the forums from both sides of the fence....fluff from fans and flames from haters.


NEITHER is helpful to the game IMO.


To offer up unjustified unqualified praise that simple beats down any opinion that does not agree, or rage complain with comments like "this stinks" or "I hate this" without any constructive feedback is actually more detrimental than pages full of frank and sincere feedback, negative or positive.

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Yet here you are, bumping this waste of energy and forum space.




When someone rants about other people (who dislike the game), you instantly come to their defence. Yet when someone does the same thing about the game, you condone it and name call them.... :rolleyes: This thread is just another opportunity for you to attack people. I know exactly what you're doing, Andryah.


The OP is essentially telling people who don't agree with him that their views are a waste of time and they should go somewhere else. And you're calling these people "negative nellys" who don't agree with the OP when he says this. I'm keeping this quoted and bookmarked for future reference. It's gold.


Andryah has been critical of the game on many occasions, and even QUIT the game at one point, I would assume out of disgust for the state of the game and actions of Bioware at the time.

Do not confuse a high opinion of the game during a particular period OR a tendency to engage in discussion and discourse as an attempt to engage in white knight behavior.


Andryah and I disagree quite often, but rarely "come to blows", so to speak. There is a reason for that...it is being fair and sincere in your opinions.


Just MY opinion of course.

Edited by LordArtemis
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IMO there will always be a useless subset of feedback on the forums from both sides of the fence....fluff from fans and flames from haters.


NEITHER is helpful to the game IMO.


To offer up unjustified unqualified praise that simple beats down any opinion that does not agree, or rage complain with comments like "this stinks" or "I hate this" without any constructive feedback is actually more detrimental than pages full of frank and sincere feedback, negative or positive.


I would completely agree with this statement, however guess which one of these mindsets is flooding the forums? Hint, it's not the Bioware can do no wrong crowd.

I took the OP to mean if you have nothing but vitriol to spew in every single post you make, why not just hang up the hat and move on to greener pastures. I don't think they were implying people that know how to offer constructive feedback, even if it's negative, should just shut up and move to another game.

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I would completely agree with this statement, however guess which one of these mindsets is flooding the forums? Hint, it's not the Bioware can do no wrong crowd.

I took the OP to mean if you have nothing but vitriol to spew in every single post you make, why not just hang up the hat and move on to greener pastures. I don't think they were implying people that know how to offer constructive feedback, even if it's negative, should just shut up and move to another game.


But it's the bioware can do no wrong crowd who make these kind of threads, who complain about other people.


Yet when the "bioware does everything wrong!!" crowd makes a thread, the bioware can do no wrong crowd come in and attack the op before the thread gets deleted. You have the same kind people on both sides. I just know this thread isn't getting deleted because it's not attacking bioware, it's attacking those who attack bioware.

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For me - I hate classic fantasy settings(I think it's called Tolkien's setting, not sure though) and I love Star Wars setting. I have no other choice except this game. So I am giving the feedback wherever I can. Though I don't think I will continue with subscription once it runs out, so don't worry, from January I won't be spreading anything except the flu as usual :)


All fantasy games are based on Dungeons and Dragons which in turn is based on the Lord of the Rings, which is based on pagan myths. Nothing is original.

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I would completely agree with this statement, however guess which one of these mindsets is flooding the forums? Hint, it's not the Bioware can do no wrong crowd.

I took the OP to mean if you have nothing but vitriol to spew in every single post you make, why not just hang up the hat and move on to greener pastures. I don't think they were implying people that know how to offer constructive feedback, even if it's negative, should just shut up and move to another game.


Fair enough, and that was not a shot at the OP, or intended as such. Simply a statement of my opinion with respect to the subject.


As an aside, I would say that there have been times that the "fanboi" crowd has dominated the forums (especially pre-f2p IMO), and extremes here in either direction are common. Also, constructive is a matter of perspective.


Even a comment like "the group finder UI is complete garbage, an utter disgrace. It barely functions in ANY WAY. There is NO excuse for the poor condition of this feature. You should be ashamed of yourselves Bioware...." can be constructive, in that it communicates the complete failure of a feature in that persons opinion. There are times when comments like these can be very useful in conveying some portion of the players state of mind at the time, even if unreliable as a dependable litmus, so to speak.

That comment example is just generally representative of one time in the forum history...it is not meant to be a literal representation of any forum members opinion.

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Simply put, if you want an overall positive environment on an internet forum, you have to put in the time and effort to create it and maintain it. That is, if you want your forum to be active in the first place and don't want rampant negativity.


Forums are designed around "bumping." There is no upvoting or sorting, other than the impartial "bump"; if a topic gets "bumped" (e.g. posted in) it rises to the top of the pile. If it doesn't get bumped for, say, a week or a month, it quickly gets buried under all the topics that have been getting bumped.


This is why "bumping" without any content other than to say bump is usually discouraged on forums, if not against the rules; if everyone just used a vacuous "bump" when they didn't want their topic to die, every thread would be chock full of mindless bump posts as people competed to see who could bump more frequently.


Which brings me to the point: Negativity (in particular, heated argument) is a natural and effective way to keep a topic active. In all of my years on internet forums, the only kind of topic I've seen that is able to compete with heated argument is game threads and nonsense threads; threads where the posting expectations are really low and people can basically write out a post in five seconds.


With that in mind, if you want a forum that is both highly positive and highly active, you need people who are highly invested in making it happen and continue to happen. It won't happen organically because there's only so many ways you can say "this is cool" and "I like this" before you get bored and go home. The amount of words we use for praise are nothing compared to what we use for criticism. The main reason being that when things are going right, there isn't a lot to say about it. When things are going wrong, we suddenly need thousands of words to communicate why, so it can be fixed.


Short of changing that fundamental fact about how most of us talk, you will have to get creative in having positive conversations. If you want to have positive conversations about the game, no one is stopping you from making those topics, but don't expect them to take off like a vitriolic thread does. You will have to put in the time.

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Eric posted in another thread. 3 times. See what good it did. And people are still wondering why they don't like to post on forums.


That's because I called them out on their silence lol....people were asking questions and now they've gone straight back to silence.

Edited by DarthWoad
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It's hard to move on when you've build your own little community and friends in game. That's the hardest to give up, assuming you play this game socially.


I understand the reason behind it, but why di you have to give up that (special) little community? I'm sure most communities use any variation of Team Speak/voice chat clients, so you could interact at least to this degree outside of the game. And if your friends become also tired of SWTOR, you could move to another game (if there's one, of course). But as I said before, I can understand the primary thought behind the reason as the gaming together aspect wouldn't be there anymore.

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You must have a strange definition of asking questions.


Okay, whats your personal definition of asking questions then, as your definition is completely different from the universal defninition?


EDIT: Here's a question that was asked after eric left the thread


Will there be MONTHLY Producers Live Stream in September? Or any other live stream in September?


What's your definition? Go on, just try and win this argument

Edited by DarthWoad
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Okay, whats your personal definition of asking questions then?


EDIT: Here's a question that was asked after eric left the thread




What's your definition? Go on, just try and win this argument


Ok some people were asking questions.


Others (and as I saw they were the majority) were only venting their anger on Eric.


Let me ask a question. Do you agree that manner is ok in which ppl reacted to Eric's post?

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Ok some people were asking questions.


Others (and as I saw they were the majority) were only venting their anger on Eric.


Let me ask a question. Do you agree that manner is ok in which ppl reacted to Eric's post?


I think people are allowed to be upset and angry when they don't like a service they're getting. I support their right to vent but when it comes to personal attacks and name calling, which is against the rules, then i don't agree with it.

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Firstly, this is a good thread. We can understand better everyone concerns.


Though the old one i am, remember something called NDA. For long, when an expansion was announced, people who wanted to test, were under NDA or Non Disclosure Agreement.


So when people post datamined content, are they breaking this, or simply they are not testers and they do what they want ? like hacking the data ?



I can understand the frustration of a Cie when they work on something and suddenly everything or part is leaked in their forums and all around.

Of course some want to know because they are more into the game mechanics, but does that authorize them to break rules ?

If that was not a game but a car or a science project, would people agree on the datamining action or the law would considered broken and people could risk some action ?




I play the game as you (Sub) but as i am not able to raid or do some hard stuff, i admit that i dont encounter too much problems.

I have 2 accounts and a total of 36 characters now (with all the deleted i can say that i created 75 LOL within the 5 years :p)


My only problem is to learn before the launch too much of what will be in the content because then it will bare me to continue what i do. Yes i know some will say, do not come to the forums, do not read .... but as you i am curious, the forum is part of the game and i come to it from time to time.


With the last datamined posted that i should not have read (yes i did), i stopped leveling the new characters created still only below lv 20.

I see of course no interest to do it now that I know about the class transformation.

And this is sad in fact, as i was enjoying to level those.


So is this really good to post everything or not ?

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I always come back, its star wars after all, nice story (maybe not the best, but its nice). ive played plenty of mmos in past 15years, and honestly with all it flaws swtor is still one of the best mmos, and yeah ive played gw2 and all the popular crap as well.


Except if you want to participate in the end game, you don't have players to do with. Try to form a harder type of operation on the fleet(Explosive Conflict comes to my mind :D ) and see for yourself. Or the never ending cry about Republic imbalance in WZ in PvP section. I remember when i didn't have to wait for WZ popup, I press the queue button and I had an offer to join a WZ. Now I have to wait. Now I wait 20 - 40 minutes to form an easy SM OPs(e.g. S&V).


The game is awesome. But it needs new content in all areas except single player more often.

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