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HK-55 for non subscribers


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Eh, minor point, but the DvL event does require you to have been subbed at one point (Eternal requires lvl 65) during the KoTFE timeframe.

Ah...good point. I hadn't thought about that tbh...and since it has to be a DvL 65, you're required to sub during the event.


Either way, I hope they sell the companion and I hope they sell HK-55, as well as his "bonus chapter". I'm glad I'll get it for free - imo, that's a good reason to have a sub.

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Ah...good point. I hadn't thought about that tbh...and since it has to be a DvL 65, you're required to sub during the event.


Either way, I hope they sell the companion and I hope they sell HK-55, as well as his "bonus chapter". I'm glad I'll get it for free - imo, that's a good reason to have a sub.


I'm... actually kinda of split. Normally, I'm against reopening any time-gated rewards...

...but I have a different feeling for the "loser" companion in this event (perhaps because I've ground it so hard, and mentally prepared myself for either toon).


That, and I'm on an alt account that does not have the Party Jawa, and I'm rethinking (still coming to the same conclusions, just smaller margins) about the whole "why is this account of mine different from that one?" (Other than "I didn't want to pay for more accounts after character server slots opened up way back when.")

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Again, for someone who "doesn't give a crap" (your own words) about all of this, you sure are vociferous about it.


The white crystals are totally irrelevant to this conversation. The white crystals were a one-time opportunity. That opportunity was to buy them, with credits, from a merchant, long before the Cartel Market. Once they were removed, and the opportunity ended, they have never (yes I'll use the word "never") come back on vendors for credits.


The ones that are upset are the ones that are asking for things they don't qualify for, or deserve (for lack of a better term). If others are upset, it's because they feel like they're talking to a pile of rocks. Those rocks want to be gemstones, but no matter how many times you say they can't, they just don't get it.


I vote that we give everyone that asks for something they're not qualified for the title Follower of Koth (unchangeable), complete with the hairdo that will cost 5000 cc to change off of. And everytime you right click them, they're forced to say "He's always been good to us." This way they can be spotted as someone who sees the universe through a single viewpoint that can never be wrong. :p


You sir/ma'am are CRUEL!!! :p

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The only people here I've seen throwing a tantrum are the ones in opposition to the premise of this thread. In psychology, it's called projecting.


We're 'throwing tantrums' because as usual, people want something they either didn't follow the rules for or think they're entitled to. That is what is wrong with the newest generation, which is killing things that happen in the real world. Everything is FINE, must make the world one happy snowflakey place for all! Can't call someone something cause they may GASP become offended. 'Sorry but you being offended by my offense, offends me.'


I am just sick of people asking for things they didn't earn. It would be like me asking to get Apple stock at the 1970s rate because it came out when I was a baby and missed it but I'm an adult now and want to take advantage of it. It's not going to happen unless I pay 2016's rate.


My point, if someone wants something, they do what is necessary for it. They don't wait or come up with excuses and then demand they're given the item because they didn't do what was necessary or weren't around for it.


Like the military says 'results, not excuses'.

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Again, for someone who "doesn't give a crap" (your own words) about all of this, you sure are vociferous about it.


The white crystals are totally irrelevant to this conversation. The white crystals were a one-time opportunity. That opportunity was to buy them, with credits, from a merchant, long before the Cartel Market. Once they were removed, and the opportunity ended, they have never (yes I'll use the word "never") come back on vendors for credits.


The ones that are upset are the ones that are asking for things they don't qualify for, or deserve (for lack of a better term). If others are upset, it's because they feel like they're talking to a pile of rocks. Those rocks want to be gemstones, but no matter how many times you say they can't, they just don't get it.


I vote that we give everyone that asks for something they're not qualified for the title Follower of Koth (unchangeable), complete with the hairdo that will cost 5000 cc to change off of. And everytime you right click them, they're forced to say "He's always been good to us." This way they can be spotted as someone who sees the universe through a single viewpoint that can never be wrong. :p


Right, they've been sold for coins (or for auction for credits). Such a difference. Apparently EA has mastered corporate-speak of 'I didn't technically lie'.


So if EA decided to sell Niko Okarr and HK-56 that just happened to look like the 'exclusive' ones it wouldn't offend your sense of elitism, right?


I'm simply laughing at the snowflakes that would deny EA money because they want to feel special in a game that makes everyone the same by design. Apparently people think that seeing them with a cowboy wannabe at level 1 makes everyone envious or something.


Suggest whatever to the characters. I never play with the sound in any game (if I could I would delete the audio files as wasted space-voice acting has always been overrated), I rarely look at companions, and I rarely see anything other than my character's back and the quickbars. My trooper would wear a lime green and fuschia tutu if the stats were higher than his armor.

Edited by CorellianWannabe
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We're 'throwing tantrums' because as usual, people want something they either didn't follow the rules for or think they're entitled to. That is what is wrong with the newest generation, which is killing things that happen in the real world. Everything is FINE, must make the world one happy snowflakey place for all! Can't call someone something cause they may GASP become offended. 'Sorry but you being offended by my offense, offends me.'


I am just sick of people asking for things they didn't earn. It would be like me asking to get Apple stock at the 1970s rate because it came out when I was a baby and missed it but I'm an adult now and want to take advantage of it. It's not going to happen unless I pay 2016's rate.


My point, if someone wants something, they do what is necessary for it. They don't wait or come up with excuses and then demand they're given the item because they didn't do what was necessary or weren't around for it.


Like the military says 'results, not excuses'.


So you want the freedom to call people names? Any in particular that you feel unfairly restrained from using?

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It is funny, and I truly love hypocrisy on display...but...this isn't, exactly the same thing. One is a reward for being subbed, the other is an event promo. They're certainly similar, but one doesn't require you to be subbed.


You had to be subbed to complete all 16 chapters of Fallen Empire, which is one of the qualifications.

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Right, they've been sold for coins (or for auction for credits). Such a difference. Apparently EA has mastered corporate-speak of 'I didn't technically lie'.


So if EA decided to sell Niko Okarr and HK-56 that just happened to look like the 'exclusive' ones it wouldn't offend your sense of elitism, right?


I'm simply laughing at the snowflakes that would deny EA money because they want to feel special in a game that makes everyone the same by design. Apparently people think that seeing them with a cowboy wannabe at level 1 makes everyone envious or something.


Suggest whatever to the characters. I never play with the sound in any game (if I could I would delete the audio files as wasted space-voice acting has always been overrated), I rarely look at companions, and I rarely see anything other than my character's back and the quickbars. My trooper would wear a lime green and fuschia tutu if the stats were higher than his armor.


I think there have been many, including myself, that have indicated if BW wanted to sell Nico's recolored brother Rico in the CM, we would not have any problem with that.


Identical to Nico? No. Recolored? Fine.

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I think there have been many, including myself, that have indicated if BW wanted to sell Nico's recolored brother Rico in the CM, we would not have any problem with that.


Identical to Nico? No. Recolored? Fine.


Why recolored? Wouldn't the different name be enough of a tipoff that it wasn't the 'real deal' but a knockoff that was created to appease 'entitled whiners'?

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You had to be subbed to complete all 16 chapters of Fallen Empire, which is one of the qualifications.


A player would have to sub for ONE month, any month after chapter 16 was released to get all 16 chapters.


Subbing for one month after chapter 16 was released (ANY month, mind you) is vastly different than being required to be subscribed on a specific date to qualify for a specific reward.


As someone else pointed out, for someone who claims they have no interest in Nico or Hk-55, you seem hell bent on rationalizing and looking for a way to justify why those that do NOT qualify to have them (a group which Includes YOU, BTW) should be able to have them.

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Why recolored? Wouldn't the different name be enough of a tipoff that it wasn't the 'real deal' but a knockoff that was created to appease 'entitled whiners'?


Unique appearance can be just as important as unique name for some players.


Why would being able to acquire a recolor and not an identical companion not be satisfactory, especially since you CLAIM not to care about Nico or Hk-55?


Allow me to remind you that when they started making Rancors available by means other than PVP, they did not simply release identical models with different names. No, they made new models and recolors and then gave those Rancors different names.

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I think it would only be fair if you would make HK-55 available in cartel market for people who couldn't or weren't subscribed on January 11th 2016 instead of making it seem like a punishment for the people who weren't subscribed.


Umm... yeah... NOPE. Thank you for playing. Please drive up to next window!

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It's not a punishment at all. If you want to throw that term around then it *is* punishment for those that *did* subscribe during the promotional period... or else why even have this kind of promotion if it doesn't matter?


It's totally *not* fair for people that didn't qualify for a promotion to get it. Do you want a Founder title also?


Next you'll be saying "but I have a life and commitments and blah blah blah" as if others don't have any of that. We all have lives and other commitments and that's not any kind of reason or excuse to get something you didn't qualify for.


People need to stop feeling entitled to everything in the world.


Agreed. In fact I think BW learned their lesson a few years back. Reminder when Treek was supposed to be restricted to a particular legacy level and people cried so they have another option only to find out that option was easier to do than to actually play and get legacy 40? Remember the fallout and the flame wars to follow? I think BW will do what it takes to avoid that in the future...

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Agreed. In fact I think BW learned their lesson a few years back. Reminder when Treek was supposed to be restricted to a particular legacy level and people cried so they have another option only to find out that option was easier to do than to actually play and get legacy 40? Remember the fallout and the flame wars to follow? I think BW will do what it takes to avoid that in the future...


but Treek was only a non dead line requirement HK-55 is a loyalty reward.


And that only applied when there was only 5 companions per class and when Treek and HK-51 had more advanced(at least 12 abilities different to the normal class i.e. HK's assassination protocols (you will be missed :( )) noway days we get about 40-50 companions per class (I've stop counting after 36 as i gotten to much) and companions only have 5-6 abilities.


And also there is a HK pack (last of the alliance packs) coming out 7th of September with a possible HK companion (as the latest cartel market packs have been giving out companions) it's possible you'll get a different HK unit (or better get HK-47).


there are a lot of limited edition stuff that cant be gotten by new players or players that missed out ( Hutt Trainer, Founder medal, 12X XP, limited edition crystals (orange black, green black, purple black (better then the first 2)) and more (Nico Okar and items are one of them but i'm not sure if anyone is talking about it here and one point proven)(Dark vs Light event companions and rewards might be part of that). HK and Bonus quest is part of that.


Full stop.

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I think it would only be fair if you would make HK-55 available in cartel market for people who couldn't or weren't subscribed on January 11th 2016 instead of making it seem like a punishment for the people who weren't subscribed.


I agree. I missed HK55 as well. Put that party jawa on the cartel market too!

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I think it would only be fair if you would make HK-55 available in cartel market for people who couldn't or weren't subscribed on January 11th 2016 instead of making it seem like a punishment for the people who weren't subscribed.


You know the interesting irony about HK-55...I was subscribed and I still don't have him. lol


Just not interested in the Fallen Empire storyline and you have to finish some Chapter to unlock the HK-55. So ya...nothing for me and I've been subscribed since launch. ;)

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You sir/ma'am are CRUEL!!! :p


I'm realistic. ;)


Right, they've been sold for coins (or for auction for credits). Such a difference. Apparently EA has mastered corporate-speak of 'I didn't technically lie'.


So if EA decided to sell Niko Okarr and HK-56 that just happened to look like the 'exclusive' ones it wouldn't offend your sense of elitism, right?


I'm simply laughing at the snowflakes that would deny EA money because they want to feel special in a game that makes everyone the same by design. Apparently people think that seeing them with a cowboy wannabe at level 1 makes everyone envious or something.


Suggest whatever to the characters. I never play with the sound in any game (if I could I would delete the audio files as wasted space-voice acting has always been overrated), I rarely look at companions, and I rarely see anything other than my character's back and the quickbars. My trooper would wear a lime green and fuschia tutu if the stats were higher than his armor.


Listen, Mr. I don't give a crap about all this, but just can't refuse to make long-winded responses that are meaningless and irrelevant. You're worse than Koth in your single-mindedness. We were told that those white crystals may be back, but acquired by different means. So no longer available on a vendor for credits to being available through the cartel market are different means.


EA has nothing to do with any of this. EA is the parent company and publisher, not the developers.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Well, I understand the purpose of exclusive content, items and bonuses and support the idea with respect to the need to "value add", so to speak.


Personally I do not mind if exclusive content that I have received is eventually released for the entire population. I would prefer for SOME time to pass at least before it is unlocked for everyone, but even that is not a strong preference.


I suppose the only thing I take issue with, and this is really just a minor thing, is when I grind to gain something that is given away shortly thereafter (Insert "Dreadsteed of Xoroth" reference here).


But even in that case it is really not that big of a deal for me.


So, though I support the idea of exclusivity I do not personally expect or demand it. I am fine either way.


Just my two cents on the issue.


I would add a side note to my statement...in the case of appearance, I would prefer more options as opposed to exclusivity, though I still support the idea of that carrot. There are still sets that are missing from the game that I would like to see released in their original form.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Well, I understand the purpose of exclusive content, items and bonuses and support the idea with respect to the need to "value add", so to speak.


Personally I do not mind if exclusive content that I have received is eventually released for the entire population. I would prefer for SOME time to pass at least before it is unlocked for everyone, but even that is not a strong preference.


I suppose the only thing I take issue with, and this is really just a minor thing, is when I grind to gain something that is given away shortly thereafter (Insert "Dreadsteed of Xoroth" reference here).


But even in that case it is really not that big of a deal for me.


So, though I support the idea of exclusivity I do not personally expect or demand it. I am fine either way.


Just my two cents on the issue.


I would add a side note to my statement...in the case of appearance, I would prefer more options as opposed to exclusivity, though I still support the idea of that carrot. There are still sets that are missing from the game that I would like to see released in their original form.


The return of LordArtemis....nice to see you back.

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We're 'throwing tantrums' because as usual, people want something they either didn't follow the rules for or think they're entitled to. That is what is wrong with the newest generation, which is killing things that happen in the real world. Everything is FINE, must make the world one happy snowflakey place for all! Can't call someone something cause they may GASP become offended. 'Sorry but you being offended by my offense, offends me.'


I am just sick of people asking for things they didn't earn. It would be like me asking to get Apple stock at the 1970s rate because it came out when I was a baby and missed it but I'm an adult now and want to take advantage of it. It's not going to happen unless I pay 2016's rate.


My point, if someone wants something, they do what is necessary for it. They don't wait or come up with excuses and then demand they're given the item because they didn't do what was necessary or weren't around for it.


Like the military says 'results, not excuses'.

There's so much wrong with this, but I'm glad you said it because:


1) It validates exactly what I was talking about. Political attitudes bleeding over into games.


2) It gives me an opportunity to call attention to what's so flawed in the thinking.


First of all, I've said so many times and I'll say it again because no one has yet shown me: Who, here, is demanding that these rewards be given to them? The premise of the thread is a request that the rewards be put in the CM for money.


That is nothing at all like asking for handouts. Nor is it entitled. Nor do you have any reason to believe that the people making the request in question belong to any particular generation of humans.


"Everything is FINE, must make the world one happy snowflakey place for all!" Oh, the bitter irony. You do realize the people vehemently protesting the request in question are vehemently protesting it because they want to be "snowflakey" with their special items? That's why they bought them and care about them being exclusive to begin with.


"Apple stock" Apple stock is part of a mega company, whose success virtually no one could have predicted, and involves the trading and saving of real world currency, which directly relates to purchasing of things like food, water, clothing, shelter, and so on. It is a very serious system (stocks and trade) with the very livelihood of millions of lives involved in one way or another. To compare wanting to go back and buy Apple stock that will make you a billionaire (which is essentially what you're asking) to having the option to purchase a subscriber reward that is no longer available is not asinine. No, it needs a new word. Asinine doesn't do it justice.


Let's just move on...


My point, if someone wants something, they do what is necessary for it. They don't wait or come up with excuses and then demand they're given the item because they didn't do what was necessary or weren't around for it.


Like the military says 'results, not excuses'.

So I learned something new today. Apparently a recreational video game is comparable to the military. An organization which trains to kill, and survive against, other human beings. Versus something you do in your off time to kill time and enjoy yourself. Oh, oops, you "kill time" in video games. Guess they both involve killing, so they're comparable. My bad.


Again, where are these demands that people are making?


Still waiting for somebody to show me all of these demanding people, demanding HK and such.

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First of all, I've said so many times and I'll say it again because no one has yet shown me: Who, here, is demanding that these rewards be given to them? The premise of the thread is a request that the rewards be put in the CM for money. .


To give and to request quite possibly are synonymous with one another. Are you positive you're being as open minded as you may think you're being?

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To give and to request quite possibly are synonymous with one another. Are you positive you're being as open minded as you may think you're being?

Request in that it's not a demand. "Please pass the salt," versus "pass me the salt. I deserve to have it this second." The difference between demanding something that one feels they are owed and requesting that X thing happens with no implication of it being owed.


"For money" in that it's not asking to be given, in the sense of handout, which is the presumed context in which I was responding to. Unless the poster is saying they are fundamentally against "giving" in the sense of "opportunity to purchase" as well, but if we put that in the context of the apple stock example, it doesn't really work; BW could theoretically sell these items for the same amount of money they cost to be a subscriber during that period (therefore, quite a bit of difference from apple stock, since there is no way to go back in time and let people benefit off of the stock in the same way that early investors did). Also note that you can still purchase apple stock, just not with a guarantee of amazing long-term profits, so that's just one of many reasons why the comparison makes so little sense.


I realize I don't always appear open-minded, but underneath, I'm very open to new ideas. I just manage that openness by being rigorous in accepting things as true and pushing the limits on every argument where it seems necessary. Sometimes I'm wrong, but in this particular case, I'm not entirely sure what you think the flaw is.

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"For money" in that it's not asking to be given, in the sense of handout, which is the presumed context in which I was responding to.


You do understand that here is, on average, at any given time several billions of CCs in circulation that were never purchased with incremental real money, right? Between the 500-700 per month from sub+sec-key, and all the referral link rewards...... putting HK-55 on the CM would in essence be giving it away for free for many many players.


The only people who are without cartel coins are those who lack the will to save them for specific uses where they are actually required (and NOT cartel packs).


Also, a companion sold in the CM is freely tradeable/sellable to other players for credits.

Edited by Andryah
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