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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This level scaling is flat out unacceptable and I want it changed. Now.


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See it would bother me if they dedicated even a glance to this ridiculous thread....


Someone will pay attention to it eventually and move it to OT, but because *weekend* we can have some fun with it while it lasts. :)


Unless, of course, mods take the bait, too, and leave it as official on-topic discussion. Which it very well may end up being if more people take him seriously. :rolleyes:

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Please tell me this is a joke post, otherwise....well I actually am at a loss for words...


Either a joke or extreme elitism/frustrated PvP seal clubber. It isn't like a high level character can't blow through the lower planet content with ease even with some reduction in power, they still have all their skills. I just came back and being able to enjoy the game without having to group which is what drove me away is a pleasure.

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Has it been 72 hours yet?? Sorry to see you go SirCopperfield. Overreaction perhaps. But the game isn't that difficult with the level sync once you are leveled up. Another question that comes to mind is why would you want level Sync removed anyhow? The only thing I can think of is to solo world bosses... They are meant to be group content.


Eh, seems like a rather pointless demand but w/e. Oh and I don't need your stuff SirCopperfield. Enjoy what ever the next game you play. Perhaps you might actually enjoy something.

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Everyone just needs to understand where I'm coming from. I've been playing MMO's since 1995 when I stormed Lord British's castle in Ultima Online, killing the King and earning a lifetime ban from all Ultima games.


I don't play these games just to play. I play them to dominate. I play them to enhance my legacy.


When I go to a planet and have my level scaled back, it's a slap in the face to the time I've put in. Bioware has a little over 48 hours to change this. I trust they will make the right decision.


Also, let me apologize in advance to those who will be upset when they take the servers down to make the change. I know the weekend is upon us, but this is important.


-Sir Copperfield.


Indeed, being scaled down to a given planet's level is something for us lowly plebs, but it's certainly not befitting a gaming legend like yourself.


So I'd like BW to take one step further and leave the downscaling as it is for all but SirCopperfield.

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Let's skip the introductions. You know who I am and yes, I'm back.


It's been awhile since I've been this angry so I'm going to get right to the point. The fact that I just traveled to Tatooine and had my level scaled back to 32 is flat out unacceptable! I did not work this hard to have my powers "scaled" back because you deem the planet to be of lower level.


Is this Star Wars or Super Mario Brothers? Why are you catering to the casual PVE gamer?


I'm one of the most famous MMO gamers in the world and you risk losing me if this doesn't change.


You have 72 hours.



-Sir Copperfield.


Get over your self already.... It's not going to change just YOU want it to.... Your not that important.

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Get over your self already.... It's not going to change just YOU want it to.... Your not that important.


He is! SirCopperfield is a living legend when it comes to MMOs and gaming in general.

You should feel honored to be playing the same game he is...heck you should feel honored to live on the same planet as him!:mad:

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Everyone just needs to understand where I'm coming from. I've been playing MMO's since 1995 when I stormed Lord British's castle in Ultima Online, killing the King and earning a lifetime ban from all Ultima games.


I don't play these games just to play. I play them to dominate. I play them to enhance my legacy.


When I go to a planet and have my level scaled back, it's a slap in the face to the time I've put in. Bioware has a little over 48 hours to change this. I trust they will make the right decision.


Also, let me apologize in advance to those who will be upset when they take the servers down to make the change. I know the weekend is upon us, but this is important.


-Sir Copperfield.


I command you Sir for your fight for such a rightous cause. I hereby pledge my fullhearted support to this crusade against the unjust level scaling!


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Let's skip the introductions. You know who I am and yes, I'm back.


It's been awhile since I've been this angry so I'm going to get right to the point. The fact that I just traveled to Tatooine and had my level scaled back to 32 is flat out unacceptable! I did not work this hard to have my powers "scaled" back because you deem the planet to be of lower level.


Is this Star Wars or Super Mario Brothers? Why are you catering to the casual PVE gamer?


I'm one of the most famous MMO gamers in the world and you risk losing me if this doesn't change.


You have 72 hours.



-Sir Copperfield.


Conor McGregor won 1,2 and 4.

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Peoples sarcasm meters are just as broken as the Ashara romance I see.


^ Truth... and a bunch of newbies who haven't been around awhile clearly have no idea who this is...


I opened the post, saw who posted it, and was ready for some fun... then a bunch of people clearly like to ruin it by taking everything too seriously...

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He is! SirCopperfield is a living legend when it comes to MMOs and gaming in general.

You should feel honored to be playing the same game he is...heck you should feel honored to live on the same planet as him!:mad:




Sorry but as far as I am concerned he is just another player who subs, so no more important than any other sub. In-fact probably less important as he keeps leaving.


I don't like level sink either, There where many subs who complained about it (go look almost 50%) BW did not stop it for them they are not going to end for a part-time sub player. No matter who he is.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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^ Truth... and a bunch of newbies who haven't been around awhile clearly have no idea who this is...


I opened the post, saw who posted it, and was ready for some fun... then a bunch of people clearly like to ruin it by taking everything too seriously...


^Exactly!! *smh* Some of these kids.


I actually had the honor of running with Sir Copperfield on our old server, and him addressing me by name!! *swoon* lol


they are not going to end for a part-time sub player. No matter who he is.


You should read above quoted post & chill. You of all people should be aware of him as you have been around a bit, but alas still may be before your time. :(

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Indeed, being scaled down to a given planet's level is something for us lowly plebs, but it's certainly not befitting a gaming legend like yourself.


So I'd like BW to take one step further and leave the downscaling as it is for all but SirCopperfield.


Surely someone as august as SirCopperfield deserves something even more special. I feel like SirCopperfield should be scaled down to the level of the planet *and* to provide a challenge, I feel like the mobs on each planet should be scaled to 65 when he's there. Really such a daunting challenge for the rest of us would be a mere trifling fancy for SirCopperfield.

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Who sad it's bad? Besides, it's not the emotional part it's the overly emotional part. And I make fun of people getting overly emotional over other hobbies, too. It's not mean or derogative, just a good laugh.

EXACTLY! The only laughs we get, are those people freely give. :D

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Sir Copperfield I salute you !


The way you have had the white knights tripping over themselves to slam this thread has been hilarious.


Like flies on bantha poo they just can't help themselves :D


Hope your demands are met too ;)

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Quick sanity check - with level syncing, has it always been if you do heroics on starter planets like DK/Coruscant at higher levels the npcs no longer reward XP? Same with Essless and Black Talon FPs.


I ran Essless last night and personal challange heroic yesterday and noticed that I wasn't getting XP from my kills - just the overall objectives being completed.


Was that always the case or is that a new nerf?

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Quick sanity check - with level syncing, has it always been if you do heroics on starter planets like DK/Coruscant at higher levels the npcs no longer reward XP? Same with Essless and Black Talon FPs.


I ran Essless last night and personal challange heroic yesterday and noticed that I wasn't getting XP from my kills - just the overall objectives being completed.


Was that always the case or is that a new nerf?



In th case of Esseles, you're best doing that in Tactical Mode even soloing.

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