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Everything posted by _biddan_

  1. please stop bringing politics into videogames if you don't even have a shred of clue about the fundamental parts of how this game works when it comes to story interactions
  2. i miss companion interactions and unique class moments the most, but what i really want is more weapon variety for classes
  3. i can't login after this patch, it says that the login service is not available EDIT: it works now
  4. "muh fee" "muh one hour of waiting" you people will complain about everything
  5. jesus christ, you people need to get a life, let OP have his joy. seriously, go back to reddit if you want to be such asses.
  6. full dark side is never a good idea, to justify my currently dark leaning knight i started him as a tribal straight from rattatak who slowly started embracing jedi ideals during the plot until the end of act II when he started falling, but instead of savage kind of falling he started becoming colder and more judgemental, until he killed a certain corrupted guy on corellia, he then killed the final boss and is getting more ruthless by the day. i'll not turn him into a drooling dark side psycho, more like a merciless hero.
  7. i have a sith juggernaut who is light V, almost never picked a dark sided decision, probably had 200 DS points at best before reaching light V i punched her and i killed her thank you bioware
  8. there's no way in hell that you didn't do that on pourpose
  9. let's see my options... a mandalorian i've met a while ago and fought a few times with or... my wife damn, morals, difficult damn who will i ever pick
  10. you don't speak for this community i love the new bar
  11. hopefully they won't screw this up, after star wars 7 this is the last chance i give them.
  12. honestly every time i see dark siders complain about koth stealing your ship i feel like i'm seeing babies whine, you blew up a damn city, you thought that there would have been no coincidences? well though luck pal, you're a villain, you don't get a happy ending.
  13. lads, come on, help a dungeon master out
  14. no, not really, didn't you hear the really really creepy part right as soon as the ensign warns that they lost contact with havok?
  15. you'd let your better half go with an other man/woman? there's a word for that, but i can't use it here
  16. i've heard this short track a few times in the game and i'd like to know it is, it's creepy, dark, perfect for a thing i'm working on, any ideas? this is an example i found on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdjhgRMs9Bg&feature=youtu.be&t=26m53s
  17. i just graduated from highschool and i wish you were right! body type 2 is perfection made body type
  18. i've just made a new trooper and used this helmet on him, it worked fine in my body type 2 merc but it fixes my trooper's head in place when i wear it as a body type 3, even during convos, he just stares at the sky and doesn't move, but when i remove the helmet everything returns to normal http://oi65.tinypic.com/103zt3c.jpg
  19. so you're saying that they should just add a class exclusively for side quests? are you serious? think for a moment, imagine the backlash, imagine just how much people would (and with good reasons) complain about the fact that the new class doesn't have a class story or PVP/PVE access.
  20. jesus christ, the political correctness, just deactivate the chat it's not like they are literally in front of you screaming, you're so thin skinned this is what you sound like: "mommy the bad guy is being mean on the internet! please silence him permanently mommy!"
  21. boobplate is ALWAYS a bad idea in a fight, i'm glad that they realized this
  22. why did the republic surrendered and signed the threaty of coruscant? because darth baras threatened to sit on them
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