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This level scaling is flat out unacceptable and I want it changed. Now.


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Sir Copperfield!

You have returned good sir! It's about time. Maybe now somethings will get done!

Welcome back, please keep the devs in check. If anyone can do it, it will be you good sir!


An obvious troll thread, but you should at least realize the futility of such a demand for a feature that has been in the game for almost a year now. I guess you'll be leaving as quickly as you returned?


Learn to respect your elders Aowin. It is you who should be leaving, not the gaming legend himself!

Young child has much to learn.

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Everyone just needs to understand where I'm coming from. I've been playing MMO's since 1995 when I stormed Lord British's castle in Ultima Online, killing the King and earning a lifetime ban from all Ultima games.


I don't play these games just to play. I play them to dominate. I play them to enhance my legacy.


When I go to a planet and have my level scaled back, it's a slap in the face to the time I've put in. Bioware has a little over 48 hours to change this. I trust they will make the right decision.


Also, let me apologize in advance to those who will be upset when they take the servers down to make the change. I know the weekend is upon us, but this is important.


-Sir Copperfield.


The level/planet scaling does NOT CHANGE YOUR LEVEL........


It merely adjusts damage output, damage taken, and chance to hit to match the environment/area/planet you are on.


As a level 65, you will still be as epic as before, you have retained ALL your unlocked skills an attacks.

Had you been LEVEL ADJUSTED then your abilities gained on a level higher then your planet, would not be active/usable.

They are .


This is actually similar to the Bolster for pvp and tacticals.

As a lvl 10 you CAN actually queue up for a tactical, and your effective damage output, chance to hit etc is adjusted.

Your level remains the same however as you can ONLY access the skills you have unlocked with level.


So in essensce nothing is changed really, turn companion to dps/tank and you really has it as before, you kill as easy or difficult.

The only differance is certain WBs and OPS now can't be soloed, which I personally find logical a WB is a WB etc

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The level/planet scaling does NOT CHANGE YOUR LEVEL........


It merely adjusts damage output, damage taken, and chance to hit to match the environment/area/planet you are on.


As a level 65, you will still be as epic as before, you have retained ALL your unlocked skills an attacks.

Had you been LEVEL ADJUSTED then your abilities gained on a level higher then your planet, would not be active/usable.

They are .


This is actually similar to the Bolster for pvp and tacticals.

As a lvl 10 you CAN actually queue up for a tactical, and your effective damage output, chance to hit etc is adjusted.

Your level remains the same however as you can ONLY access the skills you have unlocked with level.


So in essensce nothing is changed really, turn companion to dps/tank and you really has it as before, you kill as easy or difficult.

The only differance is certain WBs and OPS now can't be soloed, which I personally find logical a WB is a WB etc


Don't ever use caps when addressing me again.

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I'm one of the most famous MMO gamers in the world and you risk losing me if this doesn't change.


You have 72 hours.



-Sir Copperfield.


Been playing mmo's longer than most of the players around here have been alive and I have never heard of you.

So much for being famous.

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It might be a troll thread but it has a point.


Scaling 's con is that your char's progression is brushed aside, you don't feel him as more powerful than before despite gaining more levels, more abilities and better gear.

The lack of progress and the stagnation it stems are awful feelings in a RPG.

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Scaling 's con is that your char's progression is brushed aside, you don't feel him as more powerful than before despite gaining more levels, more abilities and better gear.


We could put that to test.


- Completion time with bonus if available

- No companion

- Same heroics

- Same advanced class

- Level 12 character vs level 65 character on starter world

- Level 18 character vs level 65 character on capital world

Edited by Halinalle
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Everyone just needs to understand where I'm coming from. I've been playing MMO's since 1995 when I stormed Lord British's castle in Ultima Online, killing the King and earning a lifetime ban from all Ultima games.


I don't play these games just to play. I play them to dominate. I play them to enhance my legacy.


When I go to a planet and have my level scaled back, it's a slap in the face to the time I've put in. Bioware has a little over 48 hours to change this. I trust they will make the right decision.


Also, let me apologize in advance to those who will be upset when they take the servers down to make the change. I know the weekend is upon us, but this is important.


-Sir Copperfield.


Dear Electronic Arts: Please ignore. One man's ego and his subsequently egotistical demands -- and they are demands -- should not stir Eric, Ben, Or Tait into suddenly jumping out of their chairs to spit-shine this man's boots. He does not speak for everyone. He can only speak for himself.


Not everyone hates planetsync. I like it. And not everyone gives a flying frog's foot about this man's self-aggrandizement, his self-importance, or his manic ego. I don't care who he's dated. I don't care what media attention he's garnered for himself.


The world won't end in 48 hours if you completely ignore him.

Nor...will the game.

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Dear Electronic Arts: Please ignore. One man's ego and his subsequently egotistical demands -- and they are demands -- should not stir Eric, Ben, Or Tait into suddenly jumping out of their chairs to spit-shine this man's boots. He does not speak for everyone. He can only speak for himself.


Not everyone hates planetsync. I like it. And not everyone gives a flying frog's foot about this man's self-aggrandizement, his self-importance, or his manic ego. I don't care who he's dated. I don't care what media attention he's garnered for himself.


The world won't end in 48 hours if you completely ignore him.

Nor...will the game.


Come into my thread, says the spider to the fly.

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We could put that to test.


- Completion time with bonus if available

- No companion

- Same heroics

- Same advanced class

- Level 12 character vs level 65 character on starter world

- Level 18 character vs level 65 character on capital world

The mobs in the starter and capital worlds die fast, true.

But it has more to do with perception than actual speed of completion. You feel slightly stronger but not really hugely more powerful due to scaling.

As a level 65 with 208+ ilvl gear, I should one shot everything prior Kotfe.

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Don't ever use caps when addressing me again.





On that note, you level remains the same, just look to your skills.

Besides now with some of the new features actually doing the story on different toons is no longer such a drag

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The level/planet scaling does NOT CHANGE YOUR LEVEL........


It merely adjusts damage output, damage taken, and chance to hit to match the environment/area/planet you are on.


As a level 65, you will still be as epic as before, you have retained ALL your unlocked skills an attacks.

Had you been LEVEL ADJUSTED then your abilities gained on a level higher then your planet, would not be active/usable.

They are .


This is actually similar to the Bolster for pvp and tacticals.

As a lvl 10 you CAN actually queue up for a tactical, and your effective damage output, chance to hit etc is adjusted.

Your level remains the same however as you can ONLY access the skills you have unlocked with level.


So in essensce nothing is changed really, turn companion to dps/tank and you really has it as before, you kill as easy or difficult.

The only differance is certain WBs and OPS now can't be soloed, which I personally find logical a WB is a WB etc



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The lack of official dev-response in this thread irritates me. I hope it is just a sign that they are working hard on the emergency patch.


You need the Devs to say.......

Your level doens't change, only the values of damage output, damage taken and the to hit chance............


Or do you need the Dev's to say this.


I mena do you need the devs to tell you if it rains, some things are just so obvious

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Um...he already has.


Watching people get overly emotional about video game topics never gets old.

Reading posts about how bad it is to be emotional about a hobby others enjoy makes me sad. People get emotional about sports, cars, the weather or mostly anything else and nobody cares. But dont you dare to get emotional about video games!!



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Reading posts about how bad it is to be emotional about a hobby others enjoy makes me sad. People get emotional about sports, cars, the weather or mostly anything else and nobody cares. But dont you dare to get emotional about video games!!




Who sad it's bad? Besides, it's not the emotional part it's the overly emotional part. And I make fun of people getting overly emotional over other hobbies, too. It's not mean or derogative, just a good laugh.

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Let's skip the introductions. You know who I am and yes, I'm back.


It's been awhile since I've been this angry so I'm going to get right to the point. The fact that I just traveled to Tatooine and had my level scaled back to 32 is flat out unacceptable! I did not work this hard to have my powers "scaled" back because you deem the planet to be of lower level.


Is this Star Wars or Super Mario Brothers? Why are you catering to the casual PVE gamer?


I'm one of the most famous MMO gamers in the world and you risk losing me if this doesn't change.


You have 72 hours.



-Sir Copperfield.


hahahah. This guys again? I actually hope they don't change things now so he quits and goes somewhere else.

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