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You all better go lightside...


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Sorry OP. I too would like to have a Chiss Jedi, not a Maul!Clone, but that is simply not happening.

Why, you ask? Cause people in MMO find evil choices fun and cool and knowing they wont suffer any punishment, they always pick DS option. Every time I run FP, i end up being the only one who picked LS option vs 3 DS choices.

So you better mentally prepare yourself tor getting Darth Whoever.

Edited by Gelious
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We all need DARK V and LIGHT V to get all the objectives.

As far as the companion... I agree, and everyone I have talked to agrees.


Yup, you really need to make one of each to get more rewards. And while I do agree a Chiss Jedi is more exciting than a Zabrak Assassin....what makes you think we'll get *any* backstory on these guys (at least certainly no more than the quick burbs we've gotten on all the other KOTFE npcs).

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Well wont be going for the companions but will do first two levels on my F2P accounts and the first three levels on my sub accounts. As a lightside player (even on my imp characters) my choices will still help you OP I hope. I too would have chosen the lightside character if there was no PvP involved. Hope lightside win.
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At the risk of sounding jaded, why care? It's going to be yet another generic 'pet' aka Nico, Akk Dog, etc... Anyone who is hoping that it will come with more than a token two line of dialogue is very likely deluding themselves :p
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Sorry OP. I too would like to have a Chiss Jedi, not a Maul!Clone, but that is simply not happening.

Why, you ask? Cause people in MMO find evil choices fun and cool and knowing they wont suffer any punishment, they always pick DS option. Every time I run FP, i end up being the only one who picked LS option vs 3 DS choices.

So you better mentally prepare yourself tor getting Darth Whoever.


I believe when this event was first announced, BW said that surprisingly, LS is chosen more often than DS, currently, by a very small margin. So yeah, if you want that Chiss, do all the LS choices you can.

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Every time I run FP, i end up being the only one who picked LS option vs 3 DS choices.

So you better mentally prepare yourself tor getting Darth Whoever.


Most of the FPs I played during the last 4.5 years have been completely light sided, even on imperial side, so I wouldn't give up hope just yet.

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So, in order to help this cause, simply spam lightside choices and tell your guildmates to do the same. :cool:
{I consulted with my nine-year-old nephew on this issue. He assures me that, contrary to the implication in this thread's title and OP, you ... it turns out ... are not the boss of me. Trust me, I was as surprised to learn that as you will be.


As for the likely outcome of the event, if we assume most participants are new players, then I see no reasonable chance for Light to win the race. New players are drawn to the dark. We all know this. The only reason they play a game like SWTOR is to unleash their inner Sith Lord. Let's face it, if they were interested in the Light Side, they'd spend their time helping old ladies cross the street or reading to the blind ... not playing a videogame.}

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Sorry OP. I too would like to have a Chiss Jedi, not a Maul!Clone, but that is simply not happening.

Why, you ask? Cause people in MMO find evil choices fun and cool and knowing they wont suffer any punishment, they always pick DS option. Every time I run FP, i end up being the only one who picked LS option vs 3 DS choices.

So you better mentally prepare yourself tor getting Darth Whoever.


Yeah, unfortunately we have too many edgelords, nihilist-wannabe players (I mean, I have my DS characters, and I love to roleplay but even them never go full DS since the choices are moronic at times.)


I have resigned myself to not getting my Jedi Chiss.

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Oh, that's right some people will be going both dark and light to get all the objectives and just cancelling out their "vote". I guess it'll be up to us only doing partial objectives and just sticking with one side. :|


Yeah, that's kinda dumb of them.

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Another flaw in this "event" -- other players' decisions affect what return those participating will get for their time and effort.


To be honest, that's my single largest complaint (and I'm generally supportive of the DvL event). Ideally, I'd want to be able to get the Light or Dark companion for each character based on their own choices. At worst, I wouldn't mind getting one legacy-wide companion based on the aggregate choices I've made amongst my DvL toons. How BW doing it is almost unimaginable.

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yeah I just realised how dumb this is. They say that they want you to decide which companion you get by chosing which alligment option you take, but in the end they force you to grind 10k darkside and 10k lightside points. They force you to willingly sabotage your goal Edited by Deshiel
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If I still played the game, like at all, outside of my scheduled raid times (which, admittedly, even that probably won't continue for long) then you would have just ensured that I went Darkside, purely out of spite. Nobody tells me what to do unless they meet one of the following conditions.


1) They have the legal authority to imprison me.

2) They sign my paycheck.

3) They share my bed.

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Wait... I've been reading and re-reading all the info I can find about how the new companion gets chosen, and all i can say is "Are we certain that the companion isn't determined by our own choices, not other peoples?" Everything I read says things in a vague way that can be interpreted as the whole of everyone's LS and DS choices and also can be interpreted as the whole of just your own choices. Does anyone have anything more concrete that's been said other than what's in the news posts that says one or the other for sure?
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Sorry, I already have a light-side Powertech and Jedi Sentinel, and now I want to make dark-siders.

At first I thought "Ohhh, neat, a Chiss companion"...but a Gray Jedi? Nah, not for me. I'm a man of extremes, and a loyal Imperial. Merciless Darth Hexid it is!


Also, I would HOPE that these characters have a fleshed-out backstory and ALSO companion conversations of the sort we got with Treek and HK-51. You might say that's being optimistic because of the way companions have been handled in KOTFE, but I would think these companions would have that much. Unlike Veeroa Denz or Choza Rabaat, one of these companions is a reward for a months-long event.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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Well, in my mind at least, cause I've no idea about joiners or dawn heralds...he's still human. Yeah, he's a joiner and has the pheromones or whatever, but it didn't get passed down, just his human genes. He fathered her as a human/joiner, saying We and talking about his insect friends, but my Chiss Jedi Knight is just a half human/half Chiss chick...who married Doc and has three children with him. lol


Edited to add:


Here's mom, my agent: My Agent


Here's my Chiss Jedi Knight (who's dad is Vector): My Jedi Knight


I've always been impressed at the back stories some RP'ers come up with. This was impressive, and nice outfits. :D


I'm only taking 2 characters through, and only working toward making sure I get the new companion. Both characters will unfortunately be "goodie two shoes" types :(


That Chiss Jedi better have a cool storyline with her BW.... :mad: Y'all making me be nice and PvP & stuff.... :D

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yeah I just realised how dumb this is. They say that they want you to decide which companion you get by chosing which alligment option you take, but in the end they force you to grind 10k darkside and 10k lightside points. They force you to willingly sabotage your goal


only if you are shooting for the top tier rewards. and even then you only have to go LS or DS on 1 of the 8 characters you have to level.

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We all need DARK V and LIGHT V to get all the objectives.

As far as the companion... I agree, and everyone I have talked to agrees. So I don't see it being a huge issue.

However, make it public knowledge, and trolls will go outta their way to ruin it all XD

Know what? My dark V character is choosing overwhelmingly light choices, and going dark with diplomacy.

Just because i want the Chiss.

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