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Rate the Light Dark side event


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I am amazed it has done as well as it did.


I am still at a loss how a list of achievements and then some cartel market rewards for completing those lists is an 8, 9 or 10 out 10 event. There is No new content, no effect on the content that is on offer. You don't get your companion showing up in a cut scene as you make it through the quest guiding you on to your 4th or so new character to grind or encouraging you as your ganked in PvP.


Could the people that have given it an 8 or above explain as an event how much less they could have done which would have lowered your score. Less things on the list, so less grindy its all old content so surely that would have been a good thing. Maybe if they gave less rewards you would be less inclined to provide such a favorable rating, so basically an event is good if they give away stuff. Surely then just giving everyone cartel market stuff would be a better event, that doesn't seem like an event and more prizes.


Maybe because its not for Veteran players, it therefore must be for new players and therefore it must encourage more players. Sadly that doesn't track and you would have to be retarded to think that just because you have to create a new character to participate there are thousands of new players sitting out there not wanting to play but hear that there is a list of achievements that only count for new players and they will be rushing to play. They weren't interested in the content last month the content hasn't changed only now they get some cosmetic gear on top and that will change their view of the content. Not to mention its missing the point, the thread is rating the event, not rating possible knock on effect from the event. It would be like me deciding the event is so bad I'm quitting, quit and find my quality of life has improved and therefore rate the event a 10 because it lead me to quit and free up my spare time. The event is still a list of achievement and cosmetic rewards.


Does make me think that there must be people on the EAware pay roll posting here. That or I hope the people saying how amazing the event is are planning on completing it and don't end up saying its a great event but it wasn't really for me. Turns out perfect event but its more for mythical new players and its still an amazing event but I couldn't be bothered, But it is 8 out of 10 event oh yes but not for me even though that is the rating I gave it, I gave the rating for new players that haven't played the content for veterans well erm yeah I'm a... yeah.... no I haven't seen any new players.... but if there were any I'm sure they would have given it 10 out of 10.


For me I look at the fun side ,I don't give a hoot if there is no new content and I don't want it retro either it's an event to earn various types of prizes,all because we have done the grind before (or in my case 100's of times) doesn't mean we should be awarded the prizes up front.

As I said in my post I re roll my characters a lot and I still never get bored grinding them back up again,some days I just level up with the story other days I do every single quest going,I get as much enjoyment of doing it either way and I have been doing this since 2013 when I completed all the class stories


All because you have few hundred players complain about how they hate said event doesn't mean everyone does,we all enjoy various parts of the game. When the event starts I will complete everything up to Eternal Level and do as much as I can in the Legendary Level ,but this requires doing ops which I do not do and have no interest in doing,yet I am not complaining about me missing out on the rewards or the fact I have to do some PvP .


Yes it would of been nice if we had new content or 2 free character slots for events only or op's for the raiders out there but there isn't ,enjoy the game for what it is and has.If players are so angry about this then maybe they need a break have a recharge and come back later refreshed,it's what I did just after completing KOTFE on 3 of my characters,got so annoyed with how things had been done ie Comps to op, XP gain way to high,the alliance levelling system and so on, I gave myself a 6 month break came back and now I am having a blast.


Yes I am weird but heh that's my issue



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I think it is interesting that they managed to take old content and make a new event out of it.


For those that will enjoy the event I think it will be a fun experience to get some new rewards.


I have not decided yet if I will take part in it since I already have done the content many, many times.


For new players that have not done the content it is a 10/10


For old players like me it is very hard to rate it since I know that some will have fun and when someone has fun it is worth it.

Edited by Icestar
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I think it is interesting that they managed to take old content and make a new event out of it.


Exactly my thoughts as well. In fact.. over the last year... they have shown better propensity for making older content actually replayable then any other MMO I have played.


For those that will enjoy the event I think it will be a fun experience to get some new rewards.


I have not decided yet if I will take part in it since I already have done the content many, many times.


For new players that have not done the content it is a 10/10


For old players like me it is very hard to rate it since I know that some will have fun and when someone has fun it is worth it.


^^ Agree with all points. I would probably give it a 7, as a veteran player at this point. It's not perfect.. but I've yet to see any event in any MMO that was. I might revise my score up as I see more of the actual rewards revealed.

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Lets see here... founding legendary veteran player, with no open character slots who has run almost everything at least 8 times before (actually close to 14 but who's counting) has to do everything again to become legendary once more. I only have to buy some new character slots to do it too! BTW Musco, how did you say that with a straight face during your podcast? Half priced character slots? Really? Geee thanks... I think. And I if I don't fall asleep regrinding everything once again for the grand finale I get a Turret Mount that looks like it was blown off the hull of a T-72 then painted white as my mega prize! Wow! :eek: My friends will be so impressed! You know, the ones who have all left in disgust over this brain damaged idea. :rolleyes:


As for the score for this cluster bang you call an event, lets try ZERO! Which is going to be the exact sum of what my wife and I are going to pay you after we cancel. We sure did love this game, but we cannot continue to support a company that operates in such an unethical manner. Nice job giving the finger to your veteran paying player base, I will give you a 10 for that. :(


You know, if you had just let the veteran players past achievements count, everyone would win. The vets would be happy, (yay no stupid regrind) and new players would be happy getting rewards that they have almost zero chance of being able to afford in your bot infected overpriced economy that you have let go straight to hell. It's such a shame you guys cannot seem to get your act together.

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It's all right there in my Legacy window. All my existing achievements. Let me pay (coins or credits) to unlock them for the LvD character or something. Give me free character slots. Something. Yes, I am being demanding here. Why not? Clearly I'm not going to get anything just for playing! And that makes me really angry. All these years of playing nicely, and it just doesn't count for anything. Where is the incentive for established players to participate? Why was it so hard to integrate existing legacy information into this event? Why do the players have to ask about this? The data exists, why isn't it being used? Why?


I made some other suggestions in other threads, but I have another one to throw out there: Give a reward to non LvD characters for running with LvD characters. "Someone in your group has not yet completed the achievement for this flashpoint. On completion, you will receive one LvD box as a special reward." (A different game I play has this mechanic. It works really well.)

These are great ideas.

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I'm not entirely sure it could be classed as an event, at least not in the form of prior events where there is new content. Equally I'm not sure who it is aimed at with regards to the playerbase. As a new player it took me about 2-3 years to get around to running all 8 class stories, as a veteran player most of the event objectives have been completed aside from the 5 holocrons that don't provide stats, and the achievements related to the event itself.


The rewards I wouldn't take issue with earning, however if I was a Cartel Market whale who had spent a lot of money gaining those items that have been pulled directly from the CM? I'd take offense.


There are too many issues with achievements not being retroactive, for the OCD achievement hunter to be best pleased, this is content already run. Also taking into account it can only be earned on a new legacy (the way I've read this event?), which means a new server, and leaving behind your own community for a set amount of time. Considering what I've been reading about server populations, I'm not sure this is the best way to populate those servers.


So I'm left wondering exactly who this is aimed at? The newer content devourers? At which point I'd be asking myself, once they've done all of this and then find the content release schedule is somewhat lacking, why would they stick around. It just seems like a way of alienating portions of the playerbase seems to be the objective here.


As for a rating out of ten? I'll refrain.

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I'm not entirely sure it could be classed as an event, at least not in the form of prior events where there is new content. Equally I'm not sure who it is aimed at with regards to the playerbase. As a new player it took me about 2-3 years to get around to running all 8 class stories, as a veteran player most of the event objectives have been completed aside from the 5 holocrons that don't provide stats, and the achievements related to the event itself.


It's a speedrun. A speedrun is an event, aimed a players that are into that sort of thing. Including new players that don't mind trying for all eight class stories in 2-3 months, rather than 2-3 years, as well as veterans that want their speedrun titles :cool:

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It's a speedrun.


If all other events were live at the same time (looking at the requirements), then I would agree with that assessment of it being a speedrun. 1-50 takes next to nothing to do, it'll take even less with set bonus and free XP boosters / legacy boosts.


However, the titles are legacy bound, not account bound, so if you're a full on altoholic and have a maxed out server, that means a new server and a new legacy - which means no shiny titles to display on your main characters. Unless of course you can happily delete a character.


So now we're in the realm of having to delete characters or buy server slots (if you don't have any free) to participate in an "event" (I really am using that term loosely)

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-2 for making the level to get the companion group only. Otherwise this event is ok. As a solo player I would be doing pretty much what is required anyway other than the grouping. Armour sets been given as rewards is fantastic for players who are after those sets. So 4 out of 5 of my accounts will gain something. If you had the sets already then there still that unique armour set which is also nice. Still think the companion is the real only downside in the event as its not solo friendly. Otherwise looking forward to next week and hope to see more events like this. Though hope future events won't require new characters every time. Would have liked the companion but at least I will get something.

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I think it is interesting that they managed to take old content and make a new event out of it.


For those that will enjoy the event I think it will be a fun experience to get some new rewards.


I have not decided yet if I will take part in it since I already have done the content many, many times.


For new players that have not done the content it is a 10/10


For old players like me it is very hard to rate it since I know that some will have fun and when someone has fun it is worth it.


My question to you:


If you don't do the event - what are you doing in the game that isn't in the event anyway? How do you have your fun now that isn't boring?


This is the bit I fail to get a lot of the time ... some say "well I don't want to do 8 classes!" but then ... don't be legendary, settle for a lower tier that doesn't require 8 classes, no need to skip the whole event since you'll be doing event content anyway if you're playing the game as I see it.

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My question to you:


If you don't do the event - what are you doing in the game that isn't in the event anyway? How do you have your fun now that isn't boring?


This is the bit I fail to get a lot of the time ... some say "well I don't want to do 8 classes!" but then ... don't be legendary, settle for a lower tier that doesn't require 8 classes, no need to skip the whole event since you'll be doing event content anyway if you're playing the game as I see it.


How about silly rep grind?


How about WZs?


How about finishing stories without starting over?


How about playing GTN?


How about grouping?


How about doing exactly everything that we're doing now without deleting characters, without buying more slots, and without accepting this BS that they're tossing under the table for the dog to eat?



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How about silly rep grind?


How is that any better than repeating anything in the event? Each to their own but that for me would be some of the most painful repetitious content in the game for least reward.


How about WZs?


Those are in the event I believe.


How about finishing stories without starting over?


But if you haven't finished them then doing them for the event wouldn't repeating them?


How about playing GTN?


This is why I play but not really enough to keep me going for more than an hour a day personally then I go looking for pugs or play something else.


How about grouping?


Lots of the event involves grouping, could be argued it would be more fun due to an increased challenge on a fresher, lesser geared character with others in the same boat.


How about doing exactly everything that we're doing now without deleting characters, without buying more slots, and without accepting this BS that they're tossing under the table for the dog to eat?


Because a lot of what people do now is in the event anyway?

You DON'T HAVE to go for legendary status which seems to be the tier everyone complains about the most, it's meant to be legendary ... if it seems too tough or boring - don't do it and get the rest of the tiers easily doing many activities you do anyway. You still get more than you would have had had there been no event.


I do agree though they need to address the slots issues and also the BoP gear which surprisingly got little attention.


The BoP is the biggest deterent for me because I want to send the gear to my main and certainly don't want to spend cartel coins on the event.


Of course if they actually sell those packs as some have insinuated I'll just buy tons with credits as I always do which leaves little to no incentive for me to do anything in the event however I still think it was better than nothing but I would much rather they made real, new content and gave us no rewards what so ever for doing it.

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Because a lot of what people do now is in the event anyway?

The frustrating part though is that it has to be from scratch. I've got a few characters around 30 I've puttered with in my spare time, now I'm trying to decide if I want to copy all their appearance stats, delete them, and make a new one with the same name and appearance, or just start over and basically forget about them for another year so all the money sunk into leveling their crafting isn't lost. I'd actually like it if there was just a "n00b me" button to just keep everything the same except they're level 1 again.

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I give the event 5/10. I don't think it is the disaster so many people claim because the final legendary tier is so impossible I am just pretending that it doesn't exist. If you just ignore that tier you only need two character slots which I hope will cost a total of between $2 and $6 and then you basically play the game and get some cool rewards.


The unlocks for awesome gear to actually get it on your mains might be painful but it will still be a lot cheaper than buying them.


The Chiss companion looks amazing, the other one is ok but please I hope we can customise them there is no reason at all to not allow it. It is super annoying that every Lana, Koth and Nico in the game look identical. Seriously what person wears the same clothes every day forever?

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For me personally, 6/10.


It's not the most amazing event because yes, I understand it's just running the "same old content". However, you do get goodies that are a lot of fun.


I personally don't mind because I like leveling and creating characters and I haven't done all the class stories yet. So for me, it looks fairly fun, at least up until Eternal level. Leveling two characters, one on each side, to 65, doing some Flash points, and getting some chapters done doesn't seem too hard and pretty doable in the time period given.


I will admit the Legendary is kind of nuts and I might try it if I'm feeling particularly motivated (leveling the other 6 classes to 50 would be the goal), but that's okay. There's nothing on Legendary level I'm just dying to have.


I really don't think it's the "slap to the face" or "completely horrible!" like a lot of people are yelling about. Certainly not worth unsubbing over, but their money and their choice. They can do as they please. I just don't understand how the event is affecting anything they were doing or planning to do; if they think the event is 'dumb', they don't have to do it and it's not as if it will keep them from doing whatever else they want to do in game?


I get being somewhat annoyed at not being able to use your favorite/main characters though, hence the -4 because if I had a main that I just adored doing everything on, I would probably be a bit annoyed at not being able to use them. For those that say they have 40 characters on a single server already, I'm kind of baffled and I have to assume they're a very, very small percentage of players. I can't even imagine leveling 40 characters to 65, even if I had been playing for years.


TL-DR - 6/10. Not an "amazing" event, but not a horrible event and really not too unreasonable to get to Eternal Level. The only thing really crazy is Legendary. I don't get the extreme venom being tossed around, but I can understand being a little annoyed if I couldn't use my main or my favorite character if I wanted to. The rewards aren't bad, everyone has access, and it's a fun challenge, sort of like the Iron Man challenge but with in-game rewards. Not 'great', but certainly better than just nothing at all happening over the summer.

Edited by Jaiddyn
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