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Everything posted by abigfishy

  1. Ha ha you should play DCUO. In that game things on the GTN also cost hundreds of millions but free players are limited to $3,000!
  2. Gosh they really patched a LOT of things. Great job, Bioware!
  3. Same with Traitor Among the Chiss and Crisis on Umbara. I often have 30 minutes to an hour and want to run a FP, if one of these pop I will drop from the group and because of the lockout log out of the game. They should have time in mind when designing FPs, insane bullet sponges with stupidly high health and massive hordes of trash don't make fun, they just make the FPs too long. I just leveled 11 characters from 70 to 75 this week mainly by running random FPs and Hammer Station was clearly the most common but I did get a good selection of others like RR, Athiss, Mando R, Cademimu, Boarding Party, Foundry. D7, KDY, Ilum, CCL, CCM, Tython, Korriban, Rakata and Rishi. Seems like a great variety to me. I often did not get the reward for running a random and I was told that it has something to do with Objective Meridian, that under some circumstances you can't do it but you are punished for not selecting it even though you can't.
  4. I wish I had been keeping record of how many tries I have made to get from blue to purple med packs. I just assumed that I would succeed and kept on trying and trying and trying. It said 20%, I have totally lost track of how many attempts I have made. Feels very, very bad.
  5. It is kind of an ironic sign of health that someone thinks that it is worth spamming gold in the game...
  6. I did all of Dantooine that is possible to do in one day today. It took me over two hours and I am just short of half way to conquest. I can't do this on multiple toons either due to the way the rewards are set up. This is fairly poor for the supposed focus of the week. If it is Pirate week shouldn't I be able to get conquest rewards on all of my characters? It was the same when in bounty week the reward was once per day per legacy rather than once per day per character. I would also like to see Heroics and Galactic Rampage returned. In my opinion at the moment there is too little choice.
  7. I think the final boss of every operation should drop a set piece/tactical for each player. Maybe harder difficulty ones can drop an extra one.
  8. There are no facts just opinions, you have yours and here is mine. I liked the story and thought it was quite good, although it was too brief. This is the most alt friendly system ever and I have loved the gear grind to 306, now that I am there it is less exciting as the gear is now very random or expensive. The new different sets and tacticals are great and add depth to the game. The new 50k target for conquest is fine some weeks but too hard in others like this (Pirate) week. Crafting is a disaster.
  9. I wish they would at least put the companion gift and cosmetic items back in the crates so that they would be a little better.
  10. I'm totally confused by your post. Are you saying that I know nothing because I am a "new" player who has only been playing since Jan 2015?
  11. Please don't try to force such a broard definition which is so wide EVERYTHING is pay to win. I have paid for a faster internet connection than you. League of Legends is P2W! I have paid for a better PC than you. COD is P2W! My glasses are better than yours. Rock, Scissors, paper is P2W! I have a gym membership. Arm wressling is P2W! My parents were richer than you so I had better nutrition and education than you. Life is P2W!
  12. It only takes 477 purple gifts to raise a companion to influence 50. Paying 50 million to avoid about 10 minutes of clicking (which you can do with the game windowed while you watch a movie) is madness. On the main topic. What the heck is pay to win in this game? Yes augments are stupidly expensive at the moment but there is nothing that you can buy that you cannot make yourself or purchase with money that you earn yourself in the game. If they put a unique 306 set on the CM that had the BIS perks, that would be P2W. I can't see anything like that at the moment.
  13. I agree that it is awesome to have a choice. Unlike most people here some of my toons will stay in the Alliance. My Bounty Hunter never wanted to be a slave of the Sith Empire and loves being independent. Great work Bioware! I finish with my Carthago delenda est - Please fix crafting.
  14. I think Keith, Charles and Eric are trying hard to make the game better and except for crafting they are mostly succeeding. Didn't Ben 'RNG is Fun!' Irving get to ruin Anthem as he tried to do with SWTOR before he left? Heroics are useless now. The old daily areas are useless now. Flashpoints are amazing though, I regularly find a gold item I can sell for at least a million and I got one that I sold for an incredible 20 million two days after the patch dropped; although I bet it is worth a fraction of that now.
  15. Is there any costume in game that looks good for Halloween?
  16. I have run a LOT of FPs and gotten a ton of gear and I haven't seen a problem. As far as I know it is working as intended where up to level 74 the gear drops are 100% random but at 75 they are mostly for your class but still you get some random ones. Naturally with small sample sizes and RNG this can seem like they are all random. This gearing system is very alt friendly and MUCH better than GC! Now the crafting system is a different thing...
  17. Some of my characters don't want to do KOTFE/KOTET etc for RP reasons so I levelled one last night just doing flashpoints. It took 4 FPs to go from 70-75 and I got quite a bit of loot and levelled my crew skills while I was doing it. No gold drops at all though...
  18. There is one type of boost where you create a level one character then boost it to level 70 and NO missions are completed so you can do them as you wish later.
  19. Great analysis. It clearly shows that they could instantly cut all costs in half and it would still not be worth crafting anything at all. Crafting needs a massive overhaul
  20. Game is great. Devs are doing a great job overall. Please make the game even better by fixing this: the new look is ugly and confusing.
  21. Some liked KOTOR and KOTFE and some didn't. I would have preferred a little more class variety and divergant paths but what we did get was a lot of content and story. Since then it really feels that the devs have spent their time on gearing systems rather than content and story. Even worse those gearing systems have been generally disliked. I like SWTOR but galactic command and lack of anything to do had me lose interest and stop playing. I have returned, resubbed and was excited about 6.0. Now I feel a little let down. I cannot say how everyone else feels but I can say how I feel. Story - good but brief. Gearing - why would I even want to have to regear all my characters again? How is this fun? It seems too long and too much RNG and in the meantime I feel a lot weaker than I was a week ago. I was 70 with 258 gear last week and now I am 75 with 270 gear and I am WEAKER! This is illogical! Crafting - a disaster. I do not want to have to grind for hours to make a piece of gear. I WANT to love SWTOR. I do not want to troll or drive anyone away. My fantasy is the devs will post a reply, "Oops you are right our bad. We accidentally made the crafting costs triple what they should be. We messed up with bloster and level scaling. We heard the concerns about RNG gearing from the PTS and have a fix ready to go. We will put out a patch today to fix these issues. "
  22. I don't promise this but my understanding (which could be wrong) is that: If you are L70 or less you are bolstered up and will be as good as always. At level 71-75 you are brutally bolstered down and urgently need gear. I read one post that said a 75 with 290 gear is as powerful as a 70 with 220 gear. So in any Op 75s with gear in the 260s, 270s or 280s will be a disaster.
  23. I am five levels higher than last week and my gear rating has gone from 258 to 270 but I feel much, much weaker. Doesn't that seem wrong?
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