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Empire ALWAYS wins Warzones?


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i know this thread hasnt been active but just coming from a couple of losses in a row, i need to vent :)

there are so many variables in warzones that can affect the outcome, how many healers are on the other team? are they being focused? are people calling out incomings or simply waiting for the wave to hit and staying silent? does your team have a strategy or are they just charging in and hoping for the best? (<best way to get your butt handed to you) is your team playing to the objectives or are they just running around like chickens with heads cut off? win or lose has nothing to do with republic vs empire, its all about communication and i wish there was more of it in warzones personally. my 2 cents


There's Rated Warzones if you want a controlled match.

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Rumor has it that one or two servers are dominated by pubs and the only explanation for that I can come up with is that the best players happened to roll pubs and made others follow. Or pehaps it was an intentional community effort in an attempt to balance the factions. All the servers I've been on have been dominated by the imps though. I'm still of the opinion that there are two determining factors:


* The pub side is pulling more SW fans. Many of these are not avid gamers and/or MMO'ers.

* A LOT of pubs are rolling commandos, a class that only weakens teams. Imps are rolling mercs but it seems as if they're a tad more educated and avoid them in PvP. It is not uncommon that I will end up with four commandos (game over right there) whereas it has been quite a few patches since I got stuck with four mercs. I'm surprised when I have one merc on my team nowdays.


Addtionally, I don't know if sage is more popular than sorc but I tend to run into a lot of sages on the pub side. This would have been ok if the rest of the team had diversity but in combination with several commandos it's just a disaster.


I've intentionally gone from dps to healer on the pub side in an attempt to help my teams more and it feels like it has improved my own situation a little.

Edited by MidichIorian
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What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?


On Jedi Covenant it's Premade that wins most , you find this out when you have lvl 50 toons on both factions on the same server. Pug vs Pug is a toss up.

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Personally, I have a problem with running into an endless stream of premade groups (be that republic or empire) most of the time. I know you have to queue at a specific time on certain servers to be able to win, for example, on my server I try to avoid queueing between 6 and 10 pm, when the most of the premades are active and try to get the daily done as early as possible.


It doesn't work 100% of the time, but for example, I noticed that there earlier you queue, the more likely it is that you will run into another pug group. I tend to win a lot more matches between 2 and 6 pm, then say, in the evening, when it's basically one giant massacre and the warzones are running red with pug blood.


Also, because this game has only two faction, each server has a stronger one (which is not always the Empire). On our server (The Progenitor) pvp population is quite balanced actually, it's just that the Imperials have more premades going at any given time, which makes it more likely that they'll win. I've heard, however, that other servers (like POT5) are dominated by Republic players.

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Rumor has it that one or two servers are dominated by pubs and the only explanation for that I can come up with is that the best players happened to roll pubs and made others follow. Or pehaps it was an intentional community effort in an attempt to balance the factions. All the servers I've been on have been dominated by the imps though. I'm still of the opinion that there are two determining factors:


* The pub side is pulling more SW fans. Many of these are not avid gamers and/or MMO'ers.

* A LOT of pubs are rolling commandos, a class that only weakens teams. Imps are rolling mercs but it seems as if they're a tad more educated and avoid them in PvP. It is not uncommon that I will end up with four commandos (game over right there) whereas it has been quite a few patches since I got stuck with four mercs. I'm surprised when I have one merc on my team nowdays.


Addtionally, I don't know if sage is more popular than sorc but I tend to run into a lot of sages on the pub side. This would have been ok if the rest of the team had diversity but in combination with several commandos it's just a disaster.


I've intentionally gone from dps to healer on the pub side in an attempt to help my teams more and it feels like it has improved my own situation a little.


now that you mention it, in nearly every warzone i queued for last night, there were 2 or 3 commandos on the team. and im also seeing ALOT of scoundrels lately which like the operative is either a detriment to the team if poorly played or an asset in the hands of a skilled player. and also imho having 3 or 4 team mates > level 20 while the other team is all 30s and 40s has a noticable impact on team performance.

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Republic players overall aren't as good as Empire. But some of the best players in-game are Republic.


Id say this is fairly accurate.


Empire draws more pvp seasoned players as a whole, but the republic draws some of the most seasoned players and guild premades, who, while less in numbers than the good players on the imp side, are usually better overall, and have great organization and long standing guild ties.


So the top ranked teams often are Republic, whereas some of the best individual players tend to be Imps.


just generalizations, but at least on my server, fairly accurate.

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I've heard, however, that other servers (like POT5) are dominated by Republic players.


Nope. Check out this thread from our server forums. Republic: Do you guys even try/care about PvP?


Tbh this is not true. I play on Empire and we don't win as much as you think. I think you're just upset. Try taking a walk for a bit and come back, always works for me. :)


This guy's post is really old (first page, like #5) but I still see this a lot. Here's what's happening: as Empire you play a lot of same faction matches, because there are more empire players. You'll win 50% of your same faction matches and 90% of matches against the republic, so it feels more balanced than it is.


I also think a lot of republic players made commandos for the huge gun. Whoops.

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Id say this is fairly accurate.


Empire draws more pvp seasoned players as a whole, but the republic draws some of the most seasoned players and guild premades, who, while less in numbers than the good players on the imp side, are usually better overall, and have great organization and long standing guild ties.


So the top ranked teams often are Republic, whereas some of the best individual players tend to be Imps.


just generalizations, but at least on my server, fairly accurate.


I'd have to agree. Most seasoned guilds like playing on the underdog faction and most individual pvper's enjoy playing on a warmongering "evil" faction.


One of the key reasons Republic suffers as well is sheer numbers. Empire continues to outnumber Republic by far on most servers. So that kinda leaves most rep teams with very few options if they expect to win often since they will be continiously q-ing with the same bads with little hope of escape.


What happens is:


A. The decent players re-roll imp out of sheer frustration. Making the situation harsher.


B. The player who want to win start getting to know each other well and *********** stupid amazing teamwork happens and republic starts rolling faces all day because every team has at least four player who can count on each other to get **** done right. (I've seen this happen on servers before mega-merge. Reps made up for small numbers with effort and communication that Imps never could compete with)


Most would assume that Imps has more bad and should lose more often. While we definitely have more bads we have more good player to make-up for bads and variety cause the bad are bad for new and exciting reasons. Republic has the same bads who will never guard a turret over skirmishing causing repeated loses for similar reasons and if you're trying to win you can't do it all alone... unless it's huttball. :D

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As a solo queue'er in lvl 50s and sub 50s on Shadowlands, I typically win more than lose Republic PvP, but there's some noticeable trends:


Sub 50's: Wins > Losses. Huttball tends to be scoreless, we frequently win on possession.

50's: Win = Losses on Novare and Alderaan. Losses slightly out-number wins on Voidstar. We never win Huttball. (I mean, every once in a while we do, but pretty much almost never)


I think it's an organization thing. For example, I've taken it as general consensus that Imps have played far more Huttball matches than Reps because there were many fairly-well-researched discussions that placed faction imbalance squarely in favor of Imps on most servers early in the game...back when Huttball was the only faction vs faction WZ. I also seem to encounter small pre-mades from time to time (I don't think they're everywhere and ruining PvP necesarily, but I do see them). Such groups--often 3-4 clearly working in close tandem, often in the same guild completely dominate Huttball. Like, 6 goals in < 2 mins.


All in all, it's much harder to dominate the other warzones, even with small premades, or with voice chat, because of the layout of the terrain and the communication needed. For example, I can type "inc 2 grass" very quickly (or even have it pre-typed), and get back to combat. I can't type "I am up on the top catwalk near the left fire pit--oh, nvm, knocked back, ok, I'm going around the side now, try passing over to that guy who just went up the vent--oh you're dead, nvm"...


So, experience, repetition, groups who know the common strategies seem to win the day in all cases, and in my experience, the WZs for which strats are more quickly mastered tend to be the most even.

Edited by Journeyer
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What happens is:


A. The decent players re-roll imp out of sheer frustration. Making the situation harsher.


This, in my experience, is largely true but unfortunate. I know that a lot of people I typically PVP with on the pub side on the Harbinger server are playing more and more on their Imp toons simply because they cannot stand how bad the average pub is. Although it's totally fine for them to do that, and I certainly share their frustrations, it's not something I understand totally.


In my opinion, jumping to the side that always wins does nothing to make one a better player. Since this summer I have resolved to always play whichever side is seemingly losing the most. This past Sunday afternoon, for example, all the better pub guilds were on so, not surprisingly, the Republic was winning most warzones (which isn't too common there, at least in regs). As such, I went and PVP'd on my Imperial for the next few hours. And at the end of the summer on the Drooga's Pleasure Barge server I PVP'd almost exclusively on my Imperial for about two weeks because the Republic was winning so much at that time.


Single-faction domination in PVP hurt many servers in the past; I'm worried it has the potential to do the same in the future.

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I was actually playing against the Empire lastnight in Civil War and while I was attempting to get the left turret for some reason the empire was able to get both MID and RIGHT turret at the sametime, speed hacking maybe?


It seemed everyone in my ops group was abit surprised how fast they got them.

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When i solo pug it depends on a few factors but typically pug v. pug on The Harbinger the repubs (my side) wins. Of course against *the* imp premade we lose 9/10 at least.


Time of day matters a fair bit, the later in the evening the filthy IMPs pick up the pace a bit.


The weirdest thing was before the first merge IMP would ALWAYS lose sub 50 while they would nearly always win 50.

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There are many players/guilds that do well on both imp and pub toons. They are the higher ranked guilds. But having said that I must regretfully admit to increased victories on my imp toons. I don't think it's a matter of lack of skill or lack of heart in regards to pub players, but just improper instruction and experience.


Example, I began capping in voidstar and the other fellows on my team rushed forward to "help" planting bombs...

There are countless examples such as this but eventually the intuition will increase...its gotta.

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What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?


You are way over generalizing. First of all even if the Empire is better at pvp in your server does not mean that applies to all servers. So using the word ALWAYS is a huge exaggeration. If it really bugs you so much to lose, and you think your good and all your teammates are bad, then join a pvp guild and make a premade- crush pugs for a while till you get bored.

Good day.

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Certainly not on Red Eclipse! :p


Not sure about that. At prime time, it's just pointless to solo queue on the Red Eclipse as a Republic player: you need a full War Hero geared premade to stand a chance against Drop It Like It's Hoth or Reality Check or Peace is a lie or Servants of None. Balanced, fully minmaxed premades of good players who for some reason don't seem to play ranked.


My record when solo queueing over the last few weeks during prime time is lamentable. Of course I might be singularly unlucky: the weird thing is that when I queue up my little Sorcerer, I get the noname players in noname guilds in Recruit gear... and then we're facerolled by aiMazing or Tactical Wookiee Assault Team. The game is probably trolling me with its matchmaking, now I come to think of it.

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