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Everything posted by Piam

  1. BW would need to change the way node captures work then. In RWZs, the only way to get nodes is to CC people who don't have their breaker up.
  2. Good. Capturing nodes is already too hard in this game. It's so bad that in RWZs, whoever gets the first node cap on CW has a huge advantage in winning the game. Not to mention having two node caps is near insurmountable. Sure, you might be frustrated to lose a Pylon in AH, but likewise, the other team can lose their captured Pylons just as easily.
  3. Were you not enjoying those 4 months? I had full WH on four characters, almost all were min-max low endurance/high power mods, and I'm happy for the new set. Granted, the cost seems a bit too low, at least it will shut up the gear complainers. While it isn't fair that WH is better than the gear from HM FPs/SM Ops, it'll be great to get more people PvPing.
  4. By most of your P2Win definitions, wasn't the game already pay to win with the crystals, artifact slotted level 31 gear, and speeders? I'm more concerned that the game is pushing cartel coins vs long grind even to subscribers.
  5. Yep http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=542032 Luckily WH is cheaper than expected.
  6. I've only played one match, but it seems getting the pylons are key. Moreso than getting points from kills at the end of the round. You need pylons in the first place to get credit for those kills right? In fact, depending on spawn timer/position, I can see a shadow purposely suiciding at the end of the round and then force speeding to the pylon uncontested.
  7. I guess it depends on how easy it is to hold off the cap. If one side is overloaded, two people in the other group of four can break off and transition through mid. Yeah, despite BW claiming that this map is deathmatch-oriented, I think it may be determined by whoever CCs better while leaving mid when a new round starts.
  8. Try to predict how the meta-game of AH will turn out! I've played one game and my guess is: 1) Two groups of four split up and go for the pylons. No one goes for mid. 2) When the round is over, improved Transcendence is used to get to mid. A guardian will slow spam/push/charge to stall the other team. 3) Transcendence is popped and the two groups of four go for the side pylons again. Slows, pulls, and CCs are spammed to prevent the other team from getting to the pylon. 4) When fighting a team that stacks one side, the group of four just stalls by preventing the cap, while people from the other group immediately break off and transition through mid. Variations: If the class compositions permit, the split can be 3-5. The group of three is composed of tanks and heals to just stall the other side from capping, while the group of 5 tries to overwhelm the other side.
  9. I hear if you PvP you can get PvP gear. Don't trade back your ranked comms. Just do WZs and you'll get a full WH set soon enough.
  10. EWH is a minimal upgrade from WH. The earpieces and implants are a total of one (!!!) stat increase. Anyone capped comms got maybe 1-2 pieces that are only a few stats points upgrade.
  11. Wait, isn't this completely contradictory? Wasn't the point of the post that you mistakenly bought access to something free for subscribers? Then why are complaining that subscribers need to purchase new stuff?
  12. Yeah, the high cost is similar to the HK unlock costing 1 million credits. Overprice things so that subscribers will use cartel coins instead.
  13. Hey, let's compare Slash vs Ion Pulse (Assault spec). Why is Ion Pulse so much better??? Different classes are different. Look at the overall picture. VGs are more than fine.
  14. Very true. Huttball tie breakers makes the most sense. Granted, I would like the ball pickup to be less about CC spam/low ping clicking.
  15. Piam


    1 million in lowbies isn't happening unless it's staged. There are too few healers to hit those numbers. If a person is putting up that much damage, the other team would be wiping over and over against so the uptime wouldn't be high enough.
  16. Different game... Yes, end-game PvE in WoW is actually good if you like that sort of thing (and aren't sick of it after all these years).
  17. Yes, of course. The VA In this game is one of the things that makes it special. On the other hand, VA is very expensive and the content is burned through very quickly. BW has limited resources and making repeatable end game content yields better ROI. I would say that they need to keep trying to attract more F2P players so that they can actually justify the expense. Ideally, the cartel shop gets to a point where it's so sustainable that they can give everything else out for free. Then use voice acting only on class quests, or if that's still too expensive, just have one main planet quest that's done really well. Everything else can be mission boxes.
  18. WoW's exploration is only slightly better than this game. There is often two choices of zones to level in rather than the set path in SWTOR. The zones are all connected and exhaustion areas aren't as prominent. I also really liked how the dungeons were tied into the zones themselves. The only major exploring I did was jumping into an unfinished Hyjal back in Vanilla WoW. SWTOR's attention to detail is so much better though. Technology aside, WoW's zones were designed in broad strokes, while SWTOR's planets are crafted with finer detail.
  19. You mean how every new operation/difficulty level can be finished by hardcore raiders in a week tops? Then what? The replayability of scripted PvE is far less than PvP once the content is cleared. If you're counting leveling process, like the planet/class quests, then sure. That's not end-game content though.
  20. No PvP gear progression is a terrible idea. One of the main draws of RPGs, especially online ones, is character progression. The majority of people who want to remove gear progression are PvP tourists, who view PvP as a mini-game that is played on the side. GW2 removed gear progression in sPvP and that mode is dying surprisingly fast. The paid tournament have 45 minute queues and only pop during peak hours, and that's with cross server queues in a game without a subscription. The PvP lobby area (Mists) on each server is near empty. As someone who spends 90% of my time PvPing, I'm fine with equivalent expertise or no expertise at all (as long as PvPers get the same gear as PvErs).
  21. I've ran into one "gold" spammer before the launch of F2P and my account has 50+ days /played. Now, there's constantly spam in the fleet and even whispers. If hacked accounts were a huge cause of the spam, then there wouldn't be such a massive difference. If there's something to give BW credit for, it's that they were proactive with account security. Physical security key, smart phone security key, and the game prompts security questions whenever an unfamiliar IP tries to log in.
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