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If you could ban one ship type during a match, what would you pick?


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For anyone familiar with League of Legends Ranked (or even general draft), both sides are given the option to ban 3 champions (with over 100 possible to choose from).


Now, in GSF it would be impractical to do anything of that nature in our matches.... BUT IF YOU COULD - what would you pick ?



Personally, I would ban bombers, and I'd pick the rampart/razor if I had to specifiy which type. As a harbinger pilot, bomber spam has become the norm and most sat matches are won by the team utilizing the most bombers in a battle of attrition. Once said bombers get embedded you simply lose too much time clearing them out unless your team dramatically outclasses the one spamming said bombers.



I expect to see 2 particular ship types neck and neck. So for this impromptu poll, please pick a ship type (ie scout,bomber,gunship,strike) and why you would want to ban them from your matches.

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In most matches I don't really care about who flies what and I also like the possibility to switch ships during a fight to adapt to the situation. However in those matches where the rest of my team is severely underequipped, I'd ban whatever it needs to make the opponents advantage smaller. Edited by Danalon
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T1 Gunship, the ion spam railgun is reason enough to ban it, also since this GS has barrel roll, thats very unfair to a bomber pilot.




I dislike the premise of the question, but to humor OP: I'd ban the T2 strike and/or T2 GS (sorry krix). I hate to see new folks fall into the trap of blowing fleet req on that trash.


EDIT: oh, sorry, you mean ship type per match. Tougher question. Maybe bombers, at least a lot of games would be a lot more interesting. I'd still rather ban nothing.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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If i had to ban a ship I'd probably say I'd ban gunships... But I would choose not to ban any of them. Only impose limits to how many could be fielded at a time. I'd probably get behind anything that would push ship diversity, and based on some screenshots that I've seen from despon, more choices actually = less choices.
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I think some of you are missing the point of the hypothetical "IF you could".


I have no desire to actually ban any ships - it's more of a statement about what ships on your server are the most troublesome. Like for harby, we're seeing people leave because its to the point where people just spam bombers over and over because teams are rarely so capable of winning the war of attrition.


Some servers may be gunship heavy, others scout, etc =p.

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Flash/Sting. At leas I'd be able to fly my strike fighters more often.


I said it elswhere and I say it again. Removing T2 Scouts will not magically make Strikes better. They'd still get torn apart by almost every other ship.

Edited by Danalon
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Bombers, all the way. Having, say, four good bombers on either or BOTH sides does terrible things to any sat match.


Though I would much rather just force a nasty cap on them. Two/side in 8 vs 8. Having plenty of them is terrible. Having few adds it's depth and suspense.


Even ratherier, I'd just give every single Strike Fighter some massive buff that is purely anti-bomber/anti-mine. Maybe nice passive mine/drone/turret only AOE proc to heavy lasers.

Edited by Stradlin
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Alright I think I'll change my answer to ban bombers. I was just remembering a game I had on harb where the enemy team fielded 6-7 bombers in a 8 v 8 game. IIRC correctly my team field perhaps 2 bombers and I was in a stock strike... It was my 2nd game on harb. I distinctly remember asking a buddy of mine if that was the normal kind of game I could expect on harb. We did pull off a win but damn that game was freaking hard and those guys weren't even playing smart.
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I wouldnt ban anything stop whining and L2P issue TBH


Whining is OMG GS are SO OP etc etc.


Being curious as to what the community finds causes the most trouble is simply researching perspective. Even then, its not necessarily trouble so much as would rather not have to deal with.

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I'm having a hard time deciding between bombers and gunships. Both of them are anti-well.. flying. Both of them stack up and make for un-fun matches.


This is a very old misconception about bombers and gunships, and tends to be spouted by frustrated scout aces that need to justify their inability to be effective alone against a proper team composed of a variety of ship types. The reality is that the presence of bombers and gunships adds a whole new level pf gameplay to the match. If the game were composed entirely of scouts and strikes, and entirely of "dogfighting" there would be ONE effective scout build for high end matches, and ONE effective scout build for farming new players. The addition of bombers and gunships allows for far more different types of ship builds to be viable, as the same build that works well against a bomber isn't going to be as effective against a scout. Likewise, it changes the layout of the battle. If everyone is always dog fighting without having to worry about gunships than most people wouldn't learn to use terrain, cover, strafing, and when they did it would be entirely a stalling tactic.


Some very talented players took place in an 8v8 all scouts/strike match 2 weeks ago, many of which are in this forum. It was a Mesas TDM, and the game ended 28-34 I believe. The game was so slow paced, nobody could ever get kills on one another, and it consisted almost entirely of snapshots and chasing each other around. There wasn't much strategy at play, those with the BLC's and clusters had a huge advantage, and players were very spaced out across the map. For myself, this was a huge eye opener. The match was....boring. If every match was like that than all of the people who love this game for its depth and variety would have been long gone and this game wouldn't have made it past its first couple of months.


If you believe that bombers and gunships are easy to fly and that it takes a "real" pilot to fly a scout, then you should further examine how this game works and what makes it enjoyable for people after all of these years.

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