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  1. I don't fully agree, yeah it can be faster because of the thruster and barrel roll, quick charge shield is also good. Then there is the Heavy Laser Cannon but... the Clarion / Imperium has the combination of a reactor & armor, it can remote slice making the protorp (or another missile) unavoidable, or it can repair your own ship and other allies in range (repair probe). They are both pretty good.
  2. I have been hit in a lot of matches by ion spam while sitting behind a sat and the gs pilot spamming on a defense turret. I never said "things are fine", what worries me most however is when things are being nerfed so soon while we just got a new update after several years of getting nothing. I rather have the devs think about how to make gsf more fun which I think is done by making every ship competative. About "my play can be impacted by an allied player nearby who doesn't know how to avoid a missile", I assume you mean the aoe effect will then hit me like it does to the pilots who didn't know how to avoid a missile. Well, the fun thing is... if the same pilot doesn't know how emp field works and surprisingly he hits it while I am in the area... then my play is impacted in a positive way Other then that, the defense turret doesn't avoid a missile anyways, nor does the bomber deployed drone Well, for example... if you want to continue playing this game. Remember that a large portion of players who do gsf play it incidentally. They don't know the difference between a t1 and t2 scout but they do make gsf possible because they queue. If you crush gsf for these people by not holding back a bit and make your goal to win 50-0 or 1000-0, guess what happens? Yep, they don't queue again and the waiting time will be long.
  3. At first, there was the ion rail spamming gun which people (including you) defended. Now there are more options to kinda like the same effect which we all now use and some would say it's overpowered. The chance that the devs will nerf this as you suggested may be (hopefully) minimal because you can't get everyone satisfied. Suggestion: Hold back when you are ahead + when you have what you think to be overpowered equipment but use it to fuil extend when you are behind and are carrying the fight.
  4. I think the point isn't so much about how to avoid getting protorped. I think the problem, like before... is more about teams that use specific builds and ships to build a "perfect" team and even coordinate through voicechat, the premades if you want to call it that, then anything else. And from what I have seen during matches around this time, and drako's video is that some people just don't care about crushing the opposition and use remote slicing (which they shouldn't have used in that match), or in case of the matches I was in, where they didn't care about 3-capping and I made my disagreement by just typing: ............... (while I was on the winning team). The result.. yep, people maybe leaving the game, or at least kill the queue.
  5. Very long answers but I am just going to say that the new KotFe companions (Lana, Theron, Koth etc., including Star Fortress characters) should be selectable one's you unlock them. They are for both factions and it would open up a lot more possibilities.
  6. It's unlikely that Bioware builds a mechanic to prevent the behaviour but we as a community can do something about it. If you are on the same team as him, everyone should exit the battle. Then the offender will be left on his own and the match will stop. The downside of this is that he'll probably keep queue-ing. I think the other team will understand everyone quitting. If you are on the opposing team and you notice your match being pulled in your favour.. well, your best bet is to stop shooting if you are willing to do that (I do). I encourage the others to do the same if I see this. If it is really bad I will purposely fly into mines as well.
  7. Isa, Don't worry too much about the missiles and torpedoes which are now more common these days then railguns. Off course, everyone wants to try out strikes. And you should too, I am sure with your bomber & scout experience you can fly a strike very well too. Fun matches do happen. Eudo and I had 2 of them yesterday.
  8. Thats a good thing, off course I was trolling a bit in my last post. Just hopefully we'll see less gunship walls and a more varied field in the coming months.
  9. Because we were always mislead: Tooltip bug fixed on AoE effect fixing range to its correct 5000m (previously showed 3000m for the effect) Seriously though, I hate the ion railgun as much as anything and it was definately a reason to leave gsf (and swtor) for me for some time. Now that things got updated and fortunately that stupid ion railgun has been nerfed: Tier 5: Railgun reduced energy regeneration to 65% (down from 100%) Good riddance! I hope they'll nerf it a lot more.
  10. Well, if you are only subbed for forum access then thats a waste of money. Good choice.
  11. I am glad you recorded that one. I remember it (obviously) taking out southpaw'annie 2 seconds before the end. Off course, on our team.. I made the comment: YES!
  12. Was it not a 1 vs 1 when you were protected by at least 1 mine, perhaps 2 mines close to the sat in which I saw a small opening and came to kill you Or does the "king" need to be prepared for an encounter? I checked and your shields were at 89% and your hull at 100%.
  13. Death krix 1 Death krix 2 Death krix 3 Enjoy your Death "king" There are times that I really forget that I loose a match. And the "king" was in a much better team as well... now now.
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