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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Every other skill loses money on missions BUT they get something for that mission..they don't get a briefcase full of nothing. They at least get SOMETHING for their time. With Lockboxes the MAIN reason was for the credits you'd find in the box...the CREDITS are the PRIZE in the CRACKER JACKS. They've turned my cool tin airplane toy into a paper trifold of Lincoln's face.
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what i am having issues understanding is all the complaining about slicing. everybody has the same opportunity to pick their skills. if you think slicing is so op then pick slicing, use it to your advantage. you get several companions all with the ability to go and do stuff for you and each companion has a bonus to certain skills. if you nerf slicing then the companion designed to slice loses some of his/her/its usefulness.


but no i want to craft things and i'm not making any credits yet so i'm gonna whine and complain because the skills i chose are not giving me an immediate return (but if i stick with it i will reap the rewards). so since i am not getting what i want right this second i am going to complain about a skill that does give a return right now but not so much later on. am i the only one that is sick and tired of all the whining about a skill that anybody can use???? please just go back to wow (we've all seen what all the complainers did to that game).:mad:


Looks like the complainers got their way RIP slicing. I just hope Bioware has the cojones to stand up for their game and not give into all the demands of the whiners,complainers. :mad:

Edited by EnddGame
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Honestly, a slicer should never lose money. Slicing is only good for returning money (augments notwithstanding). A slicer should "fail" by getting a vastly smaller profit margin. For example, an "unsuccessful" slicing mission should net the player a 5% return. A normal successful attempt should about double the player's money. A successful crit could triple his money. Those are just out-of-my-butt values, but you get the idea.


And don't give me the "There are other ways to make credits" speech, that's not the issue. This is a near-worthless gathering skill. It serves no purpose since the patch; it's not really worth taking over one of the other gathering skills right now. Putting it in "balance" with the other other gathering skills probably made it a little worse. SHOCK... that happens a lot with MMOs.


The "crits" make a little bit of cash (870 to send, 2473 return) and that's a decent return, but those are extremely isolated. No, slicers don't need to make triple their money every time, but they should never lose money. It's all they have to gain.



100% agree with everything you said.

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Really I expected more from Bioware when it comes to this sort of thing... Overnerfs are the worst.


It's just a knee jerk reaction. OH GOD WHINERS AREN'T HAPPY! Instead of thinking it through, as has been stated, they just knee-jerk nerfed it.


All the whiners are sitting below level 50, not knowing exactly how expensive things are going to get for them later in the game.


Guilds used to need dedicated slicers. Now we need dedicated farmers to foot our repair bills. Fantastic.

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Slicing is pretty much useless now. I did a 2 hour test with all 3 of my companions doing slicing mission(I have 400 slicing skill) non-stop only doing rich or bountiful boxes only made 10k & some mission I lost money on. I agree that slicing was OP before but now its completely worthless. You think they would have tested this out before they put it in the patch. 5k per hour is pretty weak think I can make more off killing mobs for an hour. Hopefully they will fix it, or I need 2 choose a new profession to make money with.
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the real question is - were the world nodes effected as well? are they giving less in terms of credits?


if not, slicing may still be worth it. boxes on corellia give a ton of cash.



if they were also nerfed 'to the ground' as they say, then yeah outside of augments and cybertech schems the profession is dead

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I dont feel like looking it up, but the devs said they didnt want comapnion skills to be something you can just sit in town and win at- with slicing, you can play like that. not sure if this change fixes that, but slicing should be about getting augments, recipes and blue/purple quests etc- not some sort of "free money lol" mandatory skill.
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Of course. Other crew skills reward you with raw materials required for crafting however, with a real value on the market, refined or not. Slicing doesn't bring in materials, it brings in money.


What you're saying is: Slicing missions made for making money should make you lose money. Have you used your brain at all before posting?


most people don't bother using their brains, they just leap into arguments they've already formed an opinion about with no logical backing on their position at all.




all professions make SOMETHING. if the benefit of slicing is NOT MONEY, then WHAT IS IT?

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well, it's annoying that they nerfed it now - or that slicing made it to live servers like that at all.


I got some good things out of it in the one week I had slicing, my bag space is one expansion from maxed with 35k cash on hand and all the cybertech schematics stashed in the bank. Time to drop it and go for Underworld Trading again.


I sincerely hope they get a lot better with balancing fast.

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You can still make money just like all the other gathering professions. You just need to go out and gather the money now. No more sitting on your ship or on the fleet station raking free money from missions. That's called balance.


Yeah, except now the missions we run are pointless. While you can use missions to get resources instead of farming them manually, if we do that we just lose money. It's not good game design.


If the only purpose of the mission is to get credits (rare discoveries don't come up enough to be a factor, imo, as I have seen maybe 10 and I'm at 400 slicing. Each of those missions sold for like 400 credits - 700. In the big picture 7000 credits on 400 missions is nothing) then it HAS to turn a profit on not failing or there is no point to having it.


I agree that slicing was borderline OP before (the only reason I don't say totally OP is because I still maintain that when the economy matures rare material prices will go up while the yield on slicing missions will stay the same, and have less of a return) and needed adjusted at lower levels but now it's stupid. Look at this:




6 credits a minute. That would be fine if there was some kind of a return outside of that, but there isn't.


It's still early, and we have to see but as of right now the nerf was too harsh because of the nature of slicing, and how it was already going to lose it's usefulness at level 50. People need to take some economics classess and stop throwing words around like "inflation" pretending like they know what it means.

Edited by Scoobings
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I dont feel like looking it up, but the devs said they didnt want comapnion skills to be something you can just sit in town and win at- with slicing, you can play like that. not sure if this change fixes that, but slicing should be about getting augments, recipes and blue/purple quests etc- not some sort of "free money lol" mandatory skill.


if slicing was never about "free money lol" then they shouldn't have DESIGNED it that way in the first place.


it's like making something that looks like a boat, selling it to people with the intention that it allows travel on water. then getting angry at the people out having a good time on the water and sinking all their boats.

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the real question is - were the world nodes effected as well? are they giving less in terms of credits?


if not, slicing may still be worth it. boxes on corellia give a ton of cash.



if they were also nerfed 'to the ground' as they say, then yeah outside of augments and cybertech schems the profession is dead


Yes, they have been. They reduced the amount the boxes give. Therefore, the 'ground loot' (read:free) return the same boxes the paid for does, it just used to be free. So yeah, it was nerfed all around.

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Great job Bioware seriously. Now I can avoid buying ANYTHING on the GTN, because everything is so damn expensive, I'm level 29 skills are around 10k EACH and only getting more expensive, repair bills are 5k.


Sunk 40k for speeder, with slicing I bought mats for crafting but now? I'll pass, I'm going to need every credit for skills and crap.


Give in to the vocal minority 5 days after release. Yay.

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Slicing looks to be useless with the nerf Bioware did. I ran a few missions this afternoon and was at a NET LOSS.


I am very disappointed that Bioware did this, but not especially surprised.


It would be nice if they could find a balance here, but I seriously doubt that will happen anytime soon in light of their other priorities for the game.


Slicing was fun while it lasted....

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As I posted on another thread of this vein:



We all knew it was going to happen. So many people bragging & singing it's praises was like a laser shot straight to the devs to hack it off at it's knees.

Funny how so many players out there learn absolutely nothing from 1 MMO to the next.

If something in game is popular, IT'S GOING TO GET NERFED!

Every day in game, I heard people blabbing on & on about the money there were making off of slicing. Every day in game, I told people to **** & let it go because the Nerf lightsaber was was going to descend if they didnt. Do people listen? of course not. Why should they? They don't give a **** about anyone else. It's all about appeasing their eggshell egos. I made money using this skill. yeah me!


Thanks to all the ********s out there who continually **** it up for the rest of us.


I agree 100 percent with this. A lot of people were clearly exaggerating the amount of money to be made from slicing and the endless bragging made it inevitable that the devs would give a heavy-handed response, which is what game devs always do. The very clearly didn't make an objective assessment of these claims based on stats and their response was equally haphazard. There is no pointing to running mission whose only reward is cas h annd the occasional schematic when you now lose cash running those missions. Slicing is completely useless now.

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I've made a ton on slicing. That said, it was basically like playing the lottery. It took very little work to double your credits most of the time. I'm for taking the lockbox retrieval out of the mission quests and giving us something else we can get to sell (and augments don't sell, at lest now on my server). Keep the world lock boxes for credits, IMO.
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if slicing was never about "free money lol" then they shouldn't have DESIGNED it that way in the first place.


it's like making something that looks like a boat, selling it to people with the intention that it allows travel on water. then getting angry at the people out having a good time on the water and sinking all their boats.


Lol, I like this.

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It’s ridiculous! Maybe we aren't all teenagers with nothing else to do then farm items to death. This kills the casual gamer who has a job!



If only slicing in real life worked like this, there be no crime!


Cost 2025 credits and 30 min+ to run taking back control mission and it yields 1684...hmm negative profit means don't slice aka steal from bank vaults.


How about instead of the nerf that they put in, they go with the "real life" nerf and say that every person who got rich slicing just got nabbed by authorities and now has to pay a 500,000 credit fine for breaking the law?




Then maybe leave "real life" out of it?

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