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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I have many people saying they have made over a million credits through splicing.


At level 41, I have 400 Synthweaving, 400 Archaeology and 360 Underworld Trading. I barely have enough cash to buy my skills, I have about 30k Credits in my inventory. My Class skills are costing around 25/35k credits atm. So to level my trade skill it has cost me potentially a million credits when I could have just taken splicing and gained credits that way. It's not just through Companions that you get cash in splicing is it? You also have the Data banks/Secure Chests etc around the maps which have lockboxes and cash inside?


Long story short, splicing wasn't benefiting the game, only the greedy players. I'm totally skint and can't afford things I need as I wanted to level my skills. In all honesty, I don't think it was the best desicion, but a friend did lend me 150k credits which he made from splicing.


Its called slicing :p


A big part of it is how you set up your 3 professions as well I'm running slicing,treasure hunting, and cyber tech. I was putting along fine selling mats making stuff to sell and slicing until the nerf bomb hit now not only cant i make anything slicing my things i make aren't selling so I'm broke.

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I think both sides have good and bad points. Whatever they are, it is what it is. Stop crying and keep playing or quit/drop slicing. If Bioware decides to fix it then so be it, if not fine. Like many said, it's just a game; a break from life. Nothing can ever be perfectly balanced. IMO, Bioware never anticipated such a trend and result. They were left with either adjusting in-game prices to balance the influx of currency or nerfbat the skill. Latter is easier.


Now if we can just get a good LFG system and GTN ui.....

Edited by supersonicks
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I think both sides have good and bad points. Whatever they are, it is what it is. Stop crying and keep playing or quit. If Bioware decides to fix it then so be it, if not fine. Like many said, it's just a game; a break from life. Nothing can ever be perfectly balanced. IMO, Bioware never anticipated such a trend and result. They were left with either adjusting in-game prices to balance the influx of currency or nerfbat the skill. Latter is easier.


Now if we can just get a good LFG system and GTN ui.....


Or a graphics fix or a feasible UI in general or a proper Que system these things should have been on the priority list not breaking things that worked already.


soooo tacos anyone?

Edited by myrken
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I think both sides have good and bad points. Whatever they are, it is what it is. Stop crying and keep playing or quit/drop slicing. If Bioware decides to fix it then so be it, if not fine. Like many said, it's just a game; a break from life. Nothing can ever be perfectly balanced. IMO, Bioware never anticipated such a trend and result. They were left with either adjusting in-game prices to balance the influx of currency or nerfbat the skill. Latter is easier.


Now if we can just get a good LFG system and GTN ui.....


No kidding GTN and the Crafting UI need to be set up hierarchical. Takes forever to find what I'm looking for. Easier is in most cases never better. Nerfbat hit to hard and caused a seisure not a knot on the head. I don't like it when my "break from life" gets broken. BTW I don't slice. This is hurting other players not just slicers.


BW is watching this thread very closly. I see a decision in the near future.

Edited by Mogget
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Its called slicing :p


A big part of it is how you set up your 3 professions as well I'm running slicing,treasure hunting, and cyber tech. I was putting along fine selling mats making stuff to sell and slicing until the nerf bomb hit now not only cant i make anything slicing my things i make aren't selling so I'm broke.


And that's the consequence of this. It won't be long before nobodies got a pot to piss in. :D


Could be interesting as this unfolds.

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Ah now you're learning... see we splicers are the good guys :D We're the banks that keep everyone else afloat. Well, not anymore... you think the economic crash in America was bad, just wait and see what happens now in-game... no splicer funds to buy on ah, and sellers will have no customers. I see the Great Depression ah cumin...


Really? You think noone will ever

make money now cuz its not comming in by the bundles? The game economy crashing? The fking game has been out for a week... Ppl are so stupid... The economy is gonna crash! Wait... What economy again?


What we need to be crafting is tissues... I made 150k yesterday, i still never took slicing... If you are poor you deserve it, learn econonics before claiming economic apocalypse when the economy is non existant in 1 week of the game...


Hate to see you guys IRL



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Or a graphics fix or a feasible UI in general or a proper Que system these things should have been on the priority list not breaking things that worked already.


soooo tacos anyone?


I think they prioritize based on level of effort on the devs unless something is "down". Hence, UI changes and system/process addons will be at the bottom and "tuning" always be on top.

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And that's the consequence of this. It won't be long before nobodies got a pot to piss in. :D


Could be interesting as this unfolds.


"flushes some more creds down the slicing tubes"



I honestly hope Bioware has more say in running this than EA after how they shafted bf3 on PC.


I'm tempted to make a bumper sticker that says "if it sounds too good to be true its being managed by EA" :rolleyes:

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This is going to be the beginning of crafting being useless.


That's certainly one inevitable consequence. It's going to lead to mob grinding as that's going to make more creds/min than slicing or crafting as the market stagnates.


People may pick Biochem for self use but I can't see crafting going much farther if there's a credit crunch in the market.

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The nerf was overkill. Especially in light of the fact that it apparently had already been nerfed once ala the disappearance of the Rich and Bountiful missions at Level 6 (Can someone confirm/deny this for me?)


Easy way to nerf Slicing:


- Reduce all payouts by 10% but still making sure they break even (slicers are now punished for doing missions that succeed)

- Increase cost by 5-10% for missions

- Increase duration of missions by 5-10%


Bam. Slicing just had its credit intake reduced by 20-30%. If, after a period of observation, it was still too much, then edge it down by no more than 5% and wait.


The interesting thing to see is if it will, and I hesitate to use this example but I think it is relevant one, turn into something like Burning Crusade did for WoW when epic flight cost a lot during a time gold was not so easy to come by and people who could afford it ruled the auction house herb/ore markets. Slicing was accessible to anyone. All you needed to do was level a character through the intro wold and maybe the faction capital world and you were set.

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I think both sides have good and bad points. Whatever they are, it is what it is. Stop crying and keep playing or quit. If Bioware decides to fix it then so be it, if not fine. Like many said, it's just a game; a break from life. Nothing can ever be perfectly balanced. IMO, Bioware never anticipated such a trend and result. They were left with either adjusting in-game prices to balance the influx of currency or nerfbat the skill. Latter is easier.


Now if we can just get a good LFG system and GTN ui.....


Oh didn't you hear/read. BW is "aware" of the request for a LFG system and a GTN ui BUT as far as the devs are concerned, this has already been answred:


in reference to a good LFG system:


"We're aware of this desire, but we actually believe that finding others on the same planet as you encourages social interaction a bit more than a general 'group finder'. We're not saying it'll never, ever happen but again, not high priority right now."


and as for a GTN ui:


"There are more UI customization options coming, although they're a little way out."



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Really? You think noone will ever

make money now cuz its not comming in by the bundles? The game economy crashing? The fking game has been out for a week... Ppl are so stupid... The economy is gonna crash! Wait... What economy again?


What we need to be crafting is tissues... I made 150k yesterday, i still never took slicing... If you are poor you deserve it, learn econonics before claiming economic apocalypse when the economy is non existant in 1 week of the game...


Hate to see you guys IRL




It's not a question of making the money so much as how. I craft now I am going to be strapped for cash becaue none of my stuff is selling anymore. Which will lead to the only way of making money to, yet again, be farming. Not everyone wants to sit in front of the GTN all day and trade or run around a map killing things for. Some of us bought the game to enjoy a BW story.


I was excited about the crafting system. Being able to craft on the go. Now I'm about to stop till I hit level fifty so I can buy my skills.....


Please make an english crafting skill.

Edited by Mogget
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Sheer stupidity. To take slicing I had to give up Diplomacy (I started another toon to get that). Now, slicing is worthless. Just plain stupidity.


I hope the idiots who cried for a nerf are happy I don't have credits to buy what they craft, lol... morons shot themselves in the foot.


Return slicing to what it was... I foresee many accounts canceling.

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Now you're like every other craft where you don't earn money going on missions.


Oh ofcourse thats a lie. Any other profession can atleast vendor their finds or even AH stacks of your finds. There is your money, you just don't see it right away. This is such an invalid point its ridiculous.


I spent the good part of the day myself tracking my companions and what they found based off what i paid.


There is more to Slicing than the lockboxes.


While i made a net loss on the lockboxes themselves, and not much, only a few hundred credits, over the span of 7 hours of sending people in and out. I was, however able to make atleast 3k per "Mission Discovery" I found, not to mention the number of Cybertech pats i came across and sold for 1k+ ea. On top of that, all the world nodes for Slicing are a complete 100% profit in your pants.


Overall, at the end of the day, you can make a lot more money with your finds and no extra companion skill time to make a profit. still pull in 200k a day or more with quests

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No kidding GTN and the Crafting UI need to be set up hierarchical. Takes forever to find what I'm looking for. Easier is in most cases never better. Nerfbat hit to hard and caused a seisure not a knot on the head. I don't like it when my "break from life" gets broken. BTW I don't slice. This is hurting other players not just slicers.


BW is watching this thread very closly. I see a decision in the near future.


I was slicing and made bank but it's fine either way. At my level I can already afford lvl 40 and 50 mounts+training. Isn't that great? But seems too easy. I'm not saying it's wrong. But I shouldn't be able to afford all those at lvl 31, right? However if the game is designed this way then I'm perfectly fine. If not, then let us know what is expected out of a skill so we can move on to greener pastures. Well i'm moving on anyway, just riding the nerftroll wagon i guess...


I agree on the universal hurt on slicing but maybe it's designed to be like this after all. Or maybe not. Few months from now, with or without tuning(if this game survives) the eco will stabilize barring no other significant nerfbats on such and people will adjust and adapt.

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Keeping my 400 slicing in hope of some minor buff... However, I didn't make money off slicing alone I also had two other gathering skills and I have had 0 sales all day today from those two. Normally I'd get about 5 sales an hour and so have had no "fun money" to spend on crafters goods. Irregardless now everyone is to0 far damn scared to buy off the GTN. I've even been litterally almost spamming Republic Fleet to sale my goods but nobody bites. Instead most of the time either kindly ask me to not spam or to ****, Republic Fleet is pretty quiet though anyway due to factional inbalance... Edited by Navaris
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Oh didn't you hear/read. BW is "aware" of the request for a LFG system and a GTN ui BUT as far as the devs are concerned, this has already been answred:


in reference to a good LFG system:


"We're aware of this desire, but we actually believe that finding others on the same planet as you encourages social interaction a bit more than a general 'group finder'. We're not saying it'll never, ever happen but again, not high priority right now."


and as for a GTN ui:


"There are more UI customization options coming, although they're a little way out."




Nice. Thanks!

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Really? You think noone will ever

make money now cuz its not comming in by the bundles? The game economy crashing? The fking game has been out for a week... Ppl are so stupid... The economy is gonna crash! Wait... What economy again?


What we need to be crafting is tissues... I made 150k yesterday, i still never took slicing... If you are poor you deserve it, learn econonics before claiming economic apocalypse when the economy is non existant in 1 week of the game...


Hate to see you guys IRL




What you fail to realize is the fact that a nerf of this proportion has occured in the 1st week or so of release. This hurts the spirits of the ppl playing. Because of this, and if it's not fixed, all rare mats that are found via slicing WILL NOT be placed in game for others. I will keep them and pass them on to alts. And I would recommend other slicers do the same. That or place them on the AH for the max allowed. That and/or artificially inflate the AH. We have to send a message - that simple.

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Now you're like every other craft where you don't earn money going on missions.


and just like every other craft you don't gather resources or equipment, or craft anything when you select a lockbox missions (which is one of your two types of missions).


oh wait... that's just not making any sense at all is it?



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What you fail to realize is the fact that a nerf of this proportion has occured in the 1st week or so of release. This hurts the spirits of the ppl playing. Because of this, and if it's not fixed, all rare mats that are found via slicing WILL NOT be placed in game for others. I will keep them and pass them on to alts. And I would recommend other slicers do the same. That or place them on the AH for the max allowed. That and/or artificially inflate the AH. We have to send a message - that simple.



right on brother. i'm the only one in my guild with a slicer toon, and all those schematics are for guildies.

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