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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I liked when Slicing was very profitable. It meant that a gamer like me, who is not terribly interested in the "end game" as be-all-end-all. I like the levelling process, and in most games I struggle to make enough credits to buy the nice gear in the autions because I simply cant earn enough in the time I have available.


I have always found that crafting items and gathered items dont make enough credits either. Predominantly because I can't make the best stuff to sell. This is again related to time constraints. Besides, I don't buy a game subscription to craft! I buy the subscription to play through the game and have some fun with friends!


For those who think there's no challenge in Slicing because it was too easy to make credits, go and do a craft of some other description. For those of us who aren't especially good at managing money, Slicing was an awesome way to allow us to get the cool gear we want in-game without having to kill ourselves in some boring craft, or get ourselves killed (repeatedly) in Heroics we really dont enjoy.


Please cater for non-elite gamers. The thing that made me leave WoW was the elitist attitude of most of the ppl who I had to pug dungeons with, and the struggle to make money to buy the gear that I wanted. Without the gear, your character's role potential is severely limited to the point where you may as well not bother because you are letting the rest of the group down.


Finally, if the Slicing nerf is bad enough, you will create a market for "Credit Sellers" (like WoW's Gold Sellers). My first thought when I realised how profittable Slicing could be, was that it was a master stroke from BW to prevent the "Gold Seller Element" from having any chance of entering the SWTOR scene. This to me is very valuable, as I did have my WoW account hacked and all of my hard earned gold and gathered resources stolen. Blizzard told me it was gold sellers who had perpertrated this event. As such I support anything that keeps them away from the games that I play.






Excellent point. Aside from being fun, making the game fun for casual players, Slicing "nerfed" the gold sellers.

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This is what you get when developers listen to a bunch of QQ, it's WoW nerfs all over again.



I agree. The devs shouldn't make decisions based upon a few people screaming and whining on the forums. This is especially true if those doing the screaming and whining have an obvious agenda, like a desire to keep their license to print money from getting nerfed. ;)
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Yeah, people just can't cope with big numbers. They get all panicky.


Maybe BW should have done three tiers of "credits" to keep the numbers manageable.


"Another game" has 1 gold = 100 silver = 100 copper. So 100 gold is 1,000,000 copper.


Would people have been flipping out over that, too?


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I love how people say the slicing nerf will ruin the economy but answer me this.


Name one other MMO with a profession that had no sink and was pure profit. There is not one. Any other gathering prof requires you to actually get the material from the game world unlike slicing which generated money from essentially nothing. THIS artifcially inflates the economy and anyone who did not have slicing would fall behind.


The nerf was needed and justified. I know people that had made millions before 50 and that is wrong.


Herbalism, Mining, Skinning in World of Warcraft.

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I've posted before, and have been supporting a nerf (just not of this magnitude) I've made roughly 3 million credits from slicing. This game isn't difficult. That said, I've played economics in every MMO I've played. I have tens of billions of isk, hundreds of thousands in WoW and so far a few million here. I'm sure there are people with close to 10 million credits, as I started on the second last day of pre release, and picked up slicing around lvl 20.


Yeah because you saying you made that much means you actually have. back under your rock. I could say I have made one trillion credits from slicing LOLOL!

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It should be noted that nerfing anything should be done very cautiously and as rarely as possible because it almost always angers more people than it satisfies. Sony never learned that lesson and has the very small (though hard-core) subscriber base to show for it. It's a simple numbers game really. Do you want a small but hardcore base or a large and happy base? Frequent and/or massive nerfing of players' capabilities in a game doesn't get you the latter. It only fuels resentment in your players until they reach their tipping point and stop subscribing. Kind of like SW Galaxies. Edited by KalenDarkmoon
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To any of the devs that might be reading this, first I love the game and I am having a blast playing even with the few little bugs and glitches here and there. Great concept and great graphics. Some of the folks posting have some legit complaints and some will never be happy no matter what you do. I would like to point out to you though as far as nerfing slicing goes that imo it would have been more work yes, but better if you had buffed the other skills to bring it up even with slicing. There have been a lot of mmo's , some great and some that should have stayed in the box, but the 1 thing that killed them all in the long run was things getting nerfed left and right. I would suggest in the future that if something needs to be fixed to make it fair to everyone that nerfing something should only be done if there is no other way to fix it.


In a way, when you guys (the devs) nerf something, it makes us feel like we are getting less game for the same amount of money. This might be a poor analogy, but would you buy a car, love it, even if it isn't perfect. So the manufacturer decides to fix it, but there fix is to remove the AC and the stereo system, would you still be happy with the car?


Lets face it, no one likes nerfs, everyone likes buffs.

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This is so true, what if WoW, EQ, Eve, CoH/CoV took out all there automatic free money machines...


wait, they didnt have those, and there economies worked just fine? are you sure? no that can't be, it's far more reasonable to see this as a sign of the end times...


They didn't have free money machines in WoW ... you had to pay 1 euro for 1k gold. I was surprised how many ppl from my casual guild were buying in game money with real money. You get 20 euros for an hour of rl job ... that's like 20k gold in WoW. Really no point farming it the hard way I guess.

Edited by Repefe
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This is a horrible way to run a game. I just dropped my 3 month sub to monthly since I don't know if I'll want to keep playing that long when they have now set the precedent that they will drop massive changes that destroy entire aspects of a game without testing or logic based upon a comparatively few complaints. (Can't be more than 1/10th of 1 percent at most that complained versus the total # of players.)


It is incredibly stupid to allow such a small but vocal group of people to dictate massive and negative changes such as this. This change helped NOBODY but instead HURT thousands of players. Sony Online Entertainment did this with the Combat Upgrade and New Game Experience with Star Wars Galaxies and we can all see what that got them. Learn from their mistakes, don't repeat them or you will suffer the same fate.




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Yeah because you saying you made that much means you actually have. back under your rock. I could say I have made one trillion credits from slicing LOLOL!


Sure, but then you'd be trolling kind of like you are now. All of my posts have been very constructive. Supporting a nerf, but of lower magnitude than what happened. Or instead you could just spout your internet memes around and act internet tough when I have no reason to lie.

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They didn't have free money machines in WoW ... you had to pay 1 euro for 1k gold. I was surprised how many ppl from my casual guild were buying in game money with real money. You get 20 euros for an hour of rl job ... that's like 20k gold in WoW. Really no point farming it the hard way I guess.


It's currently impossible to make enough money in this game to keep you going at higher levels, having a slicing alt helped you out a little.

Now it is gone though, A LOT more people will be buying credits from farmers and sites to keep them ticking along, heck if I got offered i'd maybe even consider it now.

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so has there even been a Blue post on this topic yet?? Wow would have a blue post telling us to turn off our mods and tell us they are aware of the concern and attempting to address it. BioWare were are u 150 pages and no post RLY??? this is how u treat a concern just move all the posts to one thread and forget about it . nice a week out and i wana go back to WoW and w8t to play my gay panda. U are going to Force ppl to quit your game.
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Sure, but then you'd be trolling kind of like you are now. All of my posts have been very constructive. Supporting a nerf, but of lower magnitude than what happened. Or instead you could just spout your internet memes around and act internet tough when I have no reason to lie.


of course you have reason to lie. Just like all the other trigger happy nerf wanters who didn't have enough brains to pick up slicing in the first place.

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Slicing was nerfed and I'm cancelling. Return slicing to what it was and I'll resubscribe.


This hurt my head so much i actually needed to take an advil...


EA failed to realize that having credits to buy crafted items was fun for me. Now that slicing is "nerfed" I don't have credits to buy items from other players and the game is not fun anymore.


They realized it, they also realized that if 100% of a server has unlimited credits you get Hyper inflation, you'll learn about that when you start college...


Now, it's hard "work" to mindlessly "farm" mobs to gain credits for spending. I paid for the game to play, not to work."


I agree with this part... Time shouldn't equal reward... that's just insane.


The game doesn't revolve around hardcore nose to the grindstone masochists. It revolves around casual players.


everything that casual players do, hardcore players do more... so if your making a mint in slicing, imagine how much more the hard cores were making, ur measly 100k wouldnt have bought you anything in a few weeks when your servers market had an economic heart attack from "hard core" players pumping millions of inflated credits into it.


And to preempt those who love mindless grinding because, you know, they feel like they earned something by doing mind numbing repetitive tasks, I didn't rage quit. This is how you address an issue, by taking money away from Bioware/EA. They know exactly where I stand now. If they want my money, they know what they have to do: Make the game fun--"unNerf" slicing.


no one likes grinding one day youll find out that when you get everything you want for nothing its not as good as working for it... also you did rage quit... also if you really were trying to appeal to EA this would have been an email and not a forum post. EA will not miss your money, cause thousands of new subs will pop up and be happy with this nerf.

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so has there even been a Blue post on this topic yet?? Wow would have a blue post telling us to turn off our mods and tell us they are aware of the concern and attempting to address it. BioWare were are u 150 pages and no post RLY??? this is how u treat a concern just move all the posts to one thread and forget about it . nice a week out and i wana go back to WoW and w8t to play my gay panda. U are going to Force ppl to quit your game.



Counting their "credits"



Pretty soon if they dont shape up, im sure they will be getting a nerf themselves next patch.



Or about to close this thread.

Edited by Engleheart
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Do you all honestly believe that you should be able to make millions by making 8 level 10 toons with slicing then standing around doing nothing but logging in and out of each toon sending companions on slicing missions?


It was broken badly before, now it's where I think it should be. Slicing is still a money maker if you gather nodes like it was meant to, and missions are a gamble for obtaining rare items to sell, with a bit of payback when that doesn't happen.


Seems fine now to me.

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Anyone leaving because they adjusted Slicing MISSIONS (not even gathering!) is not the type of player which contributes positively to the environment of the game anyway. Find the door. Edited by Syas
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if this is an example of how they are going to manage the game then i won't bother sticking around. Mmo players are smarter than they were 8 years ago when swg came and in 2004 when wow came out..


If they are going to overreact and nerf stuff with every publish then i'll be out in one or two updates.


bioware: Find another way to balance and manage your game besides nerfing. Consider adding to the game in other places that are lacking. Consider developing additional content or systems. Communicate to you paying customers before you do stuff like this. nerfing parts of the game to the point of uselessness based on a few qqing forum warriors will destroy your community faster than the nge did to swg.


you are better than this...



T h i s !

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