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  1. sorta how i'm feeling about the game overall, more and more. would've been a different game if it weren't an ea product. i think it's already hit it's high point. ea, soe... what's the difference?
  2. at this point, it's apparently a timesink. unless you level very slowly and don't do dailies/commendation vendors?
  3. good question, my friends and i also noticed this.
  4. so, where do you pick up the armors for bowdarr? who crafts those? is the wookie a force user? is he supposed to use the force user armor?
  5. good thing everyone starts off the game at level 50, or hits 50 in less than a month's time. o wait...
  6. another way to word this is - how about making solo versions of the flashpoints/operations? that way you can experience the content as a solo player? or even 2 man versions? not everyone enjoys being part of a huge guild (for various and sundry reasons). and it doesn't adversely affect ANYONE else's playstyle or playtime. so there is ZERO reason for anyone to QQ that zomqwtfbbq there are solo/duo mandalorian raiders~!!! of course, some idiots will QQ because, well, they're idiots. we can simply put them behind the woodshed and shoot them. dead.
  7. you DON'T like running around looking like a colour blind pimp, stoned out of your mind? :/
  8. ret pally and holy pally. 2 out of 3 different trees, amirite? each of the 8 classes in tor has three trees, just like wow, amirite?
  9. i would like to be able to also switch my race, my sex, my class FULLY (not just advanced class, but if i'm tired of being a bh/merc i want to be able to switch to jedi/sage), all of my armor (when i get tired of it and want a different non-mod-able version, plus when i do my full class change), and mostly i want to be able to freely swap between crew skills, because those were too many damned words to read in the description AND keep my lvl of 400 intact every time i swap crew skills in a given day. everything you said about the op, applies to mine. either back up my request, or stfo, ****, and gbtw.
  10. space missions need to be "fixed" next. way too much profit for no type of risk whatsoever, in a very short time (i.e. daily space missions). then treasure hunting - purps and oranges are FAR too easy to come by. then we can look at bringing other items in-line with slicing. fair IS fair after all. oh, and gg getting 65K+ by lvl 25 without gaming the system via something like overpaying space missions.. cuz your crafting... you WON'T be getting huge sums anymore from leveling slicers.
  11. oops, better nerf space missions quickly. i make lots of profit (more than slicing per hour) with absolutely no risk for my rewards, even moreso with the daily missions. PLUS craptons of XP for no risk on easy peasy missions. the list WILL go on. because it DOES go on.
  12. missing the dev post that says this was their intention originally, since it did go through the betas and headstarts and wasn't until massive QQ arose, that it was nerfed to unprofitability. is that post further in this thread? or, are you simply reading the minds of the developers and their original intention when creating slicing?
  13. do you slice? how many lockbox missions have you run, post nerf, and STILL have money left TO run slicing missions? no one new will do slicing missions. slicers will do them when the incentive for the good schematics is high enough. and then they might do like me - only craft items for guildies and save up the schematics.
  14. this. what intelligent arguments were presented to cause the slicing nerf? what intelligent, logical arguments were presented to nerf the non-crafting crew skill? just a bunch of QQ, ad nauseum. and people justifying the nonstop QQ, with nothing intelligent or factual backing them up, other than "i don't make lots of money leveling my crafting" and "no one wants to buy my crafts on the auction house SO NO ONE SHOULD MAKE ANY MONEY IF I CAN'T". anyone can lie if they want -- but prove me wrong and show me the intelligent, fact-based arguments that prompted the nonstop QQ which caused the slicing nerf. go on. all you loud mouths that want to rag on slicers -- put up, or ****, ****, and gbtw.
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