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Upcoming Stream Plan


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As stated in several other posts, I do not care about stuff weeks away. I do not care about your lame attempt to try to lull people into subbing for a month more for a mount. I want to hear this week what is going to happen. I want to see that you have a patching coming the corrects 90 percent of the bs that you added bug wise to the game this coming Tuesday.


I am so tired of people thanking you for well basically paying you for the crap you are rolling out. Stop with this we will now plan to give monthly reports because even your cantina tour events provide no new information for really important game issues. they always talk about fluff that honestly needs to be pushed to the side and you need to address the real game issues that flood your forum month after month.


There is no doubt in my mind your subs have dropped off HUGE, yet again another be a sub by ploy to hopefully pad numbers so your boss doesn't see your a fail. STOP and start to address the real issues the real concerns. I do not even care if you don't talk about them JUST DO IT already. it is sad that you have taken swtor down this horrible road. FIX YOUR MESS>


I do not need a silly mount to keep sub going I need to see you fix your disaster of a mess called KOTFE.

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Eric, please for the love of SWTOR, do not commit 35% of the future streams talking about stupid dev-exclusive T-shirts and crap we don't give a damn about. Also, please consider doing some PVP streams with your best staff that actually play the game. Prove to us that any of the BW employees are competent players that care about the game.
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Thank you, Eric, for posting about updates in the hopefully near future. I really appreciate any news you can toss our way about any content, especially end-game and group content. I've been here since early access, never unsubbed and I'm still enjoying the game, but news about new operations and pvp maps (etc) would be great to hear about. :)
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I would love to see the SWTOR Development Team's New Year's Resolutions for the game. I'm still hoping someone from leadership will step up to the plate, take responsibility for the failures of the past month and a half, and communicate to us genuinely.
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Hey folks,


One of the things we intend to do more regularly this year are livestreams. First off, our next livestream still be next week on Thursday, January 14th from 4 - 4:30 PM CST. This will be a Producer Livestream with Ben Irving to talk about what is going on in the game, and what is coming up. Later this month we will then do a story focused stream with Charles Boyd. This stream will occur on Thursday, January 28th from 4 - 4:30PM CST. This stream will talk about where the story of Fallen Empire is currently, and where it is going.


Our plan for the next few months will follow this format. A Producer Livestream with Ben will be on the second Thursday of the month. Two weeks later, Charles Boyd will talk through the story of Fallen Empire. This way each month we can talk a bit about the status of the game, upcoming changes, etc. And then separately focus on Chapters and the story of SWTOR.


I will be updating the Twitch page to reflect the schedule for the next few months. Thanks everyone!




So with these upcoming streams are you actually going to have a conversation with the viewers and answer questions, or are they going to be garbage like the last one? I am still waiting to find out when BioWare is going to start using the Public Test Server that I am unable to even install the client for with the new launcher.

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So with these upcoming streams are you actually going to have a conversation with the viewers and answer questions, or are they going to be garbage like the last one? I am still waiting to find out when BioWare is going to start using the Public Test Server that I am unable to even install the client for with the new launcher.


Have they ever? and when they have, it's all handpicked stuff like "What new dye will we get in the new pack? Will we get a new armor in the cartel market?" etc.

Edited by Holocron
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Hey folks,


One of the things we intend to do more regularly this year are livestreams. First off, our next livestream still be next week on Thursday, January 14th from 4 - 4:30 PM CST. This will be a Producer Livestream with Ben Irving to talk about what is going on in the game, and what is coming up. Later this month we will then do a story focused stream with Charles Boyd. This stream will occur on Thursday, January 28th from 4 - 4:30PM CST. This stream will talk about where the story of Fallen Empire is currently, and where it is going.


Our plan for the next few months will follow this format. A Producer Livestream with Ben will be on the second Thursday of the month. Two weeks later, Charles Boyd will talk through the story of Fallen Empire. This way each month we can talk a bit about the status of the game, upcoming changes, etc. And then separately focus on Chapters and the story of SWTOR.


I will be updating the Twitch page to reflect the schedule for the next few months. Thanks everyone!




Who is your target audience??? Everyone who matters has already played through the existing story, we all know the deteriorating status of the game, and upcoming changes don't make a difference when there isn't new content to experience those changes with.


There's... nothing here. You (the SWTOR team as a whole) are wasting time, just like you have between Chapter 9 and 10. 'Well there's The Force Awakens and Battlefront' -- who cares??? They're being managed and developed by completely separate people. The only things you've given us are attempts to justify your laziness. You're not even working on a new Operation, last time you cared enough to give us an update.


Why cancel Shadow Realms if you're not going to do anything with the focus you promised would be given to SWTOR?


The problem here is that you're not putting out any new replay-valuable content. You're putting out fancy story stuff (which I enjoy... once or twice.) which makes for great advertisements to get new players into the game, but you rely on what's already here to keep those players in the system. For those of us loyal customers (who've actually subbed since the first day of early game access and have enjoyed everything the original dev team had to offer) you're really not putting any effort into keeping us around. You're focusing on 'hook' content and relying on the high replay value of the original, core content to keep new players in the game.


That's great for new players, they have a thousand or so hours of fun to have, but the players who've already cared about the game and already enjoyed it... they're starting to not. You guys really aren't giving us much reason to stick around. PvP sucks, yet conquesting requires it, thus giving players a positive incentive to have a negative experience... you've flat-out MURDERED the endgame PvE scene... RPers will be RPers and they're a lot of what's keeping the game around. If this game wasn't Star Wars, it would've died years ago. The sad part isn't that you aren't aware of that. The sad part is that you are aware of it, and are exploiting the players' Star Wars loyalty to do things that would never fly in a non-Star Wars game. It's pretty despicable.


TL:DR - SWTOR dev team leverages the Star Wars aspect of the game to get away with poor development decisions. They give BS excuses for laziness, and their stream will accomplish nothing since it's not actually targeted at anyone.

Edited by idnewton
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Have they ever? and when they have, it's all handpicked stuff like "What new dye will we get in the new pack? Will we get a new armor in the cartel market?" etc.


Stop, I'm trying to hope that they are actually getting smarter the longer they do this.

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Hey folks,


One of the things we intend to do more regularly this year are livestreams. First off, our next livestream still be next week on Thursday, January 14th from 4 - 4:30 PM CST. This will be a Producer Livestream with Ben Irving to talk about what is going on in the game, and what is coming up. Later this month we will then do a story focused stream with Charles Boyd. This stream will occur on Thursday, January 28th from 4 - 4:30PM CST. This stream will talk about where the story of Fallen Empire is currently, and where it is going.


Isn't this on the same lines we have heard at the beginning of every year? Yet we see the exact opposite... why should we believe now that will change?

Great that you actually made a commitment and set dates and times, but will these have any substance, or be the typical cherry picked topic discussions where the true issues go ignored?


Our plan for the next few months will follow this format. A Producer Livestream with Ben will be on the second Thursday of the month. Two weeks later, Charles Boyd will talk through the story of Fallen Empire. This way each month we can talk a bit about the status of the game, upcoming changes, etc. And then separately focus on Chapters and the story of SWTOR.


I am hoping this to mean that we will hear about, get to try on the PTS, and discuss upcoming changes rather than hearing excuses of why things got changed the day after they are made?

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Hey folks,


One of the things we intend to do more regularly this year are livestreams. First off, our next livestream still be next week on Thursday, January 14th from 4 - 4:30 PM CST. This will be a Producer Livestream with Ben Irving to talk about what is going on in the game, and what is coming up. Later this month we will then do a story focused stream with Charles Boyd. This stream will occur on Thursday, January 28th from 4 - 4:30PM CST. This stream will talk about where the story of Fallen Empire is currently, and where it is going.


Our plan for the next few months will follow this format. A Producer Livestream with Ben will be on the second Thursday of the month. Two weeks later, Charles Boyd will talk through the story of Fallen Empire. This way each month we can talk a bit about the status of the game, upcoming changes, etc. And then separately focus on Chapters and the story of SWTOR.


I will be updating the Twitch page to reflect the schedule for the next few months. Thanks everyone!




Sweet! I shall be watching the Producer Livestream. Really hoping for an update about the new Warzone Map and maybe even when/if we can expect new ops content? :)

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We need more new events and operations! It's the only way to keep the best and the older players on this awesome game..

For new players, I think the game is pretty consistent and they have time on their property to go round by finishing each story. Most players are bored to repeat the same operations since last year tell them Eric please ! :)

Edited by Sienzai
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I am going to make a prediction. The first 3 months are going to go as planned. The fourth month, one of the livestreams is going to be postponed a few days. After that, this regular livestream will fall off, to where we only get one every 6 months. I really hope I am wrong!
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I hope this stream plan is a step towards BW getting back to communicating with the playerbase, but I'll believe it after I see it. I'm not looking for streams where BW folks "vague it up" about what's coming, and repeatedly tell each other how awesome things will be. I'm looking for some acknowledgment of current bugs. Some idea of what's planned for the near future of the game.


In the past a thread was created for questions in upcoming streams. Please consider doing that again.

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If past behavior from BW is the norm the future looks bleak:

1. More CM stuff into store

2. Fix CM bugs

3. New 30 min chapter for KOFTE per month




99. New PvP content > never

100. New PvE end game content > never

101. Bug fixes for 1-60 > never


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