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Bounty Contract Week - 12/22


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I've given a couple of other MMOs a try over the past couple of weeks and I was STUNNED to see the level of effort other developers are putting into their games. Quick patches, scheduled updates, events, and general communication with their communities all happen on a regular basis. BW should be embarrassed by what they're producing right now. I could understand a skeleton crew this week and next, but this has been happening way too long to chalk up to the holiday season.
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So, after last weeks fail, you still haven't leaned to test to see if things are working before they are scheduled to happen. I can't even imagine how little you respect us for letting this type of thing to happen even once, let alone letting it happen two weeks in a row.


I am now wondering if you are intentionally trolling us to see what type of response you get.

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Hey folks,


We have identified the issues that caused the Bounty Contract Week to not activate as expected. Due to the nature of the issues and the impending holiday, we will not be fixing the event and it will return as scheduled in January.


I apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you enjoy Life Day and the Double XP event!






Maybe you guys just need to go ahead and turn off the servers until 2016 gets here.


It's not like we'd be missing much.

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we will not be fixing the event and it will return as scheduled in January.


So, correct me if I'm wrong, but that reads as the following;


"We will not be fixing the event and it will return as scheduled in January when we will not have to give any developer time to fixing the actual issue surrounding this."


Assuming it's the Life Day Event that is causing the unforeseen issues with the other events (?), and instead of actually fixing the problem, you're all going on holidays.


Well, enjoy your holidays I guess.


Do I need to point out that it doesn't make BioWare Austin look very professional from a customer perspective, with so many other issues also remaining unresolved?

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Hey folks,


We have identified the issues that caused the Bounty Contract Week to not activate as expected. Due to the nature of the issues and the impending holiday, we will not be fixing the event and it will return as scheduled in January.


I apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you enjoy Life Day and the Double XP event!





Wow... "Look at all the Events we have going on!" was kind of the only hype you had going for December, and now we've had two back-to-back Events getting cancelled?

Hey folks,


There are quite a lot of things that will be going on in-game during the month of December. We wanted to share all of them with you so you know when to get in on the action.



  • Dec 8 – Dec 15: Relics of the Gree
  • Dec 8 – Jan 5: Log in for 4th Anniversary Rewards!
  • Dec 15 – Dec 22: The Rakghoul Plague
  • Dec 15 – Jan 5: Life Day
  • Dec 18 – Jan 1: Double XP
  • Dec 22 – Dec 29: Bounty Contract Week

For Life Day this year we have made a few changes to the rewards. All previously available rewards, including some items previously only available on the Cartel Market, are available for purchase with Snow-Covered Parcels from the Master of Ceremonies on each Faction’s Fleet. Additionally, we have a few new Cartel Market items in honor of Life Day and one of them might be a tank that shoots snowballs, seriously.



  • Dec 8: Relics of the Gree
  • Dec 15: Rakghoul Resurgence
  • Dec 22: Death Mark
  • Dec 29: The Balance of Power

That is everything coming to you in December. Don’t forget about all of the subscriber rewards you can become eligible for in January as well. Thanks everyone.



This is not the ideal way to capitalize on the movie release.

Edited by DarthDymond
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It would be cool if they did something in January to compensate for the the two broken events.


A double rewards weekend perhaps for both PvE and PvP would be very nice :tran_smile:


Don't hold your breath. Bioware was on vacation previous January, even while 3.0 was just released and a general mess.


Funny thing is, 3.0 wasn't THAT big of a mess. And that already speaks volumes about this BS.

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Due to the nature of the issues and the impending holiday, we will not be fixing the event and it will return as scheduled in January.


Hey no worries. Sh*t happens.


However, seeing as you dont plan to fix this, how do you plan to compensate us in some other way?

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Don't hold your breath. Bioware was on vacation previous January, even while 3.0 was just released and a general mess.


Funny thing is, 3.0 wasn't THAT big of a mess. And that already speaks volumes about this BS.


Well they did have that big bug at the start for the 198 chest piece where everyone got the BiS 198 mods/enhancements.

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there has got to be something better to drop my $$ on, Why did we even come back? soon as I find us a worthwhile replacement we're gone for good this time.


Try GW2. I evacuated there and have a blast. It does have a decent story, even if it's barely comparable to what we have here. But on every other layer - it's an amazingly done MMO, with devs who actually give a lot of ****s about it. And no subscription :rak_03:

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Hey folks,


We have identified the issues that caused the Bounty Contract Week to not activate as expected. Due to the nature of the issues and the impending holiday, we will not be fixing the event and it will return as scheduled in January.


I apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you enjoy Life Day and the Double XP event!






"Well, something caused the event to not activate. So rather than fixing these issues and activating it manually, we're taking it as a sign from the Force that the event was 'not meant to be', and giving up. Enjoy your broken game -- we'll be back in a month.




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I really like this game and am not going anywhere but this is a big missed opportunity with the best Star Wars movie in 20 years just out and lots of potential new players but the forums are constantly full of doom and gloom now due to all the constant bugs that do not get fixed.


At most workplaces people would be fired for this. I have worked on games myself and one of my old friends actually worked on KOTOR I. I know things can be tricky and can take a long time but seriously they aren't trying and putting the effort into where it is needed and wanted. I assume they are all working on Chapter 10 when they are working.


If I was in charge of this game I would gather the team and tell them this is an emergency, we have done a TERRIBLE job recently and this has to change NOW. Here are your jobs.

1) Fix NiM loot - TODAY.

2) Fix Rakhghoul and Bounty events - TODAY.

3) Fix the broken questlines - TODAY.

4) Make a new Op and a new PvP map - you have 1 month.


Succeed or start looking for a new employer.

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After this it's hard to understand why people try to defend devs, if I did my job like BW currently does in fixing stuff I'd be packing my things already, but not for vacation


Because there is a difference between going at the product, which is absolutely understandable given recent issues, and attacking the people, which is NEVER acceptable. We have no idea what restrictions and difficulties they are facing, how much EA have caused budget issues or anything else going on behind the scenes.


My last job we were expected to work 80+hr weeks (but only paid for 40) and it simply wasn't worth taking long vacations as you simply had everything piled up that wasn't done due to being away, waiting for you when you returned and had to work even more to catch up. BW telling people to take time off for the holidays is absolutely the right way to treat fellow human beings - what my former company did affected my health permanently.

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If I was in charge of this game I would gather the team and tell them this is an emergency, we have done a TERRIBLE job recently and this has to change NOW. Here are your jobs.

1) Fix NiM loot - TODAY.

2) Fix Rakhghoul and Bounty events - TODAY.

3) Fix the broken questlines - TODAY.

4) Make a new Op and a new PvP map - you have 1 month.


Succeed or start looking for a new employer.


Not TODAY. But ASAP and no vacation till it is fixed. You wanna go home and see you family on Christmas - fix your ****.

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Because there is a difference between going at the product, which is absolutely understandable given recent issues, and attacking the people, which is NEVER acceptable. We have no idea what restrictions and difficulties they are facing, how much EA have caused budget issues or anything else going on behind the scenes.


True, but how is that our problem? What we have is half-baked game. The moment i pay money for it, I stop giving ****s about devs problems, difficulties or funds. I want the game in proper state. It's up to Bioware to deal with their internal problems and provide me with such a state of the game.


When you order a new computer, and get something that does work, but produces smoke and smells of burned wire - do you care that there was a flood that prevented proper details from coming? Or that tech's wife was pregnant and he didn't have time to assemble your computer properly? Or that factory workers were underpayed? Or do you care only about the fact that the blasted thing isn't working as intended and isn't worth the money you payed for it?


And here i was considering to change my sig. Lol, not making it any time soon :rak_09:

Edited by Frenesi
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i could rage, i should rage ... but im just speechless.


If I was still invested in this game, I'd be furious.


As it is, I've been a dispassionate observer since the Companion nerfing. Since then, I've just sat back and watched this train-wreck with some sort of surreal fascination.


If this was happening in a story, there'd be some amazing story behind it involving corporate espionage as rival companies work to sabotage SWTOR from within, while some plucky blonde programmer girl and the lead star, Head of Development(played by Tom Cruise) worked feverishly to try and find out just who is responsible for this nefarious work on the eve of Episode VII's release!


Instead, it's just bad coding and a bunch of guys on vacation. The digital equivalent to the dealership taking the rest of the month off while your Chevy is sitting in pieces on the garage floor while you're forced to take the taxi to work until mid-January.

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Am I the only one who thinks this is funny?


It's just too pathetic to be mad about. I'm wondering if we really are in an enhanced 'maintenance mode.' Pop out a 15 min. quest every month and keep the CM running!


Nah, I laughed and feel validated in cancelling my sub two weeks ago (no, you can't have my stuff, its all char/legacy bound). And I agree this feels like either "damagement no longer cares, just keep it running somehow" or "we're going to shut it down soon".

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Am I the only one who thinks this is funny?


It's just too pathetic to be mad about. I'm wondering if we really are in an enhanced 'maintenance mode.' Pop out a 15 min. quest every month and keep the CM running!


yes its funny but not in positive way. its "throw up your hands in despair funny" :p i mean sureee u can mess up like that np, but fixes @ january? thats a joke. its a month of waiting for content we paid for and didnt get.

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Nah, I laughed and feel validated in cancelling my sub two weeks ago (no, you can't have my stuff, its all char/legacy bound). And I agree this feels like either "damagement no longer cares, just keep it running somehow" or "we're going to shut it down soon".


Two months ago, I'd have laughed at this.


Now, I kinda hope that's the case and that this is deliberate. I'd hate to think that this is all happening purely by happenstance and accident and simple bad luck.

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