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Everything posted by Severius

  1. I had my whine and complain post all written up, went back to the launcher and as I was about to switch over here to send it the pipes opened up. So, working here at least
  2. Two events in a row you've screwed the pooch on? Nice service there BioWare. Get a star wars movie to coax people in, keep taking subscriptions, and not provide the services paid for. Merry Christmas right back at you ..|..
  3. The quality of the support staff at bioware has been on a tragic trajectory. While I don't want someone's head on a platter I do think it is about high time the folks at BioWare actually take a moment and try to hire someone who is actually competent to head the Customer Service department. Hell FoxConn's child slaves are more responsive and informative than these fools.
  4. How about everyplace that makes sense? Not like they weren't on EVERY planet throughout beta. Seriously, it is as if you guys sat around and talked about what you could do to inconvenience and waste as many people's time as humanly possible, a cheap ploy to artificially extend people's subscription times.
  5. DISAGREE VEHEMENTLY. Turning off sprint when I want to makes it so that I can eventually make my way to the idiot effing holocrons that BioWare decided to hide behind a 1970's ********************************** platformer. This change would not be an improvement. Why in the world do you want BioWare to take more options????? They have already taken more than any other mmo developer by locking everyone into the single most linear experience in RPG gaming history, well since Dragon Age 2.
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