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[SPOILERS] STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Questionnaire!


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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


I don't do 10s. The movie was good, the other Star Wars movies ranged from good to better. I think it would fit somewhere in the lower half if I was to rank them all out but it's been a few years since I watched the PT or OT, I won't base my rankings on nostalgia.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


Darth Hologram, all his scenes were good, nothing bad to say about him.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


Probably Rey or is it Ray, regardless, her, I don't like. She was just too powerful with no training. I'm not looking forward to how the write her in the future.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


The bearded, alcoholic look really suited Luke, can't wait to see more of the Trickster.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


Kylo Ren chopping up things, computers, finns, dads, you name it, if it wasn't female, he destroyed it.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


A lot of the one liners were great, I guess the one standing out to me the most was Finn and BB on the Falcon, with Finn convincing BB to tell Rey that he was with the Resistance and the little lighter thumbs up at the end of the scene, I lol'd.


Other than that I did lol at the demasking of Ren, long hair emo kid was not the image I had in my head of the new face of the Sith.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


They pretty much forced it down our throats that she's Luke's daughter with her sensing his saber inside the chest and followed up with the flashbacks after touching it.


The only other path they have is some sort of brain wipe spell going on and her being Leia and Hans but that sounds horrible just being typed out. Maybe she's Leia and Lukes kid, that would explain wiping their minds.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


Glad he died, it seems the actor wanted to be killed off half a century ago, glad they finally got around to doing it. I was kind of hoping they'd turn it on and the little side thingies would gut them both at the same time and save Ren the embarrassment of getting pwned by a little girl, but overall I like Han dying.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


As mentioned earlier, it's been a few years so I can't really compare it to previous duels from the movies. But I don't really recall it being any fancy, and since the wrong person won the duel, I wouldn't rate it very highly.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


I don't remember any. But that's normally how it, the music in movies, games etc, it's just background noise. Good or bad, I couldn't even tell you.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


Would have had Kylo beat Rey at the end, or at the very least, made it a draw, there was no reason or really any way she should have won that duel. Injured or not Kylo shouldn't be made to look a ***** in the first movie, because that's all people will see when thinking back to this scene, not the injuries, but the fact that Kylo got smacked up by a noob.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


All Skywalker kids are force sensitive, why wouldn't Leia's and Lando's be any different?

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


9/10; I would put it 2nd behind Ep IV.


I grew up as a "Star Wars" kid. Saw Ep IV in the theater at age 5. I was at that age where it was the biggest thing in the world. At that time, and at that age - if you weren't a kid then you just can't comprehend how significant they were. There has literally never been anything remotely close to that experience.


When I came out of the theater with my friends the night Ep I came out - we were pissed. Honestly, just flat out pissed off. At first I was too hung up on Jar Jar, and I was pissed because I thought that George had decided I wasn't important and he wanted to make another kid's movie with muppets. Then, the more I thought about it, I hated the feel of the movie (and the next one). It was TOO much CGI, to the point of it being something you thought about while watching it.


But mostly, I was pissed about Anakin. This was Darth *********** Vader and he was being portrayed as a *****. A whiny mama's boy who cried. Episode II was the worst. Anakin just disgusted me.


Over the years, I've decided that if I put those two major complaints aside, the movies themselves weren't that bad. As the story of how Vader (and the Empire) came to be, it was actually a very compelling story. Brilliant almost. But the problem to me was that it was almost too complex for a 5 year old. So if anything, I was wrong in my first impression, it wasn't too childish - it was too grown up with annoying childish characters. The feel was all wrong. All the way through the prequels, until the very end of Ep III.


This movie? At it's very core, this movie was Star Wars. I had chills throughout the entire movie, and I felt, for two hours, exactly the same way I felt in 1977.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


Poe Dameron - Just a lot of fun when he was on the screen. And as little as you saw of him, I thought General Hux was interesting.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


Kylo Ren. I actually was thinking the exact opposite for the first half hour of the movie. Then he took off his mask and basically turned into a male Paris Hilton. I like the fact that he's raw - but much like Anakin in the prequels (and specifically his treatment in Ep II), the anger seems almost forced and out of control. I sort of like the Bane style of the Dark Side - letting the anger simmer, being aware of it and making it a weapon. Ren seems to be letting the anger control him rather than controlling it.


While I did like the couple instances of him losing his **** and destroying a room in anger, I really felt he was a little too over the top in his immaturity. I almost was expecting him to cry at one point.


But back to my original point, early on in the movie with his mask on, I thought they had it right.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


Han was a major character in this movie, so you'd have to choose him... But IMO having Han show up was less powerful than seeing Luke for the first time. I can't fathom some of the critics of the last scene - it was one of my favorite 2 or 3 scenes in the entire series.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


The air battle above the ground fighting at the Cantina. Some of the stuff going on in the background was insane; I thought this movie made the X-Wing pilots ******.


And obviously for anyone who saw it in 3D - the shot of the Star Detroyer. We were all reaching out to touch it and laughing. Awesome.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


When Kylo is just staring at Poe and Poe says something like "So do you talk first or do I talk first?"


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


Honestly I hope not. I hope shes just some random person from the middle of nowhere that happens to be one of the most powerful force-sensitives ever.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


Probably. Listen we all saw it coming, and he was given the stage in this episode and I thought his send-off made sense. Obviously he loves Leia and he loves his son. He knew that there was a very, very good chance he was going to die going out onto the catwalk and he did it anyway. He did it for his wife and for his son. I'm fine with it. I expect he wont be the last of the original three to die in this series.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


For what it was supposed to be it was fine. In terms of excitement, probably only a 3/10. But it wasn't supposed to be Luke/Vader or Kenobi/Grievous. It was supposed to be a fight between a wounded semi-trained immature fool who doesn't know how to channel the anger/pain he's feeling vs. a) a combat-trained stormtrooper, and b) someone who has some melee skill but a ludicrous ability to quickly develop force powers.


The Finn fight was plausible, the Rey fight could have possibly been handled slightly differently but I think its not a major issue either way. I strongly doubt this was the important fight of Ep. VII-IX.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


I agree with previous posters that the score was unmemorable, to the point of having a similar thought cross my mind during the actual movie. The movie deserved better.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


It's hard to say. The fact that it was more of a reboot than an actual furthering of the plot didn't bother me slightly. I was well aware while watching it that it was clearly an intentional retelling of Ep IV, and it didn't bother me in the slightest, because it is clearly going to be taken in a slightly different direction in the subsequent movies, and I think the homage to the first movie (which will always be the best in my mind) was obvious enough to feel intentional and respectful enough to be ok in my book.


That said, I sort of wish the main antagonist wasn't a blood relative of someone. The Falcon was a fantastic way of bringing Han into things and Luke's involvement in pretty much any problem in the galaxy can be drawn. Leia is nowhere near as important to the movies as Han/Luke (sorry, but she's just not) and a role could be found for her in any situation. So the blood tie wasn't needed.


But honestly if they were adamant about having Kylo be a relative, the only other change I would have wanted is for him to have left his mask on (see above).


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


I don't know, and I don't know what I want the answer to actually be either.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


7/10. Better than the prequels, worse than the originals.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


Kylo Ren. Him being unfinished and torn between the dark side and light side is a great idea and was portrayed really well.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


Snoke. I think the New Order would work better if there wasn't an uber-villain behind the scenes and they really were nothing but Empire fanboys who want to resurrect the glories of the past.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?




5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


I don't have a most epic or awesome moment yet. I have a favorite moment, though: Kylo talking to Darth Vaders mask. It shows what this character is about without telling us how he became this way.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


There were a lot of funny moments. My favorite were probably Poe and Finn in the Tie-Fighter. (But that might change on a rewatch.)


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


I doubt she is Leia's daughter, given their interactions. Given that her family is obviously important and that the Skywalkers are the only known family line that appears in the movies, she probably is Luke's daughter.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


I think it worked well. Harrison Ford is probably happy to leave Star Wars behind and this was a tasteful way to do it that sets up internal conflict for Kylo Ren in the future.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


8.9 out of ten, compared to 9.0 for the ESB duel and 9.8 for the RotJ duel. (Anakin vs Obi-Wan, both of them, are the next highest and rate as 7.5.)


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


Have to watch it again for that, which probably means that it wasn't memorable enough.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


Remove Starkiller Base (the superweapon). It doesn't add anything significant to the story line. My guess is that it was added rather late in the script development to create more parallels with ANH, but there the Death Star was a central plot point. Here it wasn't.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


I'm sure he was originally planned as a Force sensitive. He was probably linked with the "Awakening of the Force" as it was originally planned, but through all the changes he lost it. They couldn't remove it entirely, though, so at the end left it ambiguous. Now the planning group for the next movie will decide if he is or isn't.

I hope he is.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


Solid 8/10.


TESB - 9/10

ROTJ - 8.5/10

TFA - 8/10


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Rey. She is a very appealing female lead. She has a strong-willed yet compassionate personality.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

Kyko Ren. That boy needs to be spanked hard. (And Rey stepped up and did just that!)


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Han Solo


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

The consecutive LIGHTSABER DUELS! Specifically:

1. Finn's scream as Kylo slashes him in the back finally dropping him.

2. Rey Force pulling Luke's lightsaber away from Kylo's reach into hers - and then igniting it.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

Chewbacca and Finn interactions


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

Possibly, definitely NOT Leia's but maybe Lukes. Though I doubt it.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

I was expecting it with how they were setting it up.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

7/10 for style. But up there with the best when it comes to emotion


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

7/10 decent but not the best.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

Starkiller Base being destroyed. That was A New Hope's thing...A Force Awakens needed it's own.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

Better that he's not. But it's not impossible. He could be force sensitive, but it just hasn't awakened in him yet.

Edited by WDreamer
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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?



  1. Empire
  2. A New hope
  3. Jedi
  4. Force Awakens
  5. Rebals
  6. Sith
  7. Clone Wars
  8. Attack
  9. Phantom Menace
  10. Other


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

FN-2187 (Finn)


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

Kylo Ren, he's a spoiled brat, and emotionally unsound. Also he killed my favorite character of all.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Harrison Ford, he wanted off a long time ago, and he found a classic way to leave.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

Han Solo and the Gangsters. Honestly, that is what we needed, some good ol'fashion smuggler action.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

See above


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

Clearly she is a Skywalker, JJ Abrams said this next Trilogy is the Conclusion of the Skywalker story. Odds are she is Luke's Daughter.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

Epic,Yes, no. He was my favorite character, but he had to go out being great. And he was. It also set up my hatred of his son.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

7/10 two untrained actors dueling, with intense emotions, it was brilliant, the flaw and the strength of the fight was one has a serious injury, and the other was unskilled. It was done in a European fight style, befitting the look and feel of what we saw.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

Every Star Wars film gets the same score for me, 9/10


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

The Starkiller blast taking out those planets, and the distance to the Star. They either should have established all these planets where in the same system, or not have everyone able to see plasma traveling though hyperspace.



Edit: missed a question, my bad.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


Yes, he is not a Skywalker, but he clearly shows signs of being a Lightside force sensitive. It was how he broke his conditioning, it is also why he bumbled into the center of the story. He might end up being like Han Solo and never acknowledged as force sensitive, but I think the direction of this film is leading to more people awakening to the Force. For the last 50 years there have been few if any force users. However the numbers of people with a connection should not have decreased, which means everywhere normal people who would have been taken to the Jedi temple as kids, were left untrained, and unrecognized.

Edited by gothshark
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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

10/10 no question. I'm shocked anyone posting on this board wouldn't rate most SW movies a 10/10. You are invested enough in the franchise to play a non-cannon expanded universe game enough that you also post on the message board and don't think overall it's a fantastic movie? Odd.

I'd put it second best in the series after 1 viewing, but could fall to #3.

2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Rey, b/c she's the type of character I like and was fantastically acted

3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

X-wing pilot Etsy. He's got an action figure and I have no idea why

4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Ford, obviously

5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

When the elder wand, I mean lightsaber, chose Rey over Kylo.

6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

The hand holding scene while running from Tie fighters

7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

at least 50/50 if not more. Probably Luke's.

8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

Yes, this was a similar way to move the characters along as it was for Ben in Ep4.

9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

9/10. The battle itself made a lot of sense. I didn't like the ending being a massive hole in the ground. Would have preferred a fire or rocks separating them.

10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

TBD - At first I was going to say a pretty low score. But I do like it better now hearing it on it's own. So I guess it's more that it wasn't obvious on a first viewing. TBD

11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

I don't think I would have had the planet blow up. Just the weapon part. Starkiller Base was a planet right? I didn't catch that explanation yet.

12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

Probably. I think we might see a bit more "awakening" of the force than was immediately apparent. Poe might have it as well to fly leaps and bounds better than the rest. We're in the early days here, but I feel the light side of the force is going to leap forward in Ep8.


Edited by annabethchase
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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


1. This is around an 8.5 to 9 out of 10 for me. It was really good, but not the "best" star wars movie for me. I am one of those wierd people that enjoys Episode VI more then he enjoys episode V on most occassions, because of how it wraps things up, the stuff with Luke and Vader and the Emperor is fantastic, I think its the best space battle because its the only one that focuses just as much on the Large ships as it does the small ships (EP III had so much potential for this, but the big ships were the back drop and we didnt really focus on any of the crew or anything like that for the big ships) The things that usually bother people about it just dont for me. After that Episode V is just to solid to be ignored so its my second favorite, but its slightly slower pace at times, and the fact that I just enjoy the stuff with Luke and Vader more in Episode VI then I do in Episode V allows VI to out pace it a little bit.


Next would Come episode VII after VI and V, right in front of IV and III, IV and the III often interchange with me, because I really like IV's overall plot and Narrative structure making it FEEL very good for me, but I can fully admit that at times I can feel its age, while Episode III has the overall better visual effects and some solid scenes and the like which makes it occassionally the more fun watch for me. Episode VII feels like I get both in a single movie. The "rehash" of Episode IV is not a problem to me, since Star Wars has been "rehashing" Episode IV for years, they did it in TPM, and they have even done it in things like KoToR. Star Wars often functions on the idea that history repeats itself, one war is replaced by another. So I expect to see similar plot points retread. The question is in the execution as well as the variations on a theme, and this one executed a lot of points well for me and the variations were enough to suck me back into the world and let me enjoy it like any good star wars media can do.



2. Favorite new character is probably Rey, but she is going to be most people's favorite new character, she is the central focus of the movie, even if we dont know it at the start. This is HER heroes journey, but it was a really hard choice, because I truly did like a lot of the new characters, I think Poe comes in a solid second for me, he just kind of oozes "cool".



3. This one is hard because I liked so many of the characters, but I think I have to say Phasma, cool design, but she totally doesnt do anything in the whole movie.


4. We all know the answer..... Anthony Daniels...... JK its Harrison Ford's Han was great in this movie.


5. This is hard to pick, I think its got to be when the Resistance shows up to try to save everyone and we find out Poe is alive. We see Finn go toe to toe with a storm trooper with a lightsaber, the whole crew starts to loose all seems lost, and then you see those X-wings skimming the water coming in and taking names. Again back to the visual spectical I was talking about, it was a fun ride moment, but there are a lot of "fun ride moments" and even some all around "good moments" it is hard to pick a "Favorite" with out repeated viewing..... a problem I intend to solve.


6. Between C-3PO's interuption, the Storm trooper's "and I'll drop my gun", BB-8's thumbs up, its kind of hard to choose, but ultimately I think I have to go with Han's meet up with those other 2 gangs, and the whole "have I ever not delivered" " Ya twice" and Chewie shaking his head as Han is like... really, crap...


7. If she was Leia's and Han's I think we would have already known, they want their son back I dont think they would distance themselves from some one they havent lost to the dark side. That said I think its highly likely that she is Luke's daughter, but I would not be disappointed if they went another way with it.


8. We all know Harrison Ford wanted his character to die in Episode VI, and I am glad he didnt, because we got this one. This was the perfect place for him to go out, it adds more depth and danger to the villain, adds a feeling of vulnerability to our characters as well as setting up good emotions and character development for our heroes both old and new for later down the road. If Han was going to die, this is the way I would want it to happen.


9. This duel was a 7/10 where the movies are concerned. Episode VI's duel will likely always be my favorite Obi-wan vs Anakin in Episode III is my second Favorite then its Maul vs Obi-wan and Quigon and then Episode V and then this one followed shortly by Yoda vs SIdious, and then Windu vs Sidious, the other duels with Dooku I never liked much because some of the choreography just didnt work, like I can't NOT see Anakin splaying out his hands for no reason what so ever while Dooku does some pointless waltz spin resulting in his hands getting cut off, or see how Dooku stands there while Anakin maneuvers around him, the duels with Dooku themselves arent bad, but the way they just abruptly end with really weird actions taken by both parties that I can look at and easily see were super staged and no one in their right minds would move like that when they are trying to fight unless they were like "oh the script says I lose, better just stand here and let you do what ever you want" just automatically drops them low on the list.


This saber duel was not anything special, but it did have a visceral feeling to it that felt right for a group of most untrained individuals. Finn using his storm trooper training and standing no chance against even the very injured Kylo Ren, and then Rey taking up the fight, who we established as a skilled melee combatant at the beginning when she beat the hell out of 2 thugs trying to steal BB-8, Jakuul was not a nice place to grow up and we see through out that she learned how to handle herself, both as a pilot and as a melee combatant, but even then she clearly stands no chance against Kylo Ren, constantly taking steps back trying to avoid him, he clearly had the upper hand, the only thing that saved her was the strong connection to the force, all-in-all it played exactly the way a group of fighters like that should have played, brutal, visceral and raw power rather then a lot of finesse, since none of the fighters really have any of that.


10. this one is a bit harder to answer again I think I am going to give it a 8/10. While I dont feel any tracks in particular STAND OUT that, in my opinion, is not the point of a score. A good score is not distracting, it adds to the feeling of the scene with out you even recognizing it is there. Now that has not been something John Williams is particularly known for in the past, as his themes are often extremely memorable and can even be listened to on their own which I feel a lot of people were looking for here, which is why some were disappointed with the score, but personally I feel this is a very evolved John Williams. If you listen to some of the new tracks they are still very beautiful, but they are much more subdued yet still have that same tonal shape, the timbre, and even the melodic structure are still very distinctly star wars. They still give the right feeling, but the more subdued nature allows the feelings that is meant to be conveyed to be conveyed with out overpowering the visuals in which it is enhancing, and in the end that is the mark of a good score. He has had better in the past sure, but this is by no means "bad"


11. Not much really, I could have done with less of a detour in the middle with the monsters on Han's freighter and added more into the plot instead of that, like more time with Han and his son, or more time with Luke, or more time with the planning of the attack or something it was a fun detour dont get me wrong, but It was the one moment where I felt we just randomly added in a scene that didnt really have much to do with what was going on. It was just kind of oh and now we are dealing with pirates and these monsters for like 15 minutes which have nothing to do with what has been going on before or after them, they werent needed.


12. No absolutely not, a Lightsaber has been shown to be wielded by non-force sensitives in the past, Pre-visla and Han just to name a couple. The idea that only a Jedi could use it seems, now more then ever, to just be "legends" material now and in no way actually "Canon" any more. Sure you probably need force sensitivity to block blasters with it, but there appears to be no reason that some one needs to have the force for melee capabilities. The promotional material and the like did this as a misdirection, JJ Abrams is famous for wanting twists and trying to keep secrets in his movies. He even went as far as to go on record and lie saying that the person that was playing Kahn was not playing Kahn in Star Trek into Darkness. This was just JJ trying to misdirect every one into thinking it was him so when the reveal came that it WASNT him and instead it was Rey we could all be like "Its not Finn its HER" :eek:. cus he likes that kind of reaction.

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DarthDymond ( Post #2 ) put pretty much everything I had wanted to say. - Kudos!


- I'd like to add "You're cold?...?" To the list of funny moments.


I rated it 9/10 - IMHO another 1/2 hour would be nice. - I thought General Organa ( Carrie Fisher) lacked any warmth, and couldn't get over how much younger Han's son was to Han himself- who is easily 60 or 70.


I wanted a lot more epic one-liners. Episodes 4-6 had them in bucket-loads. - not so much for the others.


Daisy Ridley rocked. Stellar performance. John Boyega I really warmed to as well. - Good job.

Honourable mention to the VA from Lupita Nyong'o too! ( And yes I had to look her up on t'internet!)


Apologies if I didn't quite answer all the Q's !

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


9/10, 3rd best among Star Wars films. ESB and ANH are above. TFA is followed by ROTS, ROTJ, TPM, AOTC in that order.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


He's considered pretty hit and miss it seems but if say Kylo Ren was my favourite, I feel like is the character Anakin should have been more like in the prequels. I love Kylo's character and it has so much room to expand now and possibly even forge into a more Vader like kind of person.


Glad they didn't make Kylo just some useless Darth Maul who was only there to have a cool but meaningless fight at the end.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


Phasma. Just overall pretty useless and was way over hyped.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


Harrison Ford, no'thought about it. Chewbacca was very strong but he's also in costume the entire time so can't count him as much.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


The opening sequence was phenomenal and easily the best of any Star Wars film IMO, really got the action rolling. I also like when Poe and Finn where in the tie fighter at the start, very fun scene.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


Han: "What was your job here anyway?"


Finn: "Sanitation"


Han: "...Sanitation!?!?"


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


I don't know where all the speculation is coming from with this and Rey being a possible descendent from all sorts of different characters. IMO I thought it was pretty obvious she was Lukes daughter. But I guess others see it differently.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


Should have died for sure and it is what Harrison wanted, he wouldn't have come back for the other films probably so they would have had to write him off somehow. I felt his death was pretty perfect and the reaction from Chewie really sold it.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


8/10, I liked it. It actually felt like one of the most realistic duels... Prequel lightsaber fights are just too staged and have flawless choreography that I just can't really get all excited for them. Also the prequel fights where just so predictable you knew the outcome of every one before it started. This one I actually wasn't sure what was going to happen, for awhile I thought either Finn or Kylo would die.


However it wasn't much of a duel since Kylo was too injured and Rey was still untrained.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


Think I already answered this in the first comment. ESB is 10/10 for me, ANH is close to 10, TFA is 9. ROTJ and ROTS are probably 8s and the other two fall off a cliff.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


The actor for Hux, don't get me wrong the guy did well with the part he was given but it's just not convincing that this younger guy is leading the First Order. An older leader would have been much better for the part. Maybe have Hux be his second in command and have the older guy die on Starkiller base so Hux takes over in the next one.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


I think he is force sensitive more then the average person obviously but I don't think he will ever get training.

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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


1. I'd say TFA is #2 behind Empire for me, just in the feelings that came into play between the movies and the ages

of when I saw them, ect..


2. W/out question Rey. She's going to be a wonderful, brilliant heroine and portrays her role wonderfully in a movie

that w/out question had the best acting of ALL the SW movies!!!!! There were ALOT of really good acting in this

particular SW, but she held her own w/some really, really powerful actors. Oscar-Ford, Boyega, Gleeson and

she still wasnt completely swallowed by it all.


3. Snoke. Just not enough there. I'm hoping he's not Plagueis, but he's pretty much the spitting image of him


4. Han


5. The 1st time I saw it, No doubt, when Rey faces off w/Kylo and she looks into HIS mind and alters the whole

feeling of how things are going to go. It made me feel that finally, we're going to have a hero/heroine that is

actually stronger than the bad guy. Regardless of genre. Instead of needing 3-5 heroes to defeat a bad guy

we're going to have an ACTUAL heroine that is STRONG!! And, it was cemented in the LS fight.


6. Funniest moment is hard. When I started to think about "funniest" i thought, "Wow, theres actually ALOT of

funny moments in this movie. BB lighter, "you talk, I talk" "Women. They always find out", but I guess what

made me giggle out loud was BB looking at Finn, looking at Rey, looking at Finn, like "you buying this?"


7. I'm in the crowd that hopes, and hopes she's not a Skywalker. I'd really like her to be from someone else. I hold

hope that she's a Kenobi-Lars family member.


8. I'm fine w/all the aspects of Han's death, except as someone else mentioned that Chewie/Leia had no inner

action after they returned what-so-ever. Han's death made sense in all ways. He's doing everything a father

would do, which included walking out onto a catwalk 3 miles high to talk his son back from the ledge. And,

Driver played that perfectly. He had watering eyes for the 1st part, the pain, disappointment, the evil he had

done all coming to the surface. It was great, and it really made me feel Han had reached him, but, then... great


9. I liked the LS duel. I did like most LS duels in the Menace series, except as someone else mentioned the Drooku

fight never sat well w/me, but what that poster said, kind of put my "gawd whats wrong here?" into words.

I liked that once Kylo says "I can train you" line and Rey gives into the Force, its just got great. She becomes

the huntress. Which she then begins to just take Kylo apart. She's toying w/him at the end. Wound here. Wound

there, and taking her time. It really made me think as mentioned before, "FINALLY a REAL heroine of strength!!!"

And, I'm giddy w/anticipation that by the end of the next movie she will be a white wielding saberstaff user.


10. Completely unnoticeable music


11. The thing I would change, and it would be w/quite a few movies, and that would be a more realistic use of

time referencing. "15m until power up" 30m later we've got Rey pulling a fuse and the whole system going

black. Well, geez guys, I dunno, put a couple of Blart Mall cops at the door there or something if you would.

But, maybe more I dont know if annoying is the right word, but immersion breaking is the holo image of the

Deathstar vs Starkiller. I mean, sweet baby Banthas did it really have to be the size of Jupiter? And, we're

sending off, oh, I dunno, 30 Tie fighters to deal w/this thing? Come on, huh? And like Ackbar says "how

can they even power that thing!!!??" Yeah, EXACTLY Ackbar, and you dont have like ONE, ONE spy

on that? Freaking moons would alter their rotational movements if something like that went through space from

the gravity, but you dont even have a clue it exsisted until its blown 4 planets/moons outta the galaxy?


12. No, I dont think Finn is Force sensitive, but as mentioned numerous times, the Force passes through beings.

What they do w/that is really upto their nature, good/bad ect.. I am really curious who Maz Katana thinks she

sees in him though. "Someone who is always running away from the fight" didnt really snap my memory.

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I wouldn't say I actually have too many complaints with this film, biggest is with Hux like I said. Everything else was pretty well done, they should have showed these planets that got destroyed a bit more though.



Apparently there was a deleted scene where Leia sends someone to ask the Republic for support and we would have got to see at least one of these planets more.



There's about 5-6 mentioned deleted scenes online. I'm hoping we eventually get an "extended edition" like the Lord of the Rings movies.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


I'm thinking an 8. As for the series overall, I'm going with VI > III > IV = VII > I > II >>>>>>> V. (Yes, you read that right, Empire dead last. Sorry, can't help it, can't stand that movie. But more about that later.)


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


As a straight male, could it be anyone other than Rey? (Answer: No.) Pretty, sympathetic, gifted, occasionally funny,... What's not to like?


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


Snoke, probably. His design was underwhelming and his performance not good enough to balance that, but of course, he was barely in the movie. Maybe in the next one he'll be more noteworthy.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


Harrison Ford did what I thought couldn't be done: He made me like Han Solo again. You see, the biggest problem I had with V was the way the main characters all had their most infuriatingly annoying character traits magnified (Imagine that everyone but Lando was Jar Jar. It's like that to me. Speaking of which, I really hope they saved Billy Dee Williams for VIII and IX.) Luke's whinyness was turned up to 11, as was Leia's tendency towards bickering, but Han was worst of all IMO. I liked him in IV, but V made him my least favorite character. He wasn't too bad in VI to be fair, but by then the damage was already done. In VII I thought he was back to his old charming and funny self from IV, so I could care about what happened to him again. Needless to say, I was actually a bit sad at his death (though the fact I saw it coming for ages tempered that feeling).


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


I really liked the landscape and camera work in the final scene of the movie and really want to visit the place where they shot it.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


The bit with the two Stormtroopers walking in on Kylo's temper tantrum after Rey escaped, going all "Nope!".


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


It's by no means impossible that she's Luke's daughter, but I'm pretty sure Han or Leia would have acted differently around her if she was their daughter (and they knew it). Regardless, I don't think I'd like it if she were a Skywalker. There's already more than enough 'small galaxy syndrome' as it is!


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


He did what he had to to try and save his son, no matter the odds. If he had to die, it was one of the best ways to go.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


Not as good as the big prequel duels (but then the duelists are nowhere near the skill level of those in the prequels) or Luke vs. Vader in VI, but better than the others. 7.5 out of 10.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


I'll need to listen to it more to make an accurate judgment, but I will say that I don't remember any memorable themes apart from the classics.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


I wouldn't have gone with another Death Star rehash.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


You don't need to be Force-sensitive to use a lightsaber (Han and Grievous proved that after all), but he may be. I don't think he needs to be.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?



2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Rey. Strong character, good motivation, lots of questions that I'm eager for the answer to.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

None really come to mind.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Harrison Ford. He may not like Star Wars, but he put in a good effort.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

The dream sequence.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

"...yeah I'm in the Resistance."


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

Luke or Leia's daughter is the obvious answer but I'm hoping it's something else.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

Yes he should have died. I'm ok with how it was done. It was a bit obvious that once he walked onto that bridge he wasn't walking back off, though.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

7. Good emotion in it, which is something the prequels lacked. Kylo didn't come across as a super effective villain in them, though.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

8. I loved all the music.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

Rey should have lost the lightsaber duel in order to drive up the tension for when she and Kylo inevitably meet again.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

No. Hope not, anyhow. Need some normies to round out the cast.

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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

This is hard for me as this new one had the "Feel" of the old ones, loved it, i put it in third, behind A New Hope and Return of the Jedi.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Fin was funny, Rey's acting was top notch, Ren played a good bad guy, he made you despise his immature tantrums, so like we was supposed to I ended up not liking him....so favorite, most likely Rey.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

The new behind the scene bad guy, he seemed to over the top to me.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Harrison Ford for sure, but its Harrison we are talking about, hard to beat him.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

Toss up between the Falcon flight scenes and Ren/Rey battle.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

When the troopers turned around durning Ren's tantrum. I laughed way harder then everyone else around me.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

I think she is Lukes daughter.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

Yes he wanted out, but I didn't think it was a epic enough of a death, I think he should have went down fighting.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

It was a good showing for some amateurs, as it should be, these are not Jedi and Sith masters fighting it out, these where untied apprentices and it seemed real.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

Not sure here, it was great, exceeded my expectations and I loved it.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

The whole planet syphoning the sun as a weapon didn't make sense to me, wouldn't it have killed the planet after it drained the sun making it a 1 time use weapon?


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

Yes he is, while he dosnt use the force there where a few scenes where Ren looks at him feeling something from the unnamed Trooper, it was the force he was feeling imho

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I rated it 9/10 - IMHO another 1/2 hour would be nice. - I thought General Organa ( Carrie Fisher) lacked any warmth, and couldn't get over how much younger Han's son was to Han himself- who is easily 60 or 70.



Han is a good 10 years older than Leia. So he would look much older than his child. Close to 40 when his child was born.

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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


1. 10/10 the best for me, and not just the best as a Star Wars movie.


2. Rey and Kylo Ren are tied as my favorite new characters. I love how Rey is trying to find her true self, kinda shedding her skin of "I'm the girl who waits" and growing into a Jedi. She wasn't the hero I expected, but damn, I loved her so much more than what I wanted. Same for Kylo Ren, except, you know, he's on the Dark Side. In a way, if only the original cast was present, he would have been the "protagonist" of the movie because he's trying to beat the Light out of himself, yet we know the Light is good and he still loves his daddy, so he's torn between beating the Light and Dark Sides out of himself. And you know that when a character's motives are difficult to explain, they're great characters. To put it simply, he's the Dark Side Anakin before he went all Vader.


3. My least favorite character is... Uh, nobody. BB-8? And I only say that because she's not, like, a character... Well...


4. Han Solo. You kidding me? The guy was amazing.


5. The lightsaber battle at the end. Everyone always talks about emotion in saber battles in the OT, but while it was there, I didn't quite see it like everyone else so clearly saw. The most emotional fight for me, before I saw TFA, was the Anakin vs. Obi-Wan fight in RotS, but obviously Finn, Rey, and Kylo Ren rekt it. I can't even explain what happened in the theatre, but during Ren and Rey's saber lock I had a tear dropping. I think it was because I had the feels going for both Rey and Ben, not just the hero. They did a splendid job with making Kylo Ren and Han Solo's arc in the movie.


6. The funniest moment... When Finn's like, "HELL NAW!" And at the beginning with Kylo Rem, and the "Oh, you're cold?" The whole movie was hilarious, but they didn't overdo it, which was the best.


7. I don't think Rey is a Skywalker, and I don't want her to be, but if she is that's fine. If she turns out to be a Luke/Leia thing, though, then that'll piss me off. Incest is just not a Star Wars theme. What I do want her to be is a Kenobi (not Obi-Wan's kid, mind you), or a no-name.


8. I loved the death of Solo, especially because Kylo asked him to basically hold his hand so he could be brave enough to kill him. It was a heart-breaking moment for me, not just because Solo died, but because what both of them were feeling and especially the storm inside Kylo Ren. It was perfect, and I'm glad Chewbacca shot the dude because if he hadn't, then Rey wouldn't have had a valid, movie-shown reason to beat him in the duel. Besides, it definitely fit Chewie's character to do that, he didn't rip Ben's arms off just because he was too far away, but maybe he didn't headshot him because Ben was his best friend's son, which would add dimensions to Chewbacca as well.


9. Lightsaber duels (all 2.5 of them) I rate 10/10. So good.


10. Score wasn't as good as the prequel score, but it did have some great moments, especially Rey's theme, which was not only fitting, but my favorite tune since Accross the Stars. 8/10.


11. I would make Finn Force sensitive, but he probably is anyway and I don't know it yet.


12. I think he is Force Sensitive.

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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


7. I enjoyed it but the plot had holes you could pilot an X-Wing through. Against previous movies it's better than Phantom Menace and I would place it equal to Revenge of the Sith. So 5th or 6th out of 7 movies depending on my mood that day.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


Poe. Found him amusing and rogueish. Also really appreciated his zest for life.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


I think Finn is a poorly written character, though the actor really did a good job of making me like him. Still it's Finn.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?




5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


The escape of Poe and Finn.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


"Do I talk first or do you talk first?"


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


She's Luke's daughter or the movie makes no sense.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


Yes, he should have died because Harrison Ford is the only acting presence strong enough to overshadow the new trilogy. For these new characters to thrive we had to lose Han Solo. Also it was a decent nod to the time practiced sacrifice to fully turn to the dark side.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


1. It was terrible.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


Film score was fine, but was probably the worst of all the movies. The bar is insanely high here though.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


Pacing. I thought the speed with which things happened caused a boatload of plot holes.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


No. I don't.

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Han's death hit me hardest. Obi-Wan doesn't even remotely compare since we immediately heard his voice 2 seconds later telling Luke to run, then saw him again the next 2 movies.


But Han... he isn't coming back.


Heartbreaking scene. As someone said, Ben basically asked him to hold his hand to give him the strength to kill him, and thanked him after.


The saddest part was it was pointless. Ben thought it would make him free like Vader, but he's not a robot, he's a human being and it just left him more angry, and ****ed up. Then Chewie shot him.

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Han's death hit me hardest. Obi-Wan doesn't even remotely compare since we immediately heard his voice 2 seconds later telling Luke to run, then saw him again the next 2 movies.


But Han... he isn't coming back.


Heartbreaking scene. As someone said, Ben basically asked him to hold his hand to give him the strength to kill him, and thanked him after.


The saddest part was it was pointless. Ben thought it would make him free like Vader, but he's not a robot, he's a human being and it just left him more angry, and ****ed up. Then Chewie shot him.


They already said Han would be seen in the next movie.

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They already said Han would be seen in the next movie.


I mean how Obi-wan was a helpful and prescient ghost, Han won't be.


Upon my second viewing, i noticed when Finn turns on the Dejarik game, the small creature that got bodyslammed by the larger creature in ANH turns the tables and bashes the bigger one over the head with a mace three times as Finn is trying to figure out how to turn it off.


revenge 30 years later



its the little things

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Whew, finally got to the movies and watched Episode 7 last night, was it tough to stay away from spoilers! Still, I figured I'd add my form to the others. Personal opinions, of course, aswell as possible spoilers. And long text, of course.

Also, gotta add a premise. The localization deserves a bit more of effort. I'm Italian, and in Italy the classic trilogy had almost all the character change names. Han Solo became Jan Solo, Leia became Leila, R2-D2 became C1-P8 (don't ask me why, I have no clue), Vader became Fener and so on. Curiously, only Luke kept the original name. :confused:

However, the new dubbing kept the original English names, so it felt quite a bit off after 30 years listening to them as they got called that way... It broke immersion a fair bit, although eventually after about half the movie I managed to get over it.


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

3/10, last out of the 7. In order, I'll have to go with Episodes 6-3-1-5-4-2 from teh previous trilogies.

As much as it was a nice movie in and on itself, compared to everything that came before it pales in comparison. Plus, too much copy-paste. I watched the two previous trilogies recently, and I was pretty much foreseeing the movie as it unfolded... That's not supposed to happen!

In no precise order, the Death Star equivalent shooting and detroying a planet (or, planets, as it were), the Stormtrooper armored rescue, the droid carrying a vital piece of information, the fight with TIE Fighters aboard the Millennium Falcon - with the same old graphics and the blaster bolts hitting the TIEs in the same spots as in Episode 4 - the Death Star equivalent exploding and the "canyon" battle with the X-Wings... Copy-pasted Episode 4 much? I'd rather see something new than the ol'good stuff... Especially considering I already have the old trilogies in DVD at my place. :rolleyes:


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

I gotta go with Rey, even though she was way too Mary Sue. The actress performed admirably, nothing to say on that regard. I mean, the character is independent, skilled, strong willed and smart, which would be a great way to start.

What makes her a bit too much over the top IMHO is the fact she continuously uses the Force in ways that a newbie shouldn't be able to. First this, then that, then an even more balance breaking power... When will she learn to move around like Valkorion, I wonder? :rolleyes:

Plus, what's the whole point of training if you can do everything anyway? It felt quite a lot too OP in comparison to everything she had to face. :p


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

Gotta go with a tie between Finn and Kylo.

As much as I like the concept behind Finn and the way the actor portrayed it, the fact he spent about half the movie thrown on the ground made it less than enjoyable. To me, it felt as if he was somewhat compensating for Rey being so bada** by being forced to eat hits that he could have otherwise dodged. :confused:

As for Kylo, he felt just... Wrong. Childish behaviour would be a compliment to him.

"Sir, we have a problem"

*slashes a wall/console/whatever to pieces*

How am I supposed to be scared of him, to respect him as an enemy? My 12 years old cousin would be able to have him do her bidding, judging from how he behaves! As long as you don't get in front of his lightsaber you can pretty much do what you want and he won't be able to respond in any way. That ain't scary.

Vader was scary, because of his cool mind and ability.

Sidious was scary, because of his tremendous manipulation ability and mastery of the Force.

Dooku was a respectable duelist and a somewhat charismatic opponent to face.

Damn, even Maul was scarier than Kylo, at least he knew how to fight properly! And he got what, half the screen time? Less?

Kylo felt just... Wrong. Like, the feeling I got off him was that of a spoiled child who "forgot" to grow up, not that of a possibly worthy adversary the "good" guys have to overcome. :confused:


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Harrison Ford as Han Solo definitely rules, even though the character felt a bit off... I mean, Han pretty much lived in the Falcon, and he lost it? How do you lose the place where you live? And then, becoming a contracted hunter, out of all things? Really? :confused:


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

Possibly when the new "Death Star" blows up again... Although it was so much of a deja-vu and a foreseen development I have to rate it mostly in terms of graphics. Never really felt somthing "epic" was happening, sadly. :rolleyes:


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

Hmmm... Tough one. Possibly the first two or three times Finn was thrown to the ground. It became old fast, though. :p


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

TBH, I have no idea, although in all honesty I hope not... So much as I like the family ties and everything, I'd much prefer for her to be completely unrelated, so that she can fully expand without possibly bad role models/ties/bonds.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

Honestly? Kind of out of character. I wouldn't have expected Han to kill his son, but staying there when he was twisting his lightsaber in a clear attempt to cleave him was kind of meh. At that point, make Han's blaster go boom, at least it's a surprise... :rolleyes:

What kind of ticked me wrong was the fact pretty much nobody seemed to care save for Rey and Finn.

Leia sits down for a moment, her face saddened, but... Nothing more. Good thing they loved each other, I guess. :rolleyes:

And Chewie shoots a few troopers and Kylo, then runs to detonate the bombs... He's a Wookie, dammit, they're famous because they rip arms off their opponents when they lose a game! I'd expect a Wookie to react more strongly when someone they called a friend for decades got killed in such a gratuitous manner! :mad:


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

Didn't felt like a duel at all, to me, more like a brawl. Vader vs Luke on Episode 5 at least gave you the feeling of something important happening, the two studied each other, moved tactically (at least until Luke lost his hand, but... Yeah :p ) and eventually came to a breathtaking moment.

Here, it's just a berserk rage, who strikes more often and stronger wins. That's the feeling I got. Precision? Overrated. Parrying? Oh well... Dodging? Naah. A kick to disarm? Why bother at all? :eek:


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

3/10, as I said above. Last out of the 7 currently released. As for the soundrack, strangely enough the only few soundtracks I noticed were recycled from the previous trilogies... The rest of the time it was the environmental noise that I was listening to. I won't count Cantina Music because, well, it's everywhere in the Star Wars universe, be it a movie, a videogame or what have you. :rolleyes:


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

Um... The story and time setting? As I said the movie is not bad in itself, it's just bad compared to the 6 Episodes that came before it and that are supposed to build the story up to this point... Keep everything but the original cast - well, maybe Luke as a Force Phantom, if you will :p - and move it 4-5k years in the future and the movie in itself gains 3 points of rating in my book. :rolleyes:

Also, the fact everyone and their dog seem to know about the Force and how it works! That's supposed to be something the Jedi don't speak of outside their order in detail, let alone the Sith! How can everyone know about it in such detail? It's almost as if everyone on Earth knew the codes to release the Nuclear Weapons that are packed planetside at once... At that point, why have codes at all? :confused:


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

I hope not, otherwise there's no point having blasters around at all... TBH, since he seems to be able to wield a lightsaber regardless of the fact you're supposed to need training for it, I wonder why use blasters at all, at this point. Harvest crystals, mass produce lightsabers, outfit soldiers with them and blasters, win. It's that simple, judging from what I can see in the movie. :rolleyes:


All in all, from what I've been seeing from my friends - who never saw anything related to Star Wars - the movie is nice and mounts a lot of hype... If you never watched anything about that universe before, that is.

Otherwise, at least to me, it felt way off the target. Meh would be a compliment. A bad turn of events, if this is what they're aiming for... :(

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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1: 8.5, while my personal favorite is Revenge of the Sith, I think this movie is better made. Also, I love conclusions, and a first-movie will thefore be a bit lack-luster from my not-neutral POV due to me wanting to see how it ends. It was in general a better movie than Revenge though.


2: Favorite character; Kylo Ren - I like the idea of a not-finished villain, one that's far from "all there", and that he has better reasons than "Being evil" (Wanting to complete what his grandfather started, I like that)


3: I don't know, I liked or accepted most people here. I guess I disliked Maz, she was a annoying. Still, this is the SW movie with least annoying creatures/people.


4: Han Solo gave the best performance; But of course, he's a much better actor than the rest. I think most people agree on that.


5: I found Hux's speech to be the most epic moment; then the superweapon. Han's death was also pretty great, but it was a little obvious that it was going to happen.


6: When Chewie complained about being cold, and Han's reaction.


7: I'd guess that Rey is Luke's daugther, maybe? If not, then I'd be dissappointed, as I am a bit disappointed with how she won the last fight anyways.


8: I think it was good that he died; it served it's purpose + allowed us to get a "more balanced" last duel as, it unbalanced Ren and made Chewie being able to shoot him. Maybe it should've been less obvious that he was going to get killed? He could've given him his lightsaber, then as it seemed as Han made it, he could've been killed. Or something like that. I liked the scene anyways, though.


9: The lightsaber duel was a let-down for me. How did he get injured by Finn? Even if he was toying, Finn didn't stand a chance against the other Stormtrooper.... So no, that's silly and I consider that part pathetic. Then I'm dissappointed that he didn't manage to defeat Rey, even if he tried to recruit her and that was his goal. It was a little annoying. if she's already that powerful, how can Ren evfer pose a challenge to her? I mean. It was a bit bad story-telling, if you ask me. She has so much untapped potential as she's most likely untrained, he's trained much better and therefore I disliked it.


10: I liked it, but I always love the Star Wars music, so I'm uncertain here.


11: I'd change that Kylo Ren loses in that way. I didn't like seeing him as that weak in the final fight, even though he was injured. That was a major let-down for me, the movie is brilliant but it did lose a lot for me in that during the light-saber duel.


12: I do not think that Finn is force-sensitive, but he may in theory be. Still, I think Rey will be the new jedi(and the only new one), and Finn will probably not use the force (and he'll probably never use a lightsaber again either). I may be wrong, though

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Poe Dameron

3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

Kylo Ren

4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Han Solo

5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

XWing attack

6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

No it's Leia & Han son

8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

Done differently

9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

I would change JJ. Abrams and replace him by C. Nolan

12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

I do not care

Edited by Lexhorn
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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?



2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Supreme Leader Snoke, because he seems to inspire a lot of fear but, at the same time, respect from his followers. Can't wait to learn more about who he is.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

There's no one I really dislike, but having to chose, I would say Maz Kanata, for someone so old who dislikes that much the Dark Side, she don't seem to do much to help fight it.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Han Solo, but Chewie was almost as good as.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

Rey meeting Luke.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

Han talks with the Death Gang and the Kanjiklub.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

Yes, I'm almost certain she's Luke's daughter, because R2 powers up when she arrives on D'Quan.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

It was great, but I think it could be more sudden and unexpected, it was clear since he starts walking towards Ren that he would be killed by his son.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?



10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

7/10. My favorite score was the final one, that blends the Force theme with that new score, really awesome!


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

I think it could've been longer and with more extensive dialogues, the action just transpirred too quickly, there was no time to catch our breath.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


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