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Everything posted by SirenSounds

  1. Oh, thats silly and thats like comparing Bogart, Cagney, Grant, Stewart to DiCaprio, Depp, Hardy, Pitt or something. Or say comparing basketball greats Pippen, Bird, Jordan ect ect or baseball greats to players of todays age. 1st you're your impressions of those characters are based on 1st time experiences w/plots, acting, movies, and so on, and we all become influenced by age, wisdom, experience. I think the villains are just fine in these movies. I actually like them for what those actors are actually doing, and the writers are trying to bring to us. Hux is maniacal, as is Ren. Sure Phasma is being exited rather abruptly for some reason, and I can certainly see the reason for exiting Snoke story wise and because he was simply a place holder to get the plot moving where they want it.
  2. To add to this line of thinking and some of what others are saying (as well as myself). What is shown several times is that those that are in the First Order are young. So they're not overly trained. Gleeson is a young commander, Ren, and some of the supporting cast (the officer leaving his post in the end) were all VERY young, in terms of age. My guess is, that they'll go into this some in the following movies as the First Order are essentially a bunch of upstarts, and "First Order" is like a really dedicated frat house Joking aside, that yeah, they're the next generation of young, dedicated, zealots. I dont recall which actor said it in an interview, Driver or Oscar, but the theory or the acting motivation behind the "villian" of the movie isnt so much pure act of evil, its the fanatical belief of his cause that is evil. So I think that Kylo losing to Rey works. He's young. As is she. She's "playing' w/the starfighter helmet, daydreaming about life ahead of her. These are acts of a young person. Older people look at the helmet and daydream w/out putting it on, and dream of life gone past.
  3. Its funny, I didnt think about it, or even notice it the 1st time I saw it, but after it was mentioned here and subsequent viewings, yeah, the fact they dont even make eye contact isnt so good. Im going on the theory they simply edited that out. What can ya do.....
  4. I think her powers are fine, and I buy into them wholeheartedly. My beliefs, and my hope, is that she's going to be one of the strongest heroines because she can do what those in the past are unable to do, and thats to be completely "centered" and allow the Force to move through her w/out trying to influence the Force on her own to her own needs. It would be nice if we can get a heroine that can stand on her own and be just as powerful if not more so than the evil she's going to face. Thats always been my issue w/comics, and other theme style stories. The bad person is always 2, 3, 4x as powerful as their counter part good person. So the good person requires 5 allies to defeat one person. Its no wonder the evil/bad people take bad when bad is sooo powerful !!
  5. Well, if you notice during the FB scene its black. I'd assume at that point he's in his dark Force days.
  6. 1. I'd say TFA is #2 behind Empire for me, just in the feelings that came into play between the movies and the ages of when I saw them, ect.. 2. W/out question Rey. She's going to be a wonderful, brilliant heroine and portrays her role wonderfully in a movie that w/out question had the best acting of ALL the SW movies!!!!! There were ALOT of really good acting in this particular SW, but she held her own w/some really, really powerful actors. Oscar-Ford, Boyega, Gleeson and she still wasnt completely swallowed by it all. 3. Snoke. Just not enough there. I'm hoping he's not Plagueis, but he's pretty much the spitting image of him 4. Han 5. The 1st time I saw it, No doubt, when Rey faces off w/Kylo and she looks into HIS mind and alters the whole feeling of how things are going to go. It made me feel that finally, we're going to have a hero/heroine that is actually stronger than the bad guy. Regardless of genre. Instead of needing 3-5 heroes to defeat a bad guy we're going to have an ACTUAL heroine that is STRONG!! And, it was cemented in the LS fight. 6. Funniest moment is hard. When I started to think about "funniest" i thought, "Wow, theres actually ALOT of funny moments in this movie. BB lighter, "you talk, I talk" "Women. They always find out", but I guess what made me giggle out loud was BB looking at Finn, looking at Rey, looking at Finn, like "you buying this?" 7. I'm in the crowd that hopes, and hopes she's not a Skywalker. I'd really like her to be from someone else. I hold hope that she's a Kenobi-Lars family member. 8. I'm fine w/all the aspects of Han's death, except as someone else mentioned that Chewie/Leia had no inner action after they returned what-so-ever. Han's death made sense in all ways. He's doing everything a father would do, which included walking out onto a catwalk 3 miles high to talk his son back from the ledge. And, Driver played that perfectly. He had watering eyes for the 1st part, the pain, disappointment, the evil he had done all coming to the surface. It was great, and it really made me feel Han had reached him, but, then... great 9. I liked the LS duel. I did like most LS duels in the Menace series, except as someone else mentioned the Drooku fight never sat well w/me, but what that poster said, kind of put my "gawd whats wrong here?" into words. I liked that once Kylo says "I can train you" line and Rey gives into the Force, its just got great. She becomes the huntress. Which she then begins to just take Kylo apart. She's toying w/him at the end. Wound here. Wound there, and taking her time. It really made me think as mentioned before, "FINALLY a REAL heroine of strength!!!" And, I'm giddy w/anticipation that by the end of the next movie she will be a white wielding saberstaff user. 10. Completely unnoticeable music 11. The thing I would change, and it would be w/quite a few movies, and that would be a more realistic use of time referencing. "15m until power up" 30m later we've got Rey pulling a fuse and the whole system going black. Well, geez guys, I dunno, put a couple of Blart Mall cops at the door there or something if you would. But, maybe more I dont know if annoying is the right word, but immersion breaking is the holo image of the Deathstar vs Starkiller. I mean, sweet baby Banthas did it really have to be the size of Jupiter? And, we're sending off, oh, I dunno, 30 Tie fighters to deal w/this thing? Come on, huh? And like Ackbar says "how can they even power that thing!!!??" Yeah, EXACTLY Ackbar, and you dont have like ONE, ONE spy on that? Freaking moons would alter their rotational movements if something like that went through space from the gravity, but you dont even have a clue it exsisted until its blown 4 planets/moons outta the galaxy? 12. No, I dont think Finn is Force sensitive, but as mentioned numerous times, the Force passes through beings. What they do w/that is really upto their nature, good/bad ect.. I am really curious who Maz Katana thinks she sees in him though. "Someone who is always running away from the fight" didnt really snap my memory.
  7. Agreed @Gothshark as well To add, I think it makes complete and total sense that Kylo goes completely off the rails when informed BB/Finn escaped. Its much, much more believable as well, because the officer informing him is just completely terrified about what the news means to him (the officer). He knows somewhere down the line that going to tell Kylo, "Hey, we umm.. messed up. The BB unit got away, and the..... the expresso machine is down". Is the short straw order of the day. I never got that feeling from Vader. I get it, it was '77 afterall, so filming some guy go nuts wasnt quite normal back then, but he always seemed more level headed. Kylo though, he's much more believable as how a bad guy using dark Force powers would sort of come into his own.
  8. I think she's going to be the daughter of Kenobi. In the flashback scene, my take is not that she's being dropped off by her family its that her family is being taken from her. Most likely by Snoke
  9. This was basically my take on the whole Kylo/Rey fight as well, and Rey's character throughout the movie. Its not that she's extremely powerful, its that she simply ALLOWS the Force to work through her w/out attempting to use the Force in any one specific way. She's obviously good, and the good side of the Force will do what it does through her, but she's not 'wielding' it persay. And, you see that in that fight. The Force moving through Kylo saying "I can teach you, isnt actually "Kylo" saying that, its the Force using Kylo's voice. Its perhaps Kenobi, Luke, Yoda and all those lost over the years and speaking through Kylo to connect to Rey. When she accepts the Force into her, everything about her changes. Its subtle but its there. She moves completely differently. She moves more like she's the huntress than the hunted. The panic in Kylo is telling as well, because he can tell completely there is no way. No way he could defeat her right then. He sees the power of Light through her, and the power that Vader felt in Luke when he would simply become the vessel of Light. When she comes back, not in the beginning of the next movie, but maybe towards the end, she'll be a white wielding saberstaff user. ----------------- What I havent seen addressed or talked about yet, is who is Finn related to? Maz says its in the eyes, and you're a man running away. So who is he?
  10. 1) Comp healing/damage/tanking is all connected to influence, yes 2) see above 3) Solo-able now, slightly more challenging depending on your comps influence. It becomes quite challenging for 10 or slightly above comps. Its definately easy on my sage healer regardless of level, but I could see issues w/other classes. 4) yes
  11. There's a buff terminal? (being serious) I wasnt aware of this, not that I needed an email or anything, but, still I had no idea. So many things I'm so unaware of in all the games I play.. hehe..
  12. Thank Goodness you posted this!! Im certain, CERTAIN, many of us would have been concerned, maybe even frantic after a couple of days of you not being here and concerned for your whereabouts. Maybe some of us might of even asked for a welfare check by the local police. But, yet again, your foresight, one of your better qualities I might add, has risen to the top and you've posted that you are leaving. Thank the stars..... Thank the stars. Harbinger, forward all credits to Myzera
  13. I find it rather comical/unbelievable that there are people here thinking for some reason that a video gaming company should be the one sending them email notifications that their CCs are expired. I dont want to point at the stupidity of thinking its some random third party's responsibility that your CC is expired, but.... yeah... go ahead and think that one thru. Lets say you were out grocery shopping w/that CC and it didnt work, are you all the sudden not going to shop there anymore because they didnt email you prior to grabbing milk, ice cream and your cheetos?
  14. Because CoH was no longer and this is "kind of" close to that in feel of story and suspension of belief. I enjoy the game for what it has to offer, and sub is much, much better then F2P here. Some other games are decent w/F2P and for just putzing around in but I remain here over the long haul because of updates, story, expansions and the like.
  15. I just want to add my voice to this. I'd actually posted in another thread but this one carries more weight. My issue doesnt seem to affect my Sorc/Seer and their end game content at all. But, my assassin/Mara are shelved. On Belsavis, Quesh. It can be anywhere from 1 full second to 3 seconds later before a skill will fire off or the game will freeze, catch-up, and I can either have won the fight or have a sliver of health if I'm lucky. Ofc, there's no real "OH, boy, I dont wanna die button" on those 2 so its more repair costs for me. Unfortunately, it makes those characters the ones that I /rage on and end up forum posting instead of getting my value out of.
  16. Man this is EXACTLY my problem atm. I'm having absolutely NO issues w/my Seer/Sorc, but I log onto my ***/mara, and its not WILL I end up rage quitting from skills taking too long to register, its how long BEFORE I do? 5m or 10? It becomes a matter of me mashing buttons whether I do have lag or not all the time because I cant be sure from fight to fight whether this fight its lag, or this time its not, and before I can tell Ive either killed the group or I'm down to a sliver of health. And, its bizarre, I get into 16mans, or general gameplay w/the sorc/seer. No worries. They play fine, as if I'm hosting the game. I get on the ***/mara/sent, and I might as well be playing from Tahiti or Pitcairn Island. 1-2 second lags on those toons is a death sentence, and completely unfun.
  17. I'm so glad you said that, because the reason I'm even here posting is exactly what you said, and why I'm posting. I'm alt-tab'd at the comms vendor scratching my head saying "Did something change or is this junk just not even worth my credits?" I guess if I'm doing FP I'm doing them for my comps, and not myself, or doing them to yank out pieces and mix-matching. Pfft.. so disappointing, because I'm not a big FP to begin with, but lack of viable rewards surely isnt an incentive.
  18. So what planets do we think we're seeing here? Tatooine most likely and Alderaan? Its a mix review of the trailer. I liked it, but dont care for the claymore style nor the soccer ball android. Both are completely forgivable as long as they dont become the focus of scenes. I think one of the issues w/a claymore style is that its generally associated w/larger, physically impressive individuals. If the Sith pictured is impressive physically to any of his foes, I think it wont be as much of an issue. I'm sure that they didnt just give him a claymore style LS w/out some fore-thought, which will be displayed later in fight sequences. Which i'm sure will be impressive as time goes by.
  19. I'll add my results from reading to this as well. I'd had basically the same problem. Got to a place just this week around lvl 30, and was dying much too rapidly w/out really even coming close on boss fights. So i read the advice, did some searches and fixed my issues. Which basically boiled down to 1) Too low of gear. a) resolved by making some upgrades equipment wise-mods-enhancements 2) Went and got my rotations down. a) At least better then what I was doing. I think this was a much better result then even the gear. I went back to the same boss, and Khem dropped w/about 2 rotations to go on the boss, but w/a medpac I finished the boss w/out too much fuss. It made me scratch my head though because the boss had been such a PitA beforehand. See if thats the problem. Maybe its something as simple as spending 20-30minutes getting gear/rotations down.
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