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Rakghoul event broken


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So they turned on the Rakghoul event but didn't turn off the mechanism that transports you back to fleet when you actually move in the tunnels? And, that can't be fixed today? Really?
The bug starts with the quest started on fleet. you can pick up the quest to inoculate people and actually do that but it doesn't count. Going into the tunnels takes you to fleet.


Has nothing to do with turning off the mechanism that takes you to fleet.

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A lot of people are saying it has something to do with Life Day running along side of the event.


Wow, your name makes you the best person ever to point out that theory!


I could buy it, because I don't know enough about programming to dispute it, except that they planned to run the events concurrently long before actually implementing them. If there was going to be a problem between the two, it should not have caught them off-guard once the events actually went live. And if that is the case, they still need to take the rakghoul event down and reschedule it, not leave it sitting broken on the servers. They'll just cause more problems for themselves that way, as instead of preventing bugs they'll have to try and correct them, and we all know how well that works.

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Unbelivable the amount of bugs past month. Its like they have majority of devs on christmas holiday already.


Then again i'm not surprised about the situation. It does really look like Bioware Austin office is on fire. Cant imagine whats going on there right now.

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Patch Note

All Sentinels have had the color of thier hair changed to blue.


Forum Poster: " Dude, it's still brown"


Helper: " We apologize for the inconvenience, we have escalated the color of robes to our higher headquarters."


Forum Poster: " WTH, Now my hair is purple and you said nothing about the robes!!"


Helper: " We apologize for the inconvenience, we have updated the patch note to correctly show the color of speeder you should have now. That you for your time."


Forum Poster: "REALLY!!!! I can't even find my speeder now when I log in and my hair is now gone, I'm BALD!!"


Helper: " Dude, that sucks."


Forum Poster: "Can you at least tell me when I am going to get my hair back!!"


Helper: " If you read page 54 of the 1974 readers digest, it should give you some insight on when we plan to release new JAWA designs."




Helper: " In an upcoming patch...........well, you know the rest. Thank you for your patience."


Forum Poster: " FORGET IT, I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Helper: ' We already have a forum discussing this matter, "Famous Tiltes for 100 Alex", so we are closing this thread."


Forum Poster: " Ok, I understand there are going to be glitches and problems, can I please just get an answer of when I get my hair back?"


Helper: " We thank you for your time but we are unable to recover your taun taun at this time. If you could post your DXDIAG we will assist by any means possible."


Forum Poster: "............................................. ..."

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Do these bugs have anything to do with why I was getting crashed to desktop upon trying to hover over quest icons on my minimap and large map while inside the Grey Secant? I wracked my damn brain trying to figure out why my brand new computer, fully capable of running everything graphical in this game was CTD'ing. If these bugs are the actual reason that pisses me off since I've been worried sick that something is terribly wrong with my computer. I probably jacked my computer up just trying to fix something that didn't need to be fixed knowing my luck. :| :mad:
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Do these bugs have anything to do with why I was getting crashed to desktop upon trying to hover over quest icons on my minimap and large map while inside the Grey Secant? I wracked my damn brain trying to figure out why my brand new computer, fully capable of running everything graphical in this game was CTD'ing. If these bugs are the actual reason that pisses me off since I've been worried sick that something is terribly wrong with my computer. I probably jacked my computer up just trying to fix something that didn't need to be fixed knowing my luck. :| :mad:


What OS are you running? I personally have only seen this happen in linux. If you are running one of the newer iterations of windows do you have DX9 installed? I know the newer ones emulate it but this game prefers DX9 over the emulation. Try that first and see if it doesn't fix the mouseover issues.

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Hey all,


After some investigation, it looks like we are not going to be able to address this issue today. We'll keep everyone updated as we learn more, but I wanted to ensure that you knew we were continuing to work on it.




Not ideal, but it's good to hear you're all working hard to fix this issue, hopefully I can get busy on Tatooine quite soon.


Thanks for the update, Tait.

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I cant start the quest on the fleet. Nothing happens.


So I just head to Tatooine and everytime I enter in the Rakghoul tunnels the game send me back to the fleet after 10 seconds with this message:


the rakghoul resurgence has subsided. priority transport to the imperial fleet will commence in 10 seconds


I tried twice. So, I cant finish the A Kindly Old MOnster quest for Lokin companion

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Hey all,


After some investigation, it looks like we are not going to be able to address this issue today. We'll keep everyone updated as we learn more, but I wanted to ensure that you knew we were continuing to work on it.




With rollbacks and downtime and broken events... what are you going to do for Harby players?

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Wow, you just can't do anything right, can you? Are you losers having trouble getting dressed in the morning?


What the hell is going on? Is the entire dev team gone, have they been replaced with interns? Monkeys? Potatoes???


You've turned this game into one big pile of crap in record time. Nerfs that went too far for some specs... NiM ops loot... broken events... login issues... random character rollbacks... subscriber rewards that clearly show how out of touch you are... and a big ol' middle finger to everyone that doesn't like it. All within two weeks.


Can you please stop destroying this game? :rak_02:

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Look, I understand that sometimes [stuff] happens, and that the devs are doing the best they can to deal with it as they become aware of it. But yeah, this is getting a little absurd at this point.


If the current state of the game in terms of bugs and screw-ups is the best their coding team can do, why is this team still employed and not selling donuts around the corner is beyond me. They don't have any KPI's to fulfill? Quality standards to maintain? Supervisor to supervise them? How many bugs is too many for bioware to just replace those code monkeys with someone competent?


Missing bridge on Rishi and those similar glitches are not a big deal since they do not harm actual gameplay experience, but event bugs like this should never get past Q&A.

Edited by wmst
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Hey all,


After some investigation, it looks like we are not going to be able to address this issue today. We'll keep everyone updated as we learn more, but I wanted to ensure that you knew we were continuing to work on it.




That is completely unacceptable especially recently when you asked advice on how to get people to stay subscribed to this game. Well here is a tip MAKE SURE YOUR EVENTS WORK!


It's obvious that Management is the problem here as there is no communication between teams when coding for this game hence the bugs and conflicts.


So far I had the initial introduction quest auto-complete and every time I enter the rakghoul tunnels it says they infection is subsided and I get kicked to the fleet where must travel back to Tatooine by ship costing me credits only to get kicked back to the fleet.


Your telling me this might take days to fix? That is DISGUSTING for the price of the subscription fee I pay to play.


I left this game because of the bugs. If events occur like this even on a Monthly basis I see no point in subbing even for the stupid exclusive crap.

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Hello developpers i have something to ask u to bring into the game please. For the lfe day event can u add some more items to the vendor that we can get with the Snow-covered parciels. I even have some ideas for u, such as a lightsaber handle that looks like a candy cane a sounds like holiday bells when u fire it up.And has snow flake particals coming for it when its light uplike some of the other saber effecs. Also u could add some color crystals, like red-green, green-red that would be so sweet and u could even make it so when u defeat an enemy with this saber u get more parsals. Just an idea but i would love it try and see what u can do hope u see this and like my idea thx.

Your Player,


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